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Ensnaring Lord Starsen

Page 15

by Jenn Langston

  “Marcus, you are wrong. This isn’t working.”

  “Don’t move.”

  She froze.

  “This is going to hurt, but only for a minute.”

  “It’s already hurting. I don’t like this at all.”

  He could hear the tears in her voice, and it broke his heart. Desperate for her to feel what he felt, he slid his hand down her body until he reached the sensitive spot above where they were joined. Moving his finger over her, he reveled in the moans escaping her mouth.

  “Do you want to stop?” he forced out.

  Not wanting her to go through any discomfort, he pulled slightly out, but his traitorous body brought him right back to the proof of her innocence, his fingers still sliding along her slickness. Need built to a higher degree as he moved again. Everything inside him screamed to finish this. To fully entrenched himself inside of her, but he held himself back.

  “No,” she breathed. “This isn’t so bad.”

  Again at the point of no return, he braced himself for what he needed to do. Anxious to have it behind them, he thrust in one swift motion tearing through her barrier, until her slick warmth completely surrounded him.

  Isabella’s fingernails bit into his back, but she didn’t say a word. He remained motionless, allowing her to adjust to his size. The wait was interminable. His body demanded he move.

  “Are you all right?” he croaked out.

  Her grip lessened on his back. “It’s getting better.”

  She rolled her hips, and he growled low in his throat. Encouraged by her reaction, he pulled out, then thrust back into her heat. The sensations spiking through him were unlike anything he imagined. His blood pounded rapidly through his body, forcing him to move faster and faster.

  Setting a swift pace, he watched Isabella’s face. He knew the moment her body completely accepted his onslaught. Using her facial expressions as cues, he learned what brought her the most pleasure instead of concentrating on his own.

  When her clasp on him tightened and she thrashed against the mattress, he quickened his pace, knowing what she needed. The instant she screamed out her pleasure, he let himself go. Mercilessly pounding into her until his release hit him. He cried out as a myriad of colors flashed through his mind. The feeling of sailing up to the heavens was something he never wanted to end. And, Isabella was right there with him.

  As reality settled back down, he withdrew from her, hoping his attack didn’t hurt her. He fell back on the bed beside her as a throbbing in his leg claimed his thoughts. However, any amount of pain seemed a fair price for the pleasure he had just experienced.

  “That was unexpected.” Isabella laid across his chest.

  “Good or bad?” He ignored his leg, instead wrapping his arms around her.

  “I guess I’d have to say not bad . . . for a first try.”

  Growling, Marcus spun them over, trapping her beneath him once more. “Then, I suppose I shall have to try harder. This time.”

  She squeaked and tried to wiggle free, but all that did was rub her body against his. The fact he’d recently climaxed didn’t deter his body. His member swelled. All teasing aside, he was ready to take her, again.

  Closing his mouth over hers, he slid his tongue into her mouth, savoring her whimper as she ran her hands through his hair. The feel of her beneath him reached a place deep inside of him. Nothing had ever felt more right.

  When she hooked her ankles around the backs of his legs, he pulled back. Hunger danced in her eyes, but so did joy. Too many times he’d been punished for his impulsiveness, so he couldn’t fathom receiving such a reward.

  “Why did you stop?” She squeezed her legs, pressing her lower body against his.

  He hissed. “We can’t do this again.”

  “Why not?” Her lower lip jutted out, and he had the desire to suck it into his mouth.

  “Since this was your first time, your body needs time to heal. But, I promise next time will be much better.”

  As he disentangled himself from her, she watched him, a sparkle in her eyes. He could spend forever gazing at her and trying to uncover the mysteries of her mind. His heart leapt. They would have forever. They would have to marry quickly, for he couldn’t wait another second to make his claim on her official.

  “So, when will this next time take place?”

  A smile tugged at his lips as he reached for his breeches. The restrictive garment was exactly what he needed in order to keep himself from sinking back inside her willing body. The very thought brought aching to his lower extremities.

  “Come see me tomorrow, and we will discuss it.”

  Limping to the other side of the room, he collected the wash basin and poured some water from the pitcher on her nightstand in it. She watched him, curiosity in her expression as he collected a washcloth.

  “Lie back and let me cleanse you,” he ordered.

  She did as he bid, and Marcus groaned at the sight. With her legs open to him, she appeared to be an amazing gift, laid out just for him. His hands shook as he wiped the cloth over her sensitive flesh. Her mouth parted, and it took everything inside of him to not take her again right there.

  After disposing of the items, he sank down to the end of the bed, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He hadn’t expected to feel like this. A strange mix of satisfaction and need swirled within him.

  She wrapped her arms around him then, pressing her luscious breasts against his bare back. He closed his eyes as her fingers trailed across his chest. If she didn’t stop, their discussion of next time would happen sooner rather than later.

  Drawing her into his lap, he captured her lips. A knock at the door echoed in the room. Terror transformed Isabella’s face as she jumped back from him. Immediately, they hurried into action, pulling on their clothes in a rush.

  “The wardrobe?” she offered.

  Simply looking at the thing made his leg seize up, but he had no choice. Before he could attempt to squeeze himself inside, the door cracked open. Isabella flew to intercept it before the intruder could see inside.

  “Do you have any idea what time it is?” Isabella demanded to the person on the other side of the door. “No. I’m alone. Honestly Elise, who do you think I’d be in here with?”

  Relief flooded him to hear the name of Christopher’s girl. “Isabella, it’s all right. Let her in.”

  Wide eyes met his as she shot him a warning glance.

  “I know he’s in there,” Elise said as she pushed the door out of Isabella’s grasp. “My lord, I hope you got what you came for, because it’s time for you and your man to leave.”

  He nodded, then turned to Isabella. He wanted to take her in his arms. To give her one final kiss. To hear her promise to come to him tomorrow, but he couldn’t. Elise stood expectantly with her arms crossed. Later, he promised himself.

  “Lady Isabella, will I see you tomorrow?” The formality felt awkward after what they had shared, but there was no help for it.

  “Yes, my lord. I’ve been meaning to pay a visit to Miss Ashford before she is to depart for London.”

  After inclining his head, he faced Elise. “The window again?” His leg balked at the idea.

  “No. If you come now, I can get you out. We must hurry.”

  With one last look at Isabella, he limped behind the girl toward the darkened hallway. The rest of the way back to Avange Manor, Marcus recalled every bit of his time with Isabella. The night had been better than anything he could’ve imagined.

  The frustrating days of not having been able to contact her melted away. Everything was perfect. Tomorrow they would plan their wedding, and soon Isabella would be his.

  ~ ~ ~

  Isabella tugged at her skirts, smoothing out the wrinkles. “So, when did you say Carolyn will be returning?”

  With a loud sniff, Lady Starsen lifted her nose in the air. “I have no idea, Child. She and my son take these long walks every day. They seem to enjoy each other’s company very much.”

ng her teeth against the obvious attempt to put her in her place, Isabella glanced away from the hateful woman. “I don’t mind waiting. After all, Carolyn will be leaving for London soon, and I’d hate to miss enjoying another visit.”

  “Well, don’t you fret about that. I have no doubt she will return to us soon. She and Marcus have grown too close for her to remain away very long.”

  Irritated, Isabella tilted her head to one side. “Really? Then, it’s a wonder the girl chose to leave at all.”

  “I believe her sister is insistent. I hardly think it is something to worry over.”

  The sound of footsteps and light talking came as a welcome noise. If she had to spend another second forcing herself to be civil to the woman, Isabella imagined she would go crazy. However, when she and Marcus were wed, she and his mother would have to come to some sort of agreement.

  “Isabella, what a treat.” Carolyn breezed into the room.

  Marcus stepped in behind her, and she had to suck in a breath at the intensity in his gaze. Clearly, he’d been waiting for her. She smiled shyly, trying to contain the blush threatening to spread across her cheeks.

  “I’m pleased to see you, Carolyn, Lord Starsen.”

  Lady Starsen stood. “Well, I can see you two ladies have plenty to discuss. I’ll just see myself out. Marcus, would you care to join me?”

  “Perhaps later. I should entertain our guest.”

  After grumbling a few words, she left the room. Isabella let out a sigh of relief. The tension in the room thinned, making the air more breathable.

  “I’m sorry we were unable to greet you. Did you have to wait long?” Carolyn appeared genuinely concerned.

  “Not very long. How have you been?”

  Carolyn laughed. “Don’t you dare waste your time on pleasantries. I know who you are here to see. Now that the countess has left, I can slip away and no one will know I’m not here with the two of you.”

  “Don’t be silly. I came to see you, as well.”

  “How fortunate, since you have now seen me.” Carolyn disappeared through the door before Isabella could utter another word.

  The smile Marcus gave her as he shut the door brought flutters to her stomach. Although it hadn’t been that long since she’d seen him, she now realized how much she had missed him these past days. Then, memories of last night assaulted her. Nerves engulfed her at the idea of talking to him now that the darkness of night had worn off.

  “Why do I get the feeling that all of this was planned?” She tried to keep her voice conversational.

  Marcus leaned heavily on his cane as he stalked toward her. “Because, it was. I didn’t know when to expect you, but Miss Ashford was only too happy to help get rid of my mother.”

  She placed a hand over her chest. “What did you tell her? I cringe to think of how she sees me now.”

  He sank down next to her on the sofa. “I just told her that you and I had private matters to discuss. She didn’t ask any questions. Simply agreed to help in any way she could.”

  “Oh.” Heat burned her cheeks. She hadn’t expected to feel awkward around him today. Averting her eyes from his overwhelming gaze, she fiddled with a ruffle on her dress.

  “Isabella.” His voice was smooth and warm. “Tell me what you are thinking.”

  She cleared her throat. “Nothing much.”

  His hand cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “Please tell me you don’t regret what happened between us. I know I should have moved slower and perhaps given you options first.”

  “Options?” She had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Yes, but now you’re stuck with me. Broken leg and all.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, she drew her head back as she looked at him. “Stuck with you?”

  “You know what I mean.” He took her hand. “I’ll do my best to be a good husband for you. I promise to make you happy.”

  Although his words brought a tremendous amount of joy to her chest, she didn’t like how he assumed this was bad for her. She recalled how he had described himself as unsuitable for her. Jumping to her feet, she began to pace the room.

  “How? How can you possibly make me happy while feeling like you do?”

  Confusion wrinkled his brow. “What do you mean?”

  “Just listen to yourself. You want to begin a life with me by saying I’m stuck with you. How do you suppose that makes me feel?”

  “I’m only being honest. You deserve better than to have to deal with my limitations.”

  She glared at him. “You think I deserve better? You’re right. I deserve better than a man who would put himself down. A man who constantly belittles his self-worth.”

  Marcus ran a hand through his hair, sadness coloring his features. “You will get no argument from me. You should have everything your heart desires.”

  The pain on his face only infuriated her further. How could he discount himself so quickly? Did he not see how much she didn’t care about his leg? She spent her whole life helping Henry, so it was a normal part of her life now.

  “Right now, I desire a dance.”

  His throat worked as he swallowed. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

  She put her hands on her hips and stared him down. The only way to get him to feel worthy was to prove to him that he was good enough. She refused to give up. No matter how stubborn he acted.

  “A slow waltz with only the music in our minds to guide us,” she pressed

  “Isabella, I—”

  “Humor me. Please.”

  Clearly reluctant, he got to his feet, then crossed the room to her. She stepped into his arms, getting much closer than typically allowed. She didn’t care. This felt right between them.

  As he began the first steps of the dance, she pressed herself closer still until he began to use her to maneuver the dance. They made a circle in the room, their movements becoming sensual, and her body was achingly aware of his every touch. Her lips parted to suck in more air, and the one glance at Marcus told her he felt the same way.

  “Do you see now?” Her voice emerged thick as he ended the dance. “You can give me exactly what I want.”

  “Is that all you want?” he rasped, drawing them back to the sofa.

  “No. I want so much.” She leaned forward, desperate for his lips on hers.

  A knock sounded at the door, and Marcus groaned. Without waiting to be granted entrance, the door squeaked open. Quickly scooting apart, Isabella hoped nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

  Carolyn hurried into the room. “I’m sorry, but Lady Starsen is coming. I’ve kept a lookout, but I’m afraid you’ve lost your privacy.”

  When the countess arrived, Isabella believed their appearance indicated the three of them had been chatting the entire time. Feeling triumphant, she spared a glance at Marcus, but he didn’t look happy.

  Was he upset by the interruption, or did he still believe himself not to be good enough? She wished she could ask him. Regardless, she would have to make a point to show him how he, and only he, fulfilled her every desire.

  ~ ~ ~

  Marcus reined Tornado in at the end of the course. Pride made him laugh out loud, and even more joyous was that the sound didn’t spook the horse. He’d done it. The stallion was fully tamed to the point the animal could be trusted to ride.

  It had been a rough road, and he knew Tornado would always carry the scars from his past, but the point being that they were able to move past them. The horse would be able to hold a relatively normal life.

  The similarity in the horse’s situation to his own brought a wry smile to his lips. Perhaps Isabella was what he needed to see past his handicap and lead such a life as well.

  His arms itched to hold her as he recalled their waltz in the drawing room. He hated that they hadn’t talked about how to proceed with their betrothal, but in a way, the dance had been so much better for him.

  For once, he had allowed himself to lean on someone else, and the result hadn’t brought him an excess
of pain. Instead, his body had burned for her. It had taken every ounce of self-control not to toss her on the sofa and make their second time more memorable than the first.

  With thoughts of her foremost on his mind, he set Tornado toward their spot. He imagined the place where he’d caught her swimming would be important to him for many years to come.

  The stallion moved easily as they neared the bank. Then, he saw her and his heart stopped. She stood and faced him, a smile on her lips. Not wanting to disrupt the synergy he’d gained with the stallion, he dismounted and tied him off to a tree before making his way to Isabella.

  “Great day for riding, isn’t it, my lord?”

  Not needing to respond, he scooped her up into his arms, and crushed his lips to hers. She didn’t resist, merely melted into him. As her hands dove into his hair, tugging at the strands, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back. His desire for her was too strong.

  Sliding his hands down her body, he cupped her bottom, pulling her up against him so she could feel her effect on him. He took her moan into his mouth, as the ache within him grew.

  He wanted so much more. Kissing a path to her neck, he settled at the place he’d come to love. Judging by the noises spilling from her lips, she felt the same way.

  She squirmed against him, and he cupped her breasts in his hands as her reward. He wished her gown was gone, but he contended himself with the ability to feel her in any way he could.

  “Marcus,” her husky voice begged. “I’m ready for our second time. Please.”

  There was no way he could deny her. He would join with her right there in the grass if that’s what it took. The image entered his mind and his body reacted. He’d never wanted anything more.

  Pulling back, he shrugged off his riding coat and laid it on the grass before lowering Isabella onto it. She didn’t complain about the hard ground as she pulled him down on top of her.

  Desire swamped him, making it difficult to think. His blood pounded through him, robbing him of everything except her. She was all he needed. All he wanted. Forever.


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