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Ensnaring Lord Starsen

Page 18

by Jenn Langston

  Feeling as though her misery would completely engulf her, Isabella groaned. “Then, it is my fault. You must go to him now. I can speak to him. I promise to fix this for you.”

  “You don’t understand. I’m not sure I can be with a man who won’t stand by me in a situation. You should have seen him, my lady. He was angry that I would even speak a word against his friend.”

  “Wouldn’t you have done the same for me? Defended me against untrue accusations?”

  “Of course, my lady. You can be assured I would have . . . Wait. That is different.”

  Shaking her head, Isabella took Elise’s hands in hers. “He was only doing what you would have done, and I daresay he had the right of it.”

  Elise sniffed. “After the way I acted, I don’t think he will be able to forgive me. I told him I never wanted to see him again.”

  “If he is worth anything, he will take you back. This gives you a great opportunity to discover the strength of his feelings.”

  The similar conversation Isabella had shared with Lady Burman returned to her. She’d never even been given the chance. The only way she’d ever have an option to be with Marcus would be if Henry would agree. Then, Raymond would have no reason to harm anyone. But, considering his past objections, that was an impossible feat.

  “Assuming I can mend things with Christopher, what are you going to do about Lord Starsen? I imagine Christopher told him what I said.”

  Isabella nodded. That had to be why he had gone to her that night. A lump formed in her throat at the thought he had hoped to hear her prove his friend wrong. After all, he had kissed her when he arrived. She thought him to be a dream, but then he was there. The desire to keep him in her arms had been strong.

  “Nothing can be done about that now. We need to concentrate on you and Christopher.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Later that night as Isabella sat with Henry at dinner, her thoughts from earlier plagued her. Her future lay firmly in his hands, and she didn’t like the knowledge one bit. For once, he should allow her to make her own choices. Although in the past she’d had to fight him and evade his appointed escort, she’d managed to keep herself safe. There was no reason for him not to trust her judgement.

  “Henry, tell me how you met Raymond,” she broke the silence.

  He leaned back in his chair. “Why do you ask? He’s been with me for many years now.”

  “I know. I remember the day he came to us. He was not too many years older than I at the time.”

  “That’s right. I forgot he’d been such a youth when he came to us. Living on the street as he had seemed to age him more than the typical person’s experiences.”

  “So, he’d been begging on the street? He mentioned you caught him doing something and saved him. Had he been stealing from you?”

  “Why this sudden interest? I would trust him with my life, and as you see, I have already trusted him with yours.”

  She put her fork down and observed her half-brother. He didn’t seem bothered by the topic. That was a good sign. Perhaps she could bring up Marcus as well. Hope swelled in her breast. Yes. There had to be a way.

  “Viscount Burman appeared to have known him from somewhere. As far as I’m aware, Raymond has never set foot on that property.”

  After setting his utensils down, Henry stared at her. “Our estates are close. If you have visited, what makes you believe Raymond wouldn’t have gone there to locate you? Or, that I wouldn’t have sent him?”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  He let out a breath before resuming his dinner. “Of course, I am.”

  “So, how long do you intend to force him to follow me around? Until I wed, or turn five and twenty and it no longer matters?”

  The loud clank of the silver hitting the table made her jump. “Something has to change. I’m growing too old to deal with your childish games. First of all, you will always matter. Raymond is in my employ and will gladly follow you until your dying day. It’s for your protection.”

  “From what? I’ve been all over this estate and others as well. Most of the time, I never even encounter a soul.”

  “You’ve been lucky. It was on this very estate that highwaymen attacked the carriage with my mother and me. She died, Isabella. Do you think I want that to happen to you? I will keep you safe, regardless of what that entails.”

  His unspoken words said so much more. He didn’t want her to marry. If he had his way, she would remain trapped in her bedchamber for eternity. He would never let her go. She would never be free to marry Marcus.

  ~ ~ ~

  Marcus prowled around the ballroom, feeling like a stalker. For too many years, he’d avoided these events, and now due to a slip of a girl, he’d gone to more than he cared to admit.

  When he’d attended the first few, he had told himself that had been in an attempt to find another candidate to marry, but he’d been lying to himself. Every movement had drawn his attention until his eyes had landed on her.

  Tonight was no exception. Although she’d used him, wanted nothing more to do with him, he couldn’t stand to be apart from her. An invisible force pulled them together, and he could only resist for so long before returning to her again. However, seeing her was a wonderful and horrible torture.

  “Starsen, I’m not sure I like you prowling around in the shadows.”

  Marcus grit his teeth at the unwelcome sound of the Earl of Midcliffe’s voice. “I have no idea how it would affect you.”

  A tolerant smile touched the man’s face. “Considering I have a limit when it comes to dancing, I find my powers of observation are quite stellar. And, I’ve had reason to observe you.”

  “End this bloody small talk, and tell me what you want.”

  “I can respect that response in a man.” Midcliffe inclined his head. “But, I’m fairly positive you already know what I want. So, tell me, why you are watching Isabella.”

  “I have no response for you on that subject. However, considering I have not so much as approached the lady, you have no cause for complaint.”

  “True, and I’m not sure how I feel about that, either. I don’t know if I’d label you as a man of honor or a coward.”

  Fury so hot it singed his entire body exploded inside him. Turning on the man, Marcus drew to his full height, and glared up into Midcliffe’s amused face. Although he knew the man was purposely goading him, he didn’t care. He had been spoiling for a fight for over a week now.

  “Why don’t we walk outside, and you can say that again,” Marcus practically snarled, dying for the man to accept the challenge.

  “You would fight me with such a clear disadvantage?” Midcliffe’s eyebrows rose.

  “The way I see it, our handicaps put us on equal footing, and your height will only get in your way. You are the one at a disadvantage, not me.”

  To his surprise, Midcliffe clapped him on the back as he laughed. “Well, you are either a tough fighter or bloody fool. Either way, I may be forced to say I don’t completely dislike you.”

  Taking a deep breath, Marcus backed down. He had no idea what game the man was playing, but it would not come to blows. Perhaps Midcliffe had hoped to pull him into his confidence in order to discover the extent of his interest in Isabella. Marcus would have to be on guard.

  “That’s high praise,” Marcus intoned.

  “From me, yes. There are not many men I can say I don’t hate simply for their interest in Isabella.”

  “Your dedication to her seems a little excessive for an appointed guardian. Most brothers are anxious to rid themselves of their unmarried sisters.”

  “Well, I pride myself on not being a typical brother to her.”

  At that moment, a servant approached him to deliver a letter. Glancing at the hastily scribbled words, his chest constricted. He couldn’t be certain what it meant, but he’d be damned if he didn’t take care of it.

  “Midcliffe, please excuse me.” Marcus inclined his head.

  “Of course, but our c
onversation isn’t concluded. We should arrange something, perhaps tomorrow.”

  After agreeing, Marcus moved in the direction of the library. If Midcliffe wanted to talk to him, he would make sure it was on his own property. The man was unpredictable, and using Isabella as the purpose of their meeting could be a way to lure him out of his house and bury him in a shallow grave. The rumors of Midcliffe’s enemies disappearing had been circulating for far too long for Marcus to discount them so quickly.

  Making sure no one paid any attention to him, Marcus slipped down the hallway toward the third door on the right as a note indicated. Once there, he stopped with his hand on the handle.

  What was he doing? Simply because Isabella had asked him didn’t mean he had to drop everything to go to her. Likely, she wanted another tumble in the sheets. The idea made his traitorous body stir.

  No. He couldn’t do this to himself. Dropping his hand to the side, he stared at the door. Isabella waited on the other side. To what purpose, he didn’t know. But, what cost would be required to find out?

  He closed his eyes and pictured her expectant face. How would she feel if he didn’t show up? His heart lurched at the idea. Although she’d destroyed him, he would never forgive himself if he put her through any amount of pain. He let out a long sigh.

  In the end, he knew he was powerless to deny her anything. Regardless of the setback to himself, he would go to her. All she ever had to do was call.

  Chapter 15

  Isabella wrung her hands as she stared at the closed door. She steeled herself against what would soon happen. Any minute now, Marcus would open it, and she would have to force herself to be strong.

  His presence in the ballrooms lately both worried and excited her. Had he done so to see her? She desperately wanted the answer to that question to be yes, just as she hoped it was no. Too many confusing thoughts scrambled through her head.

  Then, she’d seen him talking to Henry, and her heart had stopped. Raymond’s threat sat heavily on her mind, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. However, there was little her half-brother or his man could do in a crowded ballroom, not to mention the fact Raymond wasn’t present.

  The door latch moved, and her breath caught in her throat. When Marcus’s face appeared in the doorway, an unbidden smile crossed her lips. She couldn’t help it, seeing him brought her such happiness.

  “You requested I come, so here I am.” His words held no emotion.

  “Thank you. Won’t you come in and sit?”

  He slid the bolt into place before walking across the room using his cane. “Is this to be a social call?”

  He sat on a chair when she chose the sofa. “No. I just saw you speaking with Henry, and I wondered what it was about.”

  The laugh he offered held no amusement. “You and he are such a pair. Neither one of you wants me speaking to the other. What am I supposed to do?”

  “I just don’t want to see you hurt. As you know, my brother is quite protective.”

  “Hurt? I doubt it would come to that. Midcliffe has more sense than to threaten me. Besides, why does it affect you? Your brother would only be helping you rid yourself of me.”

  Tears filled her eyes as they’d done too many times over the past fortnight. Her heart ached for the bitter man he had become. She didn’t want to see him like this. She wanted the passionate Marcus she knew to come back. Clearly, he wasn’t concerned over the threat of her brother, but he didn’t know Raymond as she did.

  His eyes softened, transforming him into the Marcus she knew, but that only made her tears spill over. She didn’t want to want him like she did. It was too painful.

  “What’s all this?” he asked as he slid into the seat beside her and touched her cheeks, using his thumb to wipe away her tears. Unable to deny herself, she leaned into his touch. She’d missed him so much, she had barely been able to stand it.

  “I don’t want to be rid of you,” she whispered, hardly even loud enough for her own ears to hear. “And, I’d never forgive myself if you were to be hurt.”

  He released her face and sat back against the cushions. “I’m afraid I don’t understand you at all, and I can’t handle it. Either you want me or you don’t. There is no middle ground here.”

  This was a mistake. She’d handled everything wrong. Jumping to her feet, she began pacing the room. She needed to salvage this. To turn to him and tell him she’d only been hoping to sleep with him one more time. But, she couldn’t do it.

  Then, he was behind her, his hands on her shoulders. The warmth of him beckoned her. She longed to lean on him. To let him take care of everything.

  “Isabella, I sense a hesitation in you that is bringing me such hope. Please have mercy on me. Put me out of my misery.”

  “I can’t.” Her voice broke as tears poured in earnest now. “I want to, but I just can’t.”

  Without hesitation, he spun her around and held her in his arms. The feel of him comforted her unlike anything ever had before. She clung to him, needing him with every fiber of her being.

  When she lifted her face, seeking his lips, he didn’t withhold his mouth. The fire at the contact burned her as she melted against him. In that moment, she knew she would never be able to live without him. He’d become too important to her.

  Much too soon, he pulled away, but she wouldn’t let go. Couldn’t allow him to leave her. He didn’t put up much of a fight as he wrapped his arms around her once again and pressed his cheek to her head.

  “What am I supposed to do?” he rasped.

  “I don’t know,” she answered truthfully. “I want to be with you, but that’s impossible.”

  He pulled back so abruptly, she had no choice but to let him go. “So, this isn’t about you being done with me? That was a lie?”

  She swallowed. No hint to his thoughts shown on his face. Was he angry or relieved at that? She didn’t want to answer his question. Then, Lady Burman’s words returned. She wasn’t sure if she should give him the choice to take a chance with his safety.

  “Tell me, Isabella.” He lightly shook her shoulders as desperation filled his eyes.

  Hanging her head down, she tried to block out the sight. “It was a lie.”

  His chest moved as he let out a deep breath. “Then, why did you say it? Why is it impossible for us to be together?”

  She couldn’t do this. Spinning around, she darted for the door, unlocked it, and fled down the hallway as swiftly as she could. Once back with the guests, she located Henry. It was time to return home.

  ~ ~ ~

  The next day, Isabella sat on a rock, staring unseeingly over the water. Her life had somehow become a complete mess. She never should have asked Marcus to join her in the library. Not only could they have been caught, but she had destroyed what she already told him. How would he act around her now? Would he try to fight to get her back?

  “How long am I supposed to be away from the manor?” Isabella called over her shoulder to Raymond.

  Earlier that day, she’d been surprised when Henry had insisted she take in some fresh air after breakfast. Considering he normally encouraged her to remain home, his behavior confused her. If she’d been feeling better, she would have insisted on discovering his motivation behind the erratic behavior change.

  “I imagine it’ll be over soon.” Raymond’s cryptic reply gained her attention.

  She stood and took the few steps so that she could see his face. “What is he doing? What will be over soon?”

  “Something he should have done a long time ago.” Raymond kicked off the tree he’d been leaning on. “I hope you understand that I had to do it.”

  Fear slithered up her spine. “Do what, Raymond?”

  “I told him about Lord Starsen. I’ve been watching him. The man is a danger to you. He watches you constantly. I don’t like it.”

  Dear God. That was exactly what she hadn’t wanted. Sweat dripped down her face. Henry would never harm anyone, would he? She had denied herself Marcus, and he woul
d get hurt regardless. She slowed her breathing. Marcus was safe at Avange Manor.

  “What is Henry going to do?”

  A sick smile twisted Raymond lips. “I don’t know for sure, but I’ll make sure the end result is to my satisfaction.”

  She resisted the urge to shudder. “Meaning what, exactly?”

  His eyes met hers, his eyebrow raised in an amused expression. “You have no reason to worry. When your brother is finished, I doubt Starsen will be capable of bothering you ever again.”

  The color slowly drained from her face, and she had to fight to keep herself on her feet. Clenching her fists, she fought her reaction. She wouldn’t allow anything to happen to Marcus.

  She turned around and ran toward Midcliffe as fast as she could move. Although she heard Raymond close behind her, she pressed on. Then, the air left her lungs as his body landed on top of her, pinning her to the ground.

  Tears poured down her cheeks. “Let me go!”

  “Never.” He pulled her to his feet and into his arms. “I will protect you always. I know I’m too far beneath you to marry, but I love you, Isabella.”

  Disgust rolled through her as his lips came down on hers. She pushed and tried to fight him, but the wall of muscles held her tightly. Never before had she been so afraid. Both for herself and Marcus.

  A metallic click sounded in her ears and Raymond drew back.

  “Isn’t this an interesting sight?” Viscount Burman pressed a pistol against her head. Raymond’s jaw clenched as rage colored his face red. The urge to faint strengthened, and she wobbled on her feet until the viscount pulled her up against him.

  Was this some sort of horror novel? Between the two men, she wasn’t sure who posed the greatest threat. A sob escaped her trembling lips. She hadn’t even had a chance to warn Marcus of the trap her brother had set.

  “What are you doing?” Raymond snarled. “You know what I’m capable of.”


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