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Half Blood

Page 13

by Isabella De Horta

  I heard him calling after me, but I didn't want to see him let alone hear his apologies. I lay on the couch for a while before I got up and made some hot chocolate. The tears never came, all I felt was hollow inside, and I deeply wanted Ethan to be here with me, but I didn't want to disturb him and Jamie.

  My heart melted when I remembered Jamie's face after Ethan said he would teach him some moves. I smiled and the knock on the door made me jump a little and I spilled some milk. I wiped up the mess with a cloth and then walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole.


  I opened the door and pulled him in quickly by grasping his jumper in my fists, slamming him back against the door when it closed. He was surprised at how I was reacting and I smiled cheekily. My hands relaxed and roamed over his torso, my hands entwining at the nape of his neck as I leaned in for the kiss I had been waiting for. His tongue begged for entrance and I gave in and we both searched each other in hunger. We were both struggling for air as we kissed, my heart rate came faster and I felt like my insides were going to explode. His arms tightened around mine.

  I pulled away slightly. "Can you stay the night? I don't want to be alone …"

  He nodded without any question and I smiled and kissed him again gratefully. "Your brother is staying with Brad, is that okay?"

  "Yeah, but what about Elena?" I whispered.

  "She's being held in a cell but she'll most probably be let out tonight with a warning, even if many people disagree."

  "Thanks for doing what you did today with Brad and Jamie."

  "Anytime, as long as he knows what not to do," he teased a little, nibbling on my ear affectionately.

  My stomach churned and I pulled away, "We had a fight."

  "A fight about …?" Ethan pressed, but still wouldn't let me go, his arms tightening around me.

  "He expected me to fall on my knees and admit my love to him," I huffed and folded my arms across my chest grumpily.

  He chuckled lightly and I looked up, thankful he wasn't storming out that door to confront Brad. "You're cute when you're angry."

  "Shut up," I shoved him a little, but not so his hold on me would loosen.

  He pushed back a strand of hair that had escaped from my braid, tucking it back behind my ear. Somehow, the gesture felt so intimate, making my stomach turn upside down. "I love you, baby," he whispered softly, kissing the top of my forehead affectionately.

  "Thanks for not, you know, being the jealous boyfriend," I bit my lip trying not to smile.

  He looked down at me and frowned, "Oh trust me, I may not look jealous, but I feel like hurting him right now."

  My heart jumped, "Would you do it if I asked you to?" I challenged.

  His eyes searched mine, "No, I'd be tempted to, but no I wouldn't because I know in the end you'll regret it."

  My heart melted and I kissed him again, a thankful kiss. "Good," I teased as I traced one finger along his jawline.

  He smirked and lifted me up into his arms, throwing me onto the couch. I laughed when he pounced on top of me and started to tickle me. Did I mention I was ticklish? Tears surfaced as I laughed, my stomach soon hurting from laughing too much. Ethan nuzzled my neck and stopped tickling me, then a few moments later he got up and walked to the kitchen. I sat up confused.

  "Did I do something wrong?" I hadn't realised that I said it out loud until he responded.

  "You didn't do anything wrong … I just needed to stop before I went any further." He looked up from what he was doing and gave me a shy smile.

  He walked over to me and handed me my mug of hot chocolate, then he sat beside me and laid my legs over his legs. "Listen, we haven't really spoken about those vampires that tried to kill you …" he started hesitantly.

  Right, those vampires that I thought had my mother, but instead it was another woman, a stranger, that had taken me with no right. I wondered what she was doing now. Did she regret what she had done to me and to my family?

  "You realise there are going to be more after you or even a whole group of them?" Ethan raised his eyebrows in question.

  I nodded, "I know. They won't stop until they kill me." The mug of hot chocolate felt warm against my palms and I pressed them tighter to the china, trying to get warmer. I took a big sip and then set it down on my lap.

  "We need to be extra cautious. You can't go anywhere alone; at least take someone you trust," he said. He watched me, waiting for me to interrupt, but I stayed silent. "I'd prefer you with a guard or two following you all day," he continued and this time I interrupted.

  "I can take care of myself Ethan," I mumbled.

  "Don't argue with me on this, please, for both our sakes," he begged.

  I was self-conscious under his gaze. When I looked up, I saw his face was full of pleading and fatigue so I just nodded, knowing he didn't want to argue any more than I did. "Why can't you just stay with me?" I asked smiling.

  He chuckled, "I will try, but sometimes I might be needed somewhere else."

  I pouted and he leaned over, careful not to spill my hot chocolate, and kissed me on the cheek with affection. "You might regret it though, I might turn out to be annoying," he whispered.

  "Trust me, I already knew that," I smirked teasingly.

  He threw his head back and laughed, making me feel giddy inside. "Jamie was pretty good at aiming the crossbow today."

  "Yeah, he's a fast learner." I smiled, "Can you teach me?"

  "Of course. We can start tomorrow."



  aking up, I was euphoric to be holding Tatiana in my arms. She had fallen asleep on the couch during the night and I had lifted her up and carried her to her room, tucking us both in. It had been cold all night and she had been trying to steal all of the blankets and I'd had to battle with her in her sleep. I rested my cheek against my palm and stared down at her. "Good morning beautiful," I whispered as I nuzzled her neck affectionately when she opened her eyes.

  She stretched her body and sighed, "Good morning handsome." Her bright smile nearly causing my heart to stop. Her arm draped over my hip lazily and she snuggled closer. "Who would've thought we would end up here?"

  I chuckled, "I never would've imagined being here with you, but I'm glad I am."

  "Good," she answered.

  After a few moments we both got up, heading for the kitchen. I told her to sit down while I prepared our breakfast. This seemed so normal to wake up with her in my arms, to make her breakfast. I cracked four eggs and poured them into the frying pan. They crackled when they landed inside and I moved them around. I put salt and pepper on them and then, after a minute or so, I cut the omelette in half and put one on each plate. Finally, pouring orange juice into two glasses, I served them onto the table.

  Tatiana looked up appreciatively and kissed me. Her lips were moist and I wanted to kiss her all morning, all night, and for all eternity. Her index finger traced my jawline and I shivered in response. She pulled away, but I was not yet satisfied, though it would have to do for now.

  She ate her eggs with patience, moaning in appreciation when the food touched her tongue for the first time and I wondered how she would sound if she was …

  "Ethan?" Tatiana interrupted my dirty train of thought.

  "Sorry, what?"

  "Your omelettes are really good." She said smiling like she knew something she shouldn't. "So are you going to teach me some skills today?"

  I nodded, "First I have to speak to my dad but after that it should be fine."

  She beamed and we both got dressed for the day. She had put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, along with her sneakers. She bent down to tie up her shoe lace making her butt stick up in the air so I walked past her and smacked it playfully. She squealed with surprise and then giggled.

  At my father's house, Brendan was sitting on the couch watching television. When he saw us he turned it off and got up, surprising Tatiana with a hug. Even more surprising, was the rare hug he gave me, but I cherished
that moment.

  "Is everything okay?" Tatiana asked, worried.

  My father cleared his throat and we all sat down, "Tatiana we have been trying to contact your parents but there's been nothing so far. We will keep trying but I'm afraid you won't be meeting them anytime soon." I stared at Tatiana as she processed this information; her face was blank making me want to ask her if she was okay. "This isn't anything to worry about, since you were gone they haven't been in reach much. They've been keeping to themselves."

  She nodded slightly, "If you reach them can you please tell me as soon as possible?"

  "Of course," my father said as if that was the first thing he would do.

  "Thank you for trying," she said, smiling faintly.

  My father nodded and told Brendan to start a lookout on the perimeter of the camp.

  I took hold of Tatiana's hand and guided her outside. "Everything will be okay, baby," I whispered in her ear once we were outside.

  She smiled, "I hope so."

  When we got to the training area I decided to teach her how to aim a crossbow. I laughed when she nearly flew back with the force of her first shot. She gave me the 'look' and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I put my arms around her to fix her posture.

  "Relax your shoulders, and don't lean so far in. Make sure it's further away from you, then you can aim better." I guided her hands over the crossbow, placing her fingers in the right position. Her hand closed over the trigger and then I stepped back so she could shoot. The wooden stake flew through the air with amazing speed and then hit the round target, not the centre, but it was goddamn close.

  I whistled with approval, "That's my girl."

  She squealed in delight, setting down the crossbow and throwing herself into my arms. The other hunters in the training ground stared at us. I laughed along with her and spun her around.

  We both began to practise. Counting how many times we shot the centre after ten goes, I was winning seven to three which was really good for a beginner.

  "You and Jamie are really fast learners." She shrugged, smiling. Then I added, "I've been meaning to ask you, how do you fight like that?"

  She took a few moments to answer, "Leonardo taught me."

  "There's nothing wrong with calling him your dad, you know?" I told her softly.

  She sighed and set her crossbow on the weaponry table. "I just … did he really love me? It just seems so fake now …" Her shoulders slumped in defeat.

  I put my hands on her shoulders, "Elena and Leonardo are many things, but I don't think they would ever lie about their love for you. Elena even came back to warn you about the attack."

  "What if she's behind it?" she suggested, but I could tell she hardly believed that herself.

  I shook my head, "You know that's not true."

  She sighed in defeat and then nodded, "You're right."

  Brendan suddenly came running towards us, yelling, "Run for cover, they're here!" Brendan grabbed Tatiana by one arm and I grabbed her by the other and we both dragged her towards her safe house.

  Hunters were running and panicking everywhere, yelling and arguing. Then I heard it. Something was flying through the air, quickly. "Duck!" I screamed.

  Nearly everyone dropped to the ground, some slower than others due to shock. Right next to us a man stood looking down at his chest; there was an arrow sticking out of him, the blood spurting when he wrenched it out. I saw Tatiana look away. Brendan and I got her up and dragged her to safety. My ears were overpowered by the noise of screaming and the hiss of the arrows flying through the air. Brendan left us inside the house. Elena and Jamie were huddled together behind the couch. Elena must've been let out of her cell.

  "Tatiana!" Jamie ran to her and hugged her tight.

  "We need to get out of here." Elena got up and looked around wildly.

  "You're right," I agreed.

  But Tatiana shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere without you," she said desperately.

  I looked outside and saw pure chaos. I wouldn't even think about letting Tatiana go out there and fight. There was only one thing that would make her stay out of the fight and not leave me behind. "Okay, stay here and look after them, but I want you to put any furniture you can find against the front door straight after I leave okay?"

  She knew she had no other choice so she just nodded and kissed me like it was the last day on earth. I heard Elena tell Jamie to give us privacy and then Tatiana guided my hands to her waist. Her kisses were fierce and impatient like she wanted so much. I pulled her closer to me, committing the feeling of her in my arms to memory.

  "I love you," I whispered when she pulled away.

  She smiled, "Me too and do me a favour would you?"

  "Anything," I replied immediately.

  "Kick butt," she shoved me softly.

  I caressed her cheek, the feel of her soft skin making me want to run away with her forever, but I knew I couldn't just leave this all behind. I went to Tatiana's bedroom and grabbed a crossbow and a few wooden stakes, shoving them into the waistband of my jeans. When I locked the door behind me, I heard furniture being moved around. I was relieved they did as I asked.

  My heart thudded in my ears as I took in the scene in front of me. People were dying and vampires lying on the ground in pain only to turn into ash seconds later. Hunters screamed and fought while vampires growled and laughed at us, but something felt wrong … even different somehow.

  I studied the vampires, they looked pure evil, with no remorse, no emotion. I noticed that they were quicker, faster, and stronger. I frowned and shook my head, maybe I was overlooking things. I looked around and found a pile of bags stacked up high. I ran towards it and felt an arrow just miss my ear. I shivered when I heard the sound of it coming past me. Crouching down, I peered just over the top with the crossbow resting on the bags ready to aim. One vampire was tearing into the flesh of a hunter who was already dead, but I aimed at the vampire anyway. I closed one eye, focusing with the other, then pulled the trigger. It hissed through the air, striking the vampire in the chest. It looked up in anger, but after a few seconds it collapsed to the floor.

  Brendan was fighting in the middle of everything; I had no idea how good he was at fighting. I aimed at the next target and shot at the vampire, hitting it right in the chest, and then another, and one after that. The vampires kept on coming.

  Then I heard a growl behind me and I turned to see another charging towards me. My eyes were trained on the beast as I pulled a stake from my jeans and crouched down into a fighting stance. When I looked into the vampire's eyes I saw nothing but darkness. His eyes were completely black, there was no gold or white just black. What kind of vampire was this?

  The vampire leaned down and grabbed me by the legs, taking me by surprise, and knocking the breath out of me. The stake dropped from my hand and clattered onto the floor. He laughed and slammed me into a brick wall; my head was dazed by the impact. The vampire laughed again when I stumbled and his dark eyes pierced through mine. He had paused in his attack to taunt me; letting his guard down. "Come and get me!"

  I punched him square in the jaw. My hand ached from the impact, his face was as hard as stone. The vampire snarled in response, then punched me in the gut. I yelped.

  My anger had reached boiling point. Drawing a deep breath, I punched him again. But he blocked it, capturing me in a head lock. I struggled and groaned, but I knew he could just snap my neck as easy as snapping a stick. I had to act fast. I put one arm around his waist and the other around his knee. With my right foot in between his legs, I suddenly turned and we fell to the ground. I landed on top of him, quickly reaching for the stake on the floor, then stabbing him. Choking on his own blood, he froze. My back was aching. The vampire had nearly killed me; that was too close, I thought as he turned into ash.

  I turned around and saw Tatiana through her window, banging against the glass so hard I could see it shaking. She was screaming. With wild eyes, she was fiddling with the window, trying to open
it. I took a step forward and then realised I couldn't move anymore.

  I felt something rip through my chest, tearing through delicate flesh. I whimpered and looked down, an arrow had struck me. Blood seeped through my clothing, I felt dizzy and my legs gave up. I landed hard on my knees, so weak I didn't even wince at the impact. I found the strength to look back up and saw Tatiana. She was crying as she banged and banged. Elena came and pulled her away from the window and thank god for that. I didn't want her to see me die.

  The stake I was holding fell from my grasp. In slow motion I watched as it clattered onto the concrete floor. Memories rushed through my mind – my mother laughing as Brendan and I played in the lake; the day I first met Tatiana, her smile, her laughter. The thought of her love consumed me and brought me a peace I had never felt before.

  There were things I had wanted to do before I died – like seeing my mother again and learning to forgive her; to quit being a hunter and start a family with someone and maybe that someone could be Tatiana. I wanted to tell Tatiana that I loved her and wouldn't ever stop and I wanted to give Brendan another hug and tell him that I loved him no matter our differences.

  But I guess we were born to die right? These things happened and we were going to have to live with it … well, in my case, die with it. I saw Brendan look my way, his eyes clouding with fear and loss. I smiled weakly, the biggest I could manage, and I let the darkness consume me, unable to fight anymore because a part of me wanted to let go.



  et me go!" I screamed hysterically.

  Elena had her arms around me as I struggled. Kicking her in the shin, her grip loosened and I made my escape. I fiddled with the lock of the window for a few seconds before opening it and shoving my body through the narrow window. I ran blindly towards Ethan. When I heard an arrow soaring my way, I twisted my foot and slid sideways against the gravel missing the arrow by inches. When I stopped sliding, I bumped into Ethan just as he fell to the ground. I caught him just in time and my heart hammered in my chest. "Ethan!" I panicked.


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