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Small-Town Sweetheart (The Spring Grove Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Toni Aleo

  “Why not?”

  Something moves in his eyes, and then they drop to my mouth. My breath catches and my heart stops as he cups the back of my head. A sound leaves my lips just as he takes my mouth with his. My eyes widen but then fall shut as I melt into him. He tastes like peppermint, and oh God, dreams can’t come close to how good his lips feel on mine. I used to stay up at night, thinking of all the ways I would kiss Reed McElroy. Hard, soft, feathery, even lusty. The last being the kiss that would lead us to bed. This kiss, though, is a mix of soft and hard. There is an urgency but also a softness to his lips as his fingers tangle in my hair. His body is oh so hard against mine, and his other hand presses into the small of my back as he commands my lips.

  And I want nothing more than to stand at his attention.

  When he pulls back, it’s only a breath away, and he leaves me whimpering. In a dark and sensuous voice, Reed whispers, “It’s hard to talk to you when all I want to do is kiss you.”

  He lets me go and moves away. I open my eyes, widening them when I see his retreating back as he calls out, “See ya, Delaney.”

  My fingers come to my lips, and I swear they’re still tingling.

  What. In. The. World.

  Chapter Twelve


  I’m unsure if kissing Delaney was my best plan, but it sure did feel like a damn good idea.

  A silly grin takes up my face as I toss a ball out into the field by my cabin. Wilbur runs as fast as his little legs let him and gets the ball before he comes up on the porch to give it back to me. We’ve been doing this for about an hour, and the pup still isn’t tired. Meanwhile, my thoughts consist of Delaney, Delaney, and a whole lot of Delaney. She tasted like the sweetest strawberry in the patch. Or raspberry. I’m unsure, but her gloss will star in many of my dreams.

  Not just the gloss, though. All of her.

  She thought she was coming in behind everyone at this morning’s service, but I saw her. She looked real pretty in that little skirt and the way her shirt was open a bit, showing off those gorgeous tits. Man, my mouth is still a bit dry. I liked her hair down, that’s for sure. She looked like a goddess. Well, a pissed-off one. If looks could cut, she’d have me in two, and I don’t think she’d mind. I like that. I like the fiery part of her.

  It bothers me that she seriously thought I would hurt her or even be mean to her. I’m not the snot-nosed kid I was, but then, maybe I haven’t been on my best behavior lately. I just hate that she truly thought I meant all those things the way I said them. I’m a sarcastic ass, she knows that, but she allowed me to hurt her feelings.

  “Ha, like she’d ever admit that.”

  I pull my cap down over my eyes after throwing the ball once more, watching Wilbur run with no cares in the world. Life is easier when all you do is take care of animals and not humans. I keep to myself for this very reason. I have a tendency of coming off jerkish, and then I can’t control my wants.

  And I want Delaney.


  I’m not sure if she wanted to kiss me, but she didn’t pull back at all. As a matter of fact, she fell into me, her body molding to mine. Fuck, she’s soft. Her hair is thick and smells like roses, and those lips are so plump. Just right for sucking. I exhale hard as I grin, my pants getting tight at just the thought of doing that again. I may have fucked up royally, but I sure don’t regret it. I wanted to kiss her, so I did. I want to do it again, but knowing Delaney, she’ll want to talk. I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to dissect it, and I definitely don’t want the town knowing. I just want to touch her, kiss her, and see what happens.

  As the sound of a truck against gravel meets me on the porch, I flick my cap up a bit so I can see who it is. Wilbur stands at the top of the stairs, hollering and barking as Theo gets out.

  He shuts the door and looks up to me. “Must be nice to be lazy as fuck.”

  I scoff. “I have seven more weeks to get through. If I want to lie on this bench and do nothing, I’m gonna do it.”

  He comes up the stairs, stopping at the top and leaning his elbow into the railing as he looks over at me. “So.”

  I raise a brow at his inquisitive tone. “So?”

  “I heard you kissed Delaney.”

  I hold my hands up as I sit up. “How in the hell did you hear that?” I glance at my watch. “It happened like two hours ago. This is why I hate this damn town. No one can keep their fucking mouth shut. Who saw us?”

  He chuckles loudly, reaching for Wilbur and loving him against his chest. “You know Gen and Del are close, right?”

  “Oh,” I say, nodding my head. “So, Del told Gen, and she told you?”

  “Exactly. Gen sent me over to see what your intentions are. Del doesn’t know I’m here. I’m supposed to say that.”

  “I’m not playing these little high school games.” I roll my eyes, falling back on the bench and pulling my cap back down. “Bye, Theo.”

  His laughter grows. “Gen is just worried that Del might feel more for you than you do for her.”

  “What the fuck?” I ask, sitting up once more. “I kissed her. I didn’t fuck her and leave. Wait, what do you mean? Del has feelings for me?”

  Theo gives me a “come on” look. “Don’t play like you never knew.”

  I’m mystified. “Never knew what?”

  He looks away. “She’s gonna kill me.”


  “Del, dude. She’s had a thing for you since we were kids.”

  That actually surprises me. “Really?”


  Huh. I didn’t expect that. It makes sense; she was always trying to make me happy. Doing things for me. But then, she did them for everyone. She was good like that. She did look at me sometimes and I felt a bit like it was more than just friendship, but I never acted on it. I respected her, and I couldn’t do that to her. She was staying, I was leaving, and that’s still the case now. Yup, kissing her fucked things up royally. It was fine when I just wanted to keep kissing her and maybe take her to bed, but I can’t do feelings. Feelings are trouble.

  “I just wanted to kiss her.”

  He eyes me. “That’s it?”

  “Yeah,” I say with a shrug. “She looked beautiful.”

  “Ohhkay,” he says slowly, and then he shakes his head in disbelief. “You know I know you’re full of shit, right?”

  I laugh. “I don’t know that at all.”

  “Well, I do. Listen, don’t hurt her. We all love her around here, and she’s been hurt a lot. So, if it is only that, talk to her, tell her that.”

  Fucking talk. I hate talking.

  “All right.” I need this conversation to end.

  “What you got going on tonight?”

  I go to say nothing, but then I remember I have dinner plans. “I’m having dinner over at Mawmaw’s.”

  Theo’s face breaks into a grin. “With Delaney?”

  “No, Mawmaw.”

  “And Delaney. She lives there.”

  “No way.”

  “Yeah, she’s always lived there. She can’t leave her. Mawmaw worries. You know how it is.”

  I do, especially when Mawmaw was sick a while back. Holden even lived with her for a bit, but I expected Delaney to have her own little apartment. Something that would be bright like her, filled with dogs and flowers. “Well, that’s gonna be awkward.”

  “Sure is,” he teases with a grin. “Have a blast.”

  When he puts Wilbur down on the porch, I glare. “You come over to harass me about Delaney, and now you’re leaving?”

  He nods simply. “I came over to see how you would react to me knowing about Delaney. And it’s easy to say, this is gonna be real fun to watch how it plays out.”

  “Nothing is playing out.”

  “Dude, you don’t even know.”

  I’m met with more laughter as he heads to his truck. Even when he’s in it, his laughter is loud and booming.

  When I flip him off, he laughs harder.

hate this town.

  When the screen door opens, I know Delaney thinks the bouquet of sunflowers I’m holding is for her. Her eyes light up, her lips part, and something deep inside me knows I’m gonna miss that look. Theo’s words from earlier hit me hard—that I need to be honest and tell her the truth—but she leaves me speechless.

  “Oh, hey.”

  “Hey.” I bring my lip between my teeth as we stand there, staring at each other. Heat rushes through me, and I feel as if we’re back outside that church. Her hair is in a messy bun, held by a pen, and I want more than anything to pull it out and watch her curls fall along her chest. Her lashes descend slightly, and when her pink tongue comes out, licking her lips, I feel like a goner. I want to lean forward and capture her lips with mine, but that would make this ten times worse.

  “What are you doing? Let my date in, you crazy girl!”

  Delaney’s brows pull together as Mawmaw pushes her to the side. “Reed, my goodness! You’re too sweet.”

  I feel like an asshole when Delaney goes to stop her, but she pauses when I say, “A beautiful bouquet for the beautiful woman who made me gumbo.”

  “He’s the one you cooked dinner for?” Delaney looks at me and then Mawmaw, her face turning red with embarrassment. “I thought it was Pastor Ryman.”

  I give Mawmaw a sideways glance. “You getting it on with the closest man to God?”

  “You know it,” she says with a wink, and I laugh. “Gotta get in somehow.”

  Delaney doesn’t laugh, though. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t want to hear you bitch about it. Now, move out of the way and let him in.”

  Mawmaw takes my hand, and I follow her into the living room I remember from my childhood. We used to lie on the red shag carpet and watch Sunday cartoons after church. Mawmaw would make us cookies and drink a beer as she watched with us. But being here now, it’s different. I’m not a kid, and neither is Delaney. I also can’t forget that I had her mouth on mine not six hours ago. I find myself yearning desperately for her lips.

  This is gonna be a long dinner.

  “I wasn’t going to bitch.”

  “Whatever. You two are always at each other’s throats. Now, come on, let’s eat.”

  Delaney shakes her head, sitting on the couch. “I’m not hungry.”

  “Delaney Kate! We have company.”

  “And I don’t care,” she throws back, more to me than Mawmaw, I feel. “He’s your guest, not mine.”

  “Rude as hell. I don’t know who raised her,” Mawmaw calls over her shoulder, and Delaney scoffs.

  “You. Everyone knows the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  “Har-har-har.” Mawmaw then looks to me. “Come on, honey. I just took some jalapeño cornbread out of the oven. Just for you.”

  My stomach growls. Though, I have this need inside me to make sure I didn’t hurt Delaney’s feelings. “You sure?”

  She doesn’t even spare me a glance. “Yup. Go enjoy your dinner.”

  “I’m sure there’s enough.”

  She doesn’t answer me, and when she crosses her arms over her chest, my heart hurts. I should have brought her a bouquet too. Something special, like roses. But then, what would that have meant? What would I want it to mean? Shit.

  “Come on, honey. Dinner is ready.”

  We sit down at the same table she’s had for forty years, and we dig in after saying grace. The conversation is easy and fun. That’s Mawmaw, though. She doesn’t act her age. She’s always been a friend when you needed it and a mom even when you didn’t want it. She’s great company. I enjoy her immensely, but I wish Delaney would come in here with us. She’s on the couch, cuddled up with a blanket, and hasn’t given us a look since we sat down. I can only see her toes, and I have half a mind to go in there. I don’t know what I’d say or even what I’d do, but I feel bad.

  As I take a bite of the amazing lemon bread Mawmaw made me for dessert, I watch while she packages all the leftovers up for me. “God, this was good.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “You didn’t have to make so much for me.”

  She waves me off, moving through a kitchen she knows like the back of her hand. “Oh, honey, I wanted to. I know you only have a microwave out there. Your momma was telling me that you’re being difficult, not coming up to the main house for dinner.”

  I laugh. “She hasn’t been cooking!”

  She smiles. “I know, but go on up there. She’s hurting. She needs her baby.”

  A lump forms in my throat. “I sure will.”

  “Such a good boy,” she says, patting my back. “Everything good? How’s the clinic?”

  “I start Monday for real.”

  She grins. “You still upset?”

  I shrug. “Not really. I need something to do.”

  “And you are the best.” She pats my cheek. “Have you fallen in love with the town yet?”

  I shake my head, still smiling up at her. “No, ma’am.”

  She waves me off. “You will. No worries.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m counting down the days. I want to go back to my life.”

  “Something will change that,” she says with a wink, and I ignore what I think she means. “Listen, I hate to kick you out, so I’m not going to, all right?”

  I grin up at her. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard her say this.

  “I’m tired, my back is crying, and I need a shower. I’m gonna head upstairs. Let yourself out.”

  “Thank you, Mawmaw. This was perfect.”

  “Anytime, honey.” She kisses my head and pats my back. “Make sure to lock the front door. Delaney Kate done fell asleep on the couch again.”

  “Will do.”

  “And don’t worry about that plate.”

  “I’ll make sure it’s washed.”

  She winks once more before heading up the stairs, leaving me alone with just my lemon bread. Thank God she packaged the rest of the meal up for me. I’ll probably eat the cornbread before the night’s over. I peek into the living room, but all I see are Del’s toes. I don’t know what she’s watching, but it’s bright, the colors flashing in the dark room. I finish my bread, and when I’m done cleaning up, I gather my box of goodness. I could go out the back. But instead, I head through the front.

  I bring my lip in between my teeth as I enter the dark room. On the couch, Delaney is cuddled deep under a blue blanket that makes her skin glow. Or maybe that’s the TV. Either way, she’s stunning. Her lashes kiss her round cheeks, and her mouth is parted just slightly, a soft snore leaving her lips. She causes my heart to clench in my chest.

  I hate how terrible I feel.


  I shake my head as I pass by her, going out to my truck to drop everything off. Since I didn’t lock the door, I go back. But when I go to do so, I know I can’t leave yet. I stand there staring at her through the screen door, watching as she sleeps ever so softly. I want to go lie with her, but that would complicate things and make it very weird. When something rubs on my arm, I glance over to see a beautiful white rose that has bloomed on one of the many rose bushes outside of Mawmaw’s house. Carefully, I pluck it off the bush, praying Mawmaw doesn’t see.

  I head inside quietly, making sure not to disturb anyone. I walk to the sofa, and once there, I squat down and lay the rose on the arm of the sofa. I don’t want Delaney to squish it, but I want her to see it. I know she might not know it’s from me, and that’s okay. Against my better judgment, I reach out, moving a piece of hair that is caught in her lashes back out of her face. She breathes softly, her lips pressing together before she swallows hard.

  So pretty. Jesus.

  When I hear movement on the stairs, I get up and head out, making sure the door locks behind me. I don’t even know what I am doing when it comes to Delaney, and there is no way I can try to explain it to Mawmaw. It’s weird, it’s complicated, and knowing my luck, it will all blow up in my face.

I find myself hoping that Delaney does know the rose is from me.

  That she likes it.

  And maybe it makes her smile.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I don’t have a desk at the clinic.

  Since I’m only part time, Dr. Ross gave me a little spot in the office so that I can make calls and do what I need to do. I have a computer, my own phone, and my work tablet. At the base of my monitor is a picture of Cataway, Holden, Mawmaw, and me. The only new thing in front of me is the white rose that was left on the couch by my head last night. When Reed came in with the big bouquet of flowers for Mawmaw, I’ll admit I was salty as hell. One, I thought he was there for me. And two, how does my seventy-year-old grandmother get more attention than me?

  It’s annoying, and because of that, I stayed on the couch to pout. Doesn’t mean I didn’t eavesdrop on Reed and Mawmaw’s conversation, though. It was so easy for them. He was kind and sweet to her. He complimented her cooking and asked about my sister. He was exactly how I remembered him. He was funny, and even if he was quiet a lot of the time, letting Mawmaw talk, he was committed to the conversation. The only time he’s committed to anything with me is when I’m yelling at him or he’s kissing the stuffing out of me.

  Jesus. I still can’t get his lips off my mind.

  I fully expected him to ask me out when he showed up to the house last night. Or talk about how he blew my mind outside the church…maybe even a little repeat… But nothing. He came in, spent time with my mawmaw, and left. As much as I want to believe the beautiful white rose I can’t stop staring at and gushing over is from him, it doesn’t seem like something he’d do. I just want to know what’s going on and what he is thinking. I sure as hell want to kiss him again. A lot. Like, over and over again.

  When the door opens, I look back as Reed comes in. He’s holding Wilbur as the sweet pup wiggles violently in his arms to get down.

  “You crazy dog,” he mutters before he puts him down, and when he looks up since Wilbur runs right for me, his eyes darken when they meet mine. “Oh, hey.”


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