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Worthy of the Harmony (Mountains & Men Book 2)

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by Martin, R. C.

  Worthy of the Harmony

  Mountains & Men Book One

  R.C. Martin

  Copyright © 2016 R.C. Martin. All Rights Reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and other elements portrayed herein are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real persons or events is coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

  Cover Design by Cassy Roop at Pink Ink Designs ©2016

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven



  If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.

  Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

  AS THE CROWD goes wild, screaming for more, we’re acting like a bunch of fucked up clowns offstage. Derrick jumps up and down, as if he’ll explode unless he releases some of the adrenaline that courses through his veins. JJ is pacing back and forth, clapping his hands in excitement every time he gets a peek at the audience that can’t seem to get enough of us. Knox has Maddox in a headlock, the both of them laughing as they mess around, so hyped up they don’t know what to do with themselves.

  Then there’s me, with the biggest fucking shit-eating grin on my face. I run my hand over my mouth in an attempt to wipe it away, knowing I need to find some semblance of cool before we go back out there to give them what they want. My lips refuse to cooperate. I laugh like a lunatic as I let the music of the crowd’s plea seep into my pores.

  “Encore! Encore! Encore!”

  This is, by far, the best fucking night of my life.

  Luck of the draw has us closing out the show at The Moxi Theater, a packed concert hall in the next town over from home. Best damn lottery win I could ever imagine. A night on stage with a crowd like this is worth more than money can buy. There were some great bands here tonight, some of which could have filled the coveted closing act just fine, but the win was ours. Despite being down a bass player, we managed to play one hell of a show. Wren, our stand-in who is watching the rest of us flip out, did a damn fine job. Too bad we can’t convince him to join our ranks. We always sound great with him on stage with us.

  Tonight, we owned that motherfucking stage.

  “Time to give them what they want, eh, Dweeb?” calls out Derrick, clapping a hand against my back.

  My stomach flips in excitement when we make eye contact. I’ve been hoping for this moment all night long. This crowd is the perfect audience to unleash our latest song. We’ve been working on it all week, but I swore that we wouldn’t play it unless it felt right. Now, our fans are begging for it and they don’t even know it.

  “Let’s do this!” he says before he makes his way out on stage.

  The patrons go wild when he sticks his tongue out at them, riling them up before he goes to sit on his throne behind his set. Knox lets go of his brother and then elbows me with a grin before the two of them make their way out as well. Wren follows closely behind and then it’s just JJ and me.

  “Kill it, man,” he says, holding up a fist. I knock my knuckles against his with a nod and then he’s gone, too. I hang back and take a deep breath, willing myself to find the focus I need to deliver the best damn encore this crowd could ever hope for.

  Derrick drops the beat before Maddox jumps in on his guitar. His brother, Knox, adds another layer of guitar before Wren joins in on the bass. When JJ rounds out the mix on the keys, I take one more deep breath and then make my grand entrance. The screams coming from the crowd battle against the music coming from the guys, and I’ve never felt more alive in my life.

  This—this is living.

  I head straight for the microphone, gripping it with both hands where it rests in the stand. “I’ve got to be honest with you. I was really hoping you’d want just one more song.” When the audience cheers at me in response, my grin is back. I fucking love this shit and I can’t even pretend that it doesn’t faze me. Moments like this are what dreams are made of, and I know that this is merely the beginning of Mountains & Men.

  “We’ve got a new one for you tonight. Something special we’ve been working on,” I begin to say, my eyes drifting to the one spot they’ve been drawn to all night. I spot Millicent standing beside Violet and my heartbeat speeds up. I embrace the desperate desire that claws at my insides at the sight of her—another reaction to which I can’t feign indifference.

  It’s been exactly three weeks since we’ve met. A part of me thinks what I’m about to do is crazy. I’m not that guy—I haven’t been for a long time—the sap dedicating songs to a woman. I can’t help it, though. She does something to me. Even in a crowd of hundreds of people, her beauty makes my heart race and my dick twitch, like she’s the only one in the room.

  Fuck it, I think when her eyes lock with mine.

  “There’s a girl out there who inspired me to write this. It’s called, Just Tonight. This one’s for you, doll face.”

  One verse into the song, and I can tell it’s just as sick as I hoped it was. The crowd is dancing and the band is rockin’, and as the words pour out of me, I can’t help but smile when I think about that first night. That woman, with her long-ass legs, her sexy, swaying hips, her perfect tits, and that mouth—god, that smart-ass mouth.

  I do my best to engage the crowd, throwing a couple winks and reaching out my hand to touch the outstretched fingers of the ladies closest to the stage. It’s fucking hot as hell under the spotlight, but I couldn’t care less. I’m exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to be doing. When my eyes find Millie’s once more, a smirk tugs at my lips at the sight of her. She’s just standing—staring. I’m used to looking out there and seeing her dance. Doll face likes to move that smokin’ hot body of hers, but it’s obvious that I’ve surprised her.

  Fuck. Yes.

  This song is for her. It’s a reminder that just one night was never going to be enough for her and me, no matter how much she wanted to fight it. Right now, I sing for her. Tonight, she’s here for me. And the first chance I get, I’ll give her a hell of a lot more than a song.

  “COME ON!” VIOLET insists, tugging at my wrist.

  My focus snaps in her direction, but all I see is the back of her head—her dirty blonde hair styled in a pixie cut that leaves her slender neck fully exposed. I open my mouth to protest but no words come out. Furthermore, my feet seem to be in agreement with her command, even though I’m not sure where she’s taking me. I look back to the stage, now empty as the overhead lights illuminate the once darkened venue, and I realize that Violet is dragging me against the crowd.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Backstage,” she says, as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “Hurry.”

  My brain finally gains control of my feet and I stop walking, pulling my arm away from Violet. She halts, turning back to look at me with her dark blue eyes. She doesn’t wear much makeup, but her expertly applied cat-eye eyeliner and her generous amount of mascara make her irises pop. When she tugs her eyebrows together, it’s concern and not frustration that is clearly etched across her face. “Come on. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I—” I look back to the stage, my mind instantly replaying the last seven minutes.

  This one’s for you, doll face.

  My breath catches in my throat and my heart beats wildly in my chest. I resist the urge to bring my fingers to my neck to actually feel my racing pulse. I don’t think it’s slowed down since Sage’s eyes locked with mine from up there behind that microphone. He said that I inspired him to write that song. Me. It's a truth I am still trying to wrap my head around.

  I remember our first night together as if it were yesterday. It practically was yesterday. I only met the man three weeks ago. In any case, it’s not a night I’ll soon forget; I was sure of that fact long before now. Just thinking about the way he’s able to own my body makes the back of my neck warm and stirs the longing that resides in the pit of my stomach. I remember how he sang to me as he filled me with his glorious cock. I remember thinking that I didn’t care how many times he had sung those lyrics to however many women he had taken to bed before me. In that moment, he owned more than my orgasm—more than my body.

  In that moment, he owned me.

  Resist as I might, that first night is the reason I’m here. My body craves him and my mind can’t stop thinking about him and my heart…well, that’s a different matter. My heart is not meant to be given away. Not anymore. Not since the last time I managed to pick up all the pieces I could find and paste it back together. Sage can’t have it. I’m not even sure that’s what he’s after, which is perfectly alright with me. Then again, after that song, I suppose I have no idea what he wants from me—other than exclusive access to my lady bits.

  “Millie,” Violet chuckles, interrupting my thoughts as she reaches for my hand. “Come on! The guys are waiting.”

  “Shouldn’t we stay out here?” I argue, not sure if I am ready to see Sage.

  “What? No way!”

  I can’t blame her for being excited. Mountains & Men just put on a phenomenal show. I’m sure she’s more than anxious to meet up with her boyfriend, JJ. I, on the other hand, could use a minute.

  “Why don’t you go ahead? I think I’ll just step outside for a second. I could use some air,” I tell her, fanning my face.

  I'm not exactly overheating, but fresh air sounds like a welcomed refreshment. I’m not sure I’ve breathed very much in the last ten minutes. The air I did manage to suck in was heavy with the smell of too many bodies crammed into one place with a not-so-subtle hint of marijuana. I imagine this is quite normal, though I can’t say for sure. Concerts, parties and the like have never really been my thing—nevertheless, I can't deny that tonight has been fun.

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you out of my sight.” Violet grabs my hand, gripping my fingers fiercely as she lifts an eyebrow at me. “It’s only been two weeks since the incident with that dickwad, Keith.” I open my mouth to argue but she shakes her head and continues speaking before I can. “I get it. Different time, different place, but Sage asked me to keep an eye on you. He told me as soon as they were done that we should meet up with the guys backstage.”

  Again, I open my mouth to protest and her eyes soften with understanding—solidarity. “I know you’re a big girl and can take care of yourself. Trust me, I believe you, but you are not making me go back there without you. Sage will lose his shit.”


  “He swears if he had found you as soon as the show was over, nothing bad would have happened to you. His overprotectiveness will wear off eventually, but for now, let’s not push it.” My heart speeds up even more, unsure what to think of the fact that he feels so protective over me. No one has ever seemed to care so much about my whereabouts. Well, aside from my mother—but that is for entirely different and purely selfish reasons.

  “Besides,” she continues, a grin lighting up her pretty face. “I bet he’ll kiss you. I promise you, that’s something you don’t want to miss. You haven’t been kissed until you’ve gotten yourself a post-performance smooch. They’re my favorite, and you’re keeping me from mine. So come on! Let’s go.”

  This time, when she tugs me toward the heavy curtain that blocks off the backstage area, I don’t resist. There’s no one standing there to prevent us from heading back, and she doesn’t hesitate to push aside the barrier that stands in our way. As soon as the curtain falls behind us, she is swept up into a pair of arms. She squeals and giggles, letting go of me as JJ spins her around in a circle before crushing his lips against hers. She wilts against him as he works her mouth, and I avert my gaze, not wishing to intrude upon their moment.

  Just when I start to look around in hopes of spotting Sage, I feel a pair of arms slide around me from behind. I peer down at the strong limbs that have me caged in, one arm covered in tats, the other bare, both beautiful and sturdy. He pulls me back against his chest, hot and damp with sweat; my body acts of its own accord, relaxing against him as I breathe him in. He smells good enough to eat, and the thought of licking him distracts me.

  “Hey, baby doll,” her murmurs into my ear.

  “Hey,” I reply, my voice more airy than I anticipated.

  He kisses the space just behind my jaw before he speaks again. “Did you like your song?”

  And there it is…

  Your song.


  The words he sang to me in bed—as well as the ones he sang to me when he showed up to my apartment, completely unannounced, before he ravaged me over the side of my couch—yeah, they weren’t just pieces of songs he’d sung before. He’d written them for me. They are mine—a terrifying truth he’s just admitted to me. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't also give me a thrill that made my insides flutter. When he squeezes me tighter against him, as if beckoning my reply, I decide that the truth won't hurt me. At least not yet.

  “Yes. It’s really great. You guys sounded awesome up there.”

  Before I can take my next breath, he has me turned so that I’m facing him. When his lips crash against mine, I gasp, gripping hold of his shirt in order to keep my balance. With my mouth parted open, nothing stops him from sliding his tongue between my lips. I sigh, loving the way his warm, wet tongue dances with mine. He sucks my bottom lip, biting me gently before he dives in for another taste. One of his hands slides around the back of my neck, supporting my head as he deepens the kiss; his other hand drops to the small of my back, and I’m pulled closer. I swallow his moan when his erection rubs up against my hip through his jeans.

  “Been thinking about this mouth all night, doll face,” he mutters as he kisses his way along my jaw before nibbling on my ear. “You’re coming home with me tonight.”

  I offer him a nod and nothing more because, hello, who could be capable of speech after a kiss like that? He smirks at me, the arrogant little shit, and then continues to devour my mouth. I know we’re not alone, but I don’t even care. He feels so undeniably good. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing myself against him in earnest. After watching him up on that stage, I won’t refuse my body what it wants.

  “Good God, man—enough dry humping,” calls out one of the guys. I don’t know which one; partly because Sage has my head in a fog, partly because I haven’t spent enough time with the band to know them by voice only.

  “Can it, D,” Sage mumbles against my mouth.

  “I mean it, Dweeb. We’ve got business. Get your ass over here.”

  He pulls away from my mouth but keeps his arms wrapped around me as his icy blue eyes stare through his horn-rimmed glasses and down into my eyes. For a second, neither of us says a word as we work to catch our breath.

  “You’re one hell of a muse, gorgeous.” He reaches down and squeezes my ass and I can’t fight my grin. I sort of appreciate how much he adores my ass. “Stay with Violet, yeah? I’ll be right back.”

  He smacks a quick kiss against my lips before he lets me go. I watch as he struts his way toward Derrick, their drummer, who stands shaking his head with an amused look on his face. They exchange a few words and then Derrick leads him to a man who seems to be waiting to speak to them.

  “What’d I tell you?” says Violet, playfully jabbing me with her elbow. “Some kiss, huh?”

  I breathe a halfhearted laugh as I look over at her, unsure if I’ve got any words to spare.

  “He really likes you. It’s looks good on him. You look good on him,” she says with a grin.

  “Oh,” I mutter, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is taking.

  “It’s okay to admit it, you know?”

  “Admit what?”

  “That you like him,” she says with a laugh. “I promise you, no matter what he may or may not be saying, you’re not a fling.”

  “He’s not—he’s not my boyfriend,” I stutter, folding my arms across my chest. I don’t know why I tell her that, or why I’m suddenly feeling defensive. Truth be told, I’m not really sure what we are. We agreed to be monogamous, but that’s just sex. Outside of that, we barely know each other.

  “I hear you,” she says with a knowing smile. “I’m not sure your face agrees, though. Come on, let’s go help Wren. The sooner they’re packed up, the sooner we can get out of here.”

  I follow her lead, heading up on stage to join Wren. As we climb the short set of stairs, I look over at the rest of the guys while they huddle around some stranger who seems to hold their attention. My eyes linger for a moment on Sage and my stomach tingles. I force myself to look away, appalled by the realization that Violet is right. Whatever she just saw on my face is now spreading awareness to the rest of my body. Sage McCoy has managed to steal a little piece of my heart. I do like him.



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