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Page 3

by Leia Stone

  My inner wolf pushed me to step forward. “A foreign Alpha who trespasses on our land, picks a fight with my Alpha and then forfeits, is a coward. As second in command, I will tell you this once. Get off our land and don’t come back without permission.” My inner wolf had taken over, I could feel the power radiating off of me. The dominant wolves in my pack howled their agreement. Dane’s wolf took one appraising look at me and began trotting away. I scowled as I watched his pack leave through the trees, taking their foreign smell with them.


  Dane and his men retreated but Kai lay where he was, his yellow eyes boring into me. He was panting and hadn’t moved. I started towards him but his voice stopped me. ‘Don’t let the pack see me weak.’ He told me in a strained voice. I stopped where I stood.

  “Fight’s over. Go home.” I pushed power into my words to the rest of the pack. The submissive wolves whined. Sadie growled and stared at me. I don’t think they liked my giving orders so soon. I didn’t care.

  “Go home,” I told her again, harsher than I meant to. I caught Emma’s hand as she was moving to leave, indicating I needed her to stay. I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew is that Kai had saved me from my accident. He kissed me like I was the last female on earth and he just fought to keep me in his pack. I was finding that I didn’t know much about being a werewolf but my inner wolf did. He was hurt and I needed to help him. The more I let my wolf bubble to the surface, the more I ran on instinct and the easier it felt to fall into this new role. Somehow I knew that keeping Emma back with me was good because she was submissive and wouldn’t be a threat to my injured Alpha.

  Kai stood shifting into human form, favoring his injured hand and gazed around at the retreating pack, looking strong. ‘I protect what’s mine, remember that.’ I could tell by the looks on the other’s faces that he had sent that to everyone. When the last person had left through the trees, Kai shifted back into wolf form and collapsed panting.

  Emma looked at me with fearful eyes.

  “Help me get him inside,” I told her.

  Who knew that two petite girls could lift a 250-pound bleeding and halfway unconscious werewolf into the house. I had strength I couldn’t even dream of before. I was barely winded after getting him to his bedroom. I ran to the adjoining bathroom, ripped the plastic shower curtain down and lay it on the bed to protect the sheets from getting bloody. We placed Kai on the bed and waited.

  I stroked his fur, unsure of what to do. ‘When an Alpha is weakened like this, a dominant member could take this chance to challenge me for the pack. I can feel their thoughts. Two of my highest are considering it. Max and Jake. They are torn between being my friend and respecting me, and their wolf’s inner urge to be Alpha.’ Kai’s words sent chills down my spine.

  ‘What do I do?’ I asked him.

  He was fading in and out. It took him a few moments to respond.

  ‘Don’t let them get a single word out, if they say the word challenge. I’m gone. A fight for Alpha status ends in death; there is no forfeit.’

  And with that, he collapsed. Shit, shit, shit! I had to think. I had to think fast. “Emma!” I screamed and she ran in from the living room. “Jake and Max might try to challenge Kai. Who do you trust? Who would Kai trust to guard him and not challenge him?”

  Emma paled. “Sadie, and Devon. Akash is too young.”

  “Sadie?” I questioned, unsure of that choice.

  Emma swallowed. “They dated for a long time. She still loves him. She would do anything for him. I’m sure of it.”

  I didn’t even want to process that right now. My inner wolf was going into possessive jealous rage mode and I had to push her down. “Get them for me. Now.”

  Emma ran out of the house and I could hear the cracking of bones as she shifted. I bounced my foot nervously, realizing I had one hand still on Kai’s fur. I had to force myself let go. I stood and began tearing apart the room trying to find what I was looking for. If I was an Alpha and I knew silver injured werewolves, I would keep some around. I would keep it somewhere safe, so it wouldn’t hurt me but I would have some in the off chance I needed to subdue my own kind. The room was in shambles and I was no closer to finding what I was looking for when Sadie walked in looking feral at the sight of Kai on the bed bleeding, not healing.

  “He’s hurt worse than he led on,” she said softly.

  I didn’t waste time crossing the room to meet her head on. “Can I trust you to protect him? Not to challenge him?”

  She looked right into my eyes, something passed between us, between our wolves. We both wanted to protect him. This we could do together.

  She nodded, lowering her eyes.

  “I need silver,” I told her.

  “The basement.” The second the words left her lips I bolted down stairs leaving her with Kai. I would have to trust her. I caught sight of Emma and Devon both in wolf form outside. I had a plan. A sloppy, put together, fast plan. I flicked on the basement lights and saw three iron cages. Then I saw a toolbox. I ripped the lid off and smiled. Silver. I grabbed a handful of thin chains and two pillows on my way out of the room.

  I ran outside just in time to see Max stalking towards the house in human form with a predatory look on his face. Good. He was in human form. Plan A. Before he could open his mouth I ran towards him and extended my right leg high in the air. Spinning, I delivered a perfect roundhouse kick to his jaw and he was out cold. Maybe I should have mentioned that I ran women’s defense classes on the weekends and I was a black belt in karate.

  Emma shifted into human form behind me. She was stark naked.

  “You can touch it? Without pain or gloves?” she said shocked, looking down at my hands holding the silver chains. I didn’t have time to process that. I grabbed the chain and began tying Max by the wrists and ankles. Then I ripped the pillow to shreds and stuffed huge gobs of fluff into his mouth. I wound a strip of cloth around his mouth holding the stuffing in. I could smell burning flesh and could see red blisters pop up where the silver touched. He was still unconscious. I sat back panting in relief. If it killed him, then so be it. But I didn’t want to kill him if I didn’t have to. Devon shifted as well. Apparently, modesty was lost in the pack. He stood naked and gestured towards the house. “Let’s get him in a cage,” he told Emma. Max began waking as they hoisted him up. “Rahheng Raahenge,” Max roared, his eyes shown yellow the cotton in his mouth made it hard to understand him. It sounded an awful lot like challenge but I ignored it. He could have been saying revenge. I sat in the front yard for the next three hours while Emma staked out the back and Devon roamed the perimeter. Either Jake was waiting until we weakened or he had thought better of challenging. My eye lids began drooping and before I could stop it, I fell asleep.

  I awoke to the sound of footsteps. I bolted upright, tense.

  Sadie walked over to me. “He’s asking for you. It was touch and go throughout the night but he’s healing fine now,” she told me.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “Go, I’ll take watch,” she said with bitterness in her voice.

  I nodded and looked down at myself. I was covered in dirt and Kai’s blood. I had sleep in my eyes and my back was killing me. As I entered the bedroom I could see that Kai was in human form; he lay in his bed wearing sweatpants and a tight t-shirt. The thought of him shifting in front of Sadie made my inner wolf seethe in jealousy. I quickly tamped it down so he wouldn’t pick up on it. He gestured for me to sit near him.

  “You did well. It’s an honor to call you my second,” he told me with a sandpaper voice. I could see his bite marks were oozing pink fluid but they were healing.

  “I did the best I could. Max is bound by silver chains and gagged in a cage in your basement,” I told him.

  Kai looked sad for a moment. “Max as a human, as a friend, would never challenge me, would never want me dead. Max as a wolf, well, it’s a part of this life.”

  He tried to sit up and groaned. I stopped him.
/>   “You’re not moving until you’re fully healed,” I told him. “That’s an order,” I added playfully.

  He smiled, flashing his bright white teeth. They were in stark contrast to his olive skin, his canines were pronounced. “Yes, Ma’am. Well, if you won’t let me get up, then I’m going to have to ask my vegetarian second to fix me three rare steaks. I will heal faster with meat in my system.”

  I gulped. “Coming right up.” I faked enthusiasm.

  After gagging my way through the kitchen getting a meal ready for Kai and silently apologizing to the cute cows that had given their lives for his breakfast, I went to the guest bathroom and showered.

  I came out in my towel and made it back to the bedroom I was staying in. I found a stack of clothes on the bed. Emma. I smiled. She was quickly growing on me, a thoughtful and kind friend. After changing into the skinny jeans, teal cotton V-neck, and black ballet flats, I quickly dried my long blonde hair and went to Kai’s room. I stood outside the door, unsure of whether or not to go in. We still had so much to go over. It was Sunday. I had a job, an important job waiting for me on Monday. My roommate and mother must be beside themselves with worry. Kai and I had something growing between us, more than that kiss. I was confused. He had something with Sadie from the past. Maybe this new werewolf side of me was messing with my hormones. Then a horrifying thought struck me. What if my human side fell in love with him but my wolf was mated to someone else?

  The door creaked open and Kai peeked his head out. I blushed. Crap! This stupid bond!

  “Want to talk?” He asked graciously not bringing any of my thoughts up.

  I nodded and noticed he looked my body up and down before letting me in the room. I looked around and scolded myself for picking his bedroom of all places to have a chat. I sat on the edge of the bed which had been stripped clean and was dressed with new sheets. I straightened my back trying to look strong.

  “I own an organization called Safe Haven. It’s a domestic violence shelter and women’s defense class studio. It’s a non-profit, so I don’t exactly have the money to hire a lot of people to take over my job. I can’t leave. I won’t leave. We run on volunteers only and a lot of families depend on Safe Haven for support, for survival.” I couldn’t look him in the eye. I knew he was thinking about the thoughts he had picked up from me earlier, from my own domestic violence situation as a child.

  He moved to sit next to me and placed a hand on my leg. It was possessive and gentle at the same time. “Is this Safe Haven located in Portland?”

  I nodded and he sighed. “We can’t go to Portland without the Portland Pack’s permission. After last night, I highly doubt that is going to happen anytime soon. I own the territory from east of the 205 near Gresham and all of Mount Hood to the 97. Portland Pack owns west of the 205 all the way until the ocean and down to Corvallis. We can open a second location in Gresham and I can get the pack to volunteer there. We can pay some humans to head up the Portland location and stay in contact with them through video phone. I will fund the entire venture. That’s the best I can do.”

  My mouth dropped open. I was in shock. He wasn’t saying no. He was funding a second location for Safe Haven. I couldn’t ask that of him.

  ‘Let me take care of you,’ he said into my mind.

  I didn’t like the idea of having to depend on a man for money. I thought of all the women and children we could help with a second location, with more volunteers. I nodded.

  “Thank you.”

  He stood. “I need to deal with Max. He won’t challenge me now that I’m fully healed. Thanks to you, I have my life.”

  I stood and met his eyes. “Consider us even. You saved my life first.”

  He wasn’t leaving. He stood there staring into my eyes. I rested my eyes on his lips. I swallowed hard, remembering our kiss. The best kiss of my life. He grinned from ear to ear and grabbed me in one quick motion, pressing his body against mine. He rubbed small circles on my neck with his thumb as he cupped my face. His lips met mine and I felt electricity flow through me down to my toes. Maybe this was what it was like to kiss a wolf. Maybe Kai wasn’t special and if I kissed one of the other wolves it would feel the same as this. He pulled away with a soft growl.

  “I really need to get around to teaching you how to shut me out of your personal thoughts.” His eyes were glowing yellow. His wolf.

  “Sorry,” I squeaked. “This is new to me.”

  He motioned between the two of us. “This is new to me, too.” Then he tossed me a cell phone. “It’s yours now, call your mom. Tell her you met a guy online and you’re moving in with him. She can visit anytime you like. Just give us notice so we don’t have any abnormally large wolves running around.” Then he left.

  This is new to me too, he had said. I took a deep breath and dialed my mother.

  "You what!" my mother screamed for the second time.

  "I'm moving in with him."

  "How long have you known this guy? Honey, this isn't like you. What about Safe Haven? Mount Hood is a long commute.”

  "We met online three months ago," I lied. "I actually have more exciting news. I got a really big donation to Safe Haven, too. I'm opening a second location in Gresham. I will have the money to hire someone to run the Portland location."

  "Honey, that's great news about Safe Haven. You’ve known him three months? How come you never told me?" There was hurt in her voice. I hated this.

  "I wasn't sure it was serious but it is. Say you’re happy for me? That you will visit?"

  “Of course I'll visit. You’re my daughter. It's just... You know I didn't get to know your father very well and I jumped in without thinking and look where that got us."

  "Mom, he is not like that. He would never hurt me." Okay, the line between making up a story and the truth was getting blurry. I wasn't really moving in with Kai, was I?

  "What does he do?"

  “He... He comes from a wealthy family and he has a community up here. A… treatment center. For.... recovering alcoholics." What the hell was I saying? I was always a horrible liar but I had a wild imagination, quite the combo.

  "Oh, well he sounds a lot like you. A do-gooder. Except for the wealthy family part,” she joked. I thought of her in her bright teal trailer on Ash Lane near downtown Portland. I wish I could give her more. She deserved the best.

  "Thanks for understanding. I'll call you tomorrow, okay, mom?"

  "Okay, sweetie. The only thing I have ever wanted was to see you happy. You sound happy," she admitted.

  Did I? Was I? God, if she only knew. Mom, I got in a horrific accident. My back was broken, my head gushing blood and this new boyfriend of mine. The one, who I said would never hurt me? He bit me. ‘Cause he's a werewolf and now I am one, too. I wanted to tell her.

  “Thanks, mom. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Aurora.”

  So that was it. I was a werewolf and I was moving in with my Alpha that I had kissed twice, and I was lying to my mom. I sighed. Life was officially complicated.


  After getting off of the phone with my mom, I sat on the edge of the bed in silence for a moment until my pack sense began to tingle. ‘Alpha. Alpha. Alpha.’ I got up and made my way outside where I could see the pack gathering around Kai.

  “Glad to see you fully healed,” Sadie purred at Kai. He nodded and then turned as if sensing me. Again his eyes trailed over my body and I felt exposed.

  “I think it’s time we go for a run! To welcome Aurora properly; introduce all of us to her wolf. We leave in five minutes.” He eyed me and beckoned me towards the house.

  I followed him wordlessly, trying to contain my fear. I was a werewolf and up until now it hadn’t been real. Shifting into a wolf, that was real. Would it hurt? Would I hate it? What if I liked it? Once inside, he turned to face me tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

  “Wolves need to live in packs to be fully healthy and feel whole, but as far as lovers go, most of us can only hope to be lucky en
ough to find our mate; to be blessed with children and a life of love. We prepare for a life of fleeting relationships. We have distractions but the one thing we are really waiting for is our mate.”

  My heart was beating in my head. I wasn’t expecting this. He continued. “As you can imagine, with a shortage of female wolves, most males spend their life alone, romantically. Your arrival has every unmated male in the pack in a frenzy. I feel it fair to warn you that no matter what has started between you and I, if your mate is out there among the pack…” He didn’t finish.

  “And how will I recognize my mate?” I asked him, pressing my body against his and staring into his eyes, watching them go yellow. His hands found their way to my hips.

  “Have you seen my wolf? It’s markings?” I nodded and lowered my eyes to his lips. I didn’t want to be someone else’s mate. I wanted to choose for myself. “Well, my mate’s marking will be the exact opposite of mine. Instead of a black coat with a white star, she will have a white coat with a black star. Mates were made for each other, a union blessed by Spirit. When mates meet for the first time in wolf form, it’s said to be indescribable. Your mate might not even be on this continent, but I wanted to warn you in case he is.”

  “Let’s get this over with then.” I pulled out of his grasp, afraid of getting too close. One thing was certain. I wouldn’t be anyone’s mate unless I wanted to be. I don’t care what Spirit thought. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.

  The entire pack was assembled. I noticed some of the men staring at me with longing.

  “The first shift is painful and it takes a while. Since you’re a changed wolf you will have a gift. We may not know what it is right away, just be patient,” Kai told me.


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