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Page 5

by Leia Stone

  I sat on the floor and stared at a crack in the baseboard, completely numb.

  “I think that will be all for today,” Kai told Sylvia.

  She nodded. “I understand. Then there is just the matter of my payment.”

  He held out his arm and to my shock she produced a steel knife and sliced his arm catching some blood in a jar. Once she was done, the wound healed before my eyes. She looked at me indicating the jar.

  “Weres’ blood makes for some powerful spell craft. When you want more stories come and find me. I’ll be expecting an invitation to the mating ceremony.” She smiled knowingly.

  Kai knelt and cupped my face. “Tell me you’re okay.” His eyes were pulsing from brown to yellow. His wolf was close to the surface.

  “I’m okay,” I croaked, lying. “I just need to lie down. I’d like to take a nap.”

  He scooped me in his arms and carried me down the hall, ignoring the stares from others.

  Sometime later I awoke to a single yellow wildflower on my pillow, accompanied by a note. “You twitch your nose in your sleep. It’s adorable. –Kai (Your boyfriend)”

  I smiled taking a deep inhale of the flower’s fragrant petals. After showering and changing, I made my way to the kitchen. Jake and Kai were talking in hushed voices standing over the stove. A frying pan sizzled and I could smell grilled onions. Kai turned, facing me as if he sensed me coming. He beamed, his smile reaching his eyes.

  “Good Afternoon! Are you vegan or just vegetarian? According to the internet there is a big difference.”

  I laughed. “Vegetarian. I have milk and eggs. Free range obviously.”

  “Obviously,” Jake agreed, covering a smile.

  “Good. Then enjoy this veggie omelet and Jake and I will be back from Arizona before you know it.” He turned around tending to the skillet.

  I scowled and put a hand on my hip. “Nice try, Kai. Really, well played. When do we leave? I am NOT staying here!”

  Jake shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

  “You’re not going,” Kai said, putting the power of the Alpha behind his words and turning around to face me. I stepped forward holding my head high. “I AM going. I was in the vision and you are not leaving me here. This is MY gift. I need to see this through.”

  Kai sighed. “You are safer here. I have already called and asked permission from the Scottsdale, Arizona Alpha to temporarily cross into his territory, but he is wary. He will send men to make sure we don’t out stay our welcome.”

  “Do I have a sign on my forehead that says Matefinder?” I probed him.

  Kai looked annoyed. “No.”

  “Good, then it’s settled. No one will know what I am.” I popped a sautéed mushroom in my mouth and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

  He groaned. “Fine. There’s one last piece of business you need to attend to before we leave. Finish your breakfast and meet me outside.” He handed me a plate and stalked off with Jake.

  “She doesn’t exactly get the Alpha orders thing yet, huh?” Jake mumbled to Kai.

  I rolled my eyes. He knew I could hear him.

  I ate quickly and made my way outside so I could see what this business involved. Max was standing against a tree looking down at his feet. Burn marks from the places I tied him up with silver marked his skin. Oh, crap. I walked slower, treading carefully. Kai stood a few feet off, talking with Jake and Sadie, but motioned me towards Max.

  “Max.” I nodded, not sure what to say. In all of the recent drama, I had forgotten about him completely.

  He sighed for a second and then looked up at me. “Kai’s my best friend. I never could have lived with myself if I had challenged him. Brother wolf was too close and I couldn’t stop him. Thank you for what you did. You may be inexperienced but you are a worthy second. You acted on instinct and saved me from doing something horrible.” He extended his hand as I stood there in shock.

  “Friends?” he asked.

  A slow grin crept across my face. “So, I knock you out, tie you up with silver and cage you, and you’re thanking me?” I didn’t take his hand yet, pretending to look suspicious.

  He laughed deeply. “I know, pretty stupid, right?”

  I smiled genuinely and extended my hand. “Friends.”

  We shook. I felt more at home here than I ever had before in my life. These were my wolves, as much mine as I was theirs. I felt Kai’s approval at that thought.


  On the flight to Arizona, Jake kept tapping his foot incessantly. He wiped his palms on his jeans for the fifth time as our plane prepared to land.

  “Jake, it’s going to be fine.” I squeezed his hand.

  He let out a deep breath. “My mate is dying of cancer. That’s not fine. She’s in pain. What if we don’t make it in time?”

  “Look at me,” I commanded him.

  His eyes locked on mine. “I have seen it. We get there in time. They give her two days left to live and we get there in time.”

  He swallowed. “Okay.”

  Room number 314. We all stand outside the door. The nurses were more than delighted to let us through after I explained that I was college roommates with the patient in room 314. Jake looked at me expectantly. I shrugged. This is as far as my vision goes. Kai seemed to pick up on my apprehension. He looked at Jake. “Go introduce yourself to your future mate while Aurora and I figure out a way to get her out of here without alerting the police or the Scottsdale pack.”

  Jake swallowed hard and let himself into the room. After the door closed, Kai looked at me. “There are two ways I see this going down. We take her out of here by force and anyone in our way gets wolfed, or we try to create a lie.”

  I snorted. “Wolfed?”

  He smiled. “Your laugh is cute.”

  “Focus,” I reminded him playfully.

  He stared at the nurses’ station. “You go tell the nurses you would like to take her home to pass on in peace. I call the Scottsdale Alpha and tell him we will be leaving shortly with a college friend of my new mate. What can go wrong?”

  I took in a deep breath. “Let’s find out.”

  After getting all of the necessary paperwork in order, the hospital staff was pleased to release Anna into our care. Jake had found out her name was Anna after chatting with her and explaining that he was here to help her with her treatment.

  “You what?” I shouted, getting stares from the nurses in the hallway.

  Jake rubbed the back of his head nervously. “I told her we were from a private research group and we wanted to try a very risky gene therapy procedure to cure her cancer. Now she is willing to hop on the next flight to Oregon.”

  Kai groaned. “Well, it’s not like we can change her here. Poor thing will be in for a scare when we really tell her who we are and what we have to do to save her life.” A look passed over his face. I knew he was thinking of when he bit me to save my life. I could already see he was becoming protective over Anna. He was already accepting her as pack.

  After introducing myself to Anna as Vice President of the research company, and Kai as President, we made our way out of the hospital. Jake tenderly pushed Anna in her wheel chair.

  “How did you hear of my case? Did Dr. Pasternick call you?” She asked in a frail voice.

  “Yes, he called us. Like I said, we have a very high success rate. Once you get to our clinic in Oregon, we can tell you more about our methods,” Jake offered. We all exchanged a look.

  “Well, I am surprised my case passed your approval. I had given up.” The look on Jake’s face was torture. Anna was slumped in her wheelchair and her skin was translucent. Her hair was gone, even her eyebrows, but her eyes were a deep hazel and there was so much life, so much fight left in her. I could see that she would survive the change; she had no fear of death. Maybe that was the key. Even in her sickened state, she was beautiful. She was ready for a new beginning.

  The Scottsdale Alpha had sent two wolves to tail us from the airport, and they leaned against our rental car. Jake
let out a low growl. Kai motioned for Jake and Anna to hang back. I approached the men with him, ignoring his gesture for me to stay back as well.

  Kai stood tall, nodding to the men. “We are just retrieving our friend and we will be on the next plane back to Oregon. Give our thanks and respect to Steven for allowing us to spend the day in your territory.”

  One of the men, a tall, broad-shouldered, thirty-something guy with a scruffy beard, nodded his head and locked eyes with me. I inhaled deeply. Second in command, I could tell. He wasn’t looking away and neither was I. I wasn’t sure what the protocol was for meeting other packs, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to look weak in front of a stranger. ‘Threat,’ my wolf told me. Should I look away? I didn’t want to start a fight. ‘Stare for as long as you are able. Don’t look weak,’ Kai told me. With that permission, I stood taller and took a step towards the man lifting my chin. The man grinned and I could see tension creasing his forehead. I flared my nostrils in anger. How dare he challenge me. I came with permission, with my Alpha to retrieve a frail human. Who the hell did he think he was?

  ‘Stop it. Calm down. You’re shifting,’ Kai told me. Shit! I could feel my fingers turn to claws. The man broke his gaze and I took a cleansing breath.

  Kai stepped forward. “Now that we have had a little fun, I think we will be going.”

  I stepped forward to get in the car when the second in command took a deep breath. “She smells new and unmated.” He grinned, licking his lips. Kai’s arm flew out faster than my eye could track and grabbed the man by the back of the head. He slammed his head into the hood of the car.

  “Did I give you permission to smell my mate? Do you want to start a war? We asked your Alpha for permission and it was granted, safe passage for the day. You were curious about my mate and how dominant she was, so I allowed you to have a little fun. Your fun stops here. If you want to fight, I would be happy to oblige that request.” Kai released him and opened the door for me. I stood there in shock for a second and then sank myself into the seat. Holy crap! This possessive mate thing was real.

  A few more words were exchanged outside the car and then the two men walked off. Anna looked shaken but allowed Jake to hoist her into the car. He tenderly buckled her next to me. She leaned into me and whispered, “You’re not cancer researchers, are you?”

  I gently held her hand. “You’re going to be okay.” An edited version of the truth was best.

  “I’m too tired to care,” she said a little louder and leaned her head on my shoulder, falling asleep. Her hand was clammy. I didn’t let go.

  We flew back to Oregon in a private jet. I was going to have to ask Kai what he did for a living. Once we had Anna back at the house and asleep in my bed, Jake, Devon, Emma, Max, Sadie, Kai and I were in the kitchen whispering.

  “How do we change her? Who should change her? What if she doesn’t survive?”

  Jake stepped forward. “She is my mate. I am changing her!”

  Kai nodded. “If you want to be the one, I will grant it.”

  “No.” I spoke through the hushed voices. I stared at Jake, holding his gaze. He started to argue, but I spoke first. “Jake, this is the woman you will spend the rest of your life with. Have children with. Do you want her to remember you as a monster or a savior? Take it from me. Being the one to change your mate isn’t always a positive thing. Some images you can never get out of your head.”

  I could hear Kai’s breath leave him in a rush. The look of hurt that crossed his face was undeniable. I knew it would hurt him, but I wanted better for Anna. I didn’t want her to see her lover with shreds of flesh in his mouth and yellow murderous eyes.

  I placed a hand on Kai’s shoulder, but he brushed it off. “I’ll change her then. I seem to have no problem being a monster.”

  Dammit. That didn’t go as planned. Note to self: Talk less. We all agreed that a quick attack was best. We shouldn’t tell her of our kind until after her change. No use in frightening her more. Kai had a few private words with Jake and then took a sleeping Anna, draped in his arms, to the basement.

  We all waited anxiously upstairs. Jake was pacing back and forth. Maybe Kai would forget what I said and we could talk about when my mom could visit.

  ‘Do you think I enjoy this? Enjoy attacking a young, innocent girl? I’m doing this to give her life!’ Kai screamed into my head. Well, there goes that idea. He wasn’t letting this go.

  ‘No, I don’t think you enjoy it! I’m sorry. It was scary for me and I didn’t want that for Anna… for her to see Jake like that,’ I responded. No reply.

  A few moments later, a hair-raising scream ripped through the house. Anna. Jake began changing into wolf form on instinct. I changed instantly into my wolf. If this went wrong and my vision was wrong and Anna didn’t survive the change, then I had to protect Kai from Jake. I was already in full wolf form and in front of the basement door before Jake was halfway changed. Jake bolted for the door with his hackles raised. More screams. I prepared to pounce. Sadie stepped in front of me facing Jake. “Jake, you aren’t thinking clearly. Kai isn’t hurting her. Not in the long run. I know how you feel. I’m going mad sitting around while we get your mate changed, knowing my mate is a three-hour drive away in Seattle. He is so close! But I have to be patient. It has to be like Aurora’s vision. The timing needs to be right. You have to be patient. Trust her vision. Anna will survive the change, and she will be your mate. You wouldn’t know that if Aurora hadn’t told you. She’s on our side.” Jake whined and rolled over exposing his belly. My inner wolf was pleased. I relaxed and approached Jake, giving his muzzle a nudge. He stood and we both began to change back.

  We all decided it was best to wait outside. Once I had put on some clothes, I met everyone out back. After a couple of hours of idol chatting, Kai spoke into my mind. ‘She will survive the change. Bring Jake and Emma.’ A huge sense of relief washed over me. I still wasn’t even sure about being a werewolf, or if I felt confident being a Matefinder and having visions. This was confirmation that my vision was correct. It gave me chills.

  “Jake, Emma, we are needed,” I told them. Akash and a few others had joined our backyard party and now everyone looked at me expectantly. “She will survive the change,” I said, grinning. Jake picked Sadie up and swung her around as she laughed.

  Kai had just showered and greeted us at the door to my bedroom. His hair was still dripping wet and he wouldn’t meet my eyes.

  “Her wounds are already closing and her hair is growing. Her blood tasted like poison. The chemotherapy, I assume.” He scraped his tongue against his teeth.

  “Jake and Emma, would you keep watch by her side and get me when she is coherent?”

  They nodded and went into the room quietly.

  Kai met my eyes. I paled and stared at his chin. “Anna will be using your room for the night, so you can either sleep on the couch or with me. Let me be clear that sleeping is all I intend. And maybe some kissing.” He grinned. All was forgotten from our earlier argument. I stepped closer. “Well, I will only share your bed if there is a promise of kissing AND snuggling.”

  Kai put his finger to my lips. “Shhhh! I have a reputation to uphold. Alphas don’t snuggle.”

  I tilted my chin up and crossed my arms defiantly. “Then I’m not coming.”

  He scooped me up in his arms. I screamed in delight as he walked me into his room, setting me down at the foot of his bed. Looking at his soft blue sheets, I felt my stomach drop. I didn’t want to go too fast.

  “Just a kiss or two and then to bed, my darling. I’m tired, and I wouldn’t do THAT until our wedding night anyway,” he stated.

  “Ugh! Get out of my head.” I smiled while kicking off my shoes and jumping into his bed, wondering if he was serious about waiting until marriage. True to his word, three toe-curling kisses later he was snoring beside me with his arm tightly around my waist.

  I took a moment to just reflect on all that had happened. I couldn’t believe the transformation that had tak
en place within me. I couldn’t believe I was lying in bed with a man I just barely met. He was my Alpha and my Mate. Normally, I wouldn’t rush into things so fast with a guy. I wouldn’t trust so easily. I would have my guard up. Maybe that was my problem. Being a werewolf gave me new senses and instincts I never had before. I could sense a deep connection to Kai, like I had been waiting my whole life for him, that we had been created for each other. Oh man, I had it bad. I was falling in love for sure. With a sigh, I drifted off to sleep.

  “Meri Pyari,” a husky voice whispered in my ear before kissing my neck. I opened my eyes to see a sexy Kai with dark, tussled hair inches from my face.

  “Is that Hindi?” I inquired.

  “Yes, now get showered so we can take Sadie to Seattle before she bugs me to death.” He sat up rubbing his head.

  “You know she is going to leave our pack and join his, right?” I saw it in my vision. The look Kai and her share as she walks towards her mate, it was a look of goodbye. “Will you miss her?” I add delicately.

  “I’m happy for Sadie, and if she wants to join Seattle pack I will grant it.” He shut the door. Okay, didn’t exactly answer my question. I needed to find out more about Sadie from Emma. I was starting to recognize something else about my newly changed self, something I never had before. Jealousy.


  God, being a werewolf was so political! Because we pissed off the Portland pack recently, we were denied access to travel through Portland to Seattle, which just meant we had to take some different freeways. Sadie was rubbing her hands on her legs nervously. I was staring out the window at the beautiful green scenery when I felt a tingling sensation in my head. I tried to ignore it, but Kai could sense something.

  “Aurora?” he asked from the driver seat next to me.

  Before I could answer, a vision slammed into me. Sylvia was standing over a large oak table littered with small bottles and crushed powders, a tall and very pale man in a grey silk suit stood beside her. The man’s eyes began to glow violet.


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