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Blood of the Son (Book #1 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series) (Skye Morrison Series)

Page 3

by J. L. McCoy

  “Damn it, Skye, I’m NOT done talking to you!” he shouted as he roughly pushed me back down into the chair.

  I was completely appalled and stunned by his behavior towards me. He had never been violent in the past and I suddenly felt like I had no idea who this person was. It took a few seconds, but I regained my composure and was about to let that asshole have it when I heard a voice coming from directly behind me.

  “Didn’t anyone teach you manners, boyo?” a masculine, deep Irish accent asked. “You shouldn’t be handling a lady like that…it’s not polite.”

  “Hey, fuck you!” he shouted furiously, pointing his finger in the stranger’s direction. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to butt into other people’s affairs?”

  I turned around and saw who had come to my rescue. When I looked up, I expected to see someone of average height, and was surprised to meet a towering figure. I had to shield my eyes from the sun to get a good look at him. He was easily over 6 feet tall and he was lean, wearing a long sleeved white dress shirt, with the top two buttons undone, tucked into black dress pants. I was just about to tell the stranger that it was okay, I was just leaving, when I looked up into his face and was struck completely speechless.

  Never, in my 23 years, had I seen a more beautiful man in person. He was absolutely stunning. I’m talking Dolce & Gabbana male model stunning. He appeared to be around 32 or so and had luminously pale skin, and medium length, expertly coiffed gelled brown hair. Just a dab of gray hair dappled around each temple and he sported rugged stubble on his chiseled face. He took off his Aviator sun glasses and revealed insanely gorgeous, bright, ice blue eyes. They were breath taking. It was almost as if they glowed, demanding your unwavering attention. There was something about him that was instantly calming, almost familiar in a way, and it made me feel safe.

  “I believe the lady said she was done talking to you, mate. Best to run along now,” the man said, sounding a little bored.

  I suddenly found my voice and pulled my gaze away from the stranger’s mesmerizing eyes. “Jesse, I have nothing more to say to you,” I said severely, looking up at his furious red face. “Stop calling me and coming by Drop Kick’s. Get over it already! I’m done with you and this whole psycho mess.” I got up from the chair, walked out the café’s short metal patio gate and continued down the city sidewalk. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves and quickly pounded the pavement.

  “Oy! Hold on, now,” the stranger called out to me as I heard footsteps coming up from behind.

  I slowed down and let him catch up, but was afraid to completely stop and chance having to deal with Jesse again.

  “Are you okay, Miss?” he asked me, coming up to walk beside me.

  “I’m fine, just a little shaken is all,” I replied, looking down as I walked.

  “Who was that?” he inquired. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but he seemed a bit touched. I was a little worried for you.”

  I looked up at him. “Thanks for your concern, but I was handling my own in there. I was just about to let my ex have it before you came over,” I said, a little defensively. I hated appearing weak in front of others.

  “So, it was your ex then, was it?” he asked. “Good thing you ended it, Miss. He’s a header, that one.”

  I stopped and faced him. “A ‘header’?” I asked confused, trying hard not to show my mild annoyance at him following me. After all, welcomed or not, he did help me out.

  He smiled down at me, shook his head apologetically, and clarified. “Sorry. It means a head case…a crazy person.”

  “Oh,” I said, with the beginnings of a grin. “Well then, yes, he’s a complete header. Thanks for helping me out in there, mister, but I’ve really got to get going.”

  I turned and continued forward, noticing that the stranger was still walking with me.

  “Miss,” he said, attempting to hand me something, “you forgot your phone back at the café.”

  I stopped and faced him again. “Oh my goodness! I didn’t even notice! Thank you so much,” I said, gratefully accepting it and holding it to my chest. I would be completely lost without my smart phone. I shook my head, feeling a little remorseful for my earlier abruptness with him. “I’m sorry if I’ve been rude. I’m just a bit frustrated right now,” I said, rubbing my right temple. I ran my fingers through my hair and explained. “My ex has been hounding me for two months now and I’m really tired of it and him. Today was the first time that he got that crazy, though. He’s never been like that before.”

  “You’d better be careful, miss. That boy’s got it bad over you,” he said, reproachfully. He held out his hand and introduced himself. “I’m Archer Rhys, by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Rhys. My name is Skye,” I said, shaking his hand.

  “Please, call me Archer. Mr. Rhys sounds too damn formal,” he smiled. “Do you live around here, Skye?” he asked, looking at our surroundings. “I’d hate for you to have to walk home by yourself after all that mess with the ex.”

  “That’s okay,” I said shaking my head and smiling a little. “Actually, I live in north central Austin…about 10 minutes away. I’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry.”

  “Well, good then,” he said, sharing my smile. “I don’t know if you’d be interested, but I’m opening up a club here in a week and a half and would love it if you came and checked it out. We’re having a huge party for our Grand Opening,” he said as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, red card. “Show this at the door and the fellas will let you in straight away.”

  I took it, but shook my head apologetically. “I’ve got a lot going on right now, Archer. I’ve got a pretty demanding job, and I work all the time. Plus, I just graduated a few days ago, so I’m also trying to find another job… I probably won’t be able to make it,” I said reluctantly, attempting to hand the red card back. “You should really give this to someone else.”

  He held his hand out in front of him to stop me. “No, Miss, please, you keep it now. Maybe you’ll change your mind.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and put it in my back pocket. I didn’t have the heart to tell him how unlikely that was. I planned to job search every chance I got. Those student loans weren’t going to pay themselves.

  “Listen,” he said, suddenly, looking thoughtful. “We’ve been looking for an executive assistant to help me with daily club operations and such. We haven’t found anyone yet. Would you be interested in coming down next week to interview for the position?”

  I looked up at him, surprised and a little taken aback. “Really?” I asked, unsure if he was serious or just being nice.

  “Aye, really,” he chuckled. “You’re looking for a job and I’m looking for staff. Besides, you seem like a good girl and I could use one of those to help me keep my club running right.”

  “That would be…amazing, Archer,” I said, lighting up. “I really appreciate the opportunity. When should I come by your club?”

  “Oh,” he said, rubbing his stubbled chin and thinking. “How about Monday at 4pm?”

  I nodded my head in agreement. “4pm is perfect.” I had the 6pm to closing shift that day. I suddenly remembered that he hadn’t told me the name of the club or given me the address. How was I supposed to find him? “Um, where is your club, by the way?”

  “Oh, yes!” he said, snapping his fingers. “Well, that would have been awkward, no?” he laughed. “It’s about a block and a half back the way we came,” he said, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. “It’s on the corner of Fourth and Bluebonnet.”

  “The one under construction…?” I remembered passing by one when I was on my way to Afterburner’s. “The Mausoleum, right?” I asked, not 100% sure.

  His face lit up. “Aye, that’s the one. You’ve been by it, have you?” he asked, smiling and nodding his head in affirmation.

  “Yes, today in fact. I passed by it on my way to the café. I saw the crew out there installing your sign.”

  Archer smiled proudly. “Yes, those boys have been working hard. I’m very impressed with how fast things have been coming along.”

  I smiled at him. You could tell how important The Mausoleum was to him. “That’s wonderful, really. When I was passing by earlier, I told myself I’d have to come by and check it out sometime. It sounds like my kind of club,” I told him.

  He nodded and smiled a knowing smile. “I have a feeling you’re going to like it just fine. You should really try to come to the Grand Opening if you can, Skye. You won‘t want to miss all the fun. I’ve booked DJ Dark for the night.”

  My eyes lit up and I looked at Archer in awe. “D…DJ Dark?” I stumbled, incredulous. “THE DJ Dark? You’re serious? You actually booked DJ Dark at your club?”

  DJ Dark was a Gothic/Industrial music god. He was in huge demand all over the world. His beats and mash-ups were legendary and I was completely in awe of Archer. He must really be someone famous or important if he was able to get DJ Dark to play his club.

  He laughed at my amazement. “Aye,” Archer said, nodding. “He owed me a favor. It seemed like a good time to settle up.”

  I looked at him in disbelief. Wow. DJ Dark owed him a favor. I was beyond impressed. “Wow,…DJ Dark,” I said, shaking my head in awe. “I have wanted to see him live for years! I can’t believe he’s really coming to Austin.”

  “Even more reason to come to the party. Shall I expect you there?” he asked, unnecessarily.

  “Yes. I am SO there!”

  “Good. I knew you’d change your mind,” he smiled knowingly. “Well, I’d better let you get going, now. I’ve kept you long enough, I’m sure. Girl like you is bound to have plans.”

  I smiled up at him and shrugged my shoulders coyly. “So, I’ll see you later then, Archer,” I said, holding my hand out for a farewell handshake. “Thanks again for your help with Jesse. It was really nice of you.”

  “Anything to help a lady,” he said smiling and taking my hand. “I’ll see you next week, Skye. Be sure to bring me your resume when you come.”

  “Of course,” I said, winking at him playfully. I turned, waved, and headed back towards Drop Kick Dan’s and my awaiting car.


  “Ooh, tell me all about it,” Nikki said, plopping down on the couch next to me, and stealing my box of Sour Patch Kids.

  It was late Sunday evening and we were hanging out at my house after our weekly Krav Maga class. I was just beginning to tell her about my run in with my psycho ex-boyfriend.

  “You wouldn’t believe the way Jesse acted,” I said, shaking my head. I told her the whole story about Jesse coming up to me at Afterburner’s and acting like a complete fool. I had just gotten to the point of telling her about Archer, when she sat up straight and looked like a cat in heat.

  “Yum, Skye!” she said, licking the sour sugar from her thumb and wagging her eyebrows. “How sexy is that? Hot guy suddenly appears and rescues the damsel in distress,” she said playfully. She fanned her face with her hand, put on her best Scarlett O’Hara accent, and shouted, “Take me to bed or lose me forever!” I laughed at her. “Girl, I would have gotten his number in a hot minute. What’s wrong with you?!” she demanded.

  I shook my head, chuckling. “Oh hush! Archer IS really hot, but it wasn’t like that. He’s SO out of my league, it’s not even funny. And besides, I’m not exactly looking for anyone right now. You saw how my last relationship turned out. No thank you.”

  “I’m not suggesting you run off and marry him, Skye!” she said laughing at me. “I’m merely suggesting a few games of ‘Slap and Tickle’.”

  “Ew, Nikki! Gross!” I squealed, playfully smacking her in the arm. “You’re insane. You’re like a hormonal 16 year old boy. When’s the last time you got laid?” I asked, rhetorically.

  She rubbed her arm, smiling devilishly, and handed me back my Sour Patch Kids. “It’s been too damn long…like, two weeks or so.”

  I almost choked on a Sour Patch Kid.

  “What? I’m having a dry spell.”

  “You call that a dry spell?!” I asked, incredulous at the thought. “Geez, Nikki, you must think I’m in a virtual 10 year drought! I haven’t been with anyone since Jesse.”

  “Yeah,” she said, laughing, nodding furiously. “Two months is a REALLY long time.”

  I rolled my eyes and I shook my head. “Horny teenager…” I joked. “So, anyway,” I said, getting back on topic. “That Archer guy invited me to his club’s Grand Opening in less than two weeks. It’s the Wednesday after next.”

  “He owns a club?” Nikki asked, impressed.

  “Yeah, it’s called The Mausoleum. And, you won’t believe who’s going to be there.”

  “Who?” she asked.

  I smiled a smug, knowing smile. “DJ Dark!” I said enthusiastically, leaning forward and grabbing her knee.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Nikki shouted, standing up. “No way! He’s so damn awesome, Skye. Tommy’s brother Lane told me that he saw him at the Dark Asylum Industrial Festival back in 2005, and that he’s never been the same…it was THAT awesome.” She sat back down and turned to me. “We HAVE to be there,” Nikki said, suddenly very serious.

  “Yeah, no shit, Nik,” I said, chuckling a little. “Archer gave me this card and said to just show it at the door and we’d be let in right away.”

  “Wow,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief. “That Archer must really be something. He’s gorgeous, owns his own nightclub, AND he got DJ Dark to play opening night. Insane!”

  “Seriously insane!” I agreed, enthusiastically.

  “Is he single?” she asked me.

  “I have no idea. We didn’t really get into that. But I’m sure a guy like him is attached. The good ones are always taken,” I said shaking my head.

  “Or gay,” she quipped.

  I laughed, agreeing with her. “Want to hear the best part?” I asked.

  “It gets better?” she asked, incredulously.

  I shrugged. “He invited me to interview for an executive assistant position at the club on Monday.”

  “No shit? That’s awesome! You have to promise to call me as soon as it’s over and tell me how it went. It sounds like it would be an awesome job…and maybe you’ll get the pay you’re needing,” she said, encouragingly.

  “I sure hope so, Nik. All this worrying is driving me nuts,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Everything will work out, Cupcake,” she said, giving me a little shoulder bump. “You’ll see.”

  “Thanks, girl. You rock with all your positive thinking,” I said, shoulder bumping her back.

  Nikki left a little while later and I decided to do some quick chores around the house before I went to bed. I started some laundry and vacuumed the house. Styvi Nix kept bringing me her ball, so I went out into the back yard and threw the ball with her for about 20 minutes. I got tired of playing before she did, unfortunately, but she let me off the hook in exchange for a treat. I went into the kitchen and made myself dinner. I took my spinach salad and glass of iced tea into the living room and watched some of my recorded shows from earlier in the week. By the time my favorite weekly preternatural drama was over, I was yawning and ready for bed. Styvi Nix was curled up in her doggie bed, fast asleep, so I didn’t bother waking her to join me.

  I slowly walked up the steps, a little sore from the Krav Maga class, and took a steaming hot shower. I was excited for my job interview at The Mausoleum tomorrow. I went through the various interview appropriate outfits I had in my head and decided that I’d just pick one out tomorrow. I toweled off and gave my hair a quick blow-dry. I put on a short t-shirt and pair of boy shorts and crawled into bed, thankful that the day was over. I quickly fell into a dreamless slumber.

  The next morning I awoke at 11am and made my way downstairs to put the kettle on. Styvi was outside chasing butterflies in the backyard, so I put down some fresh food and water for her to find when she came back in. I sat down at the kitchen table and turn
ed on my laptop. Archer had requested a copy of my resume, so I spent the next hour revising it and bringing it up to date. I printed out 2 copies and then made my way upstairs for my morning routine.

  After I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on my make-up, I went over to my closet to find something appropriate to wear to the interview. I had to dress nice, but a little conservative, since this was an executive-type position. Finally, I chose a white long sleeve, button up blouse, a pair of slim black trouser pants and some black lace, peep-toe pumps. I threw my hair up in a carefully messy bun, packed my work clothes in my messenger bag along with my resume, and headed out the side door to my awaiting car.

  As I was backing out of my driveway, I ran into Nikki who was coming back from the mailboxes carrying today’s mail. She was still in her plush beer can replica house shoes and PJ pants, so I assumed that she didn’t have to work until 6pm today, like me.

  “Hey, Cupcake! I was just about to bring you your mail. You headed out to your interview?”

  “Sure am! Do I look okay?” I asked, a little unsure.

  “Girl, are you kidding me? You look great! I’ll see you tonight at work,” she said as she handed me my mail through the downed driver’s side window.

  “Wish me luck!” I called as I resumed backing down the drive.

  “Luck!” Nikki shouted as she waved goodbye.

  I drove downtown while listening to Skinny Puppy on the way there. Nothing like a little industrial music to get me in the mood. I was excited about my interview and the possibility of being Archer Rhys’ executive assistant. I couldn’t wait to find out what the job entailed. What did an executive assistant to a club owner do, anyway?

  I pulled into The Mausoleum’s parking lot and checked my phone. It was only 3:20pm, so I decided to walk a block over to Afterburner’s and pick up a coffee for Archer and I. I ordered two grande Cappuccino’s, and, after waiting in line for what seemed like an eternity, made my way back over to the club.


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