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Blood of the Son (Book #1 in the Skye Morrison Vampire Series) (Skye Morrison Series)

Page 22

by J. L. McCoy

  Archer turned back to the DJ. “Why did you try to feed from her?” he demanded angrily.

  DJ Dark popped his nose back into place, accepted a wad of tissues from his makeup artist, and held them to his nose. “Fuck, man! You said you were going to go call in a girl for me and a few minutes later she walks in. I thought she was my blood whore.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock. “I am not a frickin’ blood whore!” I shouted angrily as I took a step toward him. Jameson quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back.

  “Easy, love,” he gently laughed and whispered in my ear.

  Archer shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Deargamadán. I can’t leave you alone for five minutes, can I?” He raised his head and gestured to me with his left hand. “This is my executive assistant, Stellan! She is not your meal!”

  DJ Dark/Stellan’s makeup assistant took the tissue out of his hand and started wiping at the blood with a wet cloth. “How was I supposed to know that?” he yelled, knocking the assistants hand away as he glared at Archer

  Archer growled at the defiance in Stellan’s eyes and the DJ immediately looked down in submission. “I am sorry, Athair. Please forgive me. I had momentarily forgotten my place.”

  “It will not happen again,” Archer growled, his eyes and posture fierce.

  “Aye, Athair,” Stellan replied remorsefully and looked back up. The makeup artist finished wiping at the blood and resumed her task of making up his face.

  “Apologize to my assistant, Stellan,” Archer said not taking his eyes off him.

  DJ Dark closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and visibly shook for a second. After a few seconds, he stopped and looked up at me. His dark eyes were clouded over and the color had faded considerably. I knew from experience this meant that vampires were very angry. “I am sorry,” he said plainly.

  “Now you, Miss Morrison.”

  I bristled. “Why do I have to apologize? He’s the one who treated me like a hamburger!”

  Archer’s eyes narrowed at me and I knew he was pissed. I didn’t want to argue with him again, so I swallowed my pride and did as he asked.

  “I’m terribly sorry for the misunderstanding, DJ Dark. I hope I didn’t injure you too badly.”

  Jameson snickered behind me and quickly stopped when Archer looked over at him..

  “Jameson,” Archer said, “See if his nose is still broken. If it hasn’t already healed on its own, heal him. Skye, please follow me.” With that, he turned around and walked back into his club apartment.

  The makeup assistant caught my eye as I walked toward the apartment door and she smiled and winked at me. I was guessing she was happy that I had kicked his ass. Maybe she had secretly wanted to do that to him too. I smiled back and entered the apartment.

  Archer quickly shut the door and turned to me. “What in God’s name do you think you were doing in there?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest defiantly. “Protecting myself, Archer! He tried to…fang rape me!”

  Archer threw his head back and laughed. The sound was so unexpected that I jumped and dropped my arms. He closed the small distance between us and pulled me into a hug. “You are dangerous, Miss Morrison,” he said, his chest rumbling with laughter.

  I breathed in and was immediately hit by the amazingly sexy scent that was Archer. It was citrus, leather, and Drakkar Noir. God, I missed that smell, I thought silently as I took a deep breath in and my body relaxed into his.

  Archer’s chest rumbled again and I looked up at him. “You’re not mad at me?” I asked, confused.

  He slid his hands from around my waist, up my back, to cup my cheek. The soft touch of his hands as they made their track up caused me to shiver. “No, Skye,” he said with a small smile, looking deep into my eyes. “Surprised, yes. Mad, no.” He moved his hands back down to encircle my waist and he pulled me closer. A look of pride filled his eyes. “You really know how to handle yourself, don’t you?” he asked with a lopsided smile.

  I tilted my head back further so I could get a good look at him. “Sometimes,” I said with a small smile, and then got serious. “If you’re not mad at me, why did you make me apologize to him?”

  Archer’s face got serious too. “Because Stellan is my guest and you are my employee; A human employee at that. You handed him his ass in there and it embarrassed him. Vampires do not like to be embarrassed. They especially do not like to be physically assaulted…and most definitely not by a human girl.” He smiled at me then and chuckled. “I wish I had seen the whole thing. I opened the apartment door just as you were kneeing him. I missed you breaking his nose.”

  I blushed and looked down. “I didn’t mean to break his nose. I just…reacted.”

  He laughed again and it unexpectedly made me weak in the knees. Being this close to him and his pheromones was really starting to affect me. My lower abdomen tightened and I involuntarily leaned into him, pressing my body firmly up against his. I slowly ran my hands up his strong, corded back as thoughts of our past kisses filled my mind. Mmm…he smells so good. God, I want him. My face blushed red with desire and I looked up at him.

  He looked at me with such raw need that my heart skipped a beat. He licked his lips and slowly lowered his head to mine. Does it even matter if he only wants me for my blood? I think I’d gladly give it to him if only he’d just throw me down on his bed and make wild, passionate love to me, I though silently as I craned my neck up and got ready to receive his kiss.

  Archer’s head suddenly snapped back up. “What do you mean I only want you for your blood?” A look of hurt crossed his face. “Is that what you think?”

  His question seemed to break the brief pheromone daze that I had fallen under. “What?” I asked confused.

  Archer sighed, dropped his hands, and took a step away from me. “I heard you, Sky. You wanted me. You were asking yourself if it mattered that I only wanted you for your blood. Why do you think I only want your blood?”

  My jaw dropped in surprise and I turned away. I had forgotten to shield my thoughts from Archer like I had successfully done yesterday. I immediately started silently singing along to a Type O Negative song in my head.

  He came around to stand in front of me and gently held my face in both of his hands. “Stop, Skye. Just stop,” he pleaded. “You don’t have to hide from me. Talk to me…please.” His eyes were sad and pleading and it made my heart ache.

  I swallowed thickly. “I should…get back downstairs, Archer. Really. I’ve got a lot I need to do. I’ve still got to pick out the dancers for the second floor and give them their access bracelets, which, by the way, you need to give me.”

  He roughly ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Damn it, woman! Why do you always have to be so difficult? I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you here!”

  “I know,” I said, raising my voice a little. “But, why do you keep pushing me on this, Archer?” I shook my head, took a deep breath, and continued. “Can’t you just let it go? For now? Please?”

  He looked like he wanted to keep pushing the subject, but I knew he wouldn’t. We both had work to do and only so much time to do it in before the club doors opened. Archer growled, closed his eyes tightly, and shook his head. “Fine! But this isn’t over.”

  I smiled at my small victory, but the look in his eyes wiped it clean. “I mean it, Sky,” he said, his face serious and honest. “I think you’re under the wrong impression about me and I want to make it right. We’ve needed to have a real talk, you and I.” He looked away from me for a moment, and then back. “I…lied yesterday.”

  My brow furrowed and I steadied myself. I was willing to bet that he was about to admit to me that he had an ongoing relationship with Aoife. I didn’t know if I wanted to hear it. Seeing them kiss had hurt enough. Having to hear about it would be excruciating. “What do you mean you lied?” I asked tentatively, afraid to hear his answer.

  Archer took a step toward me. “When I was away on
business, I thought about you a lot.” He studied my face for a long few seconds and then continued. “I really did miss you while I was gone.”

  What? I shook my head in confusion and disbelief. “What?”

  He took another step toward me and spoke louder and slower. “I. Missed. You. Skye.”

  I scoffed and shook my head. That was not the answer I was expecting. My brain almost couldn’t process it. I had seen Archer kissing Aoife. I saw it with my own eyes. He may have missed me while he was away, but that didn’t change the fact that he was with another person romantically. I’m not the kind of woman who plays second fiddle to someone.

  I shook my head harder and took a step back. “No, no. I can’t do this right now. We have important stuff to do.”

  He opened his mouth and started to argue with me, but I gently shushed him. “After, okay?” I said, taking another step back. “I promise. This is a big day for you…for us. I want everything to be perfect, don’t you?”

  Archer closed his mouth in surrender and nodded. I gave him a tight smile and felt relieved. I couldn’t have this conversation right now, but I knew it needed to be had. I would tell him tonight that I saw him kissing Aoife and apologize for eavesdropping if he got upset. He deserved to know why I wanted nothing more to do with him romantically, hormones be damned. I’ll just stay ten feet away from him at all times so I don’t accidentally trip and fall and land lips first on his mouth. “I promise we’ll talk when the club closes.”

  He laughed and then nodded. “Good,” he said crossing his arms over his chest. “But I heard the part about tripping and falling.”

  I rolled my eyes, waved him off, and opened the door to his office. “Wristbands,” I said, turning back to him and reminding him that I still needed them.

  “Right,” he said and followed me out into the office.

  DJ Dark was just taking his fangs out of a pretty, dark haired Goth girl when we walked in. She was pasty pale and barely looked eighteen. DJ Dark shooed her with a flick of his wrist and she quietly left. He made a show of licking his lips and fangs and I had to try not to shudder. I noticed that the makeup artist was done with his makeup and it looked rad. He had white face paint on and a large red cross painted from temple to temple, forehead to chin. The horizontal line of the cross was tall and wide and completely covered his eyebrow and eyes. The vertical line was thin and no wider than the width of a straw. He looked up at me and scowled.

  I felt a tiny bit bad for completely kicking his arrogant ass, so I wanted to properly apologize. After what Archer told me about vampires, I’m sure his newly damaged ego could use it right about now. “I’m so incredibly sorry that I attacked you, Mr. Dark. I had no idea you were a vampire and it just caught me off guard,” I said in my sweetest voice, insuring I gave him my best remorseful face. His scowl disappeared as he listened.

  “You see, I was just introduced to your kind last week, and I’m embarrassed to say that I’m quite ignorant when it comes to your ways.” He tilted his head and nodded slightly as if he could understand where I was coming from. “I hope you can forgive me for being so rude to you. I am truly embarrassed and I hope you won’t hold it against someone as upstanding as Mr. Rhys.” I looked over at Archer and saw the surprise on his face. I quickly looked back at Stellan so I wouldn’t laugh at Archer’s ridiculous expression. “He’s had quite the time with me as well.”

  Stellan said nothing for a few moments and then broke out into laughter. I looked at Archer and he just shook his head in disbelief. I guess he wasn’t expecting that either.

  “What is your name, child,” Stellan asked me, an amused grin on his face.

  “Skye Morrison, sir,” I replied.

  He stood up from his chair and walked over to me. “Well, Sky Morrison, I forgive you,” he said with a smirk. “I remember the first time I had been fed on before I was turned, and believe me, it’s a harrowing experience if you’re not expecting it.” He walked to the office door, opened it, and turned back to Archer. “You should spend more time teaching your human, Athair. And, do make sure you give her a good bite.”

  I smiled and kept my mouth shut. I had so many smart-ass comments on my tongue, but I knew I couldn’t say them. DJ Dark beckoned to his makeup assistant as she scrambled with the bags. “Take those to the limo, Regina. I’ve got a show to put on.” He turned back to Archer. “Thank you for the meal. She was delicious.” With that he turned and left. Regina scrambled out after him and shut the office door.

  I looked at Archer as my bottom jaw dropped in disbelief. “Are you kidding me?”

  Archer laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. He’s a handful, that one. A right arrogant prick. Thank God he’s not mine.”

  “But, he called you Athair,” I said, confused. “I thought you said the other day that it meant Father.”

  Archer nodded his head and moved to his desk. “It does. But I’m more like his grandfather. Someone I turned made him. Athair, or Father, is a sign of respect one says to an older vampire of direct lineage.” He reached into his desk and withdrew five black wristbands. “I am also the leader of our direct Sliocht, which means I am his governing body. He must show me respect,” he said, handing the bracelets to me.

  I took them and slowly nodded in understanding. “So,…you’re a big deal, aren’t you?” I said with wide eyes. How important is he?

  Archer chuckled and escorted me to the office door. “Huge,” he said, holding the door open for me. “I’ll be down soon. We’ll talk more later, right?”

  I nodded my head and started descending the stairs. Cheese and crackers! Am I crushing on the vampire equivalent to the president? I wondered silently as I arrived on the second floor. How powerful is he? Part of me was a little excited at the thought, but most of me was worried. What have I gotten myself involved with? Regardless of who he was, I knew that I’d always be safe and well looked after. I wasn’t afraid of Archer personally. It was more like I was afraid of all of the other vampires that this would potentially bring into my life. What if they aren’t all obedient to him like the DJ? I shuddered at the thought as I walked down the stairs.


  I looked over at the stage and saw DJ Dark messing around behind the DJ table. I got excited all over again at the thought of hearing him spin tonight. I smiled as I walked down the long hall and entered the employee lounge.

  The music was still going, but most everyone was busy getting ready. I sat down at the glass dining table and silently watched the room. I was trying to decide which four people would be best for our VIP second floor. I knew that whoever went up there had to be sexy but a little naive just in case the vampires that were up there decided not to be on their best behaviors. I took note of which dancers seemed to pay attention to the room the most and which were more introverted.

  “Okay, everyone,” I called out, standing up from the table. “You have five minutes to finish getting ready.” I surveyed the mess in the room and added with a smile, “And, this isn’t your house and I’m not your mama, so please be sure to pick up your stuff and store it in your lockers. Thank you!”

  I watched as the excitement in the room picked up. Dancers were running to and fro picking up things and putting them away, while others were quickly changing. “Line up by the lockers,” I called out when it looked like everyone was just about done. “I want to do a quick final inspection.”

  When everyone was lined up, I went down the line and appraised each outfit. Archer hadn’t given the dancers uniforms to wear, he had just told them to dress sexy and appropriately Goth or Industrial.

  “Loose the jacket, hon,” I called out to Seth, as I walked down the line. “They’re going to want to see those gorgeous guns. Awesome outfit, Eden. Staci, rip those tights. Love the leather, Peyton. Where are your pasties, Courtney?” I asked, stopping in front of her. “We can’t have your nipples showing through that mesh.”

  “Oops,” Courtney laughed as she stepped out of line and nud
ged her way over to her locker. She grabbed some black tape from her bag, lifted up her shirt, and started taping Xs over her nipples. I shook my head at her lack of modesty and continued down the line. Everyone else looked good, so I stepped back and address them.

  “You guys look amazing tonight,” I said smiling. “Archer is going to be so pleased.” I looked up and down the line and continued. “Tonight is the big night. Remember to lock your cages when you get in there. Don’t allow anyone to touch you and if you have any issues, signal to the nearest un-caged employee and they’ll come and get me. You all have your cage assignments and rotation schedules. I’ll come around and alert you when it’s time to switch cages and when it’s time for your fifteen minute break. Brian, you will be our floater tonight. I’ll need you to occupy the cages of those who go on break until they get back, okay?” I walked to the front of the line. “I need to see Rachel, Courtney, Alex, and Peyton, please. The rest of you remember to dance hard and dance sexy. Let’s show Austin what The Mausoleum is made of, people.” A chorus of cheers went up as the rest of the group piled out of the employee lounge.

  “Is something wrong?” Rachel asked me in a timid voice.

  I turned to her and smiled brightly. “No, hon. Nothing’s wrong. I just needed four dancers for the VIP lounge and I think you guys are perfect.” The group looked at each other and smiled.

  “Courtney and Alex, y’all will be up first,” I said, walking over to them and putting on their black wristbands. “Your cage schedules up in VIP will be a little different. You will both stay up in your cages for three hours and at the end of your time I will bring up Rachel and Peyton to replace you. You’ll get a thirty minute break halfway through your set, so don’t worry.”

  I turned to the other two dancers and continued. “Rachel and Payton, I will give you your wristbands right before I escort you up. Archer is very strict with VIP access, so no wristbands until it’s time.”


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