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Promised Box Set

Page 6

by James Kipling

  “She’s gone haring off. I think maybe she took the bait.”

  “I’m still at the office.” She said. “Come and see what I’ve done.”

  Chapter 10

  “Went out in my car and bought a desk and two chairs.” Brandy said. “We’ll need a coffee machine and supplies.”

  “I cannot believe you did this in an afternoon.” He said looking at the up and running computer with printer. The telephone was charging, but in place and she had put some plant pots with plants on the windowsill. “I also bought a couple of towels and supplies for the loo.”

  “It is superb, Brandy. You are a star, but let’s lock up and prepare for a possible burglary.”

  Brandy pushed the door closed. “Just in case you’d forgotten.” She said and pulled his face towards her to claim his mouth with her own. He felt the effect of those lips to the very tip of his toes. “The tart has no chance.” He said. “No chance.”

  Back at ‘Carte Blanche’, they found Julian happily chatting with Annabel and Doctor De Lando. The two men had their usual malt whiskey and Annabel a glass of wine.

  “I have been hearing all about these luxury cars and the garage.” De Lando said to Jasper. “Good luck with it all.”

  Jasper thanked him and he and Brandy related all that she had done during the afternoon. “So it is under way.” Jasper said. “I can hardly believe it’s happening.”

  The doctor said that when he finished his drink he would give Julian a quick check over. “All this excitement might be pushing the blood pressure up.” The three younger people all said they would leave them to have some privacy and moved off to the conservatory.

  They could hear the doctor going through the motions of the check up and then there was a pause. Julian’s voice came through quite clearly although the conservatory door was closed. “You know I have set up Jasper with this business and his allowance, but I have left everything else to you old friend.” Brandy and Annabel looked with horror at Jasper, but he seemed quite unmoved by the revelation. “I had an idea he would do that.” Jazz said quietly. “It’s his money and he can do as he likes with it.”

  Annabel whispered back. “But that is terrible. How can you be so calm?” Jasper looked at them both.

  “I’ve got the business I wanted and the allowance. I will sell the apartment anyway. Uncle Julian has changed his will at least ten times that I know of, so I’ve given up worrying about it.” Brandy squeezed his shoulder. “The old man has been so good lately. It’s a bit of a shock to hear that.”

  The doctor’s voice could be heard saying he would be back in the morning.

  “That’s Dr. Lando on the way out now.” Annabel said. “I’m going to talk to Uncle Julian.” She pushed open the door and confronted her uncle.

  “I heard that, Uncle Julian. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to, but I did. You cannot cut Jazz out of the will. It’s just not fair.”

  Jasper followed her in and tried to reason with his cousin, but she was furious and stamped away up the stairs.

  “I am happy with the business, Uncle Jules. Don’t worry about me.” Come and have a walk outside with me, Brandy.” He turned to the girl, she took his hand, and they went into the garden. “I want to check the security men are in place.” Jasper said and headed for the rear of the garden. “We’ve got to concentrate on tonight and worry about everything else later.”

  The surveillance was in place and the couple went back inside. Uncle Julian had retired to bed and they made sure everything was locked and did the same. In his bedroom, Jazz switched on the television and the two of them settled to watch whatever was showing. After a while, Annabel knocked at the door and joined them. She had calmed down. “I still think he’s wrong, but tonight we might get visitors so I’ve put it out of my head.”

  “The security men are outside in cars.” Brandy said. “I wonder if she’ll take the bait. I’m going to keep my clothes on in case we have to jump on her.”

  Julian said that she might just send her brother. “We’ll have to put the lights out and pretend we’ve all gone to bed.” The time passed very slowly and the three of them stayed together and took it in turns to try to snatch a little sleep.

  Jasper’s phone bleeped and the text that came through was from the watchers outside. “Two people just entered the garden.” The three of them listened intently and it was several minutes before a slight scuffling sounded at the newly fixed window. It seemed to take forever as they stood holding their breath at the top of the stairs but out of sight. The beam of a torch flickered briefly and betrayed where the intruders were headed. They padded quietly into the study. Jasper had a text ready to send and pressed the button. It said “two inside study.”

  The three went downstairs quietly with Jasper in the lead. He took a breath, threw open the door and switched on the lights in the study. Two people whirled around to face them. They had dark clothes and masks over their faces but the build of the smaller one was quite unmistakeable.

  Brandy strode across the room. “You thieving little tart.” She said and ripped the mask off to reveal Melissa. The other figure grabbed Brandy and held a nasty looking pistol to her head. “Give Melissa the money and she goes free.”

  Annabel shouted, “There is no money you moron. It was a trick.” Melissa screamed in frustration and anger and her brother increased the pressure with the arm he had around Brandy’s neck. Brandy held herself still and Jasper turned rigid. There was nothing he could do in the time it would take the man to pull the trigger. Behind Jasper, his uncle appeared in dressing gown and spoke. “How much do you think we have in the house?” He asked very calmly.

  The man sneered. “It was supposed to be two hundred thousand, but I’m willing to deal.”

  Julian Conroy told them the safe was in the wall behind them and they would have to let him passed. He moved forward slowly and they two burglars seemed to think there was no threat. They shuffled to one side. He took keys from his pocket and moved a picture on the wall. It seemed an age whilst he worked the combination, turned the key and turned to face them with some bundles of cash in his hands.

  The way everybody stood in the room had subtly changed and Annabel was beside the door to the hallway. “Annabel go and get a carrier bag for me please.” Julian said and the girl ducked out of the door as he spoke.

  “She had better be back in two seconds or her friend here will not be happy.”

  He tightened the grip on Brandy who made choking noises. Annabel appeared with a bag and offered it to Julian who put the money into it. “There is only eighty thousand here.” He told them, but I will hand it over as you let Brandy go. A straight exchange.”

  “She comes with us until we get to the car. So no ringing the police or she will be left in the gutter.”

  Melissa grabbed the money and her brother directed them to move away from the door. His back was to the window and one of the security men slipped inside. As the second man blocked the door, using the element of surprise, the first one simply stepped up behind Melissa’s brother, put his neck in an arm lock, and grabbed the gun. Brandy felt the loosening on her neck and jumped away.

  Julian with a great deal of calm stepped up and took back his money. The plan had worked. The study window had been left unlatched for just such an entry and the two-security man had both Melissa and her brother captured.

  Brandy looked at Melissa “Did you think he was so stupid as to take you back and tell you about the money? You believe anything.”

  “She’s a greedy bitch, that’s why.” Annabel joined in.

  “And quite foolish.” Julian said. “There was only a couple of hundred pounds there. The rest was paper.”

  Brandy laughed at that. “You are greedy, thick, and a tart, Melissa and you’ll look awful in the police photos dressed like that.”

  “You snooty stuck up cows.” Melissa shouted. “Sitting pretty yourselves I see. Looking after Uncle Julian.” She said this with a sarca
stic sneer.

  “Just a pity.” Annabel said “That we cannot tie you to the man who broke in before. You meant to murder Mr. Conroy.”

  Julian spoke up where he was sitting on the sofa. “But we can, my dear.” He said. “My private detective sent me video footage from the pub where she met him the night before the attempt on my life.”

  “That doesn’t mean a thing.” Melissa snarled. “I can have a drink with anyone.”

  “But not give them rat poison that they brought with them in a bag. It had your fingerprints on it.” Everyone looked at the old man in amazement. “I didn’t mention it to anyone except my lawyer and he had it dusted for prints.”

  “Uncle you sly old fox.” Jasper said. “Good thinking.” The police sirens could be heard approaching and the detectives came in with uniformed officers to back them up. The security men handed over the prisoners and the whole story had to be repeated ad infinitum. Everyone gave their statements separately and as this was happening, Jasper looked at his uncle and said to Annabel. “I think Uncle looks a bit unwell. It’s been quite night. Maybe we should ring for the doctor.”

  “Yes I think you’re right. Jazz.” The older man agreed and Jasper made the call. Annabel offered the police officers a coffee and it was gratefully accepted.

  Melissa and her brother were held in handcuffs whilst the officers took statements one by one in the kitchen.

  It took about twenty minutes before De Lando arrived and the detective said they would wait to make sure everything was all right before leaving.

  Chapter 11

  “What on earth has been happening?” The doctor asked and opened his bag for his stethoscope. “Your heart is racing a bit, Julian.” He checked blood pressure and shook his head. “Not good for you all this excitement.”

  “I need some more of those tablets, Henry.” Julian said. “Have you got any with you?”

  “Of course.” De Lando said and reached into the bag. He handed the bottle to his patient.

  Julian Conroy stood up and looked surprisingly well for someone whose heart was racing. He handed the bottle to the detective. “I think if you have these tested at the lab you will find they contain arsenic.”

  Both girls gasped and looked at the older man. The detective took the bottle and slipped it into a polythene bag.

  “Are you saying that these are poison, Mr Conroy?” Julian replied that his old friend had been feeding him poison for a long time. “I’m not a fool and I stopped taking them and had them tested. I think if you confiscate his syringes as well that they will also show up as very strong doses of painkiller that will eventually bring death. “

  Doctor De Land protested. “Julian what on earth are you talking about? I am your doctor. We’ve been friends for thirty years. Why would I poison you?”

  “Because you want my money, Henry.” Julian said.

  “You have insisted on leaving it to me. I told you not to over and over again.”

  “But this time it was six million pounds. That is a lot of money.”

  Jasper suddenly joined the discussion. “I think there will be enough painkiller in one of those syringes to finish my uncle off before he could change his will again.” The second detective took the doctor’s bag and fastened it.

  Doctor De Lando protested strongly that the bag was private property and he was doing what his patient had asked him to do. “You have no grounds for taking my medical bag. I will be taking legal action about this.”

  “That is your right, Sir.” The detective answered. ”But we have reasonable grounds to believe that the contents may be evidence in an on-going case. It will be returned if that is not the case.”

  “My patient is terminally ill.” The doctor went on. “He needs this medication to alleviate his symptoms. Please be reasonable.”

  Julian said, “You are no longer my doctor, Henry. I’m sorry after all these years it had to end like this. I have had another medical opinion and my health is absolutely fine.”

  “It doesn’t have to end like this, Jules. You need care for the time you have left. I’ve given you medical care for a long time now. I know your medical history and I need to keep on with the care.” Henry de Lando answered and the detective interrupted.

  “Sorry sir, but I cannot let you have the items back until they are tested. If you are not needed as a doctor, I suggest you leave.” Julian Conroy held up his hand and spoke to the police officer.

  “I employed a private detective, as you know.” He said “And he came up with some interesting information.” They all waited and looked at the old man. He went on, “I know it’s probably not able to be used and don’t ask me how it was obtained, but I have a several letters planning a marriage, a life in The Cayman Islands, and lots of declarations of love. No fool like an old fool, Henry. She was fooling you as well as covering her back with Jasper.” He looked at Melissa and handed the papers to the detective. ”I think you’ll find that Melissa planned to murder me one way or another. Unfortunately for her, I’m still here.”

  “And not ill at all, thank heavens.” Jasper added and threw an arm around is uncle’s shoulders. Annabel shouted aloud.

  “Oh. What wonderful news.” She came across to her uncle to add her arm to Jaspers and masked by her body Henry de Lando reached into his pocket and took out a syringe. Jasper was the one who saw the action and pushed his uncle to one side. Julian fell against Annabel and the two stumbled away as Jasper made a grab for Henry and the syringe that he thought was for his uncle.

  Henry de Lando had not intended it for his ex-patient. He pulled the plastic cover off with his teeth and plunged the needle deep into his own neck before anyone could reach him. The detective leaped forward as well and pulled the syringe from the neck, but most of the liquid inside had already been injected.

  Henry de Lando sank to the floor and lost consciousness. The other detective rang for an emergency ambulance and they tried between them to bring the doctor back to life but without success.

  Melissa James watched all of this with an air of detachment. Her mind was already working out how to explain the doctor pleading with her to marry him and how he would be rich.

  Brandy was watching the girl who had said nothing at all whilst all of the revelations were being voiced. There was nothing to be said. The girl was more than a greedy tart. She had been prepared to murder two people and would probably get away with a few years in jail and then she would be free to trap some other gullible man. Brandy turned away in disgust and joined the group around Julian.

  The police collected the evidence and the ambulance and medics arrived to take Dr Henry de Lando away. They applied an oxygen mask and used all the equipment they had, but it seemed that Henry was already dead.

  Detective Jansen sent his officers and prisoners out to the cars and said to Julian and Jasper. “It would have been more sensible to inform us of what you thought instead of trying to do it yourselves.”

  Julian nodded and agreed, but told him that the doctor would simply have got rid of the tablets. “Small doses of arsenic apparently weakens you and eventually kills you. I had to prove he gave them to me in front of witnesses.”

  Jansen smiled. “I think he probably saved the crown prosecutor a lot of money. Hopefully you can rest in the knowledge that your enemies are behind bars.” The detective left the room and the four people looked at each other.

  “Right.” Brandy said. “You two have plotted here. We want to know the details.” Julian and Jasper nodded and smiled. Jasper put his arms around the girl.

  “Uncle wanted to set up the scene about leaving everything to Henry. He told me that he was not dying and how he knew. I wanted to tell you, but it was better if we set it up to look natural.”

  “Blood is thicker than water.” Julian said, “I always intended Jazz to inherit, but always wanted him to stand on his own as well. I should have trusted him before now.”

  “I told him about your plan to trap Mel
issa and he let it run, but packed the pretend money up in case.” Jasper added. “We caught them all anyway.”

  Annabel smiled a huge smile and added. “You know what the very best thing is? You are not ill. It is fantastic.”

  Brandy agreed and added that Julian could take a part in the new car business, but Julian shook his head. “No. A sleeping partner will suit me fine.“ He paused and smiled at them. “I feel really well and fancy a go at driving that limo some time.”

  “Get in line.” Brandy laughed. Jasper put his arm round his cousin and told her that she could drive the limo as well.

  Annabel asked “Really? You mean it?” And he laughed.

  “Didn’t uncle just say that blood was thicker than water?”

  Chapter 12

  Two months later, the details had been repeated so many times to officials that it was almost like a recording, but the car hire business was working. Jasper was prepared to do short runs like an ordinary taxi service with the Ford Estate he bought and they had several bookings already for special events, nights out, and important airport pick-ups.

  He parked the Ford outside and came in to find Brandy seated at the computer. She was running her own business online from the office so that she could cover more than one thing at once.

  He came and rested his hands on her shoulders. “I have no more bookings today. Let’s lock up and go out to eat.” He said. She turned around as she stood and he gathered her in his arms.

  “Let’s go to my place and I’ll find us something to eat.” She countered. “I feel like a comfortable night in front of the television.”

  “I can think of other things I’d rather do.” He smiled and took her lips with his own. The two of them never quite expected the electricity that shot through both of them whenever they touched. He nibbled her neck and his tongue teased around her ear. Brandy shivered with pleasure and pushed him away.


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