Promised Box Set

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Promised Box Set Page 86

by James Kipling

  “I’m sure you did,” he snorted. “His bed or yours?”


  “What? I’m just making observations.”

  “Well…keep your observations about my personal life to yourself. We have a case to solve. Any observations on that, huh?”

  “We found one link between the dead men.” Finn slid a paper across the desk. “That’s Wayland’s bank statement. And this,” he placed another paper on top of that, “is Kingsley’s.”

  Samantha tucked her hair behind her ear and stared at them both. Her eyes widened. “They have the exact same amount of money in their accounts!”

  “Bingo. And that for that amount to be same in two accounts can’t be a coincidence. As we’re speaking, Haley is trying to pinpoint where the money came from.”

  “Excellent. Once we figure that out, the case will move along.” Samantha twirled her pen between her fingers and stared at the two pieces of paper. “Hey, the promotion list went up by the way.”

  “It did?” Finn asked nervously. “Well?”

  “Relax,” she laughed. “I didn’t make it.”

  “Oh no! I’m sorry, Sam.”

  “Hey now. Keep your fake sympathy to yourself. I know you’re glad,” she said teasingly. He still looked a bit unsure and nervous so she put him at ease. “I’m glad too. I like having you around. Don’t want to trade you up just yet.”

  His face spilt into a grin and he ran his fingers through his hair. “Then we should celebrate after work sometime.”

  “Absolutely. Let’s wrap up this case first.”

  Samantha went out to call on the families of the dead men again. They had already talked with them but she wanted a second interview. They might have missed something the first time. She drove up to Alexander Wayland’s residence in the suburbs first. He had left behind a divorced wife and two children.

  As she pulled up on the street, she glanced at the house and felt a tug of guilt. Constant police presence after a death stressed the families who were already dealing with pain. Tugging on her suit, she steeled herself and walked across the street to knock on the Wayland’s door.

  A petite blonde woman opened the door and looked questioningly at her.

  “Mrs. Wayland? I’m Samantha Gideon from the FBI.” Samantha flashed her badge and spoke in a kindly tone. “We met a while back? I was wondering if I could trouble you by asking a few questions.”

  “FBI…” the woman looked at the badge and then at her. “You’re here about Alex?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be quick.”

  “Okay, I guess.” Mrs. Wayland stepped back to let Samantha in. “Come on in. I am sorry about the mess. Ever since we found out, I just haven’t been able to…you know,” she trailed off. Rushing forward to clear things off one of the chairs, she gestured for Samantha to sit. “Please. Would you like something to drink?”

  “I’m fine, Mrs. Wayland. I won’t be in your hair for much longer. I just have a few questions to clear, that’s all.”

  Samantha thanked the distraught woman for her cooperation and moved on to her next target. Mathew Kingsley was a loner. He did not have much of a dating history and he used to live with his mother in a shoddy apartment. The older woman had not wanted to cooperate but Samantha managed to get through to her.

  On the way back, she called Finn. “It’s weird. Neither of the deceased’s families knew about the money. In fact, they were surprised to even hear about it. Kingsley’s mom even asked if she could get the money. She said that Mathew owed her for keeping a roof over his head.”

  “Yeeks. No love lost there.”

  “Yeah. And according to Wayland’s ex-wife, he was laid off from work and had exhausted all his resources. In fact, just before he had died, he had borrowed money from her for rent. Apparently, he didn’t have a cent in his name.”

  “So where did the money come from?”

  “Ask Haley if she could push our case to the top. The sooner we find out, the better. I don’t like the sound of where this is heading,” Samantha told Finn. The dead duo were definitely mixed in some shady business. If only digging up the dirt was easy.

  Chapter 6

  “So how’s that boy toy of yours?”

  “I told you to stop calling him that,” Samantha said tiredly. It had been a rough couple of days. Their caseload had increased and they were being overworked. The busiest time of the year was just starting for them. Twice, Samantha slept at the office. The lack of sleep was making her cranky and she was having just the weirdest of cravings. “And I haven’t heard from him in the past few days.”

  She had not heard from him since he left her apartment in the middle of the night to go to work. There was something slightly off about the way he had acted before he left. It had to be a side effect of working in her field. It made her suspicious of the slightest of things. She frowned at herself for over thinking it. He was probably too wrapped up in work to make contact. She herself was seeing those days.

  “You miss him, don’t you?”

  “No.” Samantha lifted her coffee mug and took a sip. “I do miss the sex though.”

  “Liar. But I do believe you about the sex part. Details of which I am still waiting for, by the way?”

  “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Oh sweetie. You just pulled that rule out of your ass. He must be something special for you to hide stuff from your best friend.”

  “I’m not hiding! Anything,” Samantha said defensively.

  “Alright. So tell me honestly that in spite of the workload these few days, you have not given that delicious man any thought.”


  “Don’t even think to lie,” Gina said sternly.

  “Fine. I’m not saying anything though.”

  “Aha!” Her friend pointed a dramatic finger at her. “Your silence speaks volumes, honey.”

  Samantha groaned. Her friend was starting to get ideas. That was not good. She had to stir her away. “So how’s Finn?”

  Gina stared at her like she had asked a stupid question. “Don’t you two work together? Has the overtime fried your brain cells? Gosh. I knew it would happen one day. Seriously, what’s wrong with your boss? Can’t he see you? I mean no offence, honey…but you look ready to keel over.”

  Samantha hid a smile. Gina was babbling more than usual. Her cage had been rattled. Good. It was time for some payback.

  “We do. But I’m not the one who sees him after hours,” she said innocently.

  Gina sputtered and grabbed the glass of water off the table, proceeding to gulp it down. “I’m a bit lost on what you’re talking about.”

  “Now look who is lying.”

  “How did you find out?” Gina asked in a low voice and then her eyebrows scrunched up. “Did he tell you?”

  “I knew it!” Samantha said triumphantly. “And relax. He didn’t tell me anything. I am an FBI agent. Got skills, babe. So what’s been going on between the two of you? And why didn’t you tell me about it?”

  Gina nervously twirled the red strand of hair between her fingers and tried to hide how heated her cheeks were. “It just happened one day you know. One minute he was just Finn, Sam’s partner. And then the next he was Finn, the amazing kisser. I thought it was just a onetime thing. A onetime thing that kept happening…a lot.”

  “It’s sweet actually. You two make a cute couple. I have seen the preview of the chemistry between you two and can I say…wow! But, why wouldn’t you tell me?” Samantha felt a bit hurt that her friend hid that from her. Then the devil on her shoulder reminded her that she had done the same thing with Damien.

  “He’s your partner! I wasn’t sure how you would feel if I started knocking boots with him. What if things went south? I didn’t want to make anything awkward. My conscience was telling me no but then my body said yes and one thing led to another and you know…here we are.”

  Samantha had had an experience in that field. One’
s body could be so traitorous at times. So she nodded sagely.

  “Is it serious between you two?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I doubt he does either. For now, we just find comfort in sleeping with each other,” Gina said sedately.

  Samantha understood that too. “I’m happy for you guys,” she appeased her friend.

  “Thanks,” Gina said, giving her a tiny smile.

  The waitress placed Gina’s order on the table and looked questioningly at Samantha. “Miss, would like to order something?”

  Samantha stared at the sandwich in front of Gina and wrinkled her nose. “Just orange juice for me? Thanks.”

  “Seriously. After getting overworked, you are only having orange juice?” Gina lifted her sandwich to her mouth and took a bite.

  “What’s in it?”

  “Basically chicken, hummus and pickle. You want to try?”

  “No, no.” Samantha hastily pushed the sandwich back towards her.

  “Are you okay?” Gina asked concerned. “You look so pale all of a sudden.”

  “Yeah. Just tired, I guess,” Samantha waved it aside. Her stomach was churning badly and her head had started to pound. Maybe she had a migraine coming on. God, she hated when that happened. She concentrated on her orange juice and tried not to let the sounds and smells of the place get to her.

  After lunch, she walked into the office with an unsteady gait, nearly tripping over Finn. The pounding in her head had increased tenfold and she felt ready to hurl.

  “God, Sam. Are you okay?” Finn asked clutching her arms to keep her from falling.

  “Migraine,” Samantha groaned. Even talking hurt. So much.

  Finn’s expression cleared. “Oh man. C’mon.” He gently guided her to the empty office at the end of the hall and pushed her towards the couch. “Lie down. I’ll get some painkillers.”

  “Thanks,” she mumbled when he handed her the glass of water and two pills. “I’m just going to shut my eyes for a bit.”

  “You should’ve gone home,” Finn said frowning.

  “I’ll be fine. I just need fifteen minutes of shut eye,” Samantha tried to reassure him.

  “Take 30,” he said, still looking unconvinced. He turned around and clicked off the light making her moan in relief. He shook his head and muttered under his breath something about a ‘workaholic’.

  When Samantha finally came to, she realized that she had not slept for thirty minutes. Instead, she had slept for two whole hours. She cursed out loud and stood up immediately resulting in a head rush.

  “Damn it, Finn. Why didn’t he wake me up?”

  Once she had gotten the remnants of sleep off her visage and straightened up, she went in search of Finn. She found him in the tech room going over some images.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice startled him and he jerked like someone had just zipped him with a taser gun.

  “You’re up!”

  “Why did you let me sleep for so long? Do you know how much work I could have gotten done in that time,” Samantha reprimanded him.

  “You wouldn’t have gotten anything done,” Finn said flatly. “You were dead on your feet. You feel much better now, don’t you?”

  “Yes. But that’s not the point.”

  “C’mon, Agent Gideon. What’s the point of pushing yourself to the breaking point? We can get work done without killing ourselves in the process, you know.”

  “When did you turn so wise?”

  Finn rolled his eyes at her tone. “I was born this way.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled at him.

  “You’re my partner. Got to have your back.” He shut down the surveillance video he was watching and gathered up his file. “There’s food in the fridge if you want. Just reheat it?”

  Samantha nodded her thanks and decided to go for the food. It had been a while since she had eaten and her stomach was growling in protest now. Rather loudly. She hurried into the small kitchen and made a beeline for the fridge. Yanking the door open, she stared at all the contents for a full minute and then shut it.

  Her stomach gave another thunderous growl that would have made Zeus proud. She chewed on her lip and then pulled open the door. Grabbing the bowl of soup labeled chicken, she shoved it into the microwave and tapped her feet impatiently while it got heated. Her mood perked up immediately as the scent permeated the air. She gulped down the soup as quickly as it cooled down.

  “I knew you would go for the soup,” Finn spoke from the doorway, grinning at the way she had inhaled it.

  “There’s nothing better than chicken soup for a hungry stomach.”

  “My stomach would beg to differ but I will take your word for it.”

  “I’m still hungry though,” Samantha pouted.

  Finn clucked his tongue like a mother hen. “Sleep deprivation and hunger strike? Who are you rallying against?”

  “Ha ha. C’mon. Mama Bailey’s will be open. Let’s grab something fresh to eat,” Samantha said standing up.

  “Are you paying?”

  “I guess I am.”

  “Then I am game! Lead the way, Agent,” Finn grinned.

  “Did you not go home?”

  “I did. I took a shower and came back. I hate the showers here. They’re…never mind. I just prefer my own bathroom.”

  Samantha and Finn took a table by the window and sat down. Just as she was about to sit, Samantha felt a vibration against her thigh. Slipping her hand inside her coat, she pulled out her phone. Five missed calls. One voice mail. Frowning, she pulled up the call history. Two of the calls were from her mother and the remaining were from Damien. Her finger pressed down on the voice mail.

  “Samantha. I need to talk to you. Can we meet soon? Tonight would be great. Let me know.” Damien’s voice sounded urgent.

  “What’s wrong?” Finn asked noticing the frown as she replayed the voice mail.

  “Ah I’m not sure. I hope nothing.” Samantha looked at the time and wondered if Damien was awake. She had felt an urgency in his voice and decided to return the call. The phone rang and rang and then went to voice mail. She opened her mouth to leave a message when she noticed a familiar figure standing outside Mama Bailey’s.

  “Damien?” She rapped the window to get his attention. The man turned around and sure enough it was him. Speak of the devil, she thought. She glanced at Finn and found him staring at Damien with the queerest of expressions.

  “Who’s that?” Finn asked her in a strangled voice.

  “Right. I guess I’ll have to introduce you to each other after all,” Samantha sighed. She motioned Damien inside. He seemed a bit hesitant, glancing first at her and then at Finn and then he walked towards the door.

  “Hey, Peaches.”

  “Damien. Hi,” she breathed and threw him a big smile. “I just heard your voicemail. Sorry, I got a little sidetracked at work. I didn’t hear you call.”

  “It’s alright. I figured you might be busy.” Damien stared at Finn with slight distaste, which Finn returned.

  Samantha saw the tension building up in the air but could not pinpoint the cause of it. To remove any misgivings Damien might have, she quickly introduced the two men.

  “Damien, this is Finn, my partner at the agency. Finn, this is the guy you have been asking about.”

  Damien threw a sharp look at her. “He’s been asking about me?”

  “She’s an open book. Hard for her to hide anything. I knew she was seeing someone. She just didn’t tell me it was you,” Finn explained with a strained smile. His eyes were locked with the stormy grey ones and it was as if they were having a silent, violent conversation. One that Samantha was completely unaware of.

  “I see,” Damien said tersely.

  “You wanted to talk about something?” Samantha asked Damien in a low voice, so Finn would not hear.

  “I did. But we can talk after you’re done here.”

  “Do you two know each other?” Samant
ha asked suspiciously. She caught Finn giving Damien a full glare treatment from the corner of her eye.

  “Your partner and me? No. Never met the guy before,” Damien said smoothly. “Enjoy your dinner, Peaches. I don’t want to intrude right now. I’ll call you later.”

  “It’s not a…”

  Damien cut her off by pulling her in for a sweet kiss. “When will you be home?” he asked against her lips.

  “In a few hours, at the most.”

  “I’ll see you then, okay?” He stood up and gave Finn a curt nod before walking away.

  Samantha watched the well-toned broad back disappear out the door and then frowned at Finn. “That was weird.”

  “Yeah,” he mumbled, not quite looking her in the eye.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Sam…” Finn started hesitantly and then carried on in a determined tone. “How well do you know the guy?”

  The Hitman: A Desperate Chase

  Chapter 1

  Finn masked his emotions and stared rather hard at the plate before him. Suddenly the scrambled eggs held more intrigue to him. Despite his concentration he could feel the hawk like glare of his partner on him. Seeing Samantha’s boyfriend had been a shock to his system. At first he thought his tired eyes were playing tricks on him but in the bright light of the diner, there was no mistaking who it was.

  He grimaced and played with his fork. Suddenly he wished he had not opened his stupid mouth just yet. The only thing he had was circumstantial and he did not want to be the one to tell Samantha the bad news. Cursing inwardly, he rearranged his face into one of innocence.

  “What did you mean by that?” Samantha narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Hmm? Nothing. I’m sleep deprived. Don’t listen to me.” Great. Now look at you babbling. “Miss, could we get some more coffee here?”

  “Do you know Damien from before?”

  Oh good, he thought sarcastically. Interrogator Samantha was showing her side. “No,” Finn said smoothly. “Thanks.” He had already had too much coffee and it was making him jittery but he took a deep breath and picked up the new piping hot cup of black liquid.


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