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Magic Kiss (Hope Falls Book 11)

Page 21

by Melanie Shawn

  As he removed his finger from her body, her inner muscles spasmed around him and his dick twitched in anticipation. One hand remained on her hip, holding her sated body upright, while the other reached to his nightstand for protection.

  “I’ve been on the pill since Drew was born,” she said so quietly that he almost didn’t hear her.

  Well, his ears had barely heard her, but from the painful swell of his shaft, his dick had apparently heard her loud and clear. As much as he liked where this was headed, he still had one question.

  “I thought you said you haven’t had—”

  “I haven’t.” She slowly shook her head. “It just… It keeps things regular.”

  “I get tested every six months. I’m clean,” he assured her.

  Never before in his life had he had unprotected sex. Some guys, like his twin brother, played fast and loose when it came to jimmying up—he didn’t. Not only because he had no plans to have kids ever, but also because he never knew what kind of a past someone had. He liked his junk too much to put it into jeopardy over one night of fun.

  But this was different. Emma was different. He wanted to feel her with nothing between them. If he was sure that was what she wanted.

  A sweet smile tilted her lips as she ran her fingers up his arm to his shoulder. “I know you are. I trust you.”

  He was sure.


  Emma hadn’t meant to blurt out that she was on the pill. It had just happened. When Logan had reached for his nightstand, she’d opened her mouth and that was what had come out.

  For a moment, Logan just stared down at her. And again, she would’ve thought being totally naked while a man stared at her—with the lights on—would’ve made her self-conscious or, at the very least, shy. But just like two nights before in her room, when Logan looked at her, it turned her on. Made her feel bold. Empowered.

  Heat spiraled through her, and she didn’t really care if he used a rubber or not. She wanted to get this show on the road.

  “Or you can—”

  Before she finished her sentence, his mouth was on hers. His kiss was forceful yet soft. Firm yet yielding. The perfect combination of hot passion and simmering sensuality. A blissful moan sounded in her throat as his tongue slipped between her lips and met hers in a tangle of urgency.

  A strong arm snaked around her waist as her feet left the floor. Her arms hugged Logan’s broad shoulders as their bodies pressed against each other. She loved feeling him, skin to skin, with no barriers. Her breasts swelled as her nipples skimmed in tantalizing brushes across his muscled chest.

  He pushed her up against the wall, his hard body pinning her in place. As she lifted her hips, she looked down to see him positioning his member at her entrance. Her mouth watered as his thick head disappeared inside her. When he pushed farther, her body protested. He felt so good, but he was so large.

  “Ahh…” Closing her eyes, she whimpered softly at the sharp sting and bit down on her lip.

  “Look at me, baby,” he growled.

  Upon forcing her eyes open, she stared into the chocolate pools of his soul. His intense gaze was filled with passion and desire, and it spread through her. When he moved his hand to where their bodies were intimately joined, her thighs quivered at his touch.

  “Just relax,” he rasped.

  His hoarse voice caused goosebumps to rise on her bare skin. When he brushed his finger over her swollen clit, pleasure like she’d never felt burst through her.

  Logan didn’t break eye contact as he rested his forehead against her. “Does that feel good?” he asked while increasing the pressure of his touch.

  “Yes,” she whispered, thrusting her hips forward.

  Her movement caused him to sink deeper, and he sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes flared with need as he swelled inside her. Knowing she could have any effect, much less such a visceral effect, on him gave her an inflated sense of erotic power.

  Never before had she felt like a seductress. With Logan, she did.

  As boldness inflamed in her, she tangled her fingers in his hair and arched her back, pulling him even farther inside her.

  “It feels so good. You feel so good.” She rolled her hips, and his fingers dug into her fleshy backside, holding her at a distance.

  Her inner walls were milking his length as he tenderly entered her. She wanted more of him, all of him. He was holding back for fear of hurting her. But she didn’t care about that. Logan brought out an animalistic side of her she’d never felt before. A thirst she feared only he could quench.

  “I need…all of you,” she gasped, her voice smoky with passion. Looking in his eyes, she drew on all the courage she had and even some she didn’t. She spoke softly as she confessed her deepest desire. “I want you to fuck me, Logan. Please. Fuck me.”

  A primal moan ripped from his chest, and he thrust into her in one driving pump. His fullness stretched her body to the limit, and the sweet sting of ecstasy radiated from her center. Opening her mouth, she suppressed a cry of pleasure. Knowing she had to remain silent only intensified this experience.

  Before she’d recovered from his forceful intrusion, he slid out of her then impaled her again with his straining shaft.

  “Yes,” she gasped, need threading through her voice as pleasure whipped through her with tornado-like velocity.

  Again and again, he thrust his hardness into her softness, plunging over and over into her with wild abandon. Her body accepted him as he drove deeper and deeper with each pounding pump.

  Her hand fisted in his hair as they stared into each other’s eyes. He was giving her everything he had, not holding back. His muscles rippled from exertion, and his breaths were coming in short pants.

  When tension swirled low in her belly, she knew she was close.

  “Harder,” she whispered, wanting Logan to take her to the edge of what her body could handle. “Fuck me harder.”

  His jaw tensed as he moved away from her, pulling himself from her body as he lowered her to the ground. Had she gone too far? Asked for too much? Maybe he didn’t like women telling him what to do during sex.

  He stared at her for a moment, his eyes assessing hers as his chest rose and fell in labored breaths.

  Embarrassment flooded her, and for the first time, she felt raw and exposed with Logan. But if he didn’t like what she’d said, he could just tell her. Wasn’t communication key to being a good sexual partner?

  A new sense of self replaced the embarrassment. The ball was in his court. Literally. He was the one with the balls. She’d told him what she wanted, so it was up to him what he did with that.

  Your move, she thought as she stood a little taller.

  A small grin played on his lips, and the stare that, just seconds before had made her uncomfortable, morphed into a sensual promise that sent a tremor of anticipation down her spine.

  “Turn around,” he commanded with an air of authority that turned that tremor into a full-blown quake of excitement.

  Since she wasn’t wearing a dress, this instruction wasn’t zipper-related. Her heart pounded rapidly as she spun in a half circle and faced the wall.

  Lifting first one wrist and then the other, Logan positioned her arms above her head and held them in place with his large hand. His other ran down the slope of her back and stopped just above her backside. Then his fingers spread around her hip and he gripped her firmly. The heat of his body scorched her skin as he stepped closer to her. His cheek brushed hers before his lips grazed her outer ear.

  “Spread your legs,” he growled softly as his fingers tightened their hold both on her hip and her wrists.

  Her body obeyed without a second’s hesitation. Then he tilted her hips back and his hard flesh drove into her, filling her completely.

  “Ohh!” she gasped, her arms tugging down of their own accord.

  Logan clutched tighter, holding her wrists captive above her head as he ruthlessly and demandingly slammed into her body, giving her exactly what she’d asked
for. His ravenous assault caused delicious friction and heated pressure to build in her body. And she was racing towards release no matter how much she tried to slow her response and extend this experience.

  Before she was ready, her body exploded in a blinding, pulsing, soul-shattering climax. She was seized with a rush of sensation so intense that she lost herself to it completely. Wave after wave of rapture washed over her as she shuddered uncontrollably.

  After the last convulsion had claimed her, she was only vaguely aware of her arms being lowered as Logan pulled her into his arms and scooped her up. Her bearings were slowly returning to her as she felt herself being laid on his bed.

  When she opened her eyes, he was lying beside her, his breathing as ragged as hers.

  The thought of staying there, with Logan, in his arms, was so tempting that she almost forgot she couldn’t. But Drew was home, and she did not want him to catch her sneaking out of Logan’s room in the morning.

  She started to sit up. “I have to get back—”

  Logan pulled her closer to him. “I know. Just a few minutes. I just need to hold you for a few minutes.”

  The raw need in his voice shot right to her heart.

  “Okay,” she agreed, snuggling closer to him.

  As she stared up at his ceiling, she couldn’t help but smile. Partly because being with Logan like this was quite possibly the best thing in this world. But also because she found it funny that the heroine (Emma) was the one who’d asked to be fucked harder and the hero (Logan) was the one who’d wanted to cuddle after sex. In her books, it was usually the other way around. Thankfully, real life wasn’t a romance novel, because that had been the hottest sex she’d ever had.

  Then another thought hit her. In her books, the hero and heroine also always had a happily ever after. That was definitely not the path she and Logan were on. For as long as she’d known Logan, he’d maintained that he didn’t want kids or believe in love, and that didn’t even take his relationship with Andrew into consideration.

  As Logan’s hand ran up and down Emma’s thigh while he held her close to him, a melancholy cloud filled her. She wished that, just this once, her life could be more like the characters in her books. That she would get her HEA.

  Chapter 21


  “Hold up a minute, Drew! How about letting the car come to a complete stop before you jump out of it, okay?”

  They were a half hour late thanks to a last minute call with Caroline about finalizing the film and television rights. If everything went through, Drew’s college fund would be set.

  “Noah’s here. He texted me. He said Ryan has an Xbox One.” Drew already had his hand on the back door of Logan’s truck.

  She was happy that he was so excited, but in the back of her mind, she thought, It’s only for a couple more weeks. Then they were heading home.

  “Okay,” she said as they stopped. “You’re officially free to go. One soda only.”

  Drew and Noah had both stayed home from Mountain Ridge today, Amanda had called to say that they were closed for the day. Emma had immediately apologized, thinking that it had something to do with the food overdose incident. But Amanda had assured her that they were just shutting down for repairs and they’d love to have Drew back the next day.

  “Kbyeseeya!” he yelled as he jumped out, combining all the words into one super speed farewell phrase that wouldn’t hold him up one second longer than necessary.

  Emma laughed at Drew’s excitement, which was usually contagious. That night, however, she was immune. His enthusiasm couldn’t diffuse the dread she was feeling over attending Karina and Ryan’s barbeque. When she and Logan had both received texts inviting them to a “Casual Monday Night BBQ” that afternoon, Emma’s first instinct had been to decline. A bunch of people she would have to make small talk with? Umm, thanks. But no, thanks.

  But Drew had received a text of his own from Noah, asking if he was going. Just like it had with the book club invitation, his excitement had forced her to agree.

  Since her life in Seattle had basically amounted to that of a social recluse, she wasn’t really sure that her “party debut” should be a superstar’s backyard get-together. But here she was.

  Life could be surreal sometimes.

  She smoothed her hands over her baby-blue sundress, which was making its own debut since the only other time she’d worn it was to seduce Logan three nights ago. She was afraid that she’d overdressed. What did people wear to a backyard BBQ at an international pop star’s home?

  “It’s just a barbeque.” Logan reached over and squeezed her knee. “And you look beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” Emma smiled as her heart did more somersaults than Jill tumbling down the hill.

  Last night had been amazing. After he’d asked her to stay so he could hold her, things had heated up and instead of the more aggressive sex they’d had, things had moved slowly and sensually in bed. They’d taken their time, and she hadn’t snuck back across the hall until three a.m.

  “Ready?” he asked, searching her eyes.

  Since he seemed to pick up on everything she tried to hide, she figured she might as well be honest. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  They walked around the back of the house, following the sound of happy chatter. When they rounded the side of Karina’s beautiful home, the backyard came into view, her breath caught at the vista spread out before her. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen it, but it took her breath away every time she saw Hope Falls from this vantage point. It was so beautiful, so perfect, with the tiny buildings nestled in the lush, pine-green valley. It was a mountain paradise.

  “Wow.” She stopped to admire the sight.

  “I know, right?” Then, placing his hand on her lower back, he said quietly, “I’m no Benedict Cumberbatch, but I think this might be more than just a casual barbeque.”

  Emma looked up at him in confusion. He nodded towards the backyard. At a second look, she saw several rows of chairs set up. She’d been so awestruck by the view that she hadn’t even noticed the barbeque’s setup.

  “You don’t think…?” Turning towards Logan, she asked, “Do you think someone’s getting married?”

  He shrugged as his eyebrows lifted. Her mind was spinning. The only person who she thought might invite her to their wedding was Adam, and that was only because he was Logan’s cousin. Wouldn’t Logan know that his cousin was getting married?

  Just then, Amanda, Sam, and Lauren stepped out into the backyard. They were accompanied by the men in their lives—Justin, Luke, and Ben, respectively.

  The first thing Emma noticed was that the guys were wearing suits and the girls were wearing matching, simple, black sheaths and carrying small bouquets of roses.

  “Hi, everybody. Can I have your attention please?” Amanda waved her bouquet.

  The entire crowd quieted down and directed their gaze at Amanda.

  “Thanks. Now, I know that you’ve all probably guessed by now that you’re not here for a simple backyard barbeque, but the reason is actually much more special. So it is my pleasure to announce that you’re all actually here as guests for Karina and Ryan’s wedding!”

  A gasp went through the crowd, and people started talking excitedly to one another. Amanda waited for a moment, but then she called for attention again.

  “I know. It’s exciting. Very exciting. But, before we get started, I need to ask one thing. Karina and Ryan want this day to be personal and special. They wanted to share it only with the people they love the most—all of you. Not the entire world. That’s why this was kept such a closely guarded secret.

  “So, while you can feel free to snap pictures during the reception, please leave the picture taking during the ceremony itself to the professionals—a.k.a. Tessa. And please, please, please don’t post any pictures you take here today on social media. This is just for us.”

  The crowd clapped, and Emma thought that if any group of people could be trusted with such an impossible tas
k, it was probably the folks who lived in Hope Falls.

  Lauren stepped forward and took over. “Okay, everybody. Let’s get started. First of all, I think everyone knows my cousin, Pastor Harrison.”

  Emma looked where Lauren was pointing and saw a good-looking man in probably his mid-fifties. He was also wearing a suit, waving from the back of the yard near the translucent Plexiglas fence that looked out over the Hope Falls valley.

  Lauren continued. “So, if everyone could take a seat, that would be great. We’re about ready to begin.”

  The crowd quickly dispersed, and Logan led Emma across the grass to the white folding chairs. She immediately scanned the crowd to find Drew. He waved from where he and Noah were sitting beside Charlie and Rick, Justin and Noah’s father. She and Logan sat in the same row as Shelby, Levi, Adam, and Jane. In front of them, Nikki, Amy, and Lily were all seated with their significant others.

  They were all saying quick hellos when Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” began playing through the sound system. Emma started getting misty. The opening strains of that piece always did her in, and when they were combined with a romantic occasion such as this, well… She hadn’t become a romance writer because she wasn’t sentimental.

  One by one, the couples slowly marched down the center aisle, smiling and waving to the crowd. First, Amanda and Justin, then Sam and Luke, then Lauren and Ben. Next, a man and woman Emma didn’t recognize walked down.

  Logan leaned over, placing his arm around her shoulder as he whispered, “That’s Henry, the town’s mayor, and Ryan’s grandmother, Sue Ann.”

  Emma nodded as the pair walked to the front of the group of chairs and settled in.

  Next, a woman Emma recognized as Karina’s grandmother, Renata, because she’d seen her on a Behind the Music TV special, was escorted down the aisle by a stooped, balding, old man with Coke-bottle glasses and two tufts of white hair sticking out over his ears.

  “Who is that with Karina’s grandmother?” she whispered to Logan.

  He shrugged and shook his head.


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