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Holly gets a ride (Holly Craig Series)

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by Jodie Halliday

  Holly Gets A Ride


  Jodie Halliday

  Published by Jodie Halliday

  Copyright 2017 Jodie Halliday

  All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  The characters and events portrayed in this work are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Contains adult material that might not be suitable for all audiences. This work is a fantasy; in your own life be sure to follow safer sex practices.

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  Also from Jodie Halliday

  Shake That Tree

  Please remember to leave a review for my book at your favorite retailer

  Chapter 1

  Somewhere in the desk drawer there had to be some coins, loose change that she might have dropped in there after returning from the shops or when emptying her pockets. She found pens, batteries which were certainly flat, a few business cards and bits of electronics, but no money. She exhaled loudly and leaned back in her chair. At twenty-three, Holly was in the very last stretch of her four year degree course in Business Marketing at Witney University and by all measures she was doing very well. She had one final exam the following day, after which she would be able to relax, get up late, watch TV and find herself a book to read that didn’t contain details on balance sheet accounting, marketing campaigns or social media penetration tactics. But she was hungry and that feeling had been reminding her for the past half hour that someone needed to go to the shops. With divine intervention from somewhere, she grinned, grabbed her pencil box and tipped it up on the desk. There were four dollar bills, change that her boyfriend had slipped into her panties as a joke ‘tip’ when he had bought pizza a few weeks ago. She grabbed the money, pulled on her pink trainers and went downstairs to the front door, deciding that she wasn’t sure if her flatmate was in so she didn’t call out that she was going to the shops. She closed the door gently and set off up the road with a skip in her step. It was early May and spring had announced itself with days in the upper sixties, warm enough leave her jacket behind even though the breeze blew her long, dark hair around her shoulders.

  Witney had been the perfect university and town for her, with its campus dating back over three hundred years, complete with gargoyle-decorated sandstone buildings and Georgian towers, pedestrian walkways and a central, open-air market close by in the city itself. There was even a small, shallow river which ambled through lush green fields, ideal for wandering, picnics and general relaxing. She knew every street, shop, bar and feature of the place and her sense of belonging mingled with pride and a degree of ownership. The place had treated her well and she had grown from a shy, insular eighteen-year old girl into a woman with a strong sense of duty, compassion and excitement for the future.

  The local shop was small by any modern day standards but sold necessities at reasonable prices. The little bell over the door tinkled as she entered, the aroma of coffee and warm bread filling her nostrils as it always did, providing a sense of wellbeing, home and permanence. She picked up a pack of rolls, some sausages, canned tomatoes and spaghetti, then handed over five dollar bills and the exact coins required. She smiled at the cashier as she grabbed the carrier bag and headed back home, past the market stalls, the bank and newsagents. She mentally thanked Rob for the cash as she turned into Foley Road and passed the huge houses with three floors above ground, stone steps up to the their grand front doors and black, wrought-iron fencing around their property lines. She was unsure who lived there or who might be able to even afford one of those places. She had seen taxis arrive outside on Saturday nights in the summer, with passengers slipping out in long dresses accompanied by tuxedo-clad men. That was not her scene and probably never would be.

  As she walked further from the shops the houses changed in size, value and ownership. Standard two-storey properties, family homes, took over from the mansions and looked like they had been built at a later date. Still out of her price range, as was any house, but she understood how she might function, live and grow in such places. Then came the row houses, two-bedroomed properties jammed together, low and skulking at the end of the road like black sheep. She rented number forty-five and had lived there for almost two years, sharing with another student, Addie, a curvaceous blonde who was studying engineering and was close to be being the polar opposite of Holly. Where Addie was outgoing to the point of being embarrassing even when sober, Holly was more reserved, careful and considerate in her opinions, actions and choice of friends. Addie was happy to relate her childhood, the family where relationships were discussed and dissected openly with humour but without mercy. The biggest difference though had to be their financial situation. Addie’s parents were paying her tuition and board while giving her a monthly spending allowance. While she wasn’t rolling in money, Addie was far better off than Holly, whose parents were not wealthy by any means. If she hadn’t been awarded a full scholarship to the university she would not be there. She supplemented her meager allowance from her parents with waitressing jobs and any other part-time work she could find with most of her earnings going into her savings account. Her present to herself on graduation would be a car, complete with low mileage, four wheels and a three year hire purchase agreement. The most obvious and noisiest differences however were that Addie loved to party whereas Holly used her energies in volunteer work, mainly for fundraising and helping out at the local orphanage.

  Chapter 2

  Holly brought the pan of water to the boil and slid the spaghetti into it, allowing it to bend slowly before it would slide around the bottom of the saucepan. Two sausages were gently frying in a pan and the tomatoes were in a bowl in the microwave, ready to heat. A creak above her confirmed that Addie was not only in but awake and would most likely join her in the kitchen. Quick footsteps down the stairs indicated her enthusiasm and Holly turned to see her beaming at her with mid-afternoon energy.

  “Hol! How’s it going?” asked Addie, peering into the saucepan. She was in her underwear only, a matching set with delicate lace around the bra top and matching themes embroidered on the panties. Apart from her larger breasts, Addie looked similarly slim, almost petite with the only other exception being where Holly’s hair was half-way down her back in dark curls, Addie was a dusky blonde cut to shoulder length.

  “Great, just having a late lunch”

  Addie looked around at the ingredients that were being used and smiled at her again. Holly took the hint, knowing that she could hardly sit there and eat alone.

  “Want some?”

  “Oh yeah, that would be great! I’ll go to the shops tomorrow and stock up a bit. You’ve got one more exam, right, tomorrow?”

  “Yep, Business Statistics. Then I am free!”

  “Me too, I’ve got Calculus and then party time. I’m going to get so wasted tomorrow night”

�ll collect you from the Police Station then, bail you out.” Addie slumped onto a chair by the kitchen table, sitting with one foot on the seat, exposing her parted thighs and the hint of the pale patch of hair inside her panties in a very unladylike manner. Holly glanced at her and returned to her cooking. She had seen Addie like this many times, sometimes naked as she left the bathroom. Her free and easy attitude about nudity had initially shocked Holly when Addie had moved in two years ago, causing her to scream and turn away when Addie had left the bathroom naked for the first time. The sight of her sparse public hair and large, firm breasts had been imprinted on her mind forever and she could, even now, recall with exact precision the sight of the young girl, towel around her head, as she stepped towards her bedroom. The scream had not doubt informed Addie exactly how Holly was oriented, even though it concealed some past passions that she didn’t want to discuss. Now however, the way Addie dressed and acted around the house was of little concern. She was simply from a different background with a family who had different values. Even her half-naked appearance when Rob was here didn’t upset Holly although initially she had been worried that he would take it as an open invitation to grab some part of her.

  Holly checked the kitchen clock as she served the lunch and set a plate down in front of Addie. She needed to be back in her room for three o’clock and that gave her twenty minutes to eat.

  “You seeing Rob tomorrow?” asked Addie, twirling the spaghetti around her fork.

  “Maybe, we don’t have plans yet.”

  “Huh. You’d think it would be a big night, last exams, leaving university forever, you know.”

  “We’ll probably just go out for something to eat. I need to be in good shape for the orphanage on Friday.”

  “Oh yeah, Music Night, isn’t it?”

  Holly smiled, pleased that she had been listening and remembered. “Yeah, I think they have ten entrants, more than last year. Practice sessions are nerve-wracking for everyone.”

  “Huh, did you decide where you two are going to go then after this year? Wasn’t Madrid going to be the first stop?”

  “I’m not sure, we haven’t discussed it much recently” said Holly, pausing to stare at the table.

  Addie looked up and waited for any further comment. “What, not sure now?”

  Holly shrugged. “I mentioned that it would interrupt the flow from university to first job, that others graduating now would be getting jobs while we were somewhere in darkest bloody Africa.”

  “Too true. Do you want to hit me now or later?” asked Addie. Holly smiled, fairly sure she knew what sort of comment Addie was about to make.

  “Later. I’ll add it to the others, batch them up for one whacking great smack on your bum!”

  “OK. My bet is that Rob wants you to help pay for the trip, and while you’re about it, the free sex would be kind of nice too.” said Addie, staring directly at her.

  “Addie, I’m totally broke,” she said glumly. “I have no money, I couldn’t even guess how much a ticket to Madrid would cost!” She stabbed a piece of sausage and chewed it slowly, realising that she had argued about the money, not the free sex or even that her boyfriend needed her for anything more than her love and companionship.

  “Hol, you know exactly what to do. Make a budget, show it to him and find out where the money’s going to come from. If you can’t work out the finances at this stage then the trip is doomed to failure.”

  “I know. I can’t think about it right now, I need to focus on tomorrow’s exam. After that I’ll work it out with him.”

  “OK, look, thanks for lunch, it was great, very welcome,” said Addie, taking her plate to the sink. She returned and rested her hand on Holly’s shoulder. “I’ll wash up if you want to get back to work.”

  “Thanks Addie, that would help” said Holly, going slowly back upstairs to her room. She shut the door and smiled as the sun poured in through the window and directly onto her bed. It was just before three o’clock, a very sunny day and as expected, the sunlight warmed her face. She stood a few feet from the window and confirmed that nobody across the street would be able to see her if they looked out of their windows. Her t-shirt slipped over her head and landed on the floor by her feet. She slipped her bra round and flicked the hook, letting it fall. Squeezing her small, pert breasts she felt the nipples, tweaking them sharply to wake them up for play time. Her jeans were tight and needed help to slide down her legs but they too joined the other clothes as she crawled onto the bed in her panties and lay on her back. With one hand on her breast she slid her fingers down over her stomach and underneath the waistband of her panties. Her eyes fluttered closed as she sighed, feeling the warmth of her skin around her sparse pubic hair, down over the soft outer lips of her pussy.

  The sunlight warmed her thighs as she opened her legs, brought her feet together and slid her middle finger along the length of her pussy. Scenarios flashed through her mind, well-rehearsed playbooks which had developed over time, extensions of reality which were always well outside her comfort zone. Men taking her roughly in car parks late at night, truckers sodomizing her while others looked on. The vision of the bartender at the Red Lion appeared, tight jeans, the sweat discolouring his shirt as he heaved barrels of beer from the truck through the courtyard and down into the cellar. He had spoken to her one day while working out the back of the bar, smiling, asking her what her name was, what she was studying. His muscles bulged underneath his shirt and the biceps stretched his rolled-up sleeves. He was sweaty, strong, efficient in his movements, in his mid-thirties and incredibly hot. She had replied to him with short, silly comments, lacking in any ability to develop the conversation. He had disappeared into the cellar and she had waited for several minutes, conscious of her sudden loneliness until she decided that he was more interested in connecting barrels than with her.

  In her mind though, he had almost dropped a barrel on his foot when he saw her, the sunlight gleaming on her face as her long hair fluttered around in the breeze.

  “What’s your name?” he asked, glancing up at her as he rolled the barrel on its edge towards the cellar door.

  “Holly, what’s yours?”

  “Mike. Nice to meet you Holly”

  “You too. They look heavy!”

  “Wanna try?” he asked, grinning at her. She walked over slowly, cautious of the man but very much attracted to him. He was taller than her five foot five, as most men were, and broad, fit as though he worked out daily. She smiled up at him, shrugging as he rolled a thirty-six gallon metal barrel to her feet. The courtyard was deserted except for two blackbirds and he swung the heavy wooden doors shut, making them squawk in anger as they flew to the other rooftop. She heard the truck out in the street pull away, leaving them alone in the silent space. “Roll it towards me!” he said, crossing his arms and standing ten feet from her. She struggled with it and he laughed.

  “It’s heavy!” she cried at the unfair game, moving it only a few feet before she lost control. He came up behind her and took her hands, showing her how to position them and the angle to hold the barrel at to get it to move properly. She could feel his thighs against her own, the hard muscles defining their width, imparting strength and confidence. She rolled it a little way and he stopped her.

  “That’s very good Holly,” he said, pulling her up to a standing position. His hands were around her waist and seemed to be able to meet in the middle. He flicked a button on her shirt and slid a hand inside, touching her stomach. “You have some muscles too,” he said, close to her ear. His breath was warm, comforting and his words honest as another button popped undone. She pushed back against him and felt his hardness for the first time, knowing that it was only she who could excite him.

  A thrill ran through her, the sunlight playing on her face as she slipped her panties down to her ankles, careful to keep them around her feet. The pressure of his hardness had been a signal to explore inside her pussy. She licked two fingers and slipped them between her lips, still toying w
ith her nipple as the thought of the man’s huge cock against her buttocks drifted back, her gyrations against him in time with her fingers and the feeling of her gathering wetness.

  “Holly,” he whispered, slipping her shirt off her body. “Every time I see you here I need you, I get hard the moment you walk in the door.” His hands came up to her breasts, cupping them through her bra, squeezing them, toying with the nipples which had hardened under his fingers. She felt the vibration of his deep groans as he pulled her hard against his chest, his lips brushing over her neck as he kissed her slowly, around to her throat and back up under her ear. Her imagination shed the bra so that she could feel his rough callused hands against her flesh, his fingers teasing her nipples while she reached behind and pulled him hard against her. “You want my cock, don’t you Holly?” She nodded silently as he flicked the button to her jeans and kissed her neck. Her zip slid down in his fingers, his nail tracing a line towards her pussy. Without warning, his huge hand slid across her panties and she gasped with pleasure. The jeans fell to the ground and he spun her around roughly, kissing her hard, pulling her hair back so she had to strain to meet his lips. His tongue slid in gently, firm, probing her as she began to breathe heavily. “You’re so gorgeous Holly, perfect tits!” he growled, grabbing her breast and squeezing hard. His fingers slipped down over her stomach and straight into her underwear, finding her wetness. She wrapped her hands around his neck and held on tight as he rammed two fingers inside her. “I can’t help it Holly, I just have to fuck you, right here!” His fingers slid out and he thrust them into her mouth. “Taste yourself Holly! That’s what a sexy woman tastes like!”

  “No!” she would say, “Please, not out here in the open, not where people can see us!”


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