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Kinky Book Club Trilogy: Written Submission, unSubmissive and Undercover Submissive

Page 2

by Daisy Philips

  He felt immediately drawn to her, but it was the other photo that sealed the deal.

  The other was a full-length photo taken in front of the famous Chicago Bean. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and was laughing at the camera. It was clear that while she wasn’t model thin, the plumpness hinted at in the other photo was mostly in the chest area. Her full tits strained against the confines of the t-shirt, and her curved ass cupped by the tight denim in the three-quarters profile shot just begged for his hands to cup and squeeze it.

  He glanced anxiously over at Andrew. As senior trainer, he got to choose the assignments.

  “No worries, Coop. I’ll take Miss Prim and Proper. I’m thinking that she’s one of those types; you know the ones I’m talking about. The ones who've read that fifty shades book and now want to meet a real life Dom. I’m thinking one spanking and she’ll run screaming from the club back to her lonely bed to curl up with her eReader, some Ben & Jerry’s, and a bunch of cats, probably.” He laughed.

  Normally, Ben would have laughed with him, but not this time, not over Jane. He gave himself a mental shake. He’d never met the woman and Andrew was never wrong about summing up prospects. But this time? This time, Ben knew in his bones that Andrew was wrong about Jane.

  “Actually, if you wouldn’t mind, I’ll take on Jane.” Ben saw Andrew staring at him. He shrugged. “I’m looking for a change. What’s the big deal?”

  “Cara Clark is exactly your type, Ben. What, you taking a break from tall, gorgeous blondes to try out short, frumpy brunettes?” Andrew laughed at his own joke, and Ben had a sudden urge to punch him in the mouth.

  His feelings must have shown on his face, because Andrew suddenly stopped laughing and put his hands up in front of his body, hands open, palms facing Ben.

  “Sorry man, I had no idea I was poaching on your preserves. You know…” He paused to study the file. “Ms. Jane Smith, librarian.” Andrew put a hand over his mouth, unsuccessfully trying to smother his laughter. “She’s a librarian. Of course she is!”

  Just then, the door opened. It was Amanda. She had been a member for three years and was also the club accountant. She was smart and funny, and a great judge of character. She’d been assisting with training for a year now, and she’d proven herself over and over.

  “Hey, guys. Sorry I’m late. You know, the club really needs a new accounting software system. This one sucks big time.”

  Jenna laughed. “You can tell Master Gabriel that because I’m not going to tell him. He installed the software himself ten years ago, and he’s pretty protective of it”

  Amanda shrugged and laughed, too. “I know, and I will. One of these days. But it will be when I’ve got my running shoes on, and I'm standing by the doorway. So, where are you on the files?”

  “We were just arguing over who gets stuck with the librarian.”

  “That librarian is a friend of mine,” she snapped. “Either of you would be privileged to train her.”

  Ben felt his cheeks flush even though he hadn’t been thinking that way. He wanted to be the one to train her.

  Amanda continued to glare at him and Andrew. Amanda might be a sub in the club and sweetly submissive during play sessions; when it came to meetings of equals, she could drop the most experienced Dominants to their knees. Except Master Gabriel, of course. He was the only one who could stand up to her when she had that expression on her face.

  Andrew immediately folded. “Sorry, Amanda. Ben expressed interest in being the one to train her, and I was just teasing him. No disrespect intended toward Ms. Smith.”

  “Good.” Amanda nodded at Andrew and then turned to Ben. Andrew, now that Amanda couldn’t see him, turned bold and made a face behind her back. “Your face will freeze that way one day, Andrew. Maybe a refresher course in respecting subs would be in order.”

  Ben bit back his laughter as the fifteen-year Dom subsided with exaggerated meekness. Whatever lucky Dom ended up with Amanda would have to stay on his toes to keep the cheeky sub in line. She’d been a member for more than three years, but while she seemed to enjoy playing with various Doms, she’d never shown any sign of wanting to be collared by any of them.

  Then again, was he any different? He’d been a Dom at the club for a decade, but at thirty, he had never had the urge to collar a sub… until now. Of course, his feelings were totally insane. Was he losing his mind? Had he been single too long? Just because he hadn’t collared one didn’t mean he didn’t play regularly. The fact that he hadn’t had a regular sub to play with in the past couple of years just meant that he was getting picky as he got older.

  Oh, who was he kidding? Himself, clearly. He had always known police work was dangerous, but when it finally touches you… Since his partner and best friend Chuck had been killed and he’d seen the devastation the loss caused Julie and the boys, Ben avoided anything that could lead to a relationship. As long as he was a cop, he was going to avoid emotional entanglements. He never wanted to be responsible for hurting a woman the way Chuck's death had hurt Julie.

  So why then did seeing the photo of this trainee affect him so strongly? He looked at the photo again. She really wasn’t remarkable in any way. Lots of women had long brown hair and big brown eyes that seemed to smile. And that generous mouth? He was a man. Of course he would imagine those beautiful lips wrapped around his dick as she took him deep.

  Fuck! He stood up so quickly his chair fell over. Stupid, flimsy schoolroom chair. Double fuck! He looked around the room. They were all staring at him.

  “Are you okay Ben?”

  Amanda sounded concerned. Clearly he was acting like a crazy man.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” He picked up the chair and sat back down. “Where were we?”

  “We were talking about Ms. Jane Smith.” He could hear the amusement in Amanda’s voice. “She’s a Chicago native and a librarian, as you already know. She’s twenty-seven and got her master’s degree last year. She’s sweet, funny, and kind.”

  “So what made her interested in BDSM?” Ben swiveled around to look at Andrew who grinned cheekily at him. “Does she have any experience, or is she just curious and doing research? I’m always happy to contribute to academia.”

  “Why are you suddenly so eager to train her, Andrew? A few minutes ago you were acting like she was an unwanted chore.”

  “That was before I knew how much you wanted to be her trainer!” Andrew laughed. “I’m just pressing your buttons, Ben. She’s all yours if you want her.”

  Ben felt a surge of satisfaction at the thought of her being all his. Then he felt fear. He was single and happy that way. And he was clearly losing his mind. He hadn’t even actually met her. Maybe being her trainer wasn’t a good idea. He turned to Amanda to tell her he’d changed his mind.


  His voice trailed off as he realized that she was no longer there. He looked at her back as she strode out the door. Turning to Andrew, he saw that his friend was reading Cara’s file and smiling.

  Ben slumped back in his chair and glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was probably too late to fake an illness. He’d just have to man up and train Jane until she realized that BDSM wasn’t for her. Then she would go back to her nice, safe vanilla life, and he would be alone again.

  Even if she decided the lifestyle was for her, what were the odds she wanted the same flavor he did? He was a Dom who needed total, absolute control in the bedroom. He had a touch of sadist in him, but it was having total control that really turned him on.

  For all the sweetness of her smile, he could see her strength, too. Or maybe he was just obsessing about the worst case scenarios because he was still freaked out about his strong reaction to her photo. Hell, once he saw her in person he’d realize that he was worrying and obsessing for nothing. She was probably nothing like he was imagining… projecting on her photo.

  Dammit! She was exactly like he’d imagined, Ben realized as she sat down after introducing herself to the group. That settled i
t. He was in big trouble.

  Jane snuck a glance over at the tall Dom at the side of the room. He’d been staring at her intently ever since she walked into the room. He was tall, close to a foot taller than her own five foot four, if she was any judge, with short-cropped, dark hair and light, silvery grey eyes.

  He was different form Master Gabriel, but he had the same penetrating gaze, the same air of command that she was discovering she had a weakness for.

  Master Ben, as he’d been introduced, was also sexy as hell, in an unnerving kind of way. He’d stared at her when she stood an introduced herself to the others in the classroom. She wondered if he was judging her. He was tall and muscular. She was average for a woman. She was also a little soft around the middle. And the top. And bottom. She’d always meant to work out, but life just kept getting in the way.

  She was sure he was judging her, and she was probably failing. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he was assigned to train her.

  He wasn’t the only Dom in the room. Master Andrew was sizing her up, too. He didn’t look like her idea of a Dom. He was cute with sandy blond hair, blue eyes and an easy grin. He was almost as tall and muscular as Master Ben. They both wore jeans, tennis shoes, and button-down shirts. In other words, neither dressed like a stereotypical Dom.

  Ben looked to be about thirty, Andrew looked to be a few years older. He had adorable crinkles at the corner of his eyes when he smiled or laughed, which he seemed to do a lot. But he did nothing for her. She had no interest in him, sexual or otherwise. Master Andrew made his interest obvious even before they were formally introduced, teasing and flirting while Master Ben sat and glared at them both.

  She wasn’t the only unattached trainee submissive in the session, though. Cara was everything Jane had wanted to be growing up. She was tall and thin with pale blonde hair that looked natural. And she exuded sexiness in a low cut corset top.

  Jane felt self-conscious. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. No one told her they were supposed to dress a certain way for the classroom portion. She had a silk teddy in her bag for later, which suddenly didn’t seem sexy enough.

  The two couples seemed nice. Clearly they’d be working together. Jenna, the trainer, had explained that she was a switch, and would, with Amanda’s assistance, be mentoring the couples. By the end of the class, Jane and Cara would be paired with one of the Doms for their one-on-one training.

  Jane dragged her attention back to Jenna who was standing in front of the class, explaining the format of the training.

  “As you know, the training sessions are a combination of classroom and practical. This is to give you both knowledge and hands-on experience.”

  “My hand, your ass!” Andrew’s comment had everyone snickering except for Ben who was glaring at the other man.

  “Yes, well, you will definitely be experiencing a thorough spanking by the end of the night. Who here’s been spanked before? And I don’t mean when you were a naughty child. I mean since you became an adult.”

  Jane folded her hands in front of her and looked around as, one by one, all the other women raised their hands. She dropped her head. What was she thinking? She should have interviewed Amanda about being a submissive. She should have told her readers that Brad wasn’t getting his own book. She needed to be locked up for her own good.

  “Well, well. We seem to have one spanking virgin. Master Ben and Master Andrew, one of you will have a very special treat ahead of you tonight.”

  Jane didn’t think it was possible but she felt her cheeks get redder. And then she heard a low, masculine chuckle.

  “By the end of the night, her ass will be redder than her cheeks. I can’t wait.” Sitting up straight and looking to the side, she felt her jaw drop. It was Ben who had spoken. She could see Andrew move to object, but Ben held up a hand.

  “I claim the virgin!” Then he turned and winked at her. Winked!

  Jane suddenly felt a tingling and then a throbbing between her thighs. She could feel the moisture starting to dampen her panties. Realizing that her nipples were hard and tight, and trying to poke their way through the fabric of her t-shirt, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned, staring determinedly ahead.

  Dammit, she was a blusher. He loved a blusher. He could imagine saying and doing all sorts of things to make her turn red. He’d tease her and taunt her until her face was as red as he intended to make her ass.

  He looked at Andrew who was also looking intrigued. And when Jenna announced Jane was a spanking virgin, he realized that Andrew was ready to stake his claim. Ben hadn’t intended to claim her so crudely, but part of him just had to find out if he could make her blush harder.


  Jane’s eyes never strayed his way again during Jenna's lecture. He barely listened. He’d heard variations of it once a month for several years. She’d start with her emphasis on safe, sane and consensual and the importance of safe words.

  “If a Dom makes you feel bad about using your safe word, he’s not a Dom. He is an abuser. Don’t walk, run away. That’s why we always recommend you play first at a club when you are first getting involved with a Dom. In the public areas, there are always dungeon monitors on duty to ensure your safety. Even the private rooms have closed circuit feeds. The feeds are not recorded; they are used only to check on our members periodically, especially the newbies, to ensure that everyone is okay.”

  From there, he knew Jenna would go on to limits, hard and soft, the different types of play and the importance of being open and honest.

  “Like ice cream, the BDSM lifestyle comes in many different flavors. If you don’t like Rocky Road, then you shouldn’t play with someone who loves it. That’s a recipe for disaster.”

  Ben watched how the group reacted to her lecture. Jenna was now walking them through the different implements used in sensation play. The couples looked intrigued, although Kathleen, the woman whose boyfriend was an experienced Dom, looked worried, too. Cara just looked smug.

  Jane looked fascinated and was taking notes on her tablet. Of course she was. Maybe one of her assignments would be to write him an essay on her kinkiest fantasy, and then he’d make it come true.

  After implements came an introduction to bondage. After her usual lecture, including why regular handcuffs should never be used and the advantages of quick release cuffs, she’d talk about the various pieces of equipment. When that was done, there would be a short break while the subs changed into clothing suitable for the floor of the club, and then they’d get their first taste of the lifestyle live and in person.

  Before the next class, they’d revisit their initial checklist and have a chance to rethink what they wanted to experience during training.

  Her checklist! Ben picked up Jane’s file and opened it to the checklist Jane had filled out as a part of her training request. He scanned it quickly. She had marked down the expected hard limits, knives, animals, body fluids, permanent marks and so on. And she pretty much had no experience with anything but vanilla intercourse.

  What surprised and pleased him was the number of things she was willing to try. He scanned down the page to the free form comment section, “I’m willing to try just about anything once before I call it out as a hard limit.”

  That pleased him for about three seconds until he noted that under the heading, “Willing to try”, she’d indicated ménage. Nope. Not while he was her Dom!

  He looked at her again. She looked adorable with her dark curls coming loose and curling around her face, her dark eyes serious as she made some more notes. Just what the hell was she writing? A novel?

  “Miss Jenna. Is it true that some Doms like to use dildos and other toys on their subs?”

  “Yes, Jane. That’s true.”

  “But why? Wouldn’t, er, regular sex, be more fun for them both?” Ben loved the hesitation in her voice and her determination to ask the question. He just had to interject.

  “Because a dildo can stay hard longer than any Dom, I’m sorry
to say!” He winked at her. “And they come in a variety of sizes to punish a naughty sub or to please a good one! I can tie a sub down and use a dildo or vibrator to keep her on the edge of coming for hours if I want to, until she’s begging me to let her come, or I can force so many from her that she’s begging me to stop!”

  Jane thought she might have given herself whiplash, she’d turned her head so quickly at the sound of Ben’s deep, dark tone. And then she’d turned away just as quickly at the thought of him having her at his mercy, taunting her with a dildo, pressing it slowly inside of her.

  She fought back the urge to moan. And she wished she’d brought a change of panties; the ones she was wearing were now drenched, and she hadn’t even gotten to the practical portion of the class. She wondered if they were going to demonstrate the various types of impact tools Jenna had talked about. Or maybe it would be a bondage demonstration. That would be cool!

  “So, does anyone have any more questions on what we’ve covered so far?”

  There were none. Jenna had made the session interactive and had answered questions as they came up.

  “No? Great. We’re going to take a twenty minute break. Get up, stretch your legs. You can use the washrooms, which are out the door and to the right, or you can wait until we head to the locker rooms after the break. If you prefer, you can come up and check out the implements we have on display. Amanda will be happy to answer any last minute questions before we head to the lockers and get changed into something suitable for a trainee at Club Hades. We’ve provided each of you with suitable clothing.”

  “Suitable for Club Hades?” Cara’s voice wavered. Maybe she wasn’t as confident as she let on. Jane watched her square her shoulders. “I’m already dressed for that.”

  Jenna shook her head. “You are dressed more like a Domme than a sub. Unless we have your preference down wrong.”

  “No, I am a submissive. But I thought… this outfit looked so cool.”


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