Kinky Book Club Trilogy: Written Submission, unSubmissive and Undercover Submissive

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Kinky Book Club Trilogy: Written Submission, unSubmissive and Undercover Submissive Page 20

by Daisy Philips

  Lexi took a deep breath. She would not cry. She would not show weakness. Althea didn’t show weakness. She probably didn’t cry either. Lexi snorted. Of course she didn’t cry. Cyborgs didn’t have tear ducts. The woman wasn’t human. She never even got wrinkles in her clothing or food in her teeth. Her makeup was always perfect and she never had a hair out of place. She was tall, elegant and as cold as ice. Even her white blonde hair and grey eyes looked icy.

  She also had about as many feelings as a cyborg did. She’d been Lexi’s boss at Chicago World NOW for just under a month. Oh why did kind, supportive, nurturing Fred Martinson have to retire? Sure he was closing in on seventy and wanted to spend more time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren… oh, hell. She’d have retired too, if she’d been in his shoes.

  He’d tried to keep up with the times, moving the magazine from paper-based to online almost a decade ago. It had been an insightful, innovative move at the time and had catapulted them from a local magazine to the national scene where they were known for their in depth, hard hitting pieces. But that depth of journalism took an investment of money and time. Lots of money and lots of time.

  The news business kept changing, evolving, and the turnaround time for stories had to be fast. Readers demanded news instantly. They had short attention spans which seemed to be shrinking almost daily. Fred had finally thrown in the towel, but he hadn’t closed the business down. He’d sold to a conglomerate who could do what he couldn’t. That magazine needed cut-throat, not kind, if it was going to survive. Enter Althea. Nell understood that, really she did, but that didn’t mean she was going to like working for Althea.

  Althea. She’d been so sweetly condescending when she’d finally called Lexi into her office last week. Lexi had been trying to get in to see her for weeks to talk about her new story proposals. She’d sent in three. Three. Each had their merits and each would take time to produce results. Lexi had emailed her proposals, as the new policy dictated, but she’d expected to be called into discuss them in person before a final decision was made. Instead, each one had been rejected by return email, almost insultingly quickly.

  Then the call had finally come to meet in person and talk. Talk. She’d brought her three proposals with her as well as a fourth which would take even more time, but she was confident would get the magazine international recognition. Apparently accolades didn’t matter to Althea, not when it took more than two weeks to investigate and write a story and Lexi’s would take months.

  “Of course I understand that your undercover investigation on child care was hard hitting and brought to light some really important issues, Lexi. And your piece before that on the sanitation department opened a lot of eyes and uncovered some deep rooted corruption. I just can’t believe you worked undercover as a garbage woman for almost five months on that story.”

  “Both stories won national awards, Althea.”

  “Yes, they did. But they also took a lot of time. You spent four months on the child care story and almost half a year on the garbage piece. That’s a lot of time, time we don’t have. You’re not Woodward or Bernstein and we aren’t the Washington Post, the New York Times or even the New York Post. We’re an online magazine based in Chicago. And we need readers, subscribers and as prestigious as your garbage story was, it didn’t bring in readers, just awards.”

  “What does this mean, Althea?”

  “Quite simply, Lexi, if you want to do another in depth undercover story that will require months of your time, then you had better bring me something that will bring us readers, preferably something we can parcel out in snippets as you work on it, and culminating in something exciting. The stories you pitches are all prestige pieces with no wow factor.”

  “Isn’t prestige a good thing?”

  “Not if it doesn’t gain us readers. We’re a business, Lexi. You have one week to bring me something that will bring in revenue. Something commercial, controversial and ideally just a little bit salacious.”

  Salacious? Lexi felt her stomach drop.

  “Or what?

  “Or we will have to discuss your options.”

  Lexi had sat back in shock as Althea had stood up and come around the desk. “You’re a good writer, Lexi, but you are not a business woman. I am. I was brought in to either make this magazine profitable or to wind it down.” Lexi sat back in her chair. It was like a punch in the gut.

  “Talk to my secretary on your way out. She’ll set up a meeting for next week. I expect you to bring me something that will make us money.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You’ll have two choices. There’s an opening in the entertainment division covering reality television or you can find another job.”

  That was a week ago. Time since then had raced by. In the last seven days, Lexi had racked her brain trying to come up with a story that she wanted to work on and would also please Althea. She checked her watch. Fourteen more minutes until Althea arrived and she had nothing. Nothing. Her shoulder slumped. She was going to have to come to terms with not just working the entertainment beat, but, reality television. Housewives and other people famous for being famous.

  It was disheartening. It wasn’t what she became a journalist to do. On the other hand, she had bills to pay, and she did like having three square meals a day. She would just have to suck it up, swallow her pride and do whatever job Althea assigned her to. At least she’d have a job. Then in her spare time, she’d start working on something she’d always thought of doing but never had time for… she’d write a book. The past few years she’d been consumed by the feature stories she’d worked on. She tried to focus on the positives. The entertainment beat was something she could leave at home when she finished work for the day. She could have a life again. And she would write that book.

  She was feeling a lot better about things and getting ready to leave the stall when she heard the sounds and voices of several women entering the restroom. Lexi started to unlock the door when she had a sudden thought. What if one of the women was Althea? She wasn’t ready to see her new boss, so she sat back down and waited.

  “Are you okay, Amanda? I’m so sorry that everyone ganged up on you like that, but everyone cares so much for you and Gabriel and want to see you both happy.”

  “I know. It’s going to be okay, it really is. It’s just… I tried to stay positive for so damned long. Sometimes I still dream of how he flogged me almost to orgasm. He played my body like we’d been together forever and he knew exactly what I needed. When he belted me…

  “Every time he has touches me during the training sessions, I can feel the electricity between us, but afterwards, he treated me like a colleague, not the woman he just gave an amazing orgasm too.”

  Lexi’s ears picked up. Training sessions? Flogged her to orgasm? Belting? Were these two women talking about BDSM training? Clearly they weren’t talking about a book. These women were the real deal. And there was some kind of training classes? Wow. Mind blown. Journalist intrigued. Woman fascinated.

  “Am I crazy Jane to give it one last try to break down his walls?”

  “You aren’t crazy. You are an amazing woman and we both know that he wouldn’t keep coming to those training sessions if he didn’t feel something. He’s just too afraid for some reason to man up and start a real relationship with you. I think you are doing to right thing, but if this doesn’t work…”

  “If it doesn’t work, then at least I’ll know I gave it every chance. But this is it. There’s a new training cycle starting in two weeks. When it’s over, if nothing has changed between me and Gabriel, I’ll start job hunting and find another club. But I’ll still keep coming to the Kinky Book Club, that is, if you all will still have me as a member.”

  Kinky Book Club? Okay, that information could be useful for getting close to the women, but where was this training they were talking about? Clearly at a local BDSM club, but which one? There had to be more than one locally. Chicago was a big city.

  “Of c
ourse we’ll have you as a member regardless of which club you play at, but we’re all hoping that Gabe finally man’s up and gets his head out of his ass before he loses you.”

  “So, Ms. Jayne Valentine, romance novelist extraordinaire… what would you recommend if Gabe and I were characters of yours? Wait… don’t answer that.”

  Bingo. There was information she could use. Jayne Valentine wrote some damned sexy romances, especially her recent BDSM themed book. Lexi grinned. They were talking about training at a BDSM Club. She was sure of it. Like so many women around the world, she’d been entranced when she’d first read Fifty Shades of Grey. And then she’d moved on to other books including Jayne Valentine’s books. Wow, no wonder they’d seemed so authentic. The woman really was involved in the lifestyle! She’d love to interview Jayne and her friends to find out more about what it was really like to be in the life style, to submit and hand over that amount of control to someone else.

  Dammit. She had that feeling that signaled the beginning of a story.

  “Are you kidding? You and Gabe are the stuff of an epic romance novel.”

  “But this is real life.”

  “This is real life. Do what you have to do. Give him one last chance and if he doesn’t see what a gem he has in front of him, then move on, but at least you will be able to do so knowing you gave the relationship every possible chance. But one piece of advice…”

  Lexi found herself standing, straining to hear.


  “When he gets back from vacation on Monday… play it cool. You might have to obey him during scenes, but in the office, you two are equals. If nothing else, that will shake him up big time.”

  Lexi moved to press her ear to the door to hear better and suddenly, the automatic toilet started flushing. Crap, the women would realize that they weren’t alone. All she could do now was brazen it out and hopefully get a look at them.

  “My thirtieth birthday is coming up fast and I’m tired of waiting for him. Who knows? Maybe a miracle will happen and Gabe will suddenly realize we were made for each other. But once this training session is over, if he hasn’t manned up, I’m going to be moving on.”

  Lexi opened the door and stepped out in time to see a brunette and a red-head leaving. She walked up to the sink, furiously thinking as she washed her hands.

  She checked her watch. Three minutes. She had to hurry back to her table. It wouldn’t do to be late for her meeting with Althea. Quickly Lexi worked her way through the restaurant. She caught a glimpse of Jayne Valentine who she recognized from her book covers and the friend she’d been talking to greeting another woman, also a brunette. This one Lexi also recognized. It was Maggie Conroy, one of the owners of Night and Day.

  Standing with her, his arm around her waist was her finance Rick Curtis. The World NOW had profiled the sisters and their unique restaurant idea not long after it had opened. Maggie ran it during the day and served traditional comfort food. At night, her twin sister Cat served a trendier menu and there was even dancing. The food editor had raved about the concept and the quality of the establishment. That’s probably why Althea chose it for their meeting.

  Lexi watched them all disappear upstairs. Did she have time? Could she brazen it out? Not giving herself a chance to think, Lexi hurried towards the stairs.

  “Can I help you?” The deep masculine voice stopped her in her tracks.

  “Yes, I thought I saw a friend. I was just going to stop by her table and say hi.”

  “I’m sorry, but it’s a private function.”

  “Yes, the Kinky Book Club, right?”

  She saw a flash of surprise on his face. “Yes, it is. Are you a member? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”

  “Oh, I go to the Club, not the book club, the other one.”

  “Club Hades?”

  “Yes. Club Hades.” She smiled confidently.

  “I don’t remember ever seeing you there, either.” His tone was suspicious now.

  Drat. She should have realized that he would be a member there. “Okay, I’m not actually a member, but I want to be. I was hoping that Maggie could put in a good word for me.” She smiled uncertainly at him. “I, well…” she forced herself to stammer. As she’d found in her other undercover assignments, her improvisation training came in really useful. She tried to look appropriately submissive or at least the way she imagined a submissive would appear when dealing with a Dominant and Rick definitely was dominant.

  “I am sorry. I find it hard to talk about it, I have these feelings, but I’m been… that is, I’ve wanted to visit for the longest time, but, well, not knowing anyone, I didn’t have the courage…”

  “Don’t be embarrassed. Everyone is new to the lifestyle at first. But you can’t just join the club. It doesn’t work that way.” He looked at her, his eyes kind. Lexi did her best to look yearning and non-threatening. And then she heard that voice. Althea.

  “Lexi, what are you doing over there? I don’t have much time! Where is our table?”

  Oh, great, she thought. “I understand.” She dropped her gaze and let her shoulders slump. “I have to go. That’s my boss. I…” she made her tone wistful. “I just thought that maybe I could… but I understand.”

  She watched his face through her lashes. He was on the verge of helping her… she just needed to give him one more push.

  “Look, I don’t want to cause a problem. And my boss is here. Of course, she may not be my boss for much longer. I think she’s come to fire me…” She let her voice break. It wasn’t hard to sound scared. It was highly likely to be the truth unless she could sell Althea on her new story idea.

  Rick reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. From there, he extracted a battered business card. “Look, if you are serious about joining the club, you have to go through an admissions interview and then take a training class. Here’s the contact information for the owner. But think carefully about this. Gabriel doesn’t allow tourists.”

  “Tourists? I’m a native of Chicago.”

  “No, not that type of tourist. The kind of tourist who is just interested in watching and maybe judging, not learning about or joining the lifestyle.”


  Gratefully she reached out and took the card. “Thank you. I owe you!” More than you can ever know. You may just have saved my job for real.

  Chapter Two

  Andrew Teague sauntered into his boss’s office and took a seat.

  “What?” Andrew had to hide a grin. Gabriel was such a grump sometimes, though, to be self-aware, Andrew also enjoyed pressing his buttons as often as possible.

  “Can’t I just stop by to say hi to my favorite boss?”

  “I’m your only boss, aren’t I?”

  Andrew laughed. “Of course, Gabe.”

  “Are you okay? Everyone, especially Amanda, would tell you that I’m not the most sensitive guy in the world, but even I can see that you haven’t been yourself lately.”

  “I’m not the guy who has the most perfect submissive in the world crazy in love with him and is too boneheaded to seal the deal.”

  “Get out!”

  “What did I saw?”

  “I was trying to show my sensitive side and you turn on me. You are supposed to be on my side. If you are going to take her side, you can leave.”

  “I am on your side, boss. That’s why I am telling you not to be a hard headed idiot and let her go. What you two have is real. Don’t fuck it up!”

  “Why do you care so much? I don’t see you settling down. I’ve know you for almost fifteen years and you’ve never even come close to settling down with a submissive. Never. Not even close.”

  The words were like daggers to his heart, but they were true. But it wasn’t by choice. “Just never found the right woman. That doesn’t mean I’m not looking. Gabe, if I could find a woman who looked at me the way that Amanda looks at you and who is as sweet and smart and funny… I’d take her home, chain her to my bed and never let h
er go. And I mean that literally… at least the chain her to my bed part.”

  “Jeez, Andrew. When did you get a sex change and become a woman?”

  “About the same time someone cut off your balls, boss. Now man up or maybe I’ll take my shot at Amanda.”

  “Don’t even think about it. She’s mine!” Gabe’s eyes opened as he appeared to have realized exactly what he said. “I mean she’s my friend and training partner. I don’t want you messing with her. She’s too good for you!”

  Andrew laughed. “She’s too good for you too, but she doesn’t seem to realize that, so she’s all yours, buddy. Besides, she’s an amazing submissive during a scene, but everywhere else, she’s the most unsubmissive submissive I’ve ever met. Which means she’s perfect for you and I have to keep looking.”

  “Yes, do that. Keep looking, but not at Amanda. Now get out of my office!”

  Andrew stood, chuckling as his friend and boss’s face grew increasingly red. He really shouldn’t tease Gabriel so, but he was just too easy.

  Chapter Three

  Lexi made her way slowly back to the table, working out the details of her pitch in her head as she walked. She was feeling cautiously optimistic she could sell this idea to Althea. No, that was wrong. She had to sell this idea to Althea or be banished to the world of reality television. The idea of writing a book was a nice fantasy. Right now, she needed a regular salary to pay the bills and her book would just have to wait unless… maybe this story would give her both, a story that appealed to Althea and a chance to take it to the next level and turn it into a memoire. The Story of My Submission? Exploring My Submissive Site? Okay, she’d have to work on the title, but, yes, she was sure it would sell.

  Althea was already seated with a waiter hovering anxiously over her and she snapped orders at him even as her eyes were glued to her smartphone.

  She looked up briefly at Lexi as she too her seat. Althea’s expression was not pleasant. She held Lexi’s gaze for a moment, like a snake mesmerizes its prey. Then she turned her attention to the waiter who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but where he was standing. “Egg white omelet with spinach and vegan cheese and a glass of sparkling water. Lexi?”


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