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Kinky Book Club Trilogy: Written Submission, unSubmissive and Undercover Submissive

Page 22

by Daisy Philips

  “Alex Jones? Why do I know that name?”

  “You’ve probably read one of her exposes. Her work is amazing. I read a number of her pieces even before she applied for membership. Her work is thorough, and well-balanced. They win awards too. I’m a big fan of hers.”

  “Oh my god. Alex Jones. Chicago World NOW. I have read his, I mean her, stuff. One hell of a writer and specialized in going…”

  “Deep undercover. She lives her stories and gets totally immersed in her subject. For months at a time.”

  “And now she’s decided to write about BDSM?”

  “I’m assuming so. She signed up for classes under her real name and didn’t both mention her pen name. There was no way to put a spin on that other than she was like a thousand and one other reporters who, ever since those books had come out, wanted to get the dirt on BDSM. Over the years, some have written balanced articles, but those were outnumbered by the once who’d written sensationalistic pieces vilifying the men and women who lived the lifestyle.

  “Shit. I thought that crap had died down. Why are we even talking about this? Just reject her application and send her on her way.”

  “I can’t. There’s been so much trash written about the lifestyle. This is a writer known for her objective and fair approach to her stories. She could do us a lot of good.”

  “Well, that’s all well and good, but why Club Hades and why me? There are other clubs in the Chicagoland area?”

  “Yes, but not all are clubs or all masters are equal. There are a lot of good clubs out there, that would give her a fair and balanced view of the lifestyle, but there are a few out there that could aren’t so reputable and if she ends up at one of them it could set the perceptions of the lifestyle back decades.”

  “Fine. I get why you want to have input into what she’s writing, but why me? Why can’t you do it?”

  “One word: Amanda.”

  Andrew snickered. Gabriel glared. Then they both laughed. Gabriel was so in love with his submissive that he’d walk through fire for her. There was no way he’d play with another sub, not even for training purposes. Andrew wasn’t even going to think about how much he’d give to have the kind of relationship that Gabe had. Nope, not going there. He’d concentrate on the problem that Lexi Johansson provided. He knew that the other Dom’s he’d named earlier, Frank, Cord and Harry were all good men and would do a fine job, no matter what he’d said earlier. Gabe knew it too. But they both knew that Andrew was the most experienced trainer. He was also least likely to be swayed by a hot body and an appealing smile into forgetting that she was a reporter after a story.

  Dammit. He really didn’t have a choice.

  “Any chance that Club Hades isn’t the subject of her next expose and she really is interested in the lifestyle?”

  Gabe shook his head. “Nope. I had hopes along those lines but when I realized who she was, Kyle has some pretty impressive contacts. He was able to confirm that there are plans for a story on the reality of lifestyle although there isn’t must detailed information available. They are playing it very tight to the chest and trying to keep the story under wraps, probably so that none of their competitors decide to do a story of their own.

  “I’ve been asking around. According to Rick, she attended the last few Kinky Book Club meetings and tried to pick Jane’s brain on how she did her research for her books. If her interest was personal, she would have told Jane what she really did for a living, even if she did leave it off her application. After all, they are both writers.”

  “That’s right. They are both writers. And Jane joined Club Hades to do research too,” Andrew pointed out, although he knew what Gabriel was going to say before he said it.

  “Yes, but she was totally up front about her reasons for wanting to take classes and she promised not to publish without giving me a chance to read her story first. She didn’t try to hide who she was or why she was at the club. She was also intrigued about our lifestyle, and not just as a writer, even if she wasn’t ready to admit it to herself then or not. Personally, I’ve always thought the book was just an excuse to get some hands on experience, not that she’d ever admit that.”

  Andrew grinned. “I think you might be right about that. She took to it like a duck to water.”

  Gabe nodded. “Hell, she ended up falling in love with her training Dom and now not only is she collared, but they are talking about a wedding and babies. Why do women always want to talk about weddings and babies?” Andrew laughed at the disgust in Gabriel’s tone.

  “I take it that Amanda is also talking weddings and babies.”

  Gabe glared. “This isn’t about me and Amanda. We’ve only just worked things out between us. Why does everything have to move so quickly? Why can’t we just enjoy things the way they are for a while?”

  “So when’s the date?”

  “Three weeks from Saturday. You’ll be my best man. And you’ll wear a tux. No leather of any kind except for your shoes and belt. Amanda is pretty definite about that.”

  Gabe sounded so gloomy. Andrew didn’t have the heart to tease him anymore. Besides he had something more important to talk to him about. Or rather, someone.

  “So why did you accept her request? I mean you turn down most of the people who apply to be considered for membership. Why did you accept her? How did it even get this far?”

  “My first thought when I found out about the story she was working on was to going to call her up and tell her that I knew what she was up to and not only was she banned from Club Hades, but I was going to let all the clubs in Chicagoland know what she was up to.”

  “So what happened?”

  “I told Amanda about it.” Andrew nearly laughed at the gloominess in Gabriel’s voice. “She convinced me that I should bring Lexi in for an interview so I could do a little in person digging into her motives and then give her a piece of my mind. Amanda convinced me it would be more effective in person.”

  “Oh, man. When you met her, you totally caved, didn’t you?”

  “I did not cave!”

  “You accepted her application, didn’t you?”

  “Well, yes. But that wasn’t caving. I felt she had a sincere interest in the lifestyle.”

  “What about her story? Did you confront her about that?”

  “Not exactly.”

  Andrew stared at his friend.

  “Okay, no. I didn’t bring it up. Something else Amanda said kept ringing in my ears. I mean, if she’s determined to do the article, isn’t it better that we make sure she gets an accurate picture of the lifestyle? That we control the message?”

  “You are such a softy and doesn’t Amanda know it!”

  “Am not!”

  “Are too! She’s got you wrapped around her little finger!”

  Andrew laughed as Gabe glared back at him. Gabe liked to think of himself as hard and cold, but he was one of the most emotional, caring people Andrew knew. Sometimes he wished he were more like his boss. He envied him too. Gabe was head over heels in love with Amanda and she returned the feeling.

  “Do I really have to wear a tux? I’ve got this really great leather jacket…”

  “Don’t even think about it. If you do, Amanda will blame me and I’ll end up spending my wedding night on the couch. And don’t change the subject. I didn’t accept Lexi into the regular training class. A session just started and the next isn’t for almost three months and I got the feeling she’s under a time crunch. Besides, I don’t want her in a class with the other students. I don’t want them to be fodder for her expose in case we can’t control the story.”


  “And I want her to be one on one with an experienced Dom who can really guide her learning experience, someone with extensive experience in the lifestyle and who won’t be intimidated by her secret agenda.”

  “Cut out the butter, Gabe. You’ve already said you want me to train her. What else aren’t you telling me?”

  “I said you were insightful.”r />
  “And I told you to cut the BS!”

  “Fine. Like I already told you, I already knew she was a reporter when she came in. I pushed and poked and prodded and it didn’t take me long to see that there was something more than just the story involved. I could see her desire to please, her need to have my approval. Even though she tried to hide it, I could see the sub in her responding to the Dom in me.

  “Hell, maybe I was seeing what I wanted to see. Or maybe it was just desperation to keep her job. Her new boss, Althea Davis has quite a reputation and all the staff are in fear for their jobs. But I think it is more than that. From talking to her, I think Lexi really does have a submissive side, but she’s had to develop such iron control as an investigative reporter that she’s ruthless tamped that side down. She wants to be trained as a submissive, not just for this story, but to satisfy some inner need she may not even have acknowledged to herself.”

  “And that’s your professional psychological assessment, Dr. Dom?”

  “It’s not just me. Amanda thinks so too.”

  “Oh, if Amanda thinks so…”

  Gabe glared and Andrew laughed. But then he grew serious.

  “And… I know there’s something else you aren’t saying.”

  “I think she’s just the challenge you need to get you out of this funk you’ve been in. I’m not asking you to fall in love with her or collar her. Just help her get in touch with her inner submissive.”


  “And make sure she has enough information so she writes a fair and balanced article. Kyle’s source says that she’s planning on a first person story about her personal journey to understand Domination and submission. No one can read a budding submissive like you can. You can help draw out her submissive nature, if it does exist. If it doesn’t, you can at least make sure she has a well-rounded experience and understands exactly what the lifestyle means.”

  Andrew looked at Gabriel. There was something more… He sat and waited for Gabriel to continue.

  “You know this story of hers could be good for the community, if her journey’s accurately portrayed, and from reading her work over the years, I believe she will be fair and truthful in her story. Hell, the BDSM community could use some good and accurate press after the hit it’s taken lately between that book series and any number of assholes calling themselves Doms but really just wanting an excuse to hurt women without regard to their consent or enjoyment. Which is why I take it as a personal responsibility to ensure she is paired with a training Dom who will give her both what she needs as a submissive and what she needs as a writer.

  “But I understand completely if you don’t feel up to it. Representing our community… hell, it would be a heck of a lot of pressure for anyone and I completely understand why you don’t feel worthy… Forget I asked. I’ll find someone else.”

  Andrew looked at Gabe, his gaze narrowing. “You think you are being sneaky and manipulative but you aren’t. However, you’ve left me no choice.”

  “Does that mean you’ll do it?”

  “Was there really ever any doubt?”

  Chapter Five

  Three days later

  Lexi felt her heart pounding as she entered Night & Day. She paused and took a deep steadying breath as she walked up to the hostess.

  “I’m looking for an Andrew Teague. I believe he has a reservation for noon for two?”

  The hostess smiled. It was a smile that held memories and just a tinge of jealousy as she looked Lexi up and down. Then her expression changed as she plastered a professional, neutral smile on her face and said, “Follow me.”

  She walked off quickly and Lexi had to hurry to keep up with her. She was sure it was deliberate on the red-headed amazon’s part. The woman had the body of a model and had looked unimpressed by Lexi’s curves. If this was the type of woman that Master Andrew preferred, maybe she should ask Gabriel for another training Dom.

  She watched the hostess approach a booth in the back and gesture towards Lexi. A tall man stood and smiled at Lexi. Just as she arrived at the table, the hostess grasped Andrew’s arm and he pulled it away with a look of annoyance. He said something too quietly for Lexi to hear, but the woman dropped her hands to her side immediately. He reached out and touched her shoulder, speaking again. The woman nodded then turned to Lexi and smiled. This time the smile seemed more genuine even though her eyes looked a little sad.

  “This is Mr. Teague. Please have a seat and I’ll send your server right over. I hope you enjoy your meal.”

  Lexi watched her hurry off and then turned to Andrew and looked up. Way up. He was a few inches over six feet tall. He looked fit but with the leanness of a runner, rather than the bulkiness that Gabriel had. He had a very different look than Gabriel, too. Master Gabriel was what she had expected in a Dom. He was all raw masculinity in his hard chiselled feature. It had worried her. If all the Doms were like that, she was going to have trouble feigning interest.

  Master Andrew, on the other hand, looked sweet, like the kind of boy you brought home to mom. He was cute and boyish with short sandy brown hair and deep blue eyes with crinkles at the corners. Just her type, damn him.

  Then he smiled at her.

  It lit up his face and made something stir in the pit of her stomach. Cute was not the right description for him. It made him seem too… something… Maybe too harmless, too mind. She glanced up at him again and felt the fluttering again.

  Butterflies? Second thoughts? Common sense kicking in? Hormones in overdrive?

  Of course not. She was thirty-two years old, not a tween girl who was meeting some boy bander. Sure, he wasn’t bad looking and had a good body, but neither of those things were what was making her panties damp. Without saying a word he managed to project a subtle aura of authority and sensuality all wrapped up in a non-threatening package that was making her weak in the knees.

  She studied Andrew trying to find the words to convey what she was feeling to her readers. They needed to experience exactly what she was feeling in her first encounter with the man who would play such an important part in her life for the next few month. The man who would also save her job, not that he knew that.

  She considered how to describe him to her readers. She didn’t want to make him sound like a dick or an arrogant asshole. It wasn’t that kind of aura coming from him. He had something that made every woman within twenty paces taking covert glances his way and sending her jealous looks. But he wasn’t preening or even acknowledging the other women. He smiled at her. He held out a hand as he introduced himself. She reluctantly placed her hand in his. She even more reluctantly removed her hand after they’d shaken hands.

  What was it about him? He was attractive but she’s seen better looking men. He had a nice body, but Gabriel was taller and more muscular. What was it that set Andrew apart? She wasn’t a blushing virgin, but she’d never met a man before who made her so aware of her femininity, her sensuality. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to leap into his arms and ravish him or fall to her knees at his feet and the feelings perplexed her. And scared her. Just a little. This was supposed to be a story, nothing more. Sure, if she was attracted to him it would make things easier in one way, but harder in another. She had to keep things professional. He was going to be her teacher and she would be a student. No romantic feelings on either side. She swallowed hard. She could do this. She had to be able to do this.

  She looked up at him as he pulled out her chair and helped her get situated. She took the opportunity to compose herself. She was a reporter, dammit. She was on a story. This wasn’t a date. Hell, he was being paid to introduce her to BDSM, to train her. That meant she was his employer. She straightened her back and tamped down her raging hormones. This wasn’t pleasure. It was business.

  But business could sometimes be a pleasure, couldn’t it?

  Argh! She had to silence that voice inside her that was tempting her. She was a professional. That meant she would keep her libido under control. So what if she hadn
’t been on a date in three months or had sex in twice that long. She was working.

  But she also had to submerse herself in her subject. Right now she was a submissive looking to understand her own desires. He was her trainer. This would only work if she believed it herself. She made a decision. From this moment, she was simply Lexi Johansson, a woman exploring her own untapped needs and desires. She could transform back to Alex Jones, writer, when it was time to document her experiences, but to ensure an authentic experience, she knew she needed to get and keep the right headspace.

  She took her seat, a deep breath and looked over at Andrew. He didn’t look like a Dom, or at least what her mental picture of a Dom had been. Now Master Gabriel, he’d looked exactly like she’d pictured a Dom, all muscly and masculine and alpha. Andrew had a quiet strength about him, but if she didn’t know he was a Dom, she’d never have considered the label for him. In other words, she’d let herself fall prey to a stereotype. Definite fodder for one of the articles in her series.

  He had resumed his seat on the other side and was smiling at her. He didn’t seem at all surprised that she’d spent a few minutes lost in her own thoughts. In fact, he looked kind and understanding. Those damned butterflies returned and brought friends.

  “Have you eaten here before Lexi?”

  She nodded, suddenly unable to speak for some reason. She picked up her menu and studied it intently. A moment later, a waitress approached. She also smiled broadly at Andrew, but she smiled just as warmly at Lexi.

  She’d expected him, as a Dom, to take charge and order for her. When she said as much, he smiled. “I’m a Dom, not a mind reader. Maybe once I know what you like there may be times I want to take charge and order for you, but not today.”

  Lexi felt a flutter of desire. Why on earth did the idea of him deciding what she ate get her aroused? She must be getting light headed from lack of food. She’d been too nervous to eat breakfast and now her stomach was on the verge of growling and embarrassing her.


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