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Destiny's Fire

Page 8

by Trisha Wolfe

  “Maybe your Council wants to protect you. Or maybe they thought you’d find them weak for agreeing to it. If they hadn’t, I don’t think Haven Falls would have survived.”

  “You have a point.” I checked the time on my communicator. “Oh, my God. My mom will kill me if I’m not home when she gets back.”

  Reese stood and pulled me up with him. “Then let’s get you back. Don’t want to piss off Mom.” He winked.

  “How is it I came here feeling so lost and alone, and now…” I shook my head. “Reese, you’ve changed everything. I swear, I think my mom was about to pack us up and run again. She didn’t want me going to the Academy.” I looked down at the ground. “Now, I feel safe—better than safe. I don’t feel alone.”

  He lifted my face and stared into my eyes. “I promise. I’ll find a way to protect you.” For a brief moment, something flashed in his eyes. It looked almost painful, as if something hurt him. But he quickly smiled—a brilliant smile that illuminated his face.

  He lowered his head and brushed his lips across mine gently before deepening the kiss. Where his hands touched me, heat built and spread, warming my skin. I could get used to this Narco power.

  Reese took me home on his levibike. I felt safe seated behind him, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. There was no hesitation as I leaned my head against his back. He removed one hand from the steering bar and rested it against mine, threading our fingers together.

  “Stop here,” I told him as we approached the head of my street. “I can walk the rest of the way.”

  Reese pulled over, the hover-bike idling. I pulled my hand from his to jump off the bike, but he tugged it back, keeping it against his chest. “Will you meet me tomorrow?”

  “I think I can probably swing that,” I said, reveling in the feel of his thumb caressing the top of my hand. “I’ll have to use my communicator to at least let Lana, Jace, and Nick know I’m all right. But I think they’ll understand that I don’t feel well enough for sparring or hanging out yet.”

  Reese nodded. “I hate that you have to lie to your friends.”

  “No.” I swallowed hard. “It’s better this way. They would have too many questions about the change that I don’t know how to answer right now. And Jace is dying to spar with me using my power.”

  Reese huffed. “Yeah, that’s just what he’s dying to do.”

  I sat back, angling myself to see his face. “What do you mean? You saw our practice—he’s all about sparring. And I can’t fight him yet.”

  He grimaced and shook his head. “Right…nothing.” He released my hand. “Contact me when you can get away. I’ll pick you up here.”

  I squinted, but brushed off his statement about Jace. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” My insides fluttered. “I can’t believe this is all real. I’m going to learn how to use Flame and Charge and…I’m bursting.”

  He laughed, then took my hand and kissed it tenderly.

  I bounced off the levibike and waved, and he hovered off. My mind reeled, but in a good way. I felt completely different from the way I had only a couple hours earlier when I thought my world was ending. Reese was a mixed breed like me. I wasn’t alone. And I was going to learn how to control this crazy power that had scared my mom half to death.

  Mom. Crap.

  What would I tell her? I wanted to alleviate her worries, but I didn’t know if I should tell her about Reese. She might feel relieved knowing another existed. But for some reason, knowing my mother, she’d find the bad in it. She could find something negative in any situation when it concerned me.

  I could at least tell her I discovered how to control my power. Reese had learned on his own. That would stop her from bolting out of Haven.

  As I walked through the front door, I was thankful to find I’d beaten her home. I took the stairs two at a time to my room and quickly changed into my pajamas.

  Everything was different. I was going to learn to control my power—hide it so that my mom and I would be safe. And I had someone just like me in my life. I wasn’t alone in carrying this secret burden. I smiled, feeling my face warm. My lips still tingled from where Reese had kissed me.

  Fishing my communicator from my pocket, my stomach sank. I hated having to lie to my friends, but I’d been hiding the truth from them my whole life anyway. The only difference was that now I actually had to physically hide. I had to avoid them until I learned to use my Shythe power. I needed to think of it as protecting them and not deceiving them.

  I sent Lana a message first, letting her know I’d lived through the change but was still very weak. I paused, considering sending Jace a message. Lana would let him know I was all right, but I felt I should send him one, too. I took a deep breath and punched in his number.

  I typed: I’m okay. Weak. Won’t be able to train for a while. See you at the Academy. Then I hit send. They would freak out that I wouldn’t see them for a whole week, but I needed the time to practice.

  Before I settled onto the sofa, my communicator vibrated. I read the message from Jace: A week? Okay. Feel better…miss you. My heart thudded against my chest. Jace never told me things like that. Maybe he was just concerned, thinking I needed to hear it. And he was probably disappointed I wouldn’t be able to spar with my full power.

  I placed my communicator on the table before me, staring at it as if it would grow legs and walk away. I shook the strange feeling away. I’d been falling for Jace. Or, at least I’d thought I had been. But he didn’t think about me in that way. I was Rug Rat. I could finally sort out my confused feelings for him. We’re best friends. That’s all. Granted, he was a really cute best friend, but I didn’t have to feel weird around him anymore.

  I thought back to how uncomfortable I’d felt dancing with him…

  I didn’t feel that way with Reese. We were the same. He didn’t hold back his feelings for me, and I couldn’t help being attracted to him. The boy was crazy hot. But I also felt safe with him—protected. I didn’t have to hide myself from him. It just felt…right.

  My communicator came back into focus as my gaze settled over it, and my chest panged. Furrowing my eyebrows, I gnawed the inside of my lip and wondered why everything with guys was so complicated.

  Chapter Ten

  AFTER MY MOM DISCOVERED through the cleaners’ rumor mill that the Narcos would be attending the Academy, she freaked. She’d stormed around the house, packing bags, and declared we were leaving that night.

  After an hour of pleading, I’d finally persuaded her to stop long enough to hear my news, promising her I’d figured out a way to summon my Charge. She was disbelieving, asking me to prove it. But I admitted that I needed an open, secluded area in which to practice. Skeptically, she agreed. Even though she was scared, she wanted to believe it was possible.

  She set a deadline for one week. I had one week before the new academic year started, and that’s the time she allotted me to learn to conceal my power. After that, if I couldn’t summon my Charge, we’d leave Haven Falls.

  I scanned my room the next morning and quickly packed a bag with my communicator and a change of clothes. I flew down the stairs, kissed my mom’s forehead, and headed out to wait for Reese.

  We decided the best place to practice would be the falls. The triplets and I hadn’t gone there since we were kids, so I didn’t fear running into them. And the second fall was located far enough into the woods that no one else would see us. I was clawing out of my skin with anticipation—wanting to learn everything I could about my power. Not only that, Reese had promised when I mastered at least one power, he’d spar with me. I’d wanted to knock his head in ever since that first night. Of course, now I also wanted to kiss it afterward.

  Reese hid his levibike behind the brush near the trail. If anyone stopped by the falls and saw a funky lightshow, he didn’t want his bike traced back to him.

  “And I thought I was paranoid,” I said as he layered another branch over his bike.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Not takin
g any chances.” He packed the last branch on, then wandered up beside me, taking my hand and moving us onto the trail. “Besides, I figured you’d be ashamed if you were seen with a Narco.” He smirked.

  I laced my fingers through his. “I’m not ashamed.” I glanced down, sidestepping a boulder. “It’s just too hard to justify to anyone. It would only cause more complications. And we don’t need that kind of attention.” I glared at him.

  “Agreed,” he said. “But it’ll be torture staying away from you at the Academy.”

  My face flushed. How could he be so confident about us? I knew that I liked him, but he talked as if he’d known me forever. Although, I understood he’d probably felt as alone as I did his whole life. Finally having someone to take that away—we fit together like missing pieces of a puzzle. I squeezed his hand, relishing the feel of its warmth.

  Reese glanced around as we neared the second fall. “We need to climb.” He pointed toward the top. “It’s flat ground up there, and we’ll be able to see far around us.”

  “Okay. How do we do that? I’m not the best climber.”

  Reese gave me a wickedly hot grin. Latching my arms around his neck, he scooped me onto his back, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Then he secured me to him with a leather strap.

  “Don’t let go.” He reached into his leather jacket and pulled out a thin brass tube.

  “What are you doing?” I stared at the device. It had a tiny three-prong hook at its head.

  Reese aimed the brass tube at the fall and turned a small gear. The hook shot out, bringing a clear cord with it, and circled around a rock jutting from the side of the fall. He clipped the tube onto his black leather belt.

  “It’s my grappler,” he explained. “Ready?”

  I tightened my hold. “Where did you learn how to scale cliffs?”

  Reese turned the gear on the device, and we began lifting up as he reached for the first crevice in which to place his hand. “You don’t grow up around airships and not pick up a few tricks,” he said with a grunt, and he began climbing. The pneumatic gears in the brass tube grinded as they helped pull our weight.

  When we reached the top, Reese loosened the strap and clung to the side, allowing me to climb over and pull myself up. I stood hands to hips, viewing the woods. “Wow, you were right. We can pretty much see everything from up here.”

  Reese yanked the tube, reeling the cord in with a loud zip. “But no one can see us.” He winked.

  The river trickled over boulders and rocks, echoing a haunted melody against the trees. Reese led us to a clear spot near the bank, and we sat down cross-legged on the pine straw.

  “Remove your eye lenses,” he said, opening a small, black box. “You can put them in here for now.”

  I hesitantly dipped my head forward, stretching an eyelid open. I’d never shown anyone other than my mom my real eyes. “What’s the first thing I should learn?” I asked, pinching the lens between my finger and thumb before dropping it into the water-filled box. I listened to the river’s song as I removed my other eye lens. It was peaceful. I looked up to see why Reese still hadn’t answered my question.

  He stared at me, searching my eyes with his head inclined. “You’re beautiful,” he said, and my face heated. Then he cleared his throat. Taking my hands in his, he positioned himself in front of me. “Meditation.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Seriously? I thought we’d jump straight into Charge. I need to be able to use it before I go to the Academy.”

  “That’s what we’re doing.” He placed my hands on my knees, turning my palms up. “You have to feel each power inside you—be able to separate them. And that takes concentration at first. Meditation helps clear your mind, center you, so you can find them.”

  “I honestly didn’t take you for the meditating type.” My lips twitched into small smile. “Narcos are supposed to be all hot tempered, not yoga masters.”

  “Stereotype. We are pretty hot, though.” He grinned. “Now focus. Close your eyes. Hear the river and clear your thoughts.”

  I felt ridiculous, but I did as he asked. Reese released my hands, and I sat still, listening to the river’s trickle. I had no idea what I was supposed to be feeling or what was supposed to happen. Nervous energy crept into me.

  After about ten minutes of sitting in silence, I couldn’t take anymore. “Ugh, this is pointless.” I jumped to my feet. “I don’t have time for this. I have to learn how to use Charge now. In less than a week, I’ll be at the Academy and expected to…Oh, I have no idea, but they’ll definitely want me to do something with it.” I huffed. “Or worse, I’ll be—” I bit back my rant. I didn’t want to think about—or admit—that I could be gone. I’d never see Reese or my friends again.

  I stared out over the river, scuffing my boot against the bank. Then Reese’s arms wrapped around me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

  “I know how you feel.” His breath caressed my ear. “When I was told I was coming here, I didn’t have much time to get it together. I didn’t even know if I could.” He turned me around to face him. “But you can do this.”

  “You’re not supposed to be all calm support-o guy.”

  “Yes, I am.” He smiled.

  Taking my hands in his, he brought them before me. He pressed his palms to mine, linking our hands together between us. His head dipped lower, and he brushed his lips gently against mine. A shock jolted beneath my hands, and something hummed, tickling my palms. I cracked an eye open. His hands glowed blue. But mine were illuminated blue, also.

  He drew back, and I stared at our joined hands. As the light spread up his forearm, it reached down mine, and sparks crackled between our palms. I looked into his bright blue eyes.

  “What color are my eyes?” I asked, my voice shaking.

  He beamed at me. “Blue.” Reese broke the connection and grasped my face, pulling me to him. He kissed me hungrily. And I gave in as he lowered me to the bank.

  Pine needles pressed into my back as he hovered above me, running his fiery hands along my arms. I felt my Shythe power building, and I stroked his chest, sending waves of Charge over his skin. He groaned against my lips.

  He lifted his head, his eyes burning red. “I had no idea Shythe power could be this fun.” He buried his head between my shoulder and neck, roaming his warm lips over my skin.

  Shivers wracked my body. Although I knew Reese wouldn’t harm me, as his lips moved over my Kythan ink, my body tensed. Jace had been so adamant during training about protecting our power source. My first instinct was to pull away, but I fought it, allowing myself to relax in his arms.

  He rose up and stared down at my ink. “Show me. Shift. I’ve been going crazy wondering what you look like in Kythan form.”

  My stomach dropped. “I can’t.” I pushed away and sat up.

  Reese’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean? You haven’t shifted yet?” He moved closer, and ran his hand along my arm.

  “No,” I said, averting my eyes. “I mean, I did. But that’s when that crazy power took over. I don’t want to try again until I know I can control it.” I blew out a long breath. “Maybe after I get control over both powers I can do it without going all white.”

  “I understand.” He ducked his head so he could look eye-to-eye with me. “Hey. It’s all right. It freaked me out, too. Go at your own pace.”

  A smile crept across my lips. “What happened to the wild antagonistic guy I met last week?” I asked.

  “Oh, him? He’s just my counterpart. He only comes out when guys like Jace want to get scrappy.”

  “Right.” I eyed him. “You should give Jace a chance. He’s not all bad. He just takes things way serious.” I took his hand in mine. “We were all scared when we heard that the Narcolym were moving into Haven Falls. Jace was doing his best to protect the people he cares about.”

  Reese pressed his lips together. “And he cares about you.”

  “Well, yeah.” I shrugged. “We all grew up together. He�
��s one of my best friends. He’s always looked after me like a brother, just like he does Lana.”

  “Yeah, I totally see the big brother act.” Reese huffed. “I promise to take it down a notch with him.”

  “Thanks.” I glanced at the sun. “What time is it?”

  He fished his communicator from his pocket. “Six. What time do you have to be back?”

  “Like, an hour ago. My mom’s going to kill me.” I hopped to my feet and turned toward the river. “Guess I need to test this out first, though.” I shook my arms, bouncing on the balls of my feet. I tried to focus on what I’d been feeling when Reese held me. The power he’d sent between us.

  Concentrating, I pulled forth my Charge, commanding it. And it obeyed. My hands ignited, glowing blue. I aimed at the river, my palm flat against the air, and released a bolt into the water. “Whoa.” I snapped my head toward Reese, whose eyebrows shot up.

  “Damn.” He sidled up beside me. “Aim at that tree.” He pointed across the river. “See how far your range is.”

  I did as he asked, zeroing in on the tree. I felt the power surge, building. I panicked. Not wanting to lose control, I pulled back my power shakily. I held my hand up and a current sparked, zipping across the river and blasting the tree. I could see a faint black mark etched into the bark.

  Reese pulled me into his arms. “You’re amazing.” His eyes traced my face. “Now you get to show your mom what you can do.” He smiled. “Maybe she’ll relax and I can actually take you out some place nice.”

  My heart soared, and then sank. “True. She’ll be ecstatic, but where can we go and not be seen by your friends or mine?”

  Reese laughed. “I’m not worried about mine. And I thought you said yours are about to hit the change.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Right. We can probably get away with it.”

  “Dez, if we’re together, your friends will eventually find out.” He clasped my hand and led me in the opposite direction from where we’d come. “But, I understand. It’s too much right now. Let them settle into the change and the Peace Act first.”


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