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Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)

Page 3

by Perkins, Crystal

  “I didn’t say I was going to dinner with you tonight.”

  “Oh, yeah. You didn’t. I just assumed—which I know I shouldn’t.”

  “No, you shouldn’t, but if you ask me nicely, I just might say yes.”

  I know I shouldn’t say what I want to, but damn she’s hot when she’s being snarky with me, so I go ahead and do it anyway. “Beautiful, sexy Olivia, will you please do me the honor of joining me for dinner tonight?”

  She blushes and just stares at me, her mouth opening and closing, and I want to kick myself for letting the words out since I’ve obviously spooked her.

  * * *


  Luke Griffin just called me beautiful and sexy. Me. Umm, wow. I know I need to say something, but my brain doesn’t seem to want to function. Luke’s starting to look a little freaked out, though, so I have to pull myself together.

  “Yes, Luke. I would love to go to dinner with you.”

  “Thank God. I was a little worried there for a minute.”

  “Do you really think I’m beautiful and sexy?”

  “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it. You have to know you’re beautiful.”

  “I know I’m pretty, but I’ve never had a guy tell me I’m beautiful.”

  “You’ve been around the wrong guys, then.”

  “Yeah, I really have.” I try not to let anything show on my face that will give away what I’m thinking about.

  Luke doesn’t need to know about my past. He’s just tutoring me, and although he’s showing some interest, I don’t think it will last. I said I wasn’t going to listen to gossip about him, but I can’t forget what I’ve heard, either. Although I feel an attraction to him, I won’t give my virginity to someone who doesn’t love me. It’s the one thing I have left to call my own.

  We get down to business after that. I show Luke my latest essay, and he goes over it with me, pointing out things I can do to improve it. He’s patient with me as I grumble about his suggestions, and I begin to see that what he’s telling me really will make my paper better. I concede as he gives me a triumphant smile. Then he does his lesson plans while I work on the revisions.

  We finish up and I follow him to a local diner for a casual dinner. We have a nice time talking about things like my work with Candi and his hockey playing. I want to ask him if I can watch him play sometime, but I don’t have quite enough courage for that yet. I let him pay when we’re done and it seems to make him happy that I offer up no protest.

  We’re outside saying goodbye at my car. He opens my door and then leans down to kiss my cheek. “Goodnight, Olivia. Thanks for having dinner with me.”

  “Goodnight, Luke. I had a really great time.”

  He smiles as he closes the door and I can’t help but smile back. Yep, I’m in trouble with a capital T.

  Chapter 3


  It’s been a month since I started tutoring Olivia. She texted me yesterday to tell me she got a B on her latest essay. I knew she’d get it. She’s really smart—she was just over thinking things when she was writing. She’s not going to need my help for much longer.

  I’m not sure how I feel about that. Actually, that’s bullshit. The thought of not seeing her anymore hits me harder than being slammed into the boards. We share a meal after every tutoring session, and although I haven’t done more than kiss her on the cheek, I go home and jack off every night to thoughts of her. I can sense that she’s not ready for more from me, and I’ll take what I can get for now. Maybe I can convince her that we should still hang out when she’s done with tutoring.

  Tonight is a party to celebrate the launch of a new computer program by my brother, Scott. My mom always throws a party for one of my brothers’ accomplishments. I used to be upset because there was never one for me, but now I’ve just learned to deal with it. I don’t do anything worth celebrating, so why would I get a party? That’s not self-pity speaking. It’s just the simple truth.

  Even though Scott is probably the most casual guy you’ll ever find, covered in tattoos and a few piercings, my mom was in the mood for a cocktail party, so that’s what we’re having. No one can say no to her because she’s always been there for us, and we know how lucky we are to have her for our mom. So, here I am in a black suit with a dark gray shirt open at the collar. A tie was a little too much, but I think I’m dressed up enough.

  I’m stuck listening to some boring chick talk about all her shopping, parties, and the people at the party who are beneath her because our company’s doing business with her dad. As I’m trying to figure out a way to escape and still be polite, I look up and see Olivia enter the party with Rose and a serious looking couple, who must be their parents.

  She’s wearing a black dress that is kind of edgy looking and has sheer panels on the top and bottom, along with some sexy black heels. Her hair is in a messy bun, and she’s not wearing any jewelry. She doesn’t need it. She’s easily the most stunning woman here. She finds me as she scans the crowd, and her smile lights up her entire face until the girl I’d been talking to pulls on my arm, trying to get my attention back on her. The smile drops from Olivia’s face and she looks away.

  Oh, hell no. She can’t actually think I’m into this chick. I extricate myself, not caring anymore about being polite. The stuck up bitch isn’t ready to let me go so easily, though.

  “Luke, why are you walking away from me?” Her voice is like fucking nails on a chalkboard, and people are staring.

  The only person I care about looks back to me, her eyes wide, and I smile at her before looking back over my shoulder. “You weren’t taking the hint that I’m not interested,” I say as I walk towards Olivia.

  I’m almost to her when a red-faced man gets in front of me. “How dare you embarrass my daughter?”

  “Your daughter embarrassed herself. I tried to be polite and listen to her going on about stupid shit, but there’s only so much I could take.”

  “No wonder your family doesn’t allow you to play a role in the company. We’ve all heard the rumors about your sexual encounters that embarrass them, but now I know that you’re a cocky little bastard as well.”

  “What I know is that you need to leave my house.” I didn’t see my dad walk up behind me.

  “You’re not serious, Gary.”

  “Like hell I’m not.”

  “You know I’ll cancel my building.”

  “Consider it already canceled. My family comes first. Always.”

  The guy grabs his wife and daughter and storms out. I’m happy that my dad kicked him out, but there was something missing in that exchange. My dad never said that I didn’t embarrass the family, or dispute what was said. Which just reinforces my feeling that I’ve let everyone in the family down. Especially when I look around and see that all of my brothers look pissed. Why wouldn’t they? I just cost Ryan a deal. I caused a scene at a party for Scott. And I already know how Owen feels about me. I can’t imagine the night getting any worse.

  * * *


  I want to run to Luke and just hug him tight. He looks so lost and hurt. He hasn’t talked about his family with me much, but after the conversation with Candi and Owen a couple weeks ago, I know that what Owen said upset him. That asshole saying things about him in front of the whole party just knocked him down and has him doubting himself. I can see it as he walks towards me and my family, where we’re standing away from the rest of the party. He needs me.

  “Hey Luke.” It’s my little sister who greets him first.

  “Hi Rose.” He manages a smile for her as she reaches out to hug him.

  “Please step away from my daughter,” my dad says through clenched teeth.

  “Dad,” I practically yell as Luke flinches like he’s been hit.

  “Stay out of this, Olivia. It’s bad enough that you’ve shown up here in that dress looking like you’re whoring yourself out.” I’m the one who’s flinching now.

  “What did you just say to her?�
� Luke turns on my dad and looks like he wants to hit him.

  “It’s okay, Luke.”

  “The hell it is. There’s nothing wrong with your dress. You look beautiful.”

  “See what I mean. If he likes your dress, you have to realize how inappropriate it is.”

  “Daddy. Why are you being like this? Luke has driven me home a bunch of times and is always nice to me.” Rose looks like she wants to cry, and I just want to sink into the ground. I try to tell Luke with my eyes to just walk away.

  “You’ve been alone in the car with him? Why didn’t I know this?”

  “Mr. Murphy, I would never behave in any way that was not respectful to either of your daughters. They’re both safe with me.”

  “That remains to be seen.”

  “You know what, think whatever you like about me. I don’t give a fuck. Just don’t insult either of them in front of me again.” Oh God. This is really getting out of hand.

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “No. I’m just trying to make you realize that you have two amazing daughters who are smart and nice.”

  “You think I don’t know my own daughters?” This is not going well. At all. But I don’t know how to stop it. “You listen to me, son. You will not be giving Rose rides, and you will not even look at Olivia again. Do you understand me? I have a gun.”

  “So do I.” Candi is behind me, looking pissed in her fashionable maternity dress and heels. “Don’t you dare threaten Luke. He’s done nothing wrong.

  “I should’ve known you’d be involved somehow.” He looks at me, then. “Is this what you want to end up like, Olivia? You barely made it out from under the bad crowd you were involved in a few years ago. Now you want to be like her?” He sneers as he says the last word, and Owen is in his face in less than a second.

  “What’s wrong with my fiancé, Mr. Murphy? Please enlighten me, because I think she’s damn near perfect.”

  “Just the fact that she’s your fiancé, and not your wife while she’s obviously pregnant, is a problem in and of itself.”

  “Dad, please stop. These are my friends. They’re good people.”

  “You thought those kids in high school were good people, too, didn’t you, and look how that turned out. You could have been the one pregnant.”

  “Just because my friends behaved in a certain way, doesn’t mean I did everything they did. But if I had, it would’ve been my choice and not yours. When will you understand that?”

  “Livvie, your father only wants the best for you. Behaving in a good, moral way will go a long way for you in the future. I’m sure your boss is nice, but what will people think?” I know my mom cares, but this isn’t the 1950s for God’s sake.

  “They’ll think that Candi and Owen are in love because you can see it any time they’re together. What’s more important than bringing a child into a loving family?”

  “You’re so naïve, Olivia. This is why you should move back home. Now that you’re alone, someone could follow you and force themselves on you. You would be giving your virginity to some deviant.”

  Oh. My. God. Can I just die right now? My dad just outed me as a virgin to Luke. And Owen. Candi already knew, and she once again tries to rescue me.

  “Mr. Murphy, first of all, if someone forced himself on Olivia, she would not be ‘giving’ her virginity to him. Second, Olivia is very smart and won’t put herself in a situation where she could be hurt. Nothing’s 100% in life, but she’s not out looking for trouble. In fact, since she’s been working for me, I have come to know her as hard-working and very intelligent. She will go far in life by being herself.”

  “We’ll just have to agree to disagree.” My father turns to me again. “Thankfully, your mother brought an extra dress for you just in case you weren’t dressed conservatively. You can get it out of our car and go inside to change.”

  “No.” I can’t believe I just said that. I never stand up to him. But Candi got me this dress from one of her friends, and Luke said I looked beautiful. I feel beautiful, and I don’t want to change.

  “Stop being difficult, Olivia, and do what you’re told.”

  “She’s not some fucking child. She’s almost twenty-two years old, and she told you no.” Luke and my dad are staring each other down, and I almost give in just to break the tension. Gary Griffin does that when he comes over to our group.

  “I’m not sure what’s going on over here, but my wife was planning on a nice party to celebrate my son’s new computer program. The tension coming off of all of you is starting to attract the notice of other guests.” He turns to his sons. “Owen, Luke, go mingle and let the Murphy family figure out whatever is going on between them.

  Owen nods and grabs Candi’s hand. She looks at me and tells me with her eyes to stay strong. Luke doesn’t move an inch. He’s still staring down my dad. And man, does he look hot doing it. He was already off-the-charts hot in his suit, but with the intense look on his face,and knowing it’s for me, well, let’s just say I’d have a hard time holding onto my virginity tonight if he wanted me. Which I know he doesn’t. He’s just being nice, but still, it makes a girl feel good.

  “Luke. I asked you to go mingle.”

  “I’m not leaving until I’m sure Olivia and Rose are going to be okay.”

  “We’re fine, Luke. Thanks for worrying, but you should go with your dad.” I smile to let him know I mean it. And I do. My dad may yell at us, but he won’t hit us or anything. Luke looks at me for a minute before he nods and walks away.

  I spend the rest of the night with my parents glued to me, so I don’t get a chance to talk to Luke. I want to thank him, and I also never got to comfort him. Despite the pain he was feeling, he came to my defense. I need to let him know how much that means to me.

  I hang around after everyone has left, telling my parents that I want to help Maggie Griffin clean up. She has staff and could hire more, but I’ve heard that she likes to take care of things herself. She’s taught her sons and granddaughter to do the same. I’m happy to help, but I also need to see if she’ll give me Luke’s address. I’m sure he lives in one of those fancy condos on the strip or something, so if I go there, it won’t be much of a surprise, but I want to see him anyway. I carry some plates into the kitchen and find Maggie up to her elbows in dishwater as she rinses plates and cups while still in her fancy dress.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Olivia. Rose talks about you often.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. I wanted to thank you for letting Rose hang out here. My parents are great, but sometimes they’re a little overbearing.”

  “My husband and I are the complete opposite of that and sometimes I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”

  “Are you kidding? You’re sons, and Alex, are awesome.”

  “Thanks for saying that, but I worry. I guess all mothers do.”

  “Probably.” I’m playing with the hem of my dress because I don’t know how to bring up the address thing.

  Maggie pulls her hands from the water and dries them off as she looks at me. “I have a feeling that you didn’t just stay behind to help me with the dishes, Olivia. Is there something I can do for you?”

  “Actually, yes.” I look down, embarrassed.

  “Are you going to tell me what it is?” I look up and see her eyes twinkling.

  I take a deep breath and make my request. “I was hoping you could give me Luke’s address. I need to talk to him.”

  She’s quiet for almost a full minute. “Olivia, I love my sons unconditionally, but I know they’re not saints. If you and Luke have…well…slept together, I have to let you know that you’re not the first and probably not the last. I can give you his address, but I don’t know that you’ll find him alone.”

  “I appreciate your honesty, Maggie. I haven’t slept with Luke, and it’s not in my plans to do so. I really do need to talk to him. If he’s not alone, it won’t break my heart.” I’m afraid it will, though, if I’m being honest with myself
. I can’t tell his mom that, though.

  “Fair enough. Let me write it down for you.”

  * * *


  Tonight pretty much sucked ass. I came home and took off my jacket, belt, and shoes before grabbing a cold beer. I didn’t drink at the party although I wanted to. I knew if I got drunk and did anything stupid, my mom would be horrified. I also didn’t want to have to stay there. I needed the comfort of my own place. Not that it’s much comfort, but it’s mine. Paid for with money I earned. After my third beer, I was feeling a little warm, so I unbuttoned my shirt but left it on.

  I’m sprawled out on the couch, watching highlights from the Portland Vortex hockey game. I have the whole thing DVR’d, of course, since they’re my favorite team, but I don’t know where the remote is, and I’m a little too drunk to get off the couch and change the channel. I’m surprised to hear a knock at the door. None of my family has been to my new place, and I can’t imagine them coming over tonight. I’ve never had anyone else over here, either. I decide to ignore it.


  Holy fuck, it’s Olivia. I jump off the couch and stumble to the door, opening it before I can even think about how I look. Or smell. It doesn’t dawn on me until I see her eyes widen when I open the door that I’m half-dressed and more than half drunk. Probably not a good look for anyone. But I’ve already opened the door, so I have to just go with it.

  “Hey, Ollie,” I tell her as I lean one arm above my head on the door frame.


  “Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?”

  “Umm, yeah.”

  “I normally only call you that in my head.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Yes, really. I’ve heard people call you Liv and Livvie, and of course, Olivia. I wanted to have my own name for you.” I can’t believe I’m telling her this. It has to be the alcohol. Or the fact that I’m so into her, I can’t think straight half the time.

  “You can call me that whenever you want.”


  “Yeah. I like it. I just wish I had something cute to call you.”


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