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Learning To Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 4)

Page 19

by Perkins, Crystal

  “I’m not against accepting help, but I can’t have you look like you’ve taken a side. I heard about what that did to the Griffin family before. I don’t want to cause problems for anyone.”

  “I’m not going to take a side. I couldn’t choose between you and Luke. As for the Griffins, they’re tighter than ever after what happened to me and Owen. They won’t give me any trouble for helping you.”

  “That’s good to know, and I really appreciate you letting me keep the car, but I won’t move in with you, Candi.”

  “Then at least let me pay to have your things moved and put into storage.”

  “They’re just things. I don’t need them.”

  “I know, but it would make me feel better.”

  I know she’s not going to go without doing something for me, so I’ll concede this. I didn’t really want to have to give up all my stuff. I am hoping to find a job and a place to live. “Okay. I’ll pay you back when I can, though. I insist on that.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Yeah, I do. And I need you to do something else for me.”


  I grab my purse off the coffee table and take out my wallet. I hand her the cards. “Please give these to Luke.”

  “These are Luke’s?”

  “They’re the cards for our joint accounts.”

  She looks conflicted for a moment, but when I don’t move, she nods and takes them from me. “I’ll give them to him.”

  We talk for a few more minutes and then she hugs me before leaving. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. I’ll at least have a car and a place for my furniture and things. I still don’t know where I’m going to live or how long I’ll be able to live there, but at least I’ve got those things taken care of. I go back to packing and manage to get most of it done before curling up on the couch and falling asleep.

  Chapter 19


  Rose and I have fallen into an easy rhythm over the last two weeks. Alex picks her up for school every morning. After school, they either hang out here or at my parents’ house. I’ve been spending most days at Goolsby, where I’ll be teaching in the fall. I wanted to get to know my co-workers and the kids a little. The second grade teachers have let me shadow them and introduced me to the kids, some of whom will be in my class next year.

  I’ve had lunch a few times with the librarian, Nikki, and one of the other teachers, Michelle. They’re great, although they keep asking when they’ll meet my wife. I’ve been wearing my ring ever since the party, and I told them a little bit about Olivia at lunch one day. I didn’t tell them we aren’t together, because I’m really hoping that we will be again soon. I said they could meet her at the graduation party, so they’re both planning on coming.

  Rose talks to her sister every day, and I can tell she’s worried about something. She won’t talk to me about it, though. It’s only one week to the party, so I hope whatever it is isn’t bad enough to stop her from coming. I don’t really think anything would stop her from seeing Rose graduate.

  I finish out the day and call Rose to tell her I’m going out with a few teachers for Happy Hour. She says she’ll be fine and that I should have a good time. The bar is nice. I’ve never really hung out in a regular bar before, since I used to just go to clubs. It’s a different vibe but not necessarily a bad one. A few girls try to hit on me, even with my ring on, but I shoot them down. It’s crazy that some girls wouldn’t care that I’m married, but I guess some guys would still go for it. Not this guy, though. I’d never cheat on my wife, even if we aren’t currently together.

  I get home a few hours later, and as soon as I walk inside, I hear Rose yelling. I run down the hall, ready to bust into her room, when I realize that she’s on the phone. I shouldn’t listen, but I do.

  “Liv, please call Candi. She’ll help you. She said she would.”

  “I know you don’t want to be a burden, but I’m scared for you.”

  “I guess I can’t change your mind. Please be careful, though. I love you.”

  I have to know what the hell’s going on. I knock on the door. “Rose? Can I come in?”

  “Just a minute.” I wait and then she opens it. She’s been crying again. “Hi, Luke. I didn’t hear you get home.”

  “What’s going on, Rose. Something’s wrong with Olivia and you need to tell me what it is.”

  “I-I can’t. She made me promise.”

  “Dammit, why not? I’m her husband.”

  “Are you?”

  “What the hell kind of question is that? You were at the wedding.”

  “She’s not here with you, though. You kicked her out, you won’t talk to her, and you took back your credit and debit cards.”

  “I told you I’ll talk to her at the party. I want to straighten it all out, Rose. I do.”

  “The party may be too late, Luke. That’s all I can say.”

  “Too late? What are you talking about? Is she in some kind of trouble?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “I’ll ask her myself, then.” I take out my phone and call her, but it goes to voicemail.“Is she at her apartment?”

  “No. She had to move out. She’d already given notice.”

  “Where is she, then?”

  “I don’t know.” She starts crying then, and I reach out to hug her. “She wouldn’t tell me. I’m so scared.”

  “She’ll be at the party, right?”

  “She said she would.”

  “It’ll be okay, Rose.”

  It has to be. I won’t forgive myself if it isn’t. I should’ve just talked to her instead of letting my fear and pride get in the way. I’ll take her back even if she tells me the disowning came first. I want my wife. I need my wife. It can’t be too late for us.

  * * *


  I’ve been living in my car for a week now. I was going to stay at a weekly motel, but when I tried to check in, my debit card was declined. I couldn’t figure out why until I checked my bank app on my phone. I’d set up automatic payments for my phone bill as well as the electric and water bills for the house. They all came out when I wasn’t paying attention this week, along with my final payments for the apartment utilities and cable. I was lucky to have just enough to eat and gas up the car.

  All week I’ve managed to find places I can sleep for a couple hours without being noticed. Mostly in casino parking garages. I park on the employee levels when I can since friends have told me they sometimes nap in their cars on breaks. I thought I could blend in and I did. Plus, I cover myself with clothes and only sleep two hours at a time. I’ve used hospital parking lots, too.

  For food, I eat mostly instant ramen. If I leave water in the car with me, it gets hot enough to pour into the little cups. I’ve splurged a couple times on fast food, but that’s a luxury I really can’t afford. So, ramen it is. I’ve got about thirty packets left so hopefully I can find a job soon. It’s going to be hard with no address, but I’m not giving up.

  My problem today is that I need a shower. It’s Rose’s graduation day, and I can’t go like this. My hair is greasy, and although I don’t smell horrible, I don’t smell great, either. I saved just enough on my last credit card to pay for a shower at one of the truck stops. When I’m paying though, I realize I actually didn’t save enough.

  Tears well in my eyes as I ask the clerk if I can come back with the difference. He says he’s sorry, but no. I look around, but everyone else in line just averts their eyes from me.I don’t know what to do. I can’t be a mess for Rose’s graduation, and I don’t want Luke to see me like this. The cashier has just asked me to move along when I hear the one person I would never expect to be here—and I’d never want to see—speak.

  “I’ll pay for the shower, Olivia. And it won’t cost you much, either.”

  “I have no money, Blaine. What exactly would I pay you with?”

  “Just a kiss.”


  “You must not wan
t to look clean at your sister’s party badly enough. Okay then.”

  “Wait. Just one kiss?”


  I swallow down the bile in my throat that’s making me want to throw up at the thought of kissing any man who’s not Luke. I turn and lean to him with my eyes open to give him a peck on the lips. Blaine pulls me tight against him and attacks my lips. I refuse to open my mouth for him, but I let him kiss me. He lets me go after a minute with a smirk on his face.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad.”

  He pays for my shower and then saunters out the door. I can’t look at the cashier or the other customers as I head to the women’s showers. I just sold a piece of myself for a shower. I don’t think I can sink much lower than this. I wash myself up and I feel somewhat good again. I just have to forget that kiss. It was nothing. It meant nothing.

  I put on my blue satin dress with the sheer overlay and silver belt that I bought months ago for the party, along with silver heels. It’s loose since I’ve lost weight, but it doesn’t look too bad. I’m too dressed up for the graduation itself, but I won’t have anywhere to change in between. I’m glad I bought Rose and Alex presents before everything happened, too. My sister deserves the best, and Alex has always been a good friend to her.

  I arrive at the graduation and find a seat in the back. I cheer for both girls and then wait outside once it’s over. I see the Griffins come out, but I don’t join them. My last name may be the same as theirs, but they don’t want me. Alex and Rose run up to them a few minutes later. Everyone hugs them and then Rose starts looking around. When she spots me, her face breaks into a big smile.


  I meet her halfway as we run to each other. I pull her into a hug, which she returns for a few seconds before stiffening in my arms. She pulls back and then looks up at me. “Have you been eating?”

  “Of course I have, silly girl.”

  “You’re really thin.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  She starts to cry. “What are you eating?”

  “Don’t cry, Rose. Please. This is your day. I’m fine.”

  “You’re not. What are you eating?”

  I look away. I have to answer her because I know she won’t let it go. “Mostly ramen.”

  “It’s that bad? You need some real food. I can sneak some out of the house.”

  I bring my gaze sharply back to hers. “No. I won’t take anything from Luke. I did this to myself, and I’ll get out of it myself, too. I can’t have you risk him getting angry at you, either. I’ll be able to eat at the party, so it’s all good.”

  “But, Liv…”

  “Just go back over there. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  She reluctantly nods before hugging me hard again. I watch her walk back over to the Griffins, and Candi catches my eye. I give her the best smile I can and start walking back to my car. I make it almost all the way there when Luke catches up to me.

  “Is everything okay, Olivia?”

  He keeps calling me ‘Olivia’ and then wants to ask if I’m okay? “Sure. Everything’s fine.”

  “Rose is crying every night, and she was just crying now. I need to know what’s going on.”

  I ignore his question and just focus on what’s most important. “Thanks again for taking care of her. Please just keep doing that. I’ve told her not to upset you.”

  “You think I’d stop taking care of her if she upset me? I’d never do something so horrible. Why would you think that?”

  “That’s what happened to us, isn’t it? I upset you, and you threw me away?”

  I look up at him and see the shock in his eyes. “Ollie…no…I mean…”

  “I’ll see you at the party, Luke.”

  I turn and walk away, getting in my car and driving out of the parking lot. I hold myself together for a few blocks and then pull into a strip mall and park. I allow myself to cry for a few minutes and do my best to fix my makeup in the rear view mirror before I get ready to leave. I turn the car back on and drive to the party, no longer looking forward to it but just hoping I can survive.

  * * *


  Olivia’s words are tearing through me as I drive to the party. Rose wanted to ride with Alex, which is probably a good thing. Seeing her struggling while I’m struggling, too, would have been too much. Becausewhat Olivia said was true. That’s what I did, isn’t it? I gave up on my marriage because I was upset. Granted, I had something big to be upset about, but I gave up. And threw my wife away.

  I’m going to fix this today. Even if I have to throw Olivia over my shoulder and carry her with me somewhere. We’re going to figure this out. With any luck, she’ll be moving back in tonight. That thought makes me smile, and I’m actually in a good mood when I get to my parents’ house.

  My mood darkens a little when I see Blaine and his parents in the backyard. I’m guessing they were invited back when Rose’s parents were still involved with the party. I see Nikki and Michelle as well, though, which perks me back up a little. Blaine’s mom sees me and comes over to talk.

  “Hi, Luke.”


  “I heard that Rose has been living with you.”

  “Yes, she has.”

  “It’s going alright?”

  “Yeah. She’s great. I mean, I never expected to have a teenager living with me, but we get along and I can easily support her financially, so it’s all good.”

  “I was sorry to hear about you and Olivia. She’s a great girl.”

  “Yes, she is. I’m hoping things will still work out for us.”

  “I’ll be hoping for that, too. If you need anything, please reach out. I know my son is difficult, but I like you.”

  “I like you, too, and thanks.”

  I keep to myself for the next half hour as I wait for my wife to arrive. When she does, she takes my breath away. For both good and bad reasons. I mean, she looks beautiful, but she also looks too thin. I was so happy to see her earlier that I didn’t notice it. I do now. Has she not been eating? I’m going to ask her about it right after we straighten everything else out.

  I’m walking towards her, but Blaine gets to her first. “Well, don’t you look good, Olivia. I guess my kiss earlier did wonders for you.”

  My blood starts to boil. “He kissed you?”

  “Oh no, Luke. She kissed me.”

  “I can explain.”

  “Did. You. Kiss. Him?”

  She closes her eyes and I know the answer before she even says it. “Yes.”

  “This is just great. I was willing to talk to you and work things out, and you go and kiss another guy. Him.”

  “I had to.”

  “You had to? Like your life depended on it?”

  “No exactly my life…”

  “Stop talking in fucking riddles all the time, dammit!”

  “Things are complicated. I can’t give you an easy answer.”

  “I’ll uncomplicated them for you, then. We’re done. Over. I never want to lay eyes on you again. Is that easy enough for you?”

  I know I’ve been way too loud, and you could hear a pin drop around us, it’s so quiet. Olivia’s shaking, and the presents she was holding have fallen to the ground. I don’t think she’ll say anything, but then she does. “You-you’re perfectly clear. I’m going to leave now.”

  She turns and runs. Rose starts to go after her, but I grab her. She starts hitting me. “Let me go.”


  “Let her go, Uncle Luke.”

  I do, and she races around the side of the house. People are talking around me now, but I don’t hear what they’re saying. My mom comes over and puts her arms around me and it wakes me out of my trance. I see Scott and Ryan dragging Blaine from the backyard with his parents following. His mom gives me a sad smile.

  I go inside with my family. I need to be away from the rest of the guests because I’m seconds away from another meltdown. A few minutes later, Rose comes inside. She looks l
ike she wants to murder me, and I just don’t get it. I’m the one who was wronged here. She stops about a foot away from me. “You’ve just killed my sister. I hope you’re happy.”

  “You need to calm down, Rose. Your sister will be fine,” my dad tells her.

  “Fine? Did none of you see her? See how her dress was practically falling off of her?”

  “She did look pretty thin,” Chloe says.

  “Thin? I could feel her bones poking out of her skin when she hugged me at the graduation. She promised me she’d eat at the party, but obviously that didn’t happen.”

  “I’ll go to her place and bring her some food, Rose.”

  “She has no place, Maggie. When I went out to see her, she was pulling away, but I saw that her car was full of her stuff.”

  That finally makes me speak up. “She’s living in her car?”

  “I think so. She’d never tell me, though.”

  “Luke will give her a good settlement in the divorce.”

  “Ryan, if you think my sister will take anything from him, you obviously don’t know her. She refused to even let me give her food from his house when I offered. She was worried that Luke would get angry and kick me out, too.” I flinch at her words, and the fact that Olivia would worry about me doing that. She already told me she thought that, but hearing it again, when I know how bad things are for her, makes me want to slam my head against the wall. Repeatedly. Rose isn’t done yet, though. “She’ll never sign the divorce papers. She loves Luke too much.”

  “She kissed Blaine. She’s obviously over me.”

  “She hates Blaine. Hates him. If she kissed him, it was because she had a good reason to. She must have had to do it. I don’t know why, but I do know she would never voluntarily get within ten feet of that jerk.”

  My mom shares a look with Chloe and Yasmin, who both nod. I don’t know what’s going on there, but I can’t think about that right now. I have to try to think about what’s going on with Olivia and me. Rose is right. Olivia can’t stand Blaine. For her to kiss him is really bizarre. For her to be out of money is even weirder. I know she had a good chunk of moneyin her savings account.


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