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Abomination (The Path to Redempton Book 1)

Page 16

by Kimbra Swain

  I leaned back in my chair smelling the coffee brewing. How can one woman be so utterly frustrating? I had a buddy once here in the training center that used to talk about his wife. They both did training. They both went out into the streets to do more. But he told me that they got along great. Perfect harmony 99% of the time. Except when it came to deciding where to go eat on the weekends. Their relationship depended on being about to get out of the compound for date night and other activities. He said the only thing they ever fought about was where to eat. He would name a couple of places. She would say no. He would ask her to suggest. She would say that anywhere was fine. He would want to choke her because she just said no to two places. Therefore, anywhere obviously wasn’t fine. “I’ll never understand it!” he exclaimed, frustrated even talking about it. One of the other guys overheard us talking about it. He confirmed the frustration. Apparently, his girlfriend had this same choke-hold on their date time. It sounded like misery to me. I felt some of that now. Not that Abby and I were even attracted to each other or anything like that. She was just frustrating and extremely good looking.

  “You pig,” I said out loud and got up to fix a cup of coffee. I pulled a plain black mug out of the cabinet, and smirked at the mug she had today. I poured a cup and sat back down at the computer. I surfed through a ton of websites. I looked up the price of the boots I wore that I got out of the closet on the island. Abby didn’t lie. They were $300 boots. I whistled when I saw the price, but then I looked again. There were several other styles I really liked. I pulled the credit card she had given me out and looked at it. I thought I’d give it a try. I ordered 2 other pair. And the floodgates opened. I ordered the series Blu Ray discs of MacGyver, because that dude was awesome. I ordered a blu ray player, because I didn't have one. Then I discovered Amazon. The internet and a credit card proved to be dangerous combination. All in all, I probably spent over a thousand dollars with just a few clicks, and apparently, I was good for it. I looked down at the card on the desk remembering when she handed it to me. I pulled open the desk drawer, took out a pair of scissors and cut it into a hundred pieces. I should have ordered some bourbon before I cut it up. Instead I went to the couch, turned on the tv with the volume on mute and watched the flickering of the lights until about 10 am. I wondered what she did after I left. I didn’t regret what I said. Harsh as it was, she came at me. I merely defended myself from the onslaught of an angry woman. Abigail didn’t strike me as an angry woman, though. When she approached me in the corridor, preventing my shift, she glowed with confidence and power. If anything, I wanted to remember her like that. I believed that is who she truly was in this world. Perhaps the combination of both of us created volatility. I've had recruits who were excellent in the program, but our personalities just clashed.

  The day passed, and I summoned up the courage to venture out of my room. Of course, I looked both ways going down the hallway and rushed to the stairwell. I found it was better than waiting on the elevator than possibly running into Meredith. Her room was around a corner from mine. I had to pass that hallway to get to the stairwell door. When I passed by she stood in the hallway, but she wasn’t alone. Travis, my recruit, pressed up against her, and they were making out. I stopped in my tracks. Stunned. First of all, it was completely against the rules, and secondly, get a freaking room. She saw me and pushed him away. “What the hell is going on here?” I asked. Wrong question by the way. I was about to have a second woman berate me today.

  “None of your god damned business, that’s what!” Meredith yelled. Travis just turned away from both of us. He tried to go back in the room, but the door was locked and he skulked around the corner.

  “Meredith, do you want him kicked out of the program? Because that is what is going to happen now. Geez Louise, if you had just stayed in the room, I would have never seen it.”

  “I wanted you to see it,” she started to spew, and I just let her. “You have made it clear that I am nothing to you. I went and got what I wanted. And you aren’t going to kick him out. It’s not your call. You have to take it upstairs, and they are not going to allow it.” She sounded pretty confident. Unless she had a relative up there, I highly doubted they would side with her on this issue. It was strictly forbidden. The recruits could have as many relationships among each other as they wanted, but not recruits and instructors.

  “Mere, the rules are pretty clear on this one. You will be lucky if they don’t reprimand you,” I said. I did feel bad for her. We were friends. Well, I was her friend. She clearly wanted more than that from me.

  “Good. I hope they do. And then I’m going to tell them about you and Abigail traipsing around Boulder, having fancy dinners. You driving her fancy car around. Where were you all day yesterday? In her bed? She’s a fucking whore, and she has your wrapped up.” Meredith knew all the things to say to make me angry. She didn’t believe them. She just knew it would make me mad. I held my composure the best I could.

  “I visited her home. It was very nice, but I returned home early this morning around 1am. And not that it is any of your business, I did not sleep with her, nor do I intend to sleep with her. I will probably never see her again.” I calmly explained.

  “Go to hell, Duarte,” she said as she stomped back off to her door, went in and slammed it.

  “Two for two, Duarte. At least you are 100% at this point,” I said to no one in particular. I turned to go to the stairwell. And my words hit me in the pit of my stomach. I would probably never see her again. I climbed the stairs and went down the hallway to her office. I reached in with my senses. No one was there, but I could smell the lingering aroma of honeysuckle. I opened the door and went in. Her desk still sat with nothing on it besides the laptop and mouse. She did say I was welcome to use her car whenever I wanted and the keys were in the top drawer. I went around the desk, sat down in the chair and pulled open the drawer. Amongst the neatly organized pens, pencils, paperclips and other office supplies laid the key to the Mercedes. I didn’t come here for the key, but I picked it up and stared at it. I remembered the night in Boulder. I had fun. It didn’t start out that way, but it intrigued me enough to keep me hooked. As I started to lay the key back into the desk, the door to the office swung open, and a tall red-headed beauty stepped in. She wore one of those office dress things that women wear that are supposed to make them look professional and feminine at the same time. I don’t know what you call them.

  “Oh, Mrs. Theodoard,” I said startled.

  “It’s Miss, and you may call me Lianne. How are you, Mr. Duarte?”

  “Please, it’s Tadeas. I’m well. I was looking for a number here in the desk. I need to call Abigail and deliver a message,” trying to cover the fact that I sat at her desk, in her chair, with the drawer to the desk open.

  “I came here hoping she would be here today. I’ve emailed her several times about signing this important paperwork. We seem to keep missing each other. Will you do me a favor?” she asked. Her dark brown eyes sparkled when she talked. She was one of Gregory’s many offspring. She had Irish deity ties, but I wasn’t sure which one exactly. She was a goddess for sure.

  “Of course, ma’am,” I said.

  “Aren’t you a sweet thing? I’ll tell you what, we will do a mutual trade. I’d hate to have to owe you a favor in the future,” she said. I’m not exactly sure what she meant by that, but my mind went the wrong direction.

  “Um okay, what are the terms?” I knew to try to play it safe with these types. You never know what kind of binding you’d put on yourself with just a simple favor or what seemed to be a benign gift. I knew a Goddess or Fae could get you in a quick fix, and the next thing you know you’d find yourself turned into an Ogre or other foul beast, or be a slave to their every desire. I thought maybe that part wouldn't be very bad.

  “Terms. You are silly man, but a wise one as well. Very nice. I will give you her phone number at the island, in exchange you will emphasize to her that she has to sign these papers as soon as they may b
e. Very simple, no loopholes. I have no desire to own your soul. Or your body for that matter. I don’t even know what I’d do with a man like you.”

  My eyes widened, and I got choked up. I squeaked out, “Okay, so I tell her about the papers, and you give me her number. That’s it?”

  “Unless you want more,” she added.

  “Um, no thank you ma’am, but I agree to the stated terms,” she smiled and produced a blank white business card. She handed it to me, but didn’t let go. I gulped. She spoke one word as she looked deeply into my eyes. I squeezed mine shut.

  “Abigail.” And with her name, I could feel a warm sensation at my hands. She pulled her hand away and chuckled at me. “You are adorable, Mr. Tadeas. If there is anything I can do for you in the future, please feel free to ask. My days of making sideways deals are long over. This world is a different place. It was fun to tease you though. I had no idea a Hispanic man could blush like that.” She turned on her very high heels and clicked out of the room. I could hear her giggling down the hallway.

  “Holy Crap,” I said out loud. The blood in my face started to drain and the heat subsided. At least one woman today wasn't mad at me. I looked down at the card, and instead of being blank it simply said in burned out letters, Abigail and had an international number under it. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed. I turned back to the door. I couldn’t hear anyone there. I listened to it ring, then a familiar voice answered.

  Not the voice I wanted to hear. “Hello, this is George speaking,” he said formally.

  “Hey George, it’s Tadeas. I know she doesn’t want to talk to me, but I’ve got two messages to deliver, and I made a deal on one. Therefore, I’m required to deliver it,” I tried to explain.

  “Master Duarte, you are correct. She does not want to speak to you. However, I would give her the phone anyway, except for she went back to bed after you left, and has not awakened. I will not disturb her.” he said flatly. It was clear the old man was not happy with me, either. To be honest, hearing his kind steady voice made me pretty much loathe myself. I tried to tell myself that I meant the things I said to her, but I didn’t mean any of them.

  “George, I’m sorry you saw all of that, and I promise one day I will find a way to make it all right again. Please tell her when you talk to her that I have two messages for her, one from Samantha. She’s one of the girls in my class. The other is from Lianne Theodoard. I’m not sure how I became Abby’s answering service, but I guess I am for the moment.” The line was silent, and I thought I had lost him.

  “I will deliver the message that you have messages for her. Best you don’t make deals with Lady Lianne though,” he said.

  “You are right about that one. She has a way with words. But the deal was only that I deliver the message in exchange for a number to reach Abigail to give her the message from Samantha. Nothing else,” I explained. Not that I needed to explain to George. For one, he probably already knew about all of it. Or something anyway. And secondly, it was no one’s business, but mine.

  “Very good, sir. Have a good day,” and he hung up before I could say anything else. I guess George hated me too now. I could see that he was more than just a housekeeper and butler to her. He loved her like he would his own child. As far as I knew, Abigail didn’t know her real father. Neither did I. Something else we had in common. But she had one that loved her like a father, and that made all the difference. I knew that kind of love once, too. As I mused the desk phone rang. I started to reach for it, but then realized this was not my desk and not my office. I started to get up, and out of nowhere this strong, deep voice rang in my head.

  “Tadeas Duarte, answer the phone.”

  “What the ever-loving hell. Could this day get any stranger?” I said before picking up the receiver, “Um, hello?”

  “Ah yes, Mr. Duarte, this is Gregory Theodoard. Would you please come up to the fifth floor and meet me in my office? We have a few things to discuss,” he said. I gulped.

  “Yes sir. I’m on my way.” And without a response, he hung up. “It just got stranger, don’t question it again. One of the archangels might pay me a visit and blow strange out of the water,” I said to the empty office. I closed the drawer and sat the phone receiver down. I stood up and mindlessly stuck the key to the Mercedes in my pocket. I rushed up the stairs and slowed as I hit the 5th floor stairway door. I walked into a room that shared space with the door to the stairwell, and the elevator doors. There was a large frosted glass wall opposite me and a double frosted glass door. I gently pushed the door open. My adrenaline pumped through my body.

  The assistant at the desk looked up at me and said, “Ah yes, Mr. Duarte, please follow me. He is waiting for you.” She rose from the desk, and I followed her to the right down a long hallway with another glass wall at the end. On the frosted glass door there, a relief in clear lettering read, “Gregory Theodoard.” The assistant waved at the door, and I stepped forward and pushed it open. I stepped into an office completely surrounded by windows. Odd since it is an underground compound. The scenery to my right depicted a large rising mountain. Its top covered in snow. I recognized it as Mount Olympus in Greece. The actual mountain and highest peak in the country. To my left was a lush forest with small winged creatures flying around like fireflies, the sky was dark and looked like earth. It must be the Underworld where the high sidhe lived. I looked ahead and before I could determine the scene behind the desk, I realized Mr. Theodoard wasn’t the only person in the room. Miss Lianne Theodoard stood next to him. He sat at a large wooden, hand-carved desk. It was ornate and looked rich. I looked down after my encounter with her from a minute ago. I blushed again.

  “See,” she said.

  He laughed a deep, full laugh. I had spoken to him several times over the years, but mostly in passing. I had never been in this office, and we certainly had never been alone. Miss Lianne walked to the door of the room smiling. I nodded at her as she passed, diverting my eyes from her, “Lady Lianne.” I greeted her politely using the moniker George used. She got to the door, and I heard her stop.

  “Did you reach her?” she asked.

  “No ma’am, but I will. It was a deal.” I said trying to sound confident, “if I do not speak to her in the next few hours, I will travel through the portal and tell her face to face.”

  “That would be unwise. The portal should not be used twice in a 24-hour period. I know you aren’t completely human, Mr. Tadeas, but it would upset your internal clock. You might be awake for days. It shouldn’t be used lightly.” She waited for me to respond before she left the room.

  “Thank you, ma’am. Abigail, I mean, Miss Davenport did not mention that to me.”

  “You are most welcome,” and she turned and left the room.

  I lifted my eyes to Mr. Theodoard, and he chuckled. “Son, please come in and sit down. May I offer you food or drink?”

  “No sir. I thank you though, for the offer,” I said thinking to myself hospitality had been invoked.

  “I apologize for my daughter Lianne. I think sometimes she forgets the effect that she can have on a man,” his deep blue eyes were watching me as he spoke. His grey hair laid perfectly on his head. He had plenty of wrinkles and wear on his face, but he was not frightening except for knowing who he was and what he could do to me. He looked and seemed grandfatherly. A lot like George in a way.

  “Um, yes she is a beautiful woman,” I said complimenting her and trying my best not to make it sound lewd.

  “She propositioned you, did she?” he asked.

  This whole discussion made me completely uncomfortable, and I shifted my weight in the chair as if I had sat on a thumb tack. I knew I should not lie to him, but also, I did not want it to seem like I had enjoyed her banter at me. It was nothing more than flirting. “She was very kind earlier to me, and while I appreciate her attentions, I did not accept them sir.”

  He roared with laughter and slapped his knee. I was bewildered. “Son, I sent her down there to find Abigail, and instruc
ted her to proposition you. Had you accepted her offer, you wouldn’t be sitting here.”

  Well, at least I had passed someone’s test today. “May I ask why, sir?”

  “Of course, you may, in fact, you may ask anything you wish of me as long as I am allowed the same to you,” he stated.

  “Yes sir, I agree.” Just making all the benign deals today. I dug my hole deeper.

  “Fantastic. This one is a simple answer though,” he said turning serious. “You mean a great deal to my granddaughter, and her plans for the future. Sleeping with her Aunt probably is not the way to fix things between you.”

  “How do you know that we are currently not, um, talking?”

  “I am who I am, Son. And she means the world to me. I watch her every move, and the moves of those around her.”

  “Well, I see where she gets it from,” I blurted becoming entirely too comfortable with this conversation. My eyes widened when I realized what I had said.

  He roared again, “Yes, I suppose she got some of that from me. At least I hope she picked up a few of my better qualities. I can’t say much for her taste in alcohol, but otherwise she is a magnificent woman.”

  “That she is,” again I astonished myself with the words that were coming out of my mouth. It’s like I couldn’t stop. I shifted again in the seat. It felt weird.

  “I must confess something to you, Tadeas. May I call you Tadeas?”

  “Yes sir, of course.”

  “Ah yes, Gregory for me please too, then. I confess the chair you are seated in is called the Chair of Truth. You cannot lie while sitting in it. I normally do not tell anyone who enters this room about the power of that chair. It has saved me and this company many times. I cannot have that secret getting out. However, if my Abby trusts you, then so do I.”

  “I will tell no one of it sir, but I’m not sure your Abby does trust me.”

  “Nonsense. You have been to the island correct?” “Yes.”


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