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Tempting Raven (Curse of the Vampire Queen Book 1)

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by Jessica Sorensen

  Lovely. She’s not shrieking because she’s hurt. She’s shrieking because she’s happy. And a happy Nadine is never a good thing.

  “I’m so excited.” She hops up and down, clapping her hands and blocking my route.

  My dad appears at the top of the stairway behind me, looking absolutely befuddled. “What the heck’s going on?”

  “Rhyland and Kingsley are coming home early.” She continues to bounce and shriek like a clown who inhaled too much helium. “They’ll be here in a few hours!”

  A low buzzing sensation starts humming inside my veins. At first, I figure it’s from my anger. But I think my veins are actually buzzing underneath my pale skin.

  Damn, that blood Mom served tonight must’ve been really, really good quality shit.

  “Well, that’s just fucking lovely.” I didn’t even mean to say the words aloud, but my irritation gets the best of me.

  “What’s a matter, Raven?” Nadine sneers. “Are you afraid of Rhyland and Kingsley?”

  “Nope.” I internally sigh. I’d really been enjoying the last year away from them. Sure, I still had to put up with Nadine, but without her evil sidekicks—and the brains of their evil operation, something I found out once Rhyland and Kingsley left—she’s been fairly easy to deal with. And now that comfortableness will be stolen away the moment Rhyland and Kingsley walk through the door.

  “Why are they coming back early?” my father asks, shifting his weight. “Did they get kicked out of the training program?”

  Nadine glares at him. “No, that’s not why. And it’s pretty rude for you to just assume that.”

  I struggle to keep a smile from rising on my face. My dad really is awesome, even if it’s unintentional.

  “I didn’t mean that rudely,” my dad stresses. “You know I like Rhyland and Kingsley. I just hadn’t heard anything about them coming back early, so it seems a bit strange.”

  Sadly, my dad’s telling the truth, too, about liking Rhyland and Kingsley. But he doesn’t know about all the shit Nadine, Rhyland, and Kingsley have put me through over the years. Same with my mom. And telling them about it would be too complicated since my dad’s BFFs with Kingsley and Rhyland’s dad, and my mom is besties with their mom.

  “They graduated early.” Nadine flips her hair off her shoulder and proudly grins like she’s the one who graduated early. “They just found out yesterday, and they want to surprise their parents, so don’t blab it to anyone. They also said they have some news they needed to tell everyone. Some big thing is going on in the emperor and empress world. I think Mom already knows what that is because she’s an empress. But Rhy and Kings said they couldn’t tell me over the phone because I’m not an empress yet. And the news hasn’t been given the go-ahead to be released to the public.” She frowns. Or, more like pouts. “God, I can’t wait until I become one. I hate being out of the gossip loop.”

  “If you become one,” my dad mumbles almost absentmindedly.

  I arch my brows at him in question, but he only offers me the same forced smile my mom did in the kitchen, leaving me to wonder if they’re both blood drunk or something.

  “That’s not very nice, Daddy.” Nadine blasts him with a dirty look.

  “Sorry,” he apologizes. “I just don’t want you getting too excited until it actually happens.”

  “You’re such a vampire downer.” She grimaces, while my dad simply shrugs then wanders off down the hallway, seeming distracted.

  Strange. I wonder what’s going on.

  The moment he disappears into his room, Nadine shoots a wicked grin in my direction. “Soon, all will be right in the world again. Say goodbye to the year break you had, because hell is about to return.”

  As anger simmers inside my chest, the buzzing sensation amplifies, slithering under my skin and rushing to my brain, giving me a blood buzz brain freeze.

  Whoa, head rush.

  I give Nadine a smile that completely throws her off, which is kind of the point. Let her be confused.

  What she doesn’t realize is she won’t have as easy of a time making me miserable, even with Kingsley and Rhyland here. I’m not the girl I used to be when we were in high school. I’m in my first year of college and am excelling at a lot of my classes, which has been a huge boost of confidence for me. I also made friends with Effie and Anders, so I’m not completely alone anymore.

  I’ve also grown up. I’m not that scared little girl who wanted people to like her and invite her to parties. I’ve accepted what life is and who I’ll be. That I’m Raven, the vampire with raven black hair and eyes, skin as pale as snow, and legs that are longer than a lot of guys but move surprisingly slow—well, in vampire terms, anyway. And I’m becoming okay with that.

  Still smiling like I’m a badass vampire goddess, I swing past my sister, go into my bedroom, and flop down onto my bed.

  The buzzing under my skin continues to electrically crackle. I’ve never had a blood buzz before, but I’ve heard rumors of vampires getting them when they drink too much powerful blood. What I don’t understand is why my mom served such powerful blood at dinner. It’s not her normal vampire MO. And no one else seems to be struggling with a power surge. Then again, their bodies are probably used to intense power, unlike mine.

  The longer the buzzing goes on, the more exhaustion blankets over me. So weird. Extra power should mean extra energy, right?

  But the moment my eyelids lower, I fall asleep, sinking into nightmares I thought long forgotten.


  Nadine is having a party tonight and has invited the entire senior high school class. I’m more than stoked to be invited. And surprised as hell.

  To say I was shocked when an invite had flown out of my ceiling and smacked me in the forehead, arriving via magical mail, was definitely an understatement. I never got invited to parties; didn’t have any friends. When I saw my sister had invited me, my shock doubled. And my worry. But, after talking to her, she assured me she was just trying to make up for all the times she’d been mean to me, calling it a “peace offering.” Part of me was still apprehensive, but I wanted to go.

  So, after spending the day going through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear, I decide to put on a simple, dark blue dress that contrasted well with my raven black hair and eyes. I’d been told that my legs were too long and gangly to wear a dress—by Nadine—but that was back in my freshman year. I’d filled out a little since then. Well, at least I thought so.

  After braiding my hair, putting on some lip gloss, and slipping on a pair of clunky boots—I don’t own any heels—I grab the invitation and hurry up to the attic where the party was taking place.

  The attic is a fairly spacious room that my dad uses as his vampire cave/office. He rarely let Nadine and I go up there, but since him and my mom are gone on a vacation, I guess Nadine decided to break the rules. I’m okay with that. I’m just glad to be invited to the party.

  As I wind up the spiral staircase that leads to the attic, I smooth my hands down the front of my dress, feeling nervous and restless. I’m worried that Nadine’s friends, particularly Rhyland and Kinsley, won’t want me there and will treat me like they always do—like a diseased bat. But Nadine assured me that they’d be nice, and if they weren’t, she’d make them. She even blood swore on it, which is a big deal in the vampire world. Breaking a blood oath is basically like shattering a relationship. It’s something you just don’t do to family or close friends.

  When I reach the top of the stairs and step into the attic, I start to grow a little bit worried. No drinks are laid out. No blood kegs are set up. Not a single person is in sight.

  “Maybe I’m early,” I mumble to myself.

  Just then, I hear a giggle, followed by a door slamming.

  I whirl around, panic rushing through me as I note the door is now shut. I rush over and try the doorknob, hoping maybe the wind blew it shut. When the door opens, relief washes through me.

  It was just the wind.

  A beat l
ater, I hear music flowing from downstairs, causing puzzlement to web through me. Did I read the invitation wrong? Is the party downstairs?

  I step forward to go check and, smack, I walk straight into an invisible wall.

  I trip back, rubbing my forehead.

  “What the hell?” I grumble, staring at the doorway.

  The only way to put up an invisible wall is to have a witch put up a protection charm. But no one in our house hangs out with witches. Well, except for Rhyland. He has a couple of female admirers—his words, not mine—who are witches. That means he may have asked one of them to charm the doorway …

  Reality sinks in. This was a trap. Another one of my sister and her friends’ setups. The invite was a lie. The blood oath was a lie.

  As if sensing my thoughts, Rhyland, Kingsley, and Nadine materialize in the middle of the stairway. Kingsley has his arm draped around Nadine, something he does a lot, though they’ve never dated. Although, rumor around school is they fool around whenever they get bored with whoever they are currently dating.

  Nadine is wearing her infamous sneer while Kingsley smirks and Rhyland looks bored. That’s normal for him and doesn’t mean he didn’t play a part in this trap. He did. He always does. And I know he was the one who got the witch to put the charm up.

  Fucking asshole.

  “I can’t believe you fell for it.” Nadine grins like an evil … well, vampire. “I really thought you’d have gotten a bit smarter by now. Guess I was wrong.”

  “Lucky for us, she’s still stupid.” Kingsley’s grin matches Nadine’s.

  Rhyland remains silent as he studies me with a blank expression, as if he isn’t thinking about anything. Although, his head is tilted to the side, so something must be going on upstairs in that pretty head of his, right?

  “Why?” I manage to get out evenly. The worst thing I could do right now is cry.

  Nadine’s smirk magnifies as she slips out from underneath Kingsley’s arm. “Aw, you want to know why you’re not invited to my party?” She pouts out her lip. “That’s so cute.”

  Kingsley coughs in his hand. “Definitely not cute.”

  Rhyland almost smiles. Well, either that or he has a twitchy mouth, which I guess he sort of does sometimes.

  “I guess I could tell you why,” Nadine continues. “I mean, it’s the least I can do since you’re going to be trapped up here all weekend.” She sounds anything but sincere. “I locked you up here because I don’t want you ruining my glamorous party with your freaky pastiness. I mean, I know we’re vampires, but you’re seriously one step away from being a ghost.”

  I roll my eyes, pretending to be more unbothered than I really am. “A ghost? That’s the best you can come up with. Wow, you must be going soft on me.”

  Her lips twitch in annoyance, but she quickly shakes the irritation off and plasters on a smile. “Have fun being up here all alone, listening to everyone else have fun without you. Then again, you should be used to it by now.” She turns to leave, tracing her fingers along Rhyland’s chest. “Thanks for getting that witch to put the charm up, gorgeous. You’re right; it was a way better idea than mine.”

  He nods and then his gaze collides with mine.

  A spark zaps through me, hot and scorching. I don’t know what it is. Maybe stray magic from the invisible wall charm. Or perhaps Rhyland was blessed with a rare power. I don’t really care, and apparently, he doesn’t either as he backs away down the stairs.

  He feels nothing.

  He doesn’t care that I am locked up.

  That I am hurting.

  Why would he? He never cared before, so why start now?

  What really puts confusion swirling in my brain is that I care. I care that he doesn’t care. Such a stupid thing to do. I need to get over it.

  With one final emotionless stare, Rhyland yanks his eyes off me and descends down the stairs.

  I decide I hate the three of them in that moment. A hatred that grows over the years and blossoms into sheer and utter loathing.


  After hearing that Kingsley and Rhyland would be here tonight, I was hoping I’d snooze for at least twenty-four hours. Unfortunately, vampires aren’t much for sleeping, and I wake up an hour later, dripping in sweat with the worst headache ever. I’d be totally bummed out, except Effie sends me a message almost the instant I open my eyes.

  Effie: Yo, yo, yo, yo, Sleeping Beauty, get your ass out of bed!

  I smile as I sit up, wiping the sweat from my forehead and noting that the buzzing is still present in my body. Strange. I thought it would’ve worn off by now.

  Making a mental note to ask my mom about it, I type back a message to Effie.

  Me: How’d you know I was sleeping? Are you stalking me again?

  Effie: Whatever. I so only stalked you once, and that was to find out where on earth you took off after school every day, because I knew you were lying to me.

  Me: Yeah, I know. I still feel bad about that. I just hate telling people that my mom owns Liquid Red & Blood Magic. People usually get all weird and try to use me to get in.

  Effie: Except for me.

  Me: That’s because you’re awesome.

  Effie: Sure am, but I’m kind of worried you might change your mind after what I’m about to ask you.

  Me: What’s up? You didn’t kill one of the council’s bats again, did you? Because my dad’s been super suspicious since the last time one turned up dead, and I had to lie and say it wasn’t you.

  Effie: No, I didn’t. And FYI, the last time was totally accidental. How was I supposed to know it’d fly into the window after I shut it?

  Me: They do that sometimes, especially when they’re high off blood.

  Effie: I know that now. But can I just say that the council has serious attachment issues to their bats. I swear, it’s like they think they’re children or something.

  Me: Nah. They’re just pets.

  Effie: Pets they love a little too much, if you ask me. I’ve even seen them talking to them. And one time I saw one wearing a little purple dress and bow. Seriously, it’s like those people who dress up their dogs.

  I chuckle.

  Me: Yeah, I know it’s pretty weird … But, if you didn’t kill a bat, then what favor do you need?

  Effie: I need to get into your mom’s club tonight.

  I try not to worry over whether she’s using me. I’ve been friends with Effie for almost a year and she’s done nothing but be super nice to me and has never asked me for anything.

  Before I can answer, another text pings through.

  Effie: Before you start to worry, I want you to know that the only reason I want to go is because I think Austin is cheating on me. And supposedly, at least according to a little gossiping bat, he’s supposed to be at your mom’s club with his skanky lover.

  Me: Oh, my God! I’m so sorry, Effie. What an asshat.

  Effie: No worries. It’s not like I’m in love with Austin. But he has potential, and I don’t want to throw all that potential away until I know for sure.

  Me: Wait? Who’s the little gossiping bat that told you this?

  Effie: Well, that’s the weird part. I got an anonymous letter, via magical mail. It said I needed to go to Liquid Red & Blood Magic tonight because Austin was going to be there with another girl.

  Me: And you don’t know who sent the letter?

  Effie: Nope. I tried to find out, but you know how hard it is to track magical mail.

  Me: True … It seems weird, though.

  Effie: I’m honestly kind of wondering if the skanky lover sent it. Maybe she wants Austin all to herself, but he won’t break up with me. So, she figures if I find out, I’ll dump his cheating ass. Which I totally will.

  Me: Well, I’m here for you, whatever you need. Even if it’s going to my mom’s club. Honestly, I kind of want to get out of the house, anyway.

  Effie: Fuck. What happened?

  Me: Kingsley and Rhyland are coming home early. They’re supposed to be here tonight.<
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  Effie: What the shit? Did they get kicked out of the training program or something?

  Me: Nope. Graduated early.

  Effie: Yeah right. Probably because they cheated.

  Me: Can you do that in the program?

  Effie: I don’t know, but I wouldn’t put it past Kingsley and Rhyland to find a way. They used to cheat off my tests all the time back when we were kind of friends.

  Yep, once upon a time, Effie used to be popular, until around senior year when, according to her, she stopped giving a shit about what other vampires thought. She said it was too tiring and she didn’t like the person she’d become. So, she chopped off her blonde hair, dyed it purple, and pierced her lip, nose, and brow. She looked—and still does—like a badass vampire punk goddess.

  When she first gave herself the makeover, Nadine and her friends tormented her. That’s kind of how we became friends—by bonding over how we were both bullied.

  Luckily, for the sake of our friendship ever developing, Effie never treated me like shit during her pre-rebellion popularity years. It was actually pretty easy to become friends with her. We have a lot in common, from our choice in clothes and rock music to our quirky weirdness. I asked her once how she was ever friends with Nadine, Kingsley, and Rhyland, and she told me she had no idea.

  Me: Well, according to Nadine, they graduated early, which means their big heads are probably going to be even more inflated.

  Effie: Maybe they’ll be so big they won’t be able to fit through the door, and then you won’t have to see them.

  Me: Aw, don’t get my hopes up.

  Effie: You never know.

  Me: Yeah, I know, but I really doubt it. That’s okay. I won’t be here to see them because I’ll be with my BFF, hanging out at my mom’s club.

  At least for the night I’ll be gone. Unfortunately, I can’t run away forever.


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