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Awakened By Time

Page 2

by Jennae Vale

  Getting to her feet, Brenna stood for a moment, in shock. She wanted to speak, but instead stuttered and mumbled, hurrying from the hall before anyone could see the tears forming in her eyes. She’d never give that shrew the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Once in the passageway, she slumped against the wall and let the tears flow. What was she to do? How could she escape her fate? The sounds of laughter coming from the great hall pushed her to move on. She climbed the steps to her room in a daze.

  Wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her dress, Brenna sat numbly on the bed. She gazed about the chamber that had been hers since she was a bairn and a deep sadness overcame her as she realized that this was no longer her home. Other than Aunt Saundra, she was totally and completely alone. She didn’t even have a single good friend to confide in. Paddraig’s drunken ranting and raving saw to that. Everyone at the castle gave him a wide berth and because she was, until this moment, the lady of the castle, they’d done the same with her. Even the men avoided her, none wishing to incur the wrath of Paddraig MacRae, and so she’d never had a chance to fall in love, to share a kiss or to see a man gaze at her the way her brother Dougall gazed at his wife Helene. She’d received letters from him, always speaking so fondly of the people of Breaghacraig, of his many friends and the life he and Helene shared. It all sounded so exciting to her and so out of her reach. She didn’t know if she’d ever have a chance to be that happy, to experience life with the same freedom they seemed to have. Brenna picked up a small doll her Aunt Saundra made her when she was but a bairn and held it tight to her chest, all the while thinking she could not go through with this, but not knowing what she could do to stop it.

  Chapter 2

  San Francisco, California - 2017

  Where on earth could she be? Zeke paced back and forth across his living room. His sister, Sara, was supposed to be back a week ago and he hadn’t heard from her. The river cruise she’d booked a spot on had returned to port, but she had not. According to the cruise line, she never made a reservation. He’d argued with them through several phone calls, but they stuck by the fact that she hadn’t made a reservation and had never boarded their ship. That meant only one thing. She lied to him. Why would she do that? What purpose could she possibly have had for making up a trip she never intended to take? Only one he could think of. She was doing something he wouldn’t have approved of and she was afraid to tell him because she knew how he’d react. Just great! Now he had absolutely no idea where she was or how to find her. His reflex was to call the cruise line again, but just as he was about to dial the number, his phone rang.

  “Hey, Zeke,” Wade’s voice came across his speaker phone. “Are you coming in today?” Wade was Zeke’s right hand man at his medieval martial arts studio.

  “No. I won’t make it today.”

  “Is everything okay? You don’t sound right,” Wade observed.

  “I’m worried about Sara. She’s still not back.”

  “You haven’t heard from her?” Wade’s voice took on a concerned tone.

  “No. Not a phone call or a text. Not even an email. I’m really worried about her, Wade. I’m about to call the cruise line for the hundredth time to see if they have any information on her. If they don’t, I don’t see that I have much choice, I’ll be heading to Europe to see if I can find her myself.”

  “Can’t you call the FBI or something? What about Interpol? It seems like a daunting task to go to Europe alone to search for her. You might need some professional help.” Wade was making a lot of sense.

  Zeke had no idea where she was, so he didn’t have a clue where to begin. “I’ll make some phone calls, but I’ve got to find her. I’m really worried. This is so unlike her.”

  “If there’s anything I can do, just let me know,” Wade said.

  “I’ll need you to run the studio while I’m gone,” Zeke said, while searching the internet for phone numbers for the FBI, Interpol, and Scotland Yard.

  “If you go, I’ll be happy to do that for you. You never know, she might show up at home any moment now.” Wade’s voice conveyed an optimism that Zeke wasn’t feeling.

  “Thanks for mentioning that. I just thought of something. I should really go check to see if she’s at her apartment. I haven’t done that yet. It’s possible she got back and went right home and something happened. She might be sick or something.” A new wave of worry washed over him. If she did make it back to San Francisco, why hadn’t she called from the airport for a ride home as they’d agreed.

  “Let me know what you find out and what your plans are. I’ll be here at the studio all day.”

  “Thanks, Wade. I’ll be in touch.”

  Zeke pounded on Sara’s apartment door. “Sara, are you in there?” Still no answer. He’d been standing here in her hallway for at least fifteen minutes, alternating between pounding and yelling. He lifted his fist to pound again when a door down the hall opened and Sara’s landlord Mr. Donovan came out.

  “What’s going on here?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry. I’m looking for Sara.” Zeke said. “I’m her brother. You probably don’t remember me.”

  “I know who you are. Sara isn’t here.”

  “I’m trying to find her. She went on vacation and she was supposed to be back by now. I haven’t heard a word from her.”

  “I’m not sure where she is, but I can tell you that she paid her rent for the next six months. She said she was going on an extended research trip and she might be gone awhile.”

  Zeke shook his head, confused by this. “Research trip? She never said anything to me about that. And she didn’t say where she was going?”

  “I’m afraid not. I hope she’s alright,” he said.

  Zeke’s mind was racing, searching for answers. How could she have done this? Why had she done it? He was her brother. Didn’t he deserve to know the truth? He was shaken to the core. Sara had never done anything like this. She’d always confided in him and now here he was with absolutely no idea how to solve this riddle. “Is there any way you can let me into her apartment. Maybe I can find something there that will help me locate her.”

  “Sure. I’m not supposed to do this without her permission, but you are her brother and I can see that you’re really worried.” He pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

  Zeke entered and Mr. Donovan followed him in. The place was pretty clean. It seems his sister had gotten her world in order before she left. He explored each room. He went through papers she left out, magazines on her coffee table and notes on the refrigerator, but nothing told him anything about where she may have gone.

  “Thanks for doing this for me,” Zeke said. “If she comes back or if you hear from her, can you call me?” He grabbed a scrap of paper from her counter and wrote his number down. He handed it to Mr. Donovan.

  “I will and I hope you’ll do the same. I’d like to know that she’s alright.” He locked the door and walked with Zeke to the elevator.

  Completely perplexed by this situation, Zeke’s next step was to call the police and report her missing. Then he’d pack a bag and head off to Europe. Wade was right. It was a big place. He had no idea where to go first.

  Back at home, Zeke gathered his things and was about to head out the door when the fireplace sparked to life. He froze on the spot, but then realized there was only one person he knew who could make that happen.

  “Edna?” He stood in front of the fire waiting for a response.

  “Zeke. It’s me.” Came the disembodied female voice of the witch who’d wreaked havoc on his life only a short while ago.

  “Haven’t you ever heard of using a phone, Edna?” He was exasperated and in a hurry to get out the door.

  “What fun would that be, me dear?” she laughed.

  “Edna, my sister’s missing.” Her bright and cheery voice was grating on his nerves. Then he thought about it and realized maybe she could help him find Sara.

  “That’s why I’m contacting you. I’ve just been with her and she
asked me to get in touch with you to let you know she is alright.”

  Zeke visibly relaxed, but his anger was still present. “Where is she? Why didn’t she call me herself?” he barked.

  “There’s a verra good reason she didn’t call ye. She’s in sixteenth century Scotland. No phone, ye ken,” Edna said very matter-of-factly, as if that were a common occurrence. Of course, it was for her.

  “What?” Zeke shouted.

  “Calm yerself, lad. She’s fine. She is where she wants to be. She’s with Logan. You remember him, he’s Dougall’s friend. Surely you noted her interest in him when he was in San Francisco.”

  He’d been so wrapped up in his own drama with Helene that he hadn’t noticed. “How did she end up there? Did you send her Edna? Was it against her will?” He was trying frantically to rationalize Sara’s motives, and remembered that Helene hadn’t asked to come to San Francisco. Edna sent her without her permission.

  “It definitely wasn’t against her will. In fact, she came to me here at The Thistle & Hive. She told me she wanted to be with Logan and she wasn’t about to take no for an answer.”

  To say he was angry would be an understatement, but mixed in with that anger was a good amount of hurt, confusion and sadness. Sara had traveled back in time and hadn’t told him her plans. “I can’t believe it. Why didn’t she tell me?” Zeke thought back over the last six months and wondered if maybe she had tried to tell him. He had thrown himself into work, teaching more classes and working late at the studio. She had invited him out quite a few times and he almost always declined. Maybe she needed someone to talk to about Logan and he hadn’t been there for her. “Edna? Are you still there?”

  “I’m here, dear. Sara didn’t want you to stop her, or to worry about her.”

  “She didn’t think disappearing would cause me to worry?” Typical Sara. Do first, think later.

  “She wanted to explore her feelings for Logan without your disapproving of her plans. I’m happy to tell ye that they are both verra happy that she made the choice she did. ’Tis why she stayed with him.”

  “Is she ever coming back?” Zeke suddenly felt nauseous. The thought of never seeing his sister again, landed on him like a thousand-pound boulder.

  “I don’t know. Right now she is exploring life in that time. If she isnae happy there, Logan has made it clear that he will come to the future with her. She did have a message for you though.” Edna’s voice softened, “She wanted you to know that she loves you and that you have been the best brother to her.”

  Zeke sat on the sofa and put his head in his hands.

  “I have to see her, Edna,” he softly said. The lump in his throat was making it difficult to speak

  “I thought ye might say that.”

  “Send me back.”

  “I thought ye might say that as well.”

  “So you’ll do it?” Zeke picked his head up, a new sense of hope filling his being.

  “Are ye sure ye wish to go?”

  “I am.”

  “Alright then. Gather the things ye’ll need to bring with ye and be at the Marina tonight at eight sharp. Will that give ye enough time?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Don’t be late. The fog willnae wait fer ye.”

  “Edna, thank you.”

  “Yer welcome, dear.”

  The fire died down and Zeke was left to make sense of what had just happened. It seems he was really going to time travel and he was doing it tonight. He had a lot to do. First of all, he would be heading to the studio to get all of his equipment and to speak with Wade about taking care of things until he got back. He was going to sixteenth century Scotland, ready to bring Sara home.

  Edna chuckled to herself as she walked away from the hearth.

  “What’s so funny?” Angus asked. He was seated in his favorite chair, reading the newspaper.

  “Sara’s brother wishes to see his sister. I couldnae have planned it more perfectly.” She was quite proud of herself and it showed.

  “What are ye up to, me wee fox?” Angus raised an eyebrow in question.

  “Nothing out of the ordinary, love.” She smiled. Walking behind Angus, she placed her hands on his shoulders.

  “I dinnae believe that sending someone time traveling is ordinary. And I dinnae believe that ye do either.”

  “Yer right.”

  “Are ye matchmaking again?” He placed the paper in his lap, capturing her hands in his and pulling her around where he could see her.

  “Perhaps.” She gave him a coy little smile. Disentangling herself from his grasp, she left the room calling, “Maggie!”

  An out of breath Maggie met her in the lobby of the inn. “You called me?”

  “Aye. We’ve some things to arrange. Sara’s brother Zeke is to travel back in time to see her.”

  Maggie’s face lit up on hearing this news. “But that’s not really why yer sending him back, is it?” A knowing grin spread across her face.

  “Ye ken me so well,” Edna chuckled. “Come, let’s go make some plans.”

  They walked into the dining room, and sat at their table by the fire. Across the room, Teddy was seated in his corner spot by the window having breakfast with Marissa Merryvale. They’d been practically inseparable since she came to Glendaloch at Christmas time the year before. They both smiled and waved at Edna before continuing their conversation.

  “We’ll need to contact Wallace. Zeke will need a horse and someone waiting for him when he arrives.”

  “Who do you intend to match him with?” Maggie asked.

  “That will remain a secret for the time being, but there is a young lady who is going to need his help. I’ll keep ye informed as it plays out.”

  “Auntie, ’tis nae fair. Share with me!” Maggie pouted.

  “Would ye like some tea?” Edna smiled.

  “Aye.” It was obvious Maggie realized, she would get no further information. “I’ll get us a pot.”

  “Scones, too.” Edna called as Maggie left for the kitchen. She should have asked Zeke to bring some baked goods for Wallace, as he loved them so much, but it was too late now. She made a mental note to make it up to Wallace later.

  Zeke hurried into the studio and quickly began gathering his equipment. He changed into his medieval garb, which he kept in his office for competitions they participated in and for the Renaissance Faire.

  “I thought you weren’t coming in today. Did you find Sara?” Wade asked.

  “No. I mean sort of.” He sheathed his sword and his dirk while he spoke.

  “Sort of?” Wade questioned. “You aren’t planning to bring your weapons with you to find Sara, are you? I hear they frown on that kind of thing at the TSA.”

  “Wade, you know how this whole time traveling thing works, right?” Zeke asked, scanning the area to be sure he hadn’t forgotten anything.

  “I wouldn’t exactly say I know how it works, but I know about it.”

  “Sara traveled back in time to be with Logan. You remember him?”

  “Yeah. He was here with that other guy to get Helene,” he answered.

  Zeke froze in his preparations. He hadn’t thought about the possibility of seeing Helene. His heart was just beginning to heal and he didn’t know that it could survive another blow.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to mention her,” Wade apologized.

  “It’s okay.” Zeke shook his head, clearing the thoughts of Helene away so he could focus on Sara. “You’re right though. He’s the one. Sara, apparently, is in love and is living in the sixteenth century. She asked Edna to let me know where she was. I’m going back to find her and convince her to come home with me.”

  “What if she doesn’t want to?”

  “She will. How could she possibly be happy living somewhere with no modern conveniences? You know Sara. She hates to be without her phone for even a minute.”

  “Are you kidding me? She’s in love. All those endorphins would make anything bearable.”

took a moment to collect himself. There was no way he was going to let her stay there. Living in the past was just plain dangerous and even if she was too in love to see it, he knew it was and he was certain she would be coming back with him. “She’s my sister. She’s all I’ve got. I can’t lose her.” He gazed pointedly at Wade.

  “I hear you. So, when are you leaving?”

  “Tonight. That’s why I’m here. I came to get my stuff and to see if you’d be okay with running this place until I get back.”

  “I’m happy to do it for as long as you need me. Do you want me to take care of your cat?”

  “Yes. Please. You’ve got a key to the house. Stay there if you like. I know Milly would be happy of the company.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  “Thanks, Wade. You’re a life saver.” Zeke was relieved that Wade would stay at the house. He’d feel a lot better about leaving Milly for however long he was going to be gone.

  “I’d say keep in touch, but I guess that’s not possible.”

  “If I need you, I’ll have Edna contact you.” He thought he’d better tell Wade what to expect. “She likes to talk to me through the fireplace, so don’t be surprised if you hear her voice out of the blue.”

  Wade chuckled. “That’ll be a first for me. Be safe, my friend and I’ll see you when you get back. Don’t worry about anything here. I’ll take care of it.”

  Chapter 3

  Castle Treun - Scotland - 1517

  Laird Nevil Munro would be arriving the next day and if Brenna could possibly manage it, she’d be long gone from Castle Treun before he graced them with his presence. Rising before sunrise she packed a few things to take along on her journey. There were still a few hours before anyone was up and about, so if she was lucky she’d be gone before anyone even noticed.

  She tiptoed to the door of her bed chamber, cringing when it creaked open, stopping her mid-step. There was no indication that anyone else had heard. Peeking up and down the passageway to be sure no one was about, she noted the dying flames of the torches that would light her way. Next came the stairs, which she crept down with as little sound as possible. Seeing nary a soul, she felt good about her plan to escape. Once she’d made it through the entry doors of the castle this would all become so much easier. She felt a surge of confidence rush through her as she crept into the stable to retrieve her horse. Vala nickered to her as she approached and Brenna stroked the white blaze that ran down her nose.


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