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Awakened By Time

Page 11

by Jennae Vale

  Brenna tried not to appear too shocked by this news, but she could tell from the way Dougall was looking at her that it wasn’t working. “Go on.”

  “Well, while Helene was there, she met a man named Zeke Barrett. He took her in and she lived with him until I traveled through time with Logan to find her.”

  “Yer speaking of me Zeke, arenae ye?” She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her belly.

  “Aye. He was Helene’s Zeke at that time. He was verra good to her and he took good care of her. I believe he loved her, but he knew that she and I were meant to be together and so he sent her back to me.”

  “Do ye think he still loves her?” She felt as if she’d been punched in the gut.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “’Tis why I want to be the one to tell Helene. I dinnae wish her to be shocked to hear the news, ye ken?”

  “I won’t say a thing,” Brenna assured him.

  “Thank ye. She’ll be pleased to have ye stay here with us.”

  “Ye dinnae believe she’ll be angry with me?” Brenna felt incredibly guilty about the treatment Helene had received at the hands of her family. The last time she’d seen her was the night she helped her escape the dungeon. Brenna couldn’t help but fear that Helene might not want her here. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like here if she received the same treatment she’d received from Greer and Gillian, but perhaps she deserved it

  “Nae. Helene is the sweetest woman. She’ll welcome ye with open arms.”

  “I’m sorry for everything that happened to her at Castle Treun. Truly I am.”

  “Ye can tell her that if ye like.”

  Dougall placed his arm around her shoulders and they continued down the road. Brenna’s mind wandered to thoughts of Zeke. He was from this other time. She’d had hopes that Zeke would take her home to his castle with him, but now that she’d found he was from a different time in the future, she could only wonder about this place he was from. She wondered what it looked like there. Did he live in a castle? She had so many questions.

  “It may take me a while to get used to this time traveling story ye’ve told me.”

  “’Tis nay a story, Brenna. ’Tis the truth.”

  “What is it like? The future,” she asked.

  “’Tis full of wonderous things,” Dougall responded.

  “Why did ye nae stay?”

  “I dinnae believe I belonged there. This is me home. ’Tis where I am meant to be.”

  Brenna wondered again about where Zeke lived. If Dougall and Helene didnae wish to stay there, then mayhap Zeke would want to stay here as well. As they approached Dougall’s home, Brenna was taken aback by it’s beauty. It was a grand home. It wasnae a castle, but still it was more than she’d expected. Her brother must be quite important here at Breaghacraig to have such a fine home. As they reached the front door Dougall opened it, allowing Brenna to pass through. “Ye can ask Helene about the future if ye have more questions. She spent more time there than I.”

  Before he closed the door, Brenna took one last look at the land surrounding her brother’s home. A low wall surrounded a beautiful garden filled with shrubs and greenery. She could hear the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks nearby and smell the salty sea air as it wafted her way on the breeze. She was proud and happy for Dougall. This was his home and it was to be her home as well. No longer would she have to deal with her Da’s drinking, or the terrible Greer. She would find peace here in this home. She could feel it.

  “Yer home is beautiful, Dougall,” Brenna exclaimed.

  “Dougall, is that ye that I hear,” called Helene from upstairs.

  “Aye. Helene, I’ve a surprise fer ye.”

  “I love surprises. I’ll be right there.”

  Helene rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs and put her hands to her mouth.

  “Good day to ye, Helene,” Brenna said.

  “Brenna!” Helene was obviously shocked to see her.

  “Aye. ’Tis me.”

  “Have ye come to stay with us?”

  “I have. I hope ye dinnae mind.”

  Helene came to her and embraced her. “I dinnae mind at all. I’m so happy to see ye.”

  Relief swept over Brenna as she realized she had nothing to fear from Helene. She accepted her. “Helene, I wanted to tell ye that I’m so sorry fer everything that happened to ye at Castle Treun. I hope ye can fergive me fer me part in it.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. As terrible as it was at the time, I learned a lot from it and I believe it made me stronger and it brought Dougall and I closer together.”

  “Truly? Yer nae angry with me?”

  “Och. Nae. Yer Dougall’s sister and that makes ye me sister, too. Ye ken I’ve never had one.” Helene said.

  Brenna relaxed. She’d never had a sister either. Well, she’d had Fingall’s wife, Gillian, for the last few months and that had been a disaster. She was happy to know Helene was nothing like her.

  “Dougall, show Brenna to her room. We’ll be eating at the castle this evening, so I’ll be on me way to help Irene. Ashley’s busy with the new bairn and Jenna’s not up to the task either.”

  “Helene, I need to tell ye something before ye go,” Dougall said.

  “I dinnae have the time right now, Dougall. Ye can tell me when we sit down to eat. Brenna, Dougall can show ye where I keep me gowns. Help yerself to whatever ye like.” She rushed out the door leaving Dougall and Brenna staring after her.

  Chapter 13

  The evening air was brisk as Sara, Logan and Zeke walked to the castle. Sara informed them they would be eating dinner there at Irene and Robert’s request. Logan had kindly offered Zeke some clean clothes to wear and Sara saw to it that he had everything he needed to get washed up before they left.

  “Why are we eating at the castle tonight? Did they say?” Logan asked.

  “No special reason,” Sara informed them. She hooked her arms through Logan’s and Zeke’s, almost skipping as they went. “Have you seen Helene yet?”

  “We came right home when we arrived,” Logan answered for him.

  “Are you going to be alright?” she asked Zeke.

  “I’m not going to lie. It’ll be strange seeing her again, but I’m a big boy. I can handle it.” He watched as Sara and Logan exchanged concerned glances. “Really. Don’t worry about me.” Helene was with Dougall now and happy, he assumed. He had to let her go and he thought seeing her here with Dougall might be just what he needed to put the past behind him and move on.

  While entering through the main gate into the courtyard, Zeke prepared himself. He had thought about the fact that he would be meeting the MacKenzies and he’d be seeing Helene again. He was ready for that. What he hadn’t been quite prepared for was entering this beautiful castle. He’d ridden through the gates earlier, but he hadn’t really taken it all in. He’d been exhausted from lack of sleep after saving Brenna and his head had been throbbing angrily. Now for the first time, he was able to really see it. The walls rose imposingly into the evening sky. He could see guards on top of a tower, but they seemed relaxed since there wasn’t an imminent threat. The large doors to the main hall were open and firelight danced on the walls. The moment was surreal. He felt as if he were having an out-of-body experience. If he wasn’t seeing it all first hand, he’d never have believed it. He was here in the year 1517 and everything around him reminded him that he wasn’t in San Francisco anymore.

  They arrived at the same time as Dougall and Brenna.

  “You look amazing,” Zeke said and he meant it. He’d seen Brenna in her most unhappy moments, angry, in tears, disheveled from days of travel, frightened and embarrassed, but he’d never seen her look so beautiful. Why hadn’t he noticed before this moment? He’d always thought that she was pretty, but he’d never really seen her. He was so focused on finding Sara that he’d missed it and now he wished that he’d gotten to know her better right from the start. Away from Castle Treun and all the horrible things she’d been
through, she was glowing. She took his breath away. Her dark hair reflected the light of the torches they passed and her hazel eyes took on the color of the blue-green gown she wore. He put his arm out for her to take and she did, shyly gazing up at him, possibly unsure of the way he was reacting to her.

  The great hall was set up for the evening meal. He immediately noted the difference between Breaghacraig and Castle Treun. The hall was quietly elegant. Torches lined the walls and candles were set on the tables, giving the room a soft golden glow that warmed the stone walls and floors.

  They stood before the hearth where they were each given a tot of whisky by one of the servants. Zeke caught a glimpse of movement in the entryway and when he glanced that way he saw Helene and she saw him. The look on her face was hard to read. Obviously, Dougall hadn’t told her he was here. It took her a moment to gather herself, but in true Helene fashion, a smile lit her face as she headed straight for him. Zeke wasn’t sure what to do, so he stood where he was and waited. She came right to him and kissed his cheek.

  “Dougall, ye didnae tell me Zeke was here.” Helene said.

  “Ye didnae give me a chance to, me love,” Dougall responded.

  “I’m surprised to see ye here, as ye can tell. What brings ye to Breaghacraig?” She glanced at Brenna, who was still holding Zeke’s arm.

  Zeke removed Brenna’s hand as he spoke. “I missed my sister and Edna told me she was here. I’m here to bring her home with me.”

  Sara wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “Zeke, I’m happy here. I don’t want to leave.”

  “Ye can speak of it more later. While we’re here, let’s enjoy our meal,” Helene said, taking on the role of peacekeeper.

  “You’re right. We’ll talk later,” Zeke said.

  “Come. Let’s sit.” Helene led the way to the tables and placed Zeke and Brenna next to each other, across from she and Dougall. The MacKenzies entered the room and one by one introduced themselves to both Zeke and Brenna. Zeke was again struck by the differences between the two castles. Paddraig MacRae enjoyed his drink, as did his sons and so the evening meal was a much rowdier, raucous event. It was the difference between eating at the local dive bar back home and eating at a fine restaurant.

  “Jenna and Ashley willnae be joining us tonight,” Irene said. “They’re both quite tired. Ashley due to the new bairn and Jenna because hers will be born any day now. Ye’ll meet them tomorrow.”

  “Yer Sara’s brother,” Cormac said. “She speaks of ye often.”

  Zeke didn’t want to tell them she was the only family he had. They’d think him a sad and lonely man, which he might very well be if he took five minutes to think about it. Instead he said, “Does she?”

  “Aye. Ye have some kind of school, isnae that right?” Robert asked.

  “Yes. It’s a medieval martial arts studio. I teach men, women and children the fine art of swordsmanship, as it’s practiced in your time. As a matter of fact, I was hoping I’d be able to join in on your daily practice. I’d like to see if you can give me any pointers I can use when I get back to San Francisco.”

  “He’s quite good,” Dougall said.

  In his wildest dreams, Zeke would never have expected to be accepted by Dougall, but they had bonded as they worked to rescue Brenna. Theirs was a mutual respect and while Zeke was surprised to hear Dougall complimenting his swordsmanship, he was excited for another opportunity to train with real medieval warriors.

  “Join us tomorrow then,” Cailin suggested.

  “That would be amazing.” He hadn’t expected to be this comfortable around either Dougall or Helene, but he was. Dougall obviously wasn’t holding a grudge and, as for Helene, they easily lapsed back into the easy conversations they’d once shared with each other. No awkwardness remained between them and this pleased him more than he could say.

  Brenna was unusually quiet and seemed to be alternating between watching him and watching Helene.

  “How is Milly?” asked Helene.

  “She’s fine. She misses you,” Zeke said. “When I come home at night she looks past me to the door, expecting you to follow me in.”

  “Who’s Milly?” Brenna asked.

  “She’s my cat. She grew very attached to Helene while she was living with me.” Was that the right thing to say? Would that be frowned upon here among these people? He took a quick peek around the table and no one other than Brenna seemed to be interested.

  “Milly’s a verra good listener,” Helene laughed. “She heard all about me troubles and never seemed to mind.”

  “She’s heard all of mine too,” Zeke admitted. “You got her into quite a bad habit. She expects treats the minute I walk through the door at night.”

  “She deserves treats,” Helene laughed. “I always loved the way she’d follow me, rubbing on me legs and weaving between them until she got one. Or two.”

  “Try three or four,” Zeke chuckled.

  “Aye. ‘Tis true. I miss the sound of her purring at me side as I slept,” Helene said.

  “I imagine Dougall does that now,” Zeke teased.

  Helene laughed out loud. “That he does.”

  Zeke was pleasantly surprised that this evening had not been as difficult as he’d thought it would be. In fact, he was really enjoying himself and happy to see Helene. She’d always hold a very special place in his heart, but she wasn’t his. She never had been.

  Brenna was feeling something she’d never felt before. Jealousy. She was jealous of the easy way Zeke and Helene spoke with each other. She wondered just how close they’d been when Helene had lived with him. Had he kissed her? Had they done more? She was watching them closely and every time one or the other would look her way she quickly looked to Dougall, who didn’t seem at all bothered by their interaction. She wondered why? Shouldn’t he be jealous? Zeke’s sister, Sara tried to engage her in conversation and she did her best to oblige.

  “So you’re Brenna. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Sara said.

  “Have ye?” Brenna replied, wondering what Zeke had said that made Helene laugh. She watched as she then reached across the table and touched his hand. Brenna felt the jealously stir in her gut. How was Dougall not jumping from his seat to stop them?

  “Yes. Logan has told me all about how he would get into all kinds of trouble with you and Dougall. I think he had a crush on you,” Sara giggled.

  “A what?” Brenna had no idea what that meant.

  “A crush. It means he liked you,” Sara explained.

  “Och. Nae. Logan is like a brother to me,” she corrected.

  “At one time, he hoped to be more,” Sara said.

  Brenna squirmed nervously in her seat. She was sure that Sara would be angry with her and lash out, as was always the case with Greer and Gillian. She really had no idea what to expect. Would she hate her? Her life had been so sheltered at Castle Treun. She had no women friends and wasn’t really sure how Sara might be feeling about her right now, but nothing happened. Sara didn’t get angry with her. She didn’t laugh at her. She didn’t appear to be upset in the least bit. Brenna stole a peek at Logan to see if she might find a clue there, but not seeing any she returned her attention to Sara.

  “This doesnae bother ye?” Brenna was confused.

  “No. Not at all. It was a long time ago and he’s mine now,” she shrugged and smiled at Brenna.

  “So, ’tis possible for ye and I to be friends and for Logan and I to be friends and ye willnae be jealous?” Brenna wasn’t quite sure how to respond to Sara’s friendly warmth. She thought about her time back at Castle Treun. She had not been friends with any of the women her age there. Since Greer and Gillian arrived, she was always worried that someone would lash out at her or make her feel unwelcome. It had been a long time since she sat and enjoyed a meal.

  “Of course not. I’m hoping we’ll be good friends, like I am with Helene.”

  Brenna smiled. She liked Sara, who was doing her best to make her feel welcome here. “It would be good to have a
new friend,” she said.


  Logan who had obviously been listening, put an arm around Sara and leaned in to kiss her cheek. Brenna took a bite of her food and watched as Dougall, Zeke and Helene smiled and laughed and Logan and Sara gazed lovingly at each other. She wondered if she’d ever fit in here. They were all being very welcoming and kind to her, but she felt something lacking. Something she hadn’t thought she wanted. She wanted to be part of a couple and she wanted the other half of that couple to be Zeke.

  Chapter 14

  The men of Breaghacraig were on the practice field bright and early the next morning and Zeke was joining them.

  “The last time I saw you,” Dougall said, “you left me with this.” He pointed to a small scar on his cheek.

  “Sorry about that,” Zeke said. “You did challenge me to a fight.”

  “I did. It was foolish of me to underestimate your abilities. I’d like a chance to redeem myself,” Dougall grinned at him. “Dinnae fear. I’ll nay draw blood.”

  “Alright,” Zeke agreed.

  The others had all paired off, spreading themselves over the entire practice space. There was room enough for Zeke and Dougall to spar. The earsplitting sound of metal clanging on metal brought to mind thoughts of what a real battle must be like. Dougall and Zeke were perfectly matched, each one winning the same number of bouts as the other.

  When their last bout was finished, Dougall clapped Zeke on the back. “Well done, sir.”


  “Aye. I hear yer now the Laird of San Francisco,” Dougall chuckled.

  “I had to tell your father something and that seemed to be what he wanted to hear.”

  “Me Da is always impressed with people of stature,” Dougall acknowledged. “I’ve a question fer ye. What are yer intentions towards me sister. Ye’ve handfasted, aye?”

  “We have, but that was a decision we made to get her away from Laird Munro. Paddraig was happy to go along with it. He had no idea that we were only doing it for show.”


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