'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. Page 18

by Colin Flaherty

  Not everyone appreciates this part of Kansas City black culture:

  “I had to cross the Plaza last summer going home from babysitting, and while sitting at a stoplight I was shouted at, called names, and had my car beaten on by these hooligans. They were ALL black. These are the type of situations that worsen the already tense race relations in this city. The problems on the Plaza are with BLACK teenagers. Call it what you will – since there are no white teens causing the problems. This is a problem for anyone who enjoys the Plaza – so we all get to suffer because of the lack of parenting of these black delinquents.” [360]

  That’s the first draft of the history of Black History month, 2014.

  Part 1.

  Moorish Nation

  It’s the law: Black people do not have to obey the law.

  “I knew some whites would have difficulty w/ a browner America

  but didn't know they'd wanna destroy the country over it.” [361]

  -- Cynthia Tucker

  Editorial Page Editor

  Atlanta Journal Constitution

  You may have missed this chapter in Black History class: In 1787, a bunch of people signed a bunch of agreements that said black people are not required to obey American laws because they are really citizens of Morocco, not the United States.

  Today, members of the Moorish Nation claim this entitles black people to move into empty houses without paying (don’t call it squatting!), create their own license plates, issue their own drivers licenses, print their own property titles and claim sovereign immunity when they get arrested.

  All without success, so far. But they keep trying all over the country.

  Moorish Nation made its biggest national impression in March 2013, when Abka Re Bey and her six children moved into a $3 million, 10,000 square-foot mansion in Memphis. Abka Re Bey even filed paperwork with the local Register of Deeds saying she was taking ownership of the property “in the name of Allah, the most high,” said NewsOne, a TV network “for Black America.”[362]

  The Washington Post, CBS News and others neglected to mention the religious connection to Islam in their reports on these racially separate squatters.

  Abka Re Bey stayed in the mansion a week before the SWAT team came and took her away for trespassing, burglary and theft. “She's Moorish-American,” said Jarrod Batts to Action News in Memphis after her arraignment. “Why y'all saying she's a squatter?” [363]

  The Washington Post tracked down two officials who say this group is responsible for a lot of mayhem that never makes the newspapers: “I can promise you that every state has had their challenges with these guys,” said Carol Foglesong, a land records official in Orange County, Fla., and past president of the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks.[364]

  “It’s going on in every state,” said Kory Flowers, an investigator with the Greensboro, N.C., police and a national expert on sovereign groups.

  Racial mayhem happening all over the country and newspapers are not reporting it? Who knew?

  In Bethesda three months later, three members of the Moorish Nation tried the same thing when they moved into a $6 million house with 12 bedrooms, 17 bathrooms and two saunas. When deputies showed up to haul them off, they said they were members of “the Moorish Nation and had the right to claim the property,” said the local sheriff.

  Over at the legal offshoot of the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the white staffers are curiously ambivalent about black nationalists invading to steal private property:

  “To be fair, a good bit of the movement’s apparent philosophy honors human rights and criticizes the sad and too-long chapter of slavery in the US, in ways that are hard to argue with,” said house philosopher Kaid Benfield.“I figure he (the Bethesda mansion owner) has had enough breaks in life and maybe is due for a karmic hit.”[365]

  Here’s a headline: Sierra Club OK with black on white karmic hits.

  The last karmic hit this Bethesda mansion had was when Bill Clinton and Al Gore planted trees during a fundraiser for some local Sierra Club types. Guess that wasn’t enough. Funny how often it never is.

  In Tampa Bay, police found Zuri Akila Betiti Matawala Zurj-Bey, a grand sheikess in the Moorish Temple of Science of the World, driving with an unusual set of license plates: “Moorish American Republic 070117-004.”

  That didn’t work out too well either. "I've been kidnapped," she told the Tampa Bay Times in December 2012 after police hauled her off to the slammer for outstanding warrants. "I don't belong here. When you belong to another government, you're not subject to someone else's rules and laws. I'm just a missionary. This is a misunderstanding.”[366]

  That misunderstanding continues today in Wilmington, Delaware, where Moorish Nation had a lot to choose from: 1,387 of that city’s 22,576 homes are empty. And that does not count houses for sale.

  In 2013, Moorish Nation struck again. And not for the first time in this Chocolate city of 70,000. This time they invaded a large home on the tree-lined, once majestic and now slightly worn Baynard Boulevard.

  “They just moved in liked they owned the place,” said Ralph Malatesta, the next-door neighbor. “That’s what they said to me anyway and I believed them. A few of them look like they just got out of prison.” A SWAT team ended that soon after. “There were a lot of kids in there too,” Malatesta said to your humble correspondent who lives two blocks away.

  The Moorish Nation is hardly the only black separatist group in America. On July 1, 2013 Chokwe Lumumba was sworn in as Mayor of Jackson, the capital of Mississippi. He is a former leader of a group called the Republic of New Afrika that seeks to turn the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina into an independent black nation.

  Even Al Jazeera was impressed: The network called Lumumba “America’s most revolutionary mayor.”

  “Free the Land” is the group’s slogan. In his inauguration address, one of the first things Lumumba, a Detroit transplant, did was raise his hand in a clenched fist and proclaim to loud applause from 2500 people: “Free the Land.”[367]

  Within a year, Lumuba was dead. His successor vowed to carry on his work and vision.

  Neither is Moorish Nation the only group of black people squatting. In Detroit in February 2014, a homeowner gone for a few days returned to find her neighbors had moved in, stolen her property, eaten her food, and turned her home into their chill pad where they could use drugs.

  Adrea Isom of Fox News in Detroit could hardly contain her incredulity when speaking to the family and friends of the squatters:

  “Three men had helped themselves to all of her gin and her Seagram’s happy juice,” said Isom. “They cooked up crab legs, shrimp and they even had a turkey in the oven, can you believe it? And while they were fixing their feast she says they were high as a kite on the chronic.”

  That would be marijuana.

  Two of the suspects lived next door.

  The locals were unapologetic and blamed the owner for leaving the house unguarded: "It was like a chill spot,” said one neighbor. “Somebody going to invite you over to smoke some weed and we right next door. The guy that was in there was squatting already, so he was inviting people over, because he was living there."

  "This is Detroit and we will come squat in your house if you're not home,” said another neighbor who also offered the homeowner a few words of advice” “Stay in your home before your copper come up missing.”[368]

  Black Mob Violence, London Edition

  Can’t we all just get along, bloke?

  Black mob violence is ruining their business, say the owners of a popular nightclub. Just like it ruined the businesses of 15 other nearby nightspots that recently closed.

  Except this is not in America. These hot spots are in London.

  This declaration of racial violence came in 2014 from the owners and managers of the Fridge Club, an iconic three-story venue where as many as 300 people can be found staying up all night to dance, dri
nk and often use drugs. But lately violence is ruining the buzz:

  The absolute majority of people who have disrupted these venues are black men and increasingly some black women. There, I said it. It is true, I have witnessed it and there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence that what I say is true.[369]

  The post lists 15 South London clubs that recently closed because of black mob violence: “Almost every single venue has closed because of violence, the threat of violence, disrespect to their staff and coming to the inevitable conclusion that it is better to close than putting up with that bullshit,” they said. “Unless and until young black people (18-35) learn to conduct themselves in a civil manner then the night time economy will be closed or severely restricted to you.”[370]

  I know some will say that it is a 'minority' doing the damage but I disagree. The minority knows that they have the support of the majority who fail to call them out when their behaviour becomes awful. I spoke to the owner yesterday of one of Brixton’s best known venues that has had serious problems since Xmas and he has now secretly put the place up for sale. He does not want to be construed as 'racist' by stating the blindingly obvious about where the majority of the trouble is stemming from.

  The post spread through several large English news sites, including the London Evening Standard. The Huffington Post UK edition was among the first to send out the “shocking” news of the “explosive rant.” But if the liberal web site was expecting a tsunami of condemnation, its editors would soon be disappointed:

  “The owners of Fridge Bar are black,” she said. “Most of the staff, event organisers, security team and fund-providers, are black. Anyone who regularly raves in South London (as I do, including in Fridge Bar) can acknowledge some validity to the points raised in the original post.”

  Others pleaded for understanding because the perpetrators of the violence may have been “dealt bad cards.” Skant Chandan said the violence is perfectly understandable because it is the result of “colonial invasions.”

  Scholars of Critical Race Theory in the United States often say slavery is the cause of disproportionate amounts of black mob violence and black on white crime. But slavery was almost non-existent in England. The slave trade was outlawed in 1807. An anti-slavery legal judgment from 100 years prior to that declared black people are “free; one may be a villein in England, but not a slave.”

  Black Mob Violence Against Cops

  You Say You Want a Revolution?

  Cops are pigs. Occupiers. Willing members of the prison-industrial complex who send black people to prison for no other reason except racism.

  That is what you have to know to make sense of two cases of black mob violence and lawlessness directed in 2013 at the police. One in New York. One in Chicago. Both on video. Both just a tiny smattering of the racial animosity directed at cops. Every day.

  In Brooklyn, Stephen Stowe and eight other black people became upset when they tried to exchange Moslem greetings with a Jew on the subway.

  "Assalamu Alaikum," Stowe said to the man, using a common greeting among Muslims that means, "Peace be with you.” When the man ignored the greeting, Stowe allegedly became combative, reported the New York Daily News.[371]

  "You think you're better than me?" the black teen allegedly said. "We are cousins."

  "No we’re not," The man shot back, and told Stowe to leave him alone, the Daily News reported.

  The suspect then started hurling ethnic slurs and called the man disrespectful. The penalty for disrespecting a black mob in a New York subway apparently is the threat of death and the theft of a phone. “They should have killed all of you,” Stowe told his potential victim, a relatively common slur directed at Jewish people referring to the Holocaust. Then they tried to steal his phone.

  The New York Daily News and WND both report that black mob violence against Jews is growing increasingly common in the Jewish neighborhoods of Brooklyn -- with dozens of incidents the last two years.[372]

  But this incident of black mob violence was just getting started.

  When the subway pulled into the next station, police were waiting to take Stowe into custody. But the crowd of more than 50 black people would have no part of it.

  They surrounded the police. Crowded them as they tried to subdue Stowe in the subway car. Taunted them. Ignored police orders to move back. They tried to stop them from arresting Stowe while they waited for re-enforcements. All while Stowe was on the ground, struggling with one of the officers.[373]

  It was chaos. Of the more than 50 black people surrounding police, not one helped in any way. Or as one police officer remarked in an email “Not one piece of shit would help the police in this video. Not one.”

  As police wrestled with Stowe, Sheniqua Joseph was particularly vocal in urging other members of the mob to assist her in stopping the arrest.

  Four minutes into the video she was also arrested. She also resisted. “Why y’all doing this,” she shouted as cops wrestled her to the ground.

  It’s what they do, Sheniqua.

  In Chicago, Jamaal Moore and four other black people were suspects in a truck hijacking in December 2013 on the city’s South Side. The victim told police five black men pulled a gun, robbed him, then fled in a silver SUV.

  Minutes later, police spotted Moore and his friends in their silver SUV and when they attempted to pull them over, they fled. After a high-speed chase, the car crashed. Four of the men ran away, leaving Moore behind. After a struggle where Moore was beating the police officer and reaching for his gun, a policewoman shot Moore two times, killing him.

  Soon after, hundreds of black people were at the scene, yelling profanities at the police, complaining of police brutality. They also threw “bottles, bricks and rocks,” said the Chicago Tribune.[374] On video. When the Trib cannot ignore it, you know it has to be big.

  Moore had a long history of trouble with the law, including a 2006 arrest and conviction for armed robbery.

  Several days after the riot, Revolution News reported that a flyer urging more violent action against the police was distributed in Chicago neighborhoods. And the paper urged us to reconsider our view of Mr. Moore:

  Jamaal had "put aside all of his youthful habits and was getting things together so he could take care of his 4-month-old son," said Revolution News.[375]

  When Jamaal's mother asked the police what was going on, one cop told her "Another n*gger dead." This, in a nutshell, is the racist and genocidal program these enforcers carry out for the system. The cops taunted the crowd with this shit and the people erupted with righteous anger right in the cops' faces. People were shouting,

  "We're tired of this. We're tired of them shooting down our kids." And "fuck the police!" In the face of the guns and clubs, the people defiantly fought back.

  Despite the dozens of cell phone cameras capturing the action, not one captured a recording of police using racial epithets. Nevertheless, Revolution Newspaper said Moore was really a victim, not the violent predator police would have us believe he is.

  “It is the workings of the capitalist-imperialist SYSTEM that produces killer cops and the mass incarceration of a whole generation of Black and Latino youth—over 2.4 million in prison,” said the paper. “We need a revolution to end once and for all the brutal, vicious oppression of Black people.”

  Or as one Chicago protestor exclaimed on video: “Fuck the police,” he said on a seven-minute video. “They can’t do shit if we start a riot right now. They can’t shoot all of us.”[376] Sheniqua wanted an explanation. There it is.

  “Hold On, They Got a White Dude.”

  “Hold on, they got a white dude.” And on the video, the violence sure seemed like fun: Laughing. Shrieking. [377]

  This mayhem happened in 2014 on a September Saturday night in Memphis at a Kroger’s supermarket. WMCA Channel 5 out of Jackson, Mississippi picks up the story, [378]all of it except the central organizing feature of the violence: All of the hundreds of people involved in the mayhem and violence
are black. Except the victims:

  Three people were jumped by a large group of teenagers who were chanting“fam mob.” The group, who came from CiCi’s Pizza, reportedly attacked a 25-year-old customer as he left his car to enter Kroger.

  Two employees, ages 17 and 18, were attacked while trying to stop the fight. Both were“struck several times in the head and face, while being knocked to the ground.” The victims say large pumpkins were thrown at their heads. They both eventually were knocked unconscious.

  However serious it seemed to the victims, the predators and their videographer were having a good time. Laughing and running.

  Marlin Newburn has been on the front lines of racial violence for 30 years. Most lately as a prison psychologist. Newburn said the laughing is part of the large-scale violence.

  “These predators were merely living out their preferred lifestyle, a primary part of the black culture, as opposed to a subculture,” Newburn said.“This lifestyle is one of sadistic and primitive impulse where they believe themselves to be 10 feet tall, bulletproof, very smart, good looking, gifted, and tougher than anyone. If you’re thinking that’s the narcissism common among pre-adolescent children, ages 6 through 12 inclusive, you’d be correct. This population lives without any sense of personal responsibility or boundaries with others.

  When assaulting or killing someone, the absence of a conscience is considered among their peers as an indicator of strength and power. Expressing joy in the process only heightens their street cred. Most all are functionally illiterate, but one lesson most all of them have learned from their elders, beginning in their earliest years, is to hate white people.”


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