'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. Page 19

by Colin Flaherty

  This video of large scale black mob violence directed at white people comes just a few days after a news of a similar Milwaukee incident — albeit with a smaller mob — became public. But with a different outcome.[379]

  Police say Camron Powell was part of a group of black people who were robbing the largely white crowd in a Milwaukee entertainment district. At least 35 times over the last few months.

  The local Fox News affiliate reports the details:[380]

  “A criminal complaint says Powell was in a group of teens that admitted to carjackings and armed robberies in a four-day crime spree. One member of the group wanted to do just one more. They confronted a group of people near 2nd and National. One member of the robbery group fired at the victims. A victim took out his own 9MM and fired back— the robbers left.”

  “Afterward, Powell remembered he left his backpack at the scene, he went back. The complaint says the victims were still hiding behind cars. Powell reached into his bag and walked towards them. Fearing Powell was retrieving a gun, the victims fired one shot striking Powell.”

  Powell’s Facebook page is littered with him brandishing various weapons, including an AK-47. A combat rifle.

  Just a month before that, Joshua Drake, another member of the mob was shot trying to rob a Milwaukee boutique. The owner of the store, Lupe Aguilar, had recently bought a gun and used it to defend herself and kill Drake.[381]

  It was the third robbery at the store within a month.

  There have not been any since.

  Immediately prior to the latest fatal shooting of the miscreant, this mob ran into another Milwaukee woman, who was lucky to escape with her life. Fox News in Milwaukee was the only station that thought it important enough to track her down:[382]

  He was at my side with a gun at point-blank range,” the woman says.

  She says she picked up a friend early Monday morning, September 1st. In an instant, a gun was at her head.“He said‘don’t move.’ He opened the door and said,‘Give me everything you have,’” the woman said.

  Two other teens went to attack her friend— a theology student who began to pray.

  Neither had much money to give the teens. The woman says two other teens yelled to the boy who held her at gunpoint.“It was just—‘shoot them. They have nothing. Just shoot them. Kill them,’” the woman says. The woman says the teens took her cell phone. She says she begged for her life, as the mother of a young boy.

  The phone they had had a picture of my son as the backdrop and I said‘that little boy on the phone— he’s five,’” the woman said.

  The woman says the group of teens took off.

  Powell is at least the fourth perpetrator of black on white violence killed in Milwaukee so far that year. In March, a group of black people held down and beat a maintenance worker in Milwaukee with a baseball bat.[383]

  He shot and killed two of them.

  Families of the dead men say they were good people who did not deserve to get shot.

  Winston-Salem: Racial Violence Now Normal.

  Reporters say it, so it must be true.

  News Flash: All over America, families get together on Friday night. They eat fried chicken spread out over checkered table cloths. They drink lemonade. They play volleyball. Or Monopoly. Or even Scrabble.

  Or a thousand other things without attacking people, fighting police, destroying property, harassing pedestrians, and creating violent mayhem.

  That is normal.

  Not in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, if the local media is to be believed. There, black mob violence downtown and other places is now a regularly scheduled event. Almost like the running of the bulls.

  Let’s take a look at June 2014 when the reporters and editors and business leaders of Winston-Salem pretty much threw in the towel.

  The first I heard about the large-scale black mob violence in Winston-Salem was in an editorial in the local paper: The Teens of Summer Are Upon Us.[384]

  That is a lot of mis-information in just one headline. First, we already know the drill about teens. This is an editorial about black mobs. Two, the summer thing is also misleading. As in, this only happens during the summer. That’s not true either.

  The editorial writers from the Winston-Salem Journal pressed on: The teens were “celebrating the last day of school.” And this widespread violence happened before, in 2007, but then it went away.

  This is what happens when you create an environment where people cannot talk about race or racial violence: Reporters and others get to make silly and stupid and untrue statements unchallenged.

  Except in the reader’s comments. And you’d better get to them fast, because they often disappear.

  Let’s see if we can piece together the truth of what happened that June night -- and before. And compare the reality with what was reported.

  Let’s start with the numbers: 300 black people in downtown. Jumping on cars, destroying property, fighting police, getting pepper sprayed.

  Oh yeah: I already told you that part.

  But wait, the same paper that just told us that this thing happened once before in 2007, let the truth slip out, almost parenthetically: “This isn’t unprecedented, it just usually doesn’t happen so close to the end of the school year,” the mayor told The Journal.

  Try as I might, I cannot find anything in the Winston-Salem media about large-scale black mobs terrorizing the downtown and other parts of the city. Regularly. At the end of summer, as if on schedule.

  Reporters may shy away from it, but readers flock to it, wanting to know why the paper has such a hard time telling them what is going on. Said Janice Tuttle at one of the Journal’s stories on the violence: “I witnessed a group like this at Hanes Mall a couple of months ago. It was frightening. They suddenly appeared in a swarm as though some announcement had been made on social media. It was a very violent fight, too.”[385]

  Whoa! This is bigger than we thought. The malls too? Yes, the malls. Anywhere else? Brenda Wagner chimed in about the summer before:

  “Wake and I were downtown last year and the police had to break up a very large confrontation, they have had problems with them for several years. We watched and were amazed at how smoothly and easily they separated the teens that were arguing. I don't think they had more than a couple hundred in that group.”

  News, news and more news.

  One community activist had a solution and an observation: “Don’t drop your kids off downtown,” she said on video to The Journal. “Because obviously, when you get a bunch of kids together there’s no telling what they are going to do.”[386]


  Try as I might, I cannot figure out what is obvious about the inevitability of black mob violence. Others have no problem wrapping their minds around it. Let’s hear from the kids: What happens when you put a bunch of black people together? The Fox affiliate found a few and asked them about the city’s plan to give the “teenagers” something to do as a way to combat violence:

  “It’s a good idea but they still going to be fightin’though,” said one. “Middle school? They going to be fightin’ too.”[387]

  Here’s something else that is obvious: Whatever is happening in Winston-Salem happens in hundreds of other cities around the country. And more and more people want to know why their local media have so much invested in ignoring, denying and condoning it.

  Because more and more people refuse to accept it as normal.

  Lots of people are taking the new normal to the next level. And they are using bogus crime stats to do it.

  Black Crime Stats: High and Should Be Higher.

  Way Higher.

  Here are four reasons why.

  “You cant steal nothin from a white man.

  He’s already stole it

  He owes you anything you want, even his life.

  All the stores will open up if you will say the magic words.:

  Up against the wall motherfucker

  this is a stick up![388]


  ,former Poet Laureate of New Jersey

  and NY college professor

  As bad as black crime statistics are, the real numbers are higher. Much higher. And it comes at a time when black elected officials and black media are trying to tell us the opposite: Black people are victims of white violence. And white racism.

  All the time. Everywhere.

  And that is the only reason crime rates are higher and sentences are longer: Cops and judges and prosecutors and lawmakers pick on black people for No Reason What So Ever.

  First, let’s start with a baseline from the National Crime Victimization Survey.

  In 2010, 62,593 blacks were the victims of white violence.

  320,082 whites were the victims of black violence.

  Blacks commit five times more violence against whites than whites do against blacks.

  Because there are five times more whites than blacks, this means that black people commit 25 times more assaults against whites than whites do against blacks.

  Now listen to the most breathtaking sentence in the history of San Diego journalism.

  It comes unchallenged from the lips of Lei-Chala Wilson, president of the San Diego chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

  Wilson was explaining to a reporter from the San Diego Union-Tribune why crime rates for black people are so astronomically out of proportion:

  “The statistics have proven we don’t commit more crimes than anyone else, but we’re more likely to get stopped, detained and arrested,” Wilson said.“The word is getting out and people are more aware of it.”[389]

  People actually believe this fairy tale.

  The truth is different: Let’s call it Black Privilege and take a look at four reasons why the numbers on black crime are way too low.

  When I was writing White Girl Bleed a Lot, the publisher asked me if we should put more crime statistics in the book. I pushed back a bit because I did not want to make it an academic tome.

  “Why?,” quoth Mr. Know It All. (That’s me again.) “Black crime rates are 6, 8, 30, 50 times higher than white crime rates. And compared to Asians, black crime rates are 10 times higher than that. Everybody knows that already.”

  Wrong. Not on the numbers. The ‘everybody knows that’ part.’

  Let’s listen to two black members of Congress explain the enormous disparity between black and white crime. They are members of something called the Congressional Over Criminalization Task Force and they are talking in May of 2014: [390]

  Then let’s talk about the difference between what they said -- and what is really happening.

  Black and White Crime the Same, they say.

  “The so-called war on drugs has been waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color even though data shows that minorities are no more likely to use drugs or commit crimes,” thus sayeth Congressman Robert Scott from Virginia.

  That does not sound so crazy when it comes from the richly paneled dais of a congressional committee hearing room.

  Now cometh Congressman John Conyers of Detroit on the same day with more of the same: “The Over Criminalization Task Force finally focuses on today what has been the most critical failing of our nation’s criminal justice system: The continuing prevalence of racism,” he said.

  “We like now to think our justice is color blind. That our system is race neutral. But whether overt or subconscious, the vestiges of racism are still reflected” in sentencing. One in 9 black men between the ages of 20 and 34 are incarcerated. One in three black men and one in 6 Latinos will spend some part of their lives in prison compared to one in 23 white men.”

  Nothing wrong with those numbers. But hold on for the whopper:

  “Blacks represent 12 percent of total drug users in the country, but account for 40 percent” of people doing time for drugs.”


  “So before we identify solutions, we must recognize how we institutionalize and normalize racism today,” insisted Conyers.

  “I want to focus on how racism, unconscious or not, has a disproportionate impact on criminal penalties in minority communities. Bias can begin on decisions about what offenses are investigated.”

  OK: Most important sentence of the whole book. Ready?

  “With enough time and officers in a certain location, it is only a matter of time before they find reasonable suspicion to stop, detain and arrest someone -- or many people.”

  That is a favorite theme of the Attorney General, the MSNBC crowd, Conyers, Scott and tons of others. No difference in behavior. Just a difference from racist police departments. (Even those run by black police chiefs in black cities with black mayors and city councils.)

  And they always use this one bogus piece of information as an example: Black people and white people smoke the same amount of marijuana, but black people are arrested four times more often.

  Everybody knows that.

  Too bad it’s not true.

  The equal drug use hoax.

  This Holy Grail of Critical Race Theory has been trotted out by the Washington Post (with nine charts!)[391], the New York Times,[392] the ACLU[393] and tons of others as proof positive of Institutional Racism.

  “When it comes to illegal drugs, white America does the crime, black America does the time,” says Huffington Post.[394]

  The message is clear, says one commentator at the Washington Post web site: “When you see the crime report next time, you know WHY the stats are black. Crime occurs at the same or higher rates in other communities, but the policing and prosecution is higher in the black communities.”

  As I write this, a white Critical Race Theory professor from LaSalle University is saying the same thing on the black Philadelphia radio station, WURD. The host, Nick Taliafero, is rolling in it like catnip and congratulating the professor for his superior insight into white racism.

  Down in Atlanta, Cynthia Tucker from the Atlanta Journal Constitution talks about how “Countless studies have shown that black Americans’ drug use is in line with our share of the U.S. population (about 12-13 percent of black Americans use illegal drugs), but our drug arrests far outpace that.”

  Really now?


  But before we open the prison doors, let’s ask two questions:

  One, how do the professors and big city newspaper guys and big time TV folks know that blacks and whites smoke the same amount of pot?

  The Census Bureau told them.

  How do they know?

  They ask.

  Full Stop.


  This info is part of the census -- on steroids: Not the ‘ask a question in an envelope’ part. The part where they visit thousands of homes and ask more detailed questions in person. Such as: ‘Do you use drugs? Or smoke pot?’

  They do not ask you to piss in a bottle or test you in any way.

  They just take your word for it.

  Then they assemble their answers in a report called the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse and Health. And that is how the big ‘everyone smokes the same amount of pot’ hoax was born.

  The buzzword for this kind of research is “self-reporting.” As you might guess, this research is itself the subject of a lot of research. And a lot of scientists have found that self-reporting on drug use is not reliable.

  Especially for one particular group: African Americans.

  Yes, they say that.[395]

  Even the most ardent Critical Race Theorists have trouble denying the enormous disparity of crime rates among races. But if they don’t, their entire theory collapses. So they say it anyway – there is no difference between black and white crime -- knowing for sure that most reporters are too wracked with white guilt or shame to challenge anyone who does say it.

  Some doctors down at Johns Hopkins University actually found out what happens when you test the reliability of self-reporting of marijuana and other drug use among black people. [396]

  A study of 290 African American
men in Baltimore, Maryland undergoing treatment for hypertension showed that self-reporting of illicit drug use is unreliable. Only 48 of the participants reported drug use but urine drug tests revealed that 131 had used drugs.

  With self-reporting, drug use among black people was 16 percent.

  With testing, 45 percent.


  There’s more. Different study. Different journal.

  According to the medical journal Addictive Behaviors, “underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing validation as well where African Americans in comparison to Caucasians who were urine positive were about 6 times less likely to report cocaine use when other factors are controlled for.” [397]

  Translation: When you ask, white people and black people report using cocaine in about the same amount. But when you test, black people are six times more likely to use cocaine. And lie about it.

  More from the same journal for you science junkies:[398]

  The present study also identified predictors of discrepancies between self-report and hair testing. Race was the most salient predictor of cocaine disagreement.

  Even when other factors were controlled for, the self-report and hair test results for African Americans were more discrepant than for non-African Americans, a finding consistent with past studies (Fendrich, et al., 1999; Feucht, Stephens, & Walker, 1994).

  In a large study of youth (9−20), underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing validation as well (Fendrich & Yanchun, 1994) where African Americans in comparison to Caucasians who were urine positive were about 6 times less likely to report cocaine use when other factors are controlled for.

  Our study extends this finding to a middle-aged sample of male African American Vietnam veterans and non-veteran community controls.

  Race was the most salient factor? Conyers is not going to like that.

  Anyone who has ever done one nanosecond of public opinion research of any kind knows this: You don’t ask. You check.


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