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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 30

by Colin Flaherty

  In Baton Rouge. And every other city in America.

  Black History Month in Baltimore

  They are writing new chapters there all the time.

  Black History Month 2014 in Baltimore is a busy, busy time. Every aspect of black life in this city is remembered and celebrated: Black schools. Black music. Black movies. Black churches. Black literature. Black clothing. Black politicians. Even black trains.

  Then Tracey Halvorsen had to go and spoil it all: She wrote an article in 2014 about crime in Baltimore. How she and her white neighbors live in fear. And no one seems to care. Or worse, lots of people think it is normal. “Baltimore City, You Are Breaking My Heart,” is going viral for an on-line magazine called A few quotes:[598]

  “I’m tired of being looked at like prey.”

  “I’m tired of thinking about the horrifying final moments for 51 year old neighbor, Kim Leto, stabbed to death in her own home by two teenagers.”

  “I’m tired of wondering why city leaders haven’t said shit about recent horrific murders committed by children in supposedly “safe” neighborhoods.

  “I’m tired of living next to a beautiful park that I’m scared to walk into at any time of day, thanks to regular stories of day-time muggings, drug dealing and gang violence.”

  Much like a similar article last year, “Being White in Philly,” Halvoersen’s story contained all the requisite apologies for noticing. All the protestations about her black friends. All the denials that she was a racist.

  That did not change one fundamental fact: Crime in Baltimore is a black thing. And black on white crime is a secret that is simply not discussed. Other than to excuse it as a product of white racism, that is.

  As indictments go, Halvorsen’s was pretty mild. She left out the dozens and dozens of examples of black mob violence documented in Baltimore in White Bleed a Lot.

  Racial violence came home to the Baltimore Sun a few weeks before Halvorsen’s indictment. One of its editors, John Fogg, was attacked when he was getting out of his car and heading for his house just a few blocks from Halvorsen's. His skull is fractured in six places. He lost 10 teeth. The black suspect, in custody, was recently arrested for two other assaults, but charges were dropped before the case came to trial.

  That might have been Halvorsen’s tipping point: Like the “Being White in Philly” article, Halvorsen’s story is provoking what one observer called “one big group therapy dialogue” -- with every major media site in the city running stories on it.

  Halvorsen tried to pretend she did not notice race. You know, one of those, ‘they all just happened to be black, things.’

  The black commentators disagreed: They said crime had everything to with race -- and Halvorsen’s racism. They talked about the “white privilege” that caused Halvorsen to notice the violence and somehow feel as if she were entitled to live in safe neighborhood.

  The white racism that caused the black people to commit the crimes and violence.

  “I think the problem here is that many white and/or upper/middle-class residents of Baltimore—and, of course, the Maryland suburbanites who work or play in Baltimore—show no sense of the structural problems plaguing the city and the roots of violence,” said Shereen at a local blog that focuses on journalism and music operated by NPR reporter Lawrence Lanahan.

  Lanahan says its time to give some tough love to the white people in Baltimore who notice -- and do not like --crime.

  “It’s tough to talk about white privilege in the face of crimes like the ones Halvorsen cites, with innocent victims killed and badly injured and stunned families left to grieve,” Lanahan said. “There’s also a lot that goes on, from individual decisions to local, state, and federal policy, that ensures–whether intentionally or not–that all the social ills stay where they“belong” in the neighborhoods that people like Halvorsen and, frankly, Iwon’t live in.

  White neighborhoods“get more resources” than black neighborhoods, Lanahan said. That disparity somehow causes violence, he said.

  Darn, I had been wondering about that. Good to know, finally. Resources. I’ll try to remember that. The Medium news site published a pushback a few days later:

  “What breaks my heart is when someone says they are tired of looking at black youth in the city as potential predators, as if they are the ones at fault,” said Tim Barnett.“What breaks my heart is when someone acknowledges the sadness of the death of a white woman, but does not acknowledge the sadness of the bleak lives of 2 young black men.”

  He’s talking about the killers. The black people arrested in the recent home invasion and murder of Kim Leto, also close to Halvorsen’s home.

  Consider it acknowledged.

  Crime in Baltimore is dropping like a pile of hot rocks. And Elliott Einbinder knows the reason why: It is hard to get arrested there.

  Einbinder is a Jewish dentist who was attacked last week on his way to afternoon prayers near his office — all in front of witnesses willing to tell police what they saw. Let’s pick up the story from Baltimore Jewish Life:[599]

  “One 24-year-old African American female followed him and sucker punched him on the side of his head, swelling his lip and breaking his glasses. She continued to throw punches as Dr. Einbinder tried to swat her away.”

  "I thought this was a 15-year old boy. She was half my size and just didn't appear to be a female. I kept asking her why she was doing this to me; I said, 'I didn't anything to you'! She spat on me and according to one witness, she said, "C'mon, fight me Jew.”

  “The attacker originally told police that the doctor began the altercation but when witnesses contradicted her story she admitted to the police that she was "just having a bad day."

  “He is also upset at the way the laws are written in that the officers on the scene were unable to arrest her even with the tens of witnesses to this attack on hand. Apparently an attack of this sort is considered a 2nd Degree Assault and unless witnessed by a Police Officer, and/or unless any type of weapon is used an arrest cannot be made.”

  More than 20 witnesses. A crime scene confession. A shaken victim, willing to press charges. And what happened?


  The case was turned over to a commissioner who decides whether to press charges and issue a warrant for the attacker to appear in court — you know, the warrants they say cause riots in places like Ferguson.

  The idea that crime in Baltimore is going down comes up every time a case of black mob violence hits the local news. Which is pretty much all the time. Everything except that black part, that is, which they leave out.

  Baltimore reporters are getting tired of having to constantly remind everyone how their city is safe — and getting safer.

  “Impressions matter. Crime stats do not,” lamented Peter Hermann, chief crime apologist for the Baltimore Sun.

  Hermann was explaining life in the big city to a New Jersey yokel who wanted to know what happened to the large group of black people that was rampaging through downtown Baltimore, attacking people, destroying property and creating mayhem. All beneath her hotel balcony window in the upscale Inner Harbor.

  That really does not narrow it down much, because what seemed “scary” to her, Hermann said, was “normal and routine” to grizzled observers of the gritty Baltimore crime beat. Police “made no arrests, saw no crime, had no reason to make an announcement. There’s not even a report – it’s just something that happens,” he said.

  Asian Mob Violence in Des Moines

  Spoiler Alert: Oh never mind, just read it.

  The Holy Grail of racial violence finally arrived. The story that deniers of black mob violence have talked about many times. But never produced.

  Could we finally have a recent case of racial mob violence that involved someone other than black people? Were Asians running amok in Des Moines, Iowa, of all places? Fighting and firing guns and causing mayhem on the grounds of the state Capitol?

  That is what a reasonable person might assume fr
om the local stories following a May 2013 incident. [600]

  This would require some high-level investigative reporting. So with the world’s most famous Asian athlete battling on the golf course in the background, I got to work.

  The headlines from a local TV station tantalized: Teens fight at CelebrAsian. The story revealed how a large group of people were fighting in and around this annual festival of Asian culture. When they left they found a nearby place to fight some more. Someone fired a gun.

  First stop: Des Moines police department. But we would not be talking to Lori Lavorato, the police spokeswoman during the last incident of widespread racial violence in Des Moines.

  Correct that: The last incident we heard about in Des Moines.

  Lavorato got fired for telling the truth about racial violence during the Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa State Fair. Now she is selling real estate.[601]

  A recap: In 2010 at the Iowa State Fair, large groups of black people were assaulting patrons to the Iowa State Fair. It happened three nights in a row.

  During one of the “string of attacks” a black mob beat a white man until his skull fractured. The next day, another mob was fighting and destroying property and police were attacked when they tried to break it up. While trying to subdue a suspect, several members of the mob attacked the officers on the ground, kicking and punching them.

  Three police went to the hospital. Tasers and pepper spray were deployed.

  “They were running around like a swarm of bees,” Lavorato said. One police officer said in a report that some were shouting it was “Beat Whitey Night.[602]

  Remember now?

  Back to Celebrasian. Back to tracking down the so-far mythical claim that none of this violence has anything to do with race. That is because everyone does it.

  Even Asians. We had to get to the bottom of this.

  Most of the news accounts were no help. According to the Des Moines Register, a large group of young people was standing around near the festival. These people, “when asked, declined to come participate in the event.”[603]

  KCCI News 8 was a bit more explicit: “Authorities said a group of teenagers was asked to leave the festival.”[604]

  WHO news added more: “Police say a large group of juveniles got into a fight at the festival. The dispute then continued a few blocks away. That’s when someone fired one shot.”[605]

  While I waited at the airport for my private jet to take me to Des Moines (OK, that did not happen) I posted a plea for more information at the Register news site. Matt Thao responded:

  The mob involved 80 - 100 people. At the sound of the gunfire, cops drew their guns and took cover behind the trees. And the Indian Food wasn’t spicy enough and the bubble tea line was too long, Thao said.[606]

  But still no news on the central mystery of the day: Were Asian people firing guns, getting into fights and causing mayhem at the Asian festival?

  WHO TV provided a video clue: The news showed several people in custody for questioning. All black.

  Finally, I spoke to a police officer. And that officer did not ask me to withhold his or her name, but I am going to anyway. “The crowd was made up of African Americans,” he said.

  The search for the Holy Grail continues.

  Meanwhile, Monday morning, two days after the black mob violence in Des Moines, the Register ran an editorial bemoaning the fact that black people were over represented in the state’s prison system:[607]

  “Indeed, it cannot be disputed that the presence of so many African-Americans — men and women, juveniles and mothers — in Iowa’s prisons is aggravating those societal problems.”

  Guess you have to be careful what you dispute in Iowa.

  O.K. So Celebrasian was a false alarm: There was no large group of Asian people fighting, firing guns, acting out ... You know the drill.

  If you want to see a real non-black riot, you are going to have to go to Newark, Delaware, home of the Fighting Blue Hens.

  Finally: A White Riot.

  In Newark, Delaware in September of 2013, police disbursed more than 3000 rowdy teenagers who were just blowing off some steam at a “Shmacked Tour” party event.

  Everyone was white. There might have been a few Asians and Hispanics here and there. But they don’t count. White was the color of this crime.

  According to WDEL:[608]

  More than 1,000 people were partying in the backyard of a house, where a DJ was spinning. When police arrived, the crowd broke up, blocking traffic on South College Avenue and Main Street. Police say many of the students walked on the hoods of cars.

  After the party broke up, the crowd -- mostly of students from the University of Delaware -- swelled to 3000, say police. Local media called it a “riot.”[609]

  The New York Daily News gave it the full Five Star fire-alarm treatment: “University of Delaware students rampage at riot party.”[610]ABC national news could not decide if it was a riot or a near-riot, but it did report students destroyed at least one garbage can and others walked on a few lawns. They called that trespassing. Other network affiliates in Philadelphia breathlessly followed suit.[611]

  News of the white riot should provide some comfort to pundits at MSNBC and other liberal outlets. They insist that my stories in WND’s, FrontPage, Breitbart, American Thinker and other places -- are distorted because the news site and book ignore racial violence from white people.

  They are right on this: If white and Asians were doing it too, well, then this book would not exist.

  But even the most devoted denier of black mob violence has to admit white mob mayhem is harder to find. Even so, contrasted with many of the more than thousands of examples of black mob violence in WND and White Girl Bleed a Lot and this book, this “riot” has to be considered something of a disappointment.

  Tepid, even. Consider there were:

  No fractured skulls.

  No Apple picking.

  No panicked calls to 911.

  No bricks through storefronts.

  No bottles thrown at cops.

  No murders.

  No stabbings.

  No kick downs.

  No bloody faces.

  No broken jaws.

  No one in the hospital.

  No gunfire.

  No locks in socks.

  No permanent brain damage.

  No racist threats.

  No beating old people.

  No grandmothers screaming their little boy was a good boy and just ignore the gang tattoos and gun pictures on Facebook.

  No kicking pregnant women.

  No baseball bats in the face.

  No robberies.

  No pushing people into moving cars on a busy street.

  No toddler taunting.

  No cop fighting.

  No families showing up with weapons at the emergency room.

  Just one measly car fire. And a couple of people jumped on cars.

  There was some public urination. And a few guys dropped their drawers, displaying their tighty whities. Other than that, a few parents wondered what videos of their children acting stupidly were doing up on the Internet.

  You call that a riot?

  Come on, man.

  The Shmacked Tour is organized by a video company that goes from college town to college town, filming college kids in their natural environment. The charge $20 to $75 a ticket. Think lots of beer and scantily clad college girls. Kind of a “Girls Go Wild” lite. The videos of the parties attract hundreds of thousands of viewers.

  The company also sells t-shirts and other accessories.

  On the bright side, they did have some pretty good excuses. The founder of the roving frat bash, Arya Toufania, explained it all to the Daily News after he learned his cameraman was one of three people arrested at the “riot.”[612]

  "The real instigators of the riot were the police. They could have shut the party down, cornered it off, it just seemed as if they were, like, monitoring the riot."

  At least they got that
part right. The excuses, that is. And blaming the cops is the mark of a real veteran of this kind of thing. Well played, sir!

  Meanwhile, the same night a few miles up the freeway in Chester, Pennsylvania, 100 black people were fighting in the street. Ten people were arrested. No one called that a riot. They called it a large fight. There was even some cop beating going on: “Several officers were struck, kick and punched while trying to break up the fight.”

  By any measure: Way, way worse than the white riot down the road. Had it happened on a slightly busier news day, or had this story fallen into the lap of a columnist less gifted than Stephanie Farr, no one would ever have heard of this fight.

  When tracked down Chester Police Commissioner Joseph Bail Jr. to ask about that riot, he put it all in perspective:[613]

  "We've had bigger."

  Black College Violence

  The real thing

  If you wanted to see a respectable college riot, you had to have been at the black Virginia State University a few weeks before the University of Delaware pajama party masquerading as a riot. There, hundreds of black students roamed the campus -- fighting, destroying property. One person was stabbed.[614]

  Some of it on video. One student told the CBS affiliate “it was nothing but chaos.” Another told 8 News he saw a “riot, just commotion.” Another said the mob was moving from one area of the campus to another, leaving destruction in its wake. Finally, police locked down the entire campus for 12 hours.

  A warrant has been issued for the alleged stabber. As for the others, no one was arrested. Nothing, so far, from ABC newshound Diane Sawyer.

  Neither was the University of Delaware mayhem anything like the huge brawl featuring 200 black students at a party at Central State University in Ohio in May 2012. On video.[615]

  Several police officers were attacked. Two students went to the hospital. One person was arrested.


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