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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 35

by Colin Flaherty

  The paper did not report the race of the mob. But readers and witnesses did. Which provoked the ire of more than one reader: “This race baiting is ridiculous,” said one reader. “Grow up already.”

  Other readers rejected any relationship between the violence and the recent Justice for Trayvon rallies in New Haven: “If young black men stole the guys scooter and beat him up that is horrible enough, simply that the guy got beat up by anybody but, don't twist it into something to do with Trayvon Martin,” said the reader. “Another twisted story of race baiting used to fire up the bigots.”

  The reader may have a point: There was plenty of black mob violence in New Haven long before the Zimmerman acquittal. And after, as we shall see.

  In January 2013, Matthew Turner told one of his neighbors that the jack holding up his car was unsafe. He offered to lend him another, but the man underneath the car refused. Instead he asked if he could borrow a screwdriver from Turner.[710]

  While Turner went to fetch one, the jack collapsed. The man under the car died. When Turner went to a memorial service to offer his condolences to the man’s wife, nine of the man’s friends left the service and pursued Turner back to his nearby apartment. They blamed him for the death.

  They were caught on video beating him almost to death. After he recovered, he moved to a new neighborhood to escape more death threats. The assailants stalked him to his new home. He is now in a witness protection program. The New Haven Register said:

  “Sources said police did note racial undertones in the case — Turner was white and the assailants black — but ultimately race bias charges were not filed.”[711]

  Bottom line: Every story contains info about even more stories. And no one seemed surprised. Let’s stay in Yale-town for more examples: The All Black Affair. And no: They are not talking about clothes.

  Newspapers may be loath to report the black mob violence that struck New Haven in October 2013. But those involved didn’t hide it. They celebrated it.

  The occasion was a Sunday night “All Black Affair” at a downtown restaurant -- just one of many parties that went by this name at that location. Most are targeted to New Haven black professionals. This one was for black teenagers.

  Black did not refer to dress code.

  By 9 p.m. the manager of the Kudeta (pronounced coup d’etat) knew she had more trouble than she could handle: The promoters advertised the party and charged admission. That was not supposed to happen. Neither were the large fights that started inside and “spilled out into the streets” involving as many as 500 people in what a local TV station called a “massive brawl.”

  News8 picks up the story:[712]

  Police say at some point, kids in ski masks arrived on bikes and an all out brawl broke out,” said reporter Kent Pierce.“Every available officer in the city was sent in to try and stop the fight. Even the chief of police was there.”

  Eventually the fighting stopped. The crowd scattered to two other nearby teen nightclubs. Police were called to stop fights there as well.

  Eyewitness News in New Haven called the party a“near riot” and a“near catastrophic event.”

  The New Haven Register dutifully reported, “There were no reported assaults or injuries at the scene.” And that “a police investigation is looking into the possibility that laws were broken.”

  Who writes these crazy TV news stories? For others in the downtown, law breaking and chaos were not a “possibility,” but a dangerous reality.

  The local NBC affiliate reported, “neighboring restaurants and businesses told police they feared for the safety of their customers and were locking their doors to keep out members of the crowd.”

  No arrests were made because police were concentrating on crowd control, officials said. “You sometimes have to forgive the crowd issues to concentrate on the general safety issue,” the police spokesman said. “It was just an overwhelming crowd issue. Over 500 kids.”[713]

  There’s that under-reported crime thing again. Congressman Conyers? Did you hear that? Aamidor? Seiler?

  Several partygoers blamed police for causing the violence. Others at the Register web site wondered about the racial nature of the festivities: “One can only imagine the outrage expressed in this newspaper had there been a party held downtown on Sunday night for 500 people with flyers handed out calling the event "The All White Affair Party."

  Miggity Mike promoted the All Black Affair. What local news called a riot, he called just having a good time. On his Instagram pages, he posted several pictures of the violence: “My Party Made the News,” he bragged. “If that doesn't explain how big it was idk (I don’t know) what else could.”[714]

  He also encouraged party-goers to pick themselves out of videos of the news coverage because his party: “Keeps Showing Up on the News -- Who Sees them self up here?”

  “Bro u the sickest,” said one of his admirers. I’d pay for someone to say that about me on my Facebook page.

  None of the New Haven media reported how the All Black Affair was not about clothing. How it was promoted by black people for black people. How this was just latest in a series of black mob violent episodes there.

  Guess the people of New Haven like it that way. The Aamidor way. The Jennifer way. The Wenger way. The Seiler way.

  In Grand Rapids over the same weekend, black mob violence outside of a downtown nightclub left one dead. The violence is just the latest in a series of fatal episodes there.[715]

  In Fayetteville over the same weekend, three black people tried to rob a Chinese restaurant. A restaurant employee shot one of the robbers in the head, fatally. But one restaurant worker remains hospitalized in critical condition after a robber shot him.[716]

  In Bellefontaine over the weekend, 50 miles northwest of Columbus, police found 50 black people fighting outside of a bar. They arrested one person, who, said the Examiner, “later apologized to the officer.”

  In Indianapolis over the weekend, police put the public on alert after an armed black mob robbed two people. The mob threatened to do the same at a downtown event sponsored by the Indiana Black Expo -- an event that even the local paper has to admit has become “inescapably tied” to epic levels of violence.

  In the Detroit suburb of Hamtrack over the weekend, two black people beat a 59-year old white person known as the “cat man” for taking care of stray animals. "He's a wonderful kid, he's very respectable to the elderly people in the community, and I think he was just brought into something, not being in my care," said Mark Real, one of the perpetrator’s father to the NBC affiliate. [717]

  The man is in critical condition and family wonders if he will survive. The alleged attackers were 13 and 14-years old.

  Having trouble keeping up? Tell me about it.

  Black Mob Violence Against Gays

  A perfect storm of violence and denial:

  I won’t tell if you won’t.

  Being gay is “about the worst thing you can be in black culture,” said Don Lemon, a gay, black news anchor at CNN.[718]

  Sometimes you see can see the antipathy in hip hop videos. Other times at the ballot box. Still other times black hostility towards gay people is expressed in the dozens and dozens of hyper-violent episodes of black mob violence against gay people. Some on video.

  These crimes are a perfect storm of silence: Predators do not want to get caught. Victims do want to identify themselves as gay. And newspapers loathe reporting black mob violence.

  Two cases in Cleveland within a week in September 2013 are representative.

  Jared Fox is a Brooklyn teacher who returned to his native Cleveland to visit family and friends -- and a gay bar called Cocktails Cleveland located in a black neighborhood. Police reports indicate that groups of black people had been hanging around the parking lot earlier that evening. And other times. Threatening violence.

  But Fox did not know about any of that when he parked his car and was making his way to the lounge. Soon after, as he would later describe on YouTube, he realized
he was in trouble:[719]

  I saw a group of youth on the same side of the street. So I crossed the street. My instincts and my experience with kids told me that kids in large groups are not up to any good. Especially on a side street in this part of Cleveland.

  They charged and surrounded me. They asked what’s in my pockets. I said nothing. I’m broke.

  They said‘You are one of those broke faggots.’ Then I knew why they picked me. That I was an easy target.

  Then they just started beating me. Ruptured my eardrum. Punched my glasses into my face. Stomped on me when I was on the ground. My ribs. My back. They said‘Give me your phone. Your wallet.’ I got up and started running. They tackled me again. This time they were stomping on my head. Calling me a faggot. And queer. They started to kick my face.

  One of them said‘Do you want to die?’ Do you want to die?

  Eventually, Fox made his way to the bar, where he called police.

  Then the police came. Did I know these kids had been sitting there before? No. I found out from the bartender that the cops had been called three times in the hour before I was attacked. These kids were sitting there waiting.

  It wasn’t until I was attacked that someone came. When the police officers came, did they get out of their car? Did they ask to see the footage? No. Nothing. They did nothing.

  Now that you know about Critical Race Theory, you know the reason why: Only white privilege creates the expectation of safety. Or the expectation that cops will arrest black people when they commit violence.

  News accounts in straight and gay media were full of outrage and sympathy and calls for justice. And stories about how this had happened before.

  Full of everything except one piece of truth. For that, we have to turn to the police reports for something local media would not say: The predators were black.

  Some were wearing hoodies. Some even had masks. And this was not their only attack that night. A few weeks after the crime, local media published a video of the attackers.[720]

  It is not uncommon for victims of racial violence, like Fox, to hesitate to describe the race of their attackers. Having been victimized once by an assault, many are reluctant to become victims again by being accused of racism. Some say identifying their attackers as black would be “too divisive.”

  Cleveland media may be too squeamish to report the alleged perpetrators were black. But people who leave on-line comments are not.

  This raises the ire of those who believe -- despite exponentially higher rates of violence and crime among black people -- this crime had nothing to do with race: Said one poster at a New York Daily News account of the gay beat down:

  “I see a lot of you racist humps couldn’t wait to write your garbage about black ppl. OMG White folks have centuries of nonsense killing and rape dating back 100 of years.”[721]

  File this in the “You Deserve It” bin. It’s getting full. Very full.

  Another pointed out that white people from the suburbs come to the neighborhood to buy drugs. Since they are guilty of crime as well, it is not fair to single out black people.

  At Jared Fox’s YouTube account of his beat down, Hannah Lane offered a prediction: “It's absolutely criminal; those men need to be caught & punished for their horrifying actions b/c THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN.”

  And they did. Same place. One week later. This time to the manager, Rick Scardino. The police report describes the scene: Scardino was on the patio of Cocktails Cleveland when “10 young B/M (black males)” arrived on the other side of the fence. They “began yelling ‘you faggots better get out of here. We don’t want you faggots around here.”

  They were “throwing rocks over the fence at the victim and other patrons sitting on the patio.” Scardino and others chased the mob away. But they came back. This time with sticks and a broom handle. They found Scardino outside and threatened to sodomize him with the broom and “beat his faggot ass with this.”

  Then they assaulted him. "I reached in my pockets for a can of Mace. A boy in a white shirt yelled, ’Faggot’s got a gun!’ and they scattered," Scardino told

  Police arrested one suspect: a 13-year old black person. The manager of the bar says there were at least three other cases of mob violence prior to the attack on Fox.

  Cleveland is hardly alone. In the Chicago gay neighborhood of Streeterville, residents describe black mob on gay violence as an everyday fact of life. And as hard as the local papers try to not let people know the victims are gay and perpetrators are mobs of black people, sometimes the information gets out anyway. Even if by accident.

  After a series of attacks on gay people in Streeterville in 2011 -- including a black mob stabbing a gay man on video -- Chicago Alderman Tom Tunney belled the cat when he spoke with the local ABC news affiliate:[722]

  "There tends to be large groups of minority youths on Halsted. Whether they are patronizing the businesses or not, it's an area where they feel safe. It's a balancing act that we're tying to make it safe for everyone.”

  Flash forward to 2013: San Francisco Gay Pride Parade. A group of 6 black people go on a gay bashing and robbing spree. Let’s go to the San Francisco Chronicle for a summary:

  “In the most egregious incident - which was captured on video footage that police released Friday - one of the men robs a woman and then kicks her in the head after she falls to the ground, knocking her unconscious, said Officer Albie Esparza, a police spokesman.[723]

  “Police believe the suspects committed multiple robberies and assaults Saturday evening on Market Street between Castro Street and Civic Center. Police also believe some victims did not report the incidents.”

  Ditto for Detroit:[724] Also on video. Gay Pride festival, this one in 2014. Bunch of black people taunt, harass, then beat a gay guy. In the middle of the day. Middle of the party. Bruises. Broken bones. What did I leave out?[725]

  Oh yeah, the part where gay media calls out black people for tons of violence against gay people. That did not happen. The gay media are strangely silent on this. But every once in a while, someone speaks out. After exit polls revealed black people voted overwhelmingly against gay rights initiatives in California and New York, gay writer Dan Savage could not hold it in any longer:[726]

  I’m done pretending that the handful of racist gay white men out there are a bigger problem for African Americans, gay and straight, than the huge numbers of homophobic African Americans are for gay Americans, whatever their color.

  Hey now, Dan. But I do think he is done with the “done pretending” act.

  Fort Meyer Knockout Game:

  There They Go Again.

  There they go again: The Knockout Games the New York Times says are not happening, just keep happening.

  I’m sorry to keep harping on the New York Times, but it is just too much fun not to do it. And besides, I’m waiting for the day when The Times has to grudgingly admit something is going on.

  Call it a character failing.

  It took a long time for the Times to figure out what Walter Duranty had done. How its Moscow bureau chief in the 1930’s knew about atrocities that the Soviet Union was perpetrating on its citizens. But he decided to ignore and lie about them, and instead tell his readers about the wonders of state control.

  He won the Pulitzer for it. Eighty-two years later, The Times has yet to return it.

  Meanwhile, back to the present, following the Times’ lead, local media keeps getting it wrong. This time in Ft. Meyers, Florida. November 2013.

  The newspapers and TV news reported that Traveshia Banks was a part of a large group of “suspicious teenagers” who, at “random,” attacked a senior citizen this week while he was weeding his garden. The NBC affiliate picks up the story: [727]

  “All of a sudden I felt a blow to my hip and I was on the ground. I turned around to see what happened and there was a girl standing there laughing."

  Concerned citizens saw a group of suspicious teenagers walking down a nearby street and took several photo
graphs with their cell phones, providing investigators with what would later be a crucial piece of evidence.

  The video is far more dramatic: First the laughing. Shrieking. Encouragement. Then the running. Then a black person taking a running, flying jump that ends in a full kick that knocks the old white dude down while his back was turned and he was bent over.[728]

  Soon after, another victim reported another attack.[729] Then another.[730]

  Local news accounts show how this attack is part of the now-infamous Knockout Game trend being reported in newspapers across the country -- if only, in some cases, to dismiss it as a fad. Or a hoax.

  Local news outlets did not report the “teenagers” were black. Or that more than 99 percent of the people associated with these attacks are black. And most of the victims are not.

  “Newspapers just won’t talk about how the Knockout Game is an example of racial violence,” said Chuck White, a Jacksonville, Florida talk show host. “The same media that has turned our country into the most race conscious place on earth, tries to pretend race is not an issue when it comes to black mob violence. And even though only one person was arrested, many were present. Many took pictures. So this was a mob attack. But the statistics will never show it. That is why this crime is under-reported and mis-reported across the country.”

  The NBC affiliate did track down several teenagers familiar with the game, who said it was no big deal:[731]

  "I'm not gonna say it's not right and it's not fun, because it is fun," said a teen familiar with the game.

  In many cases across the country, teens are recording the punches and kicks on their cell phones then posting them online. The attacks are often impossible to predict and prevent.

  "What's not fun about it? Just go up to a random person slap them and run away," said another teen.

  At least one reader agreed that media has no reason to report this as another example of racial violence: “I don't think race has anything to do with it. Most teens are mischievous and get in trouble for fun,” said Kevin Green to the Fort Meyers News Press.


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