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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 42

by Colin Flaherty

  I keep hearing about this tsunami of unreported white crime. I keep soliciting videos. I keep not getting them.

  “It must be ninjas,” said one wag. “Because no one ever sees them.”

  That’s a good one.

  A Hate Crime in Texas:

  Black mob violence in rest of the country.

  First came the shock. Then disbelief. Then the questions: Why him? Why now in December of 2013? Why did Attorney General Holder choose to file hate crime charges against a white man in Texas for allegedly playing the Knockout Game against a black man?

  When the overwhelming majority of Knockout Games are black on non-black.

  And the biggest question of all: When will public officials and the media stop ignoring -- and denying -- the black mob violence and black on white crime that exists astronomically out of proportion?

  There is a lot to choose from -- all in the few days prior to the Attorney General’s crackdown on white on black hate crimes.

  Let’s start in Los Angeles, two weeks before Christmas. At first it seemed it like nothing: The Los Angeles Times called it a fraternity brawl among 25 people with no particular racial identity at a local hotel and no one hurt. The local CBS affiliate talked to the fraternity president who also downplayed the violence: It was just a few guys trying to “impress the females.”[846]

  By the next day, a different picture emerged: More than 1000 black people were fighting in and out of the hotel. Before during and after the party. Video showed one person throwing a large metal table into a crowd of partygoers. People got hurt; at least one person was hospitalized for stitches.

  The local ABC affiliate cobbled it together:[847]

  According to hotel management, the fight broke out between two different fraternities. Black fraternities. Police said everything from fists, tables and chairs were thrown. Some witnesses said fights occurred on several floors of the hotel. They also said police used pepper spray on the crowds.

  "It was pretty bad. The whole party was engulfed in pepper spray. You could feel it in your lungs," said one witness.

  Authorities say the pepper spray was used when the partygoers refused to cooperate.

  Other hotel residents said the violence and commotion went on all night inside the hotel.

  A black fraternity at Cal State Long Beach sponsored the party. No one was arrested. And of course a lot of it is on video.

  Near Charlotte, North Carolina, four black people are under arrest in the shooting death of Marcus Kauffman, a volunteer firefighter and expectant father. Kauffman died a few days before Christmas.[848]

  At the University of Michigan, three black people were charged in December with the murder of a medical student during a home invasion robbery.[849]

  On December 15, Dustin Friedland and his wife were leaving a New Jersey mall when a group of black people allegedly killed him and took his SUV. The New York Daily News filled in a few blanks:[850]

  Friedland, a beloved husband and lawyer from Hoboken, had just finished loading holiday gifts into his silver 2012 Range Rover when two men ambushed him so they could steal the SUV. He never had a chance— the men shot him four times before he had a chance to resist or question his greedy attackers.

  Police arrested four black people a few days before Christmas and charged them with murder.

  Many liberal politicians and members of the media deny there is any kind of systematic problem with black mob violence or black on white crime. Their sympathetic denials do not protect them:

  In Washington, D.C., in December 2013, several black people severely beat a CNN news producer walking the two blocks from his home to work at 4 a.m. He said he will never walk in that neighborhood again.[851]

  In Minneapolis at the Mall of America, several black people attacked and tried to rob one of the area’s more visible liberal politicians. Just about a month after Mark Andrew finished second in the November race for mayor of Minneapolis, he was sitting in a Starbucks when someone grabbed his phone and ran out of the store.[852]

  As Andrew ran after the thief, two young women waiting outside the coffee shop tackled him, and one began beating him on the head and face with a club.

  Andrew said he jumped back to his feet and physically restrained one attacker while the other continued striking him. They yelled, “We’re going to kill you! We’re going to kill you!”

  When police arrived, the two black women said they were the victims: Andrew had attacked them. Luckily, Anita Hill was not around to do her “I believe the woman shtick.”

  The two were arrested. And Andrew -- who still claims he did not attack them -- was taken to the hospital where he received nine stitches.

  The third person is still at large. They don’t have to worry too much, Andrew is not mad at them: “I think there’s redemption for everybody," said Andrew. "So we’ll try to find a way for them to get in a place where they can turn their lives around.”

  I don’t mind liberals ignoring victims as long as they are talking about themselves.

  So far Andrew and his social reformers have not had much success with that in Minneapolis. The Mall of America has been the site of several examples of black mob violence. Many documented on video and in print. By now, you know where.

  Here’s how one resident describes the New Minneapolis:

  Formerly bustling suburbs like Robbinsdale and St. Louis Park have turned into ghettos. Malls, restaurants and shops are few and far between in downtown areas.

  Even the Mall of America is under assault. Go there on a Saturday afternoon and you'll see gangs of blacks with colors flying and pant legs rolled up.

  They ogle, whistle at and harass white women, even following them around. They occupy the food courts, which are a constant source of intimidation and mayhem.

  Last January, some 200 blacks got into a violent chair-throwing fracas at one of the food courts. It quickly spread to other areas, forcing stores to close their gates and paying customers to flee. There was cell phone video all over the Internet, showing conclusively that the combatants were black.

  We'll never know if there were any arrests made or charges filed because the print and broadcast media had little to say.

  And downtown Minneapolis and the campus of the University of Minnesota have been the site of several recent examples of black mob violence and black on white crime.

  In December 2013, Minneapolis police told a Chinese exchange student they were “too busy” to investigate the whereabouts of her stolen computer, even though she had located it using a built-in GPS device.[853]

  Several black people had assaulted her, knocked her out, and taken her computer several days before. Campus police followed up on the lead and found the computer. They arrested one person, who said he took the computer but someone else assaulted her.

  She is just one of dozens of victims of black on white and black on Asian violence near the campus. The University of Minnesota school paper reports that black students are unhappy the assailants are identified by race -- as is required in the Clery law for reporting violence on college campuses. They say they are being profiled.[854]

  Down in Jacksonville, Florida, a “massive” Christmas night fight and riot erupted in and out of a movie theater after 750 black people -- many waiting to see a Nelson Mandela movie -- tried to gain free admission by rushing the ticket taker.

  Private security and police used tear gas on the rioters. According to the Florida Times-Union out of Jacksonville:[855]

  One of the young suspects refused orders to leave and began to incite the crowd yelling,“— — you, crackers, I ain’t going nowhere,” according to her arrest report. Most of the crowd was black, while several officers were white.

  According to, a black web site,“the pepper sprayis what apparently sparked the brawl that broke out.”

  Some would say the riot provoked the pepper spray, not the other way around. Funny how people mix that up. All. The. Time.

  During the 90 minutes it took to g
et the fighting under control, several of the rioters attacked police, including Jaquade Marquis Miller.

  When Jaquade appeared before a judge, his mother told the court he was a good boy and this was not like him. She later told reporters her son was crying and scared.

  Instead of sending him to jail, Miller agreed to take an eight-week course in accountability from a group called Save Our Sons. The program teaches accountability, “healthy choices” and “gives them a chance to vent,” said SOS leaders.

  Self-described youth advocate, Donteacia Seymore of Jacksonville, told First Coast News this kind of violence happens a lot in Jacksonville: “But it was a reminder that this is something that's common. It's prevalent. It's not going away," Seymore said. [856]

  No word yet from the group Save Our Movie Theaters from Black Mob Violence and the Clueless Adults who Enable It.

  Let’s get back to the violence surrounding the Attorney’s General’s announcement that black people are constant victims of ... whatever.

  Chicago residents and police report at least two episodes of large-scale black mob violence over the 2013 holiday season. In the suburb of Orland Park, dozens of black people were fighting and destroying property at a local mall. Five people were arrested. The reporters at the local Patch outlet were careful to avoid the racial issue, but its readers were not:[857]

  Then raised her in a way to think this was an appropriate way to behave. Sadly, all too often stereotypes exist for a reason. You may call it a stereotype or racist while I call it STATISTICS. See, no way to reply to this TRUTHFULLY and not sound like some dumb ass clan member, so I won't try. Sorry, if the truth hurts. People are too afraid to speak the truth these days.

  Over at America’s best cop blog: Second City Cop, readers learned about 500 black people who were “wilding” at Chicago’s North Riverside mall a few days after Christmas.[858]

  When the wilding started in the mall. I would have estimated about a 500 hundred Amish thugs fighting and running like savages. Store locked their doors and security waited until about 25 squad cars from the surrounding areas came and cleared the mall.

  They were not really Amish. And readers report neither episode received much attention in the local news.[859]

  In Syracuse over in the same month, eight black people were arrested at the Destiny USA mall after police and security responded to a “large fight.” One of the people arrested, a 14-year old boy, allegedly swung a knife at police.[860]

  Many in Syracuse said it reminded them of a similar incident at the same mall last year; when police were called to another large fight involving black people. When police attempted to detain a 15-year old suspect, he resisted. Two of his friends attacked the officers.

  After he was subdued and arrested, police found a sawed-off shotgun in his long coat. [861]Three shotgun shells were found next to the body of an unconscious person at the scene of the fight.

  Also over the same weekend, police found one man dead when they responded to reports of a large fight of over 100 black people near New Haven, Connecticut. Neighbors said two things: It happens a lot. And it has been going on for a long time.[862]

  Now you know more about New Haven than most people who live there.

  In Indianapolis in December, the last of 11 black people were arrested in connection with a series of home invasion robberies and sexual assaults. A few days before Christmas, two white women were allegedly murdered by a black disgruntled former employee of the family business.[863]

  No account of the racial violence over the last several weeks would be complete without mentioning the Knockout Games, and how they are still happening. (Or not, if you work for CNN, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC and other media outlets.)

  From Brooklyn, Columbus, Rochester, Milwaukee, Harlem, Florence and other places, reports of spontaneous, unprovoked, black on white racial violence continue to flood conservative news sites. And continue to be denied in many -- but not all -- popular press outlets.

  Recent large scale black mob violence --often at night after the clubs close, or in the day at black high schools -- has also been reported in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Tulsa, Washington, Baton Rouge, Middletown (Connecticut), Pittsburgh, Tifflin, Peoria, Oakland, Long Island, Rochester, Roanoke, among others.

  Like Yogi Berra said: You could look it up[864]:

  Remember, we are still in December.

  What recently received the most attention were the (pick one) 300, 400, 500, or 600 “teens” rampaging through Kings Plaza mall in Brooklyn -- the same neighborhood where 10 black people surrounded a white couple in a car at a stoplight and beat them in November.

  For two hours on the day after Christmas, “the teenagers stole merchandise, assaulted security guards, and broke candy jars. A group of teenage girls were caught on camera fighting and shouting while security guards tried to break them up.”

  Merchants reported widespread panic and property damage, so much so that many were forced to close their doors to protect their customers and merchandise.

  The New York Post made a perfunctory attempt to convince its readers this was not another example of black mob violence. It reported “A tall white guy with a grey bubble coat was wearing a ski mask and a skull cap and he had his hand under his coat like he was holding a gun.”

  But videos, social media and members of law enforcement tell a different story: This was a black crowd at a mall with a large black clientele. Chicks on the Right tracked down some of their Facebook postings.[865]

  “[Kings Plaza] was on tilt today but n-ggas wasn’t catching me,” Ray Sextana posted on Facebook.

  Another teen, Mark Wallace, posted,“S–t was crazy at Kings Plaza. So the security started shutting down the mall and kicking all teens out but it was so much of us they couldn’t get control.”

  He added,“F–ked up my middle finger tryna fight them bitch ass security guards.”

  And don’t miss the video.

  At least one viewer at the ABC news affiliate in New York was having trouble figuring it all out: “Just wondering, but why are there so many variations on what happened Thursday? Some claim there were hundreds of teenagers, that nothing was stolen or it was just this group of girls fighting.”[866]

  A few days later, a group of black people beat and robbed a man for his iPhone. The NBC affiliate posted pictures of the suspects. Law enforcement officials in Brooklyn say this happens every day in their borough.

  Cops on the beat in Brooklyn, Chicago, Houston, and other cities laugh when they read the denials of racial violence or see them on television news: There are too many witnesses, too many videos, too many victims, too much damage, for people to deny the existence of large scale black mob violence and black on white crime, they say.

  But that doesn’t stop the deniers. Any more than being on video stops that mob violence.

  Many black media outlets are way past the denials -- and now into explaining why it is happening. This article from the Atlanta Black Star is as good as anything you can find in Ebony, Jet, The Grio, One News, Huffington Post Black Voices, The Field Negro, or dozens of other black media outlets: 5 Reasons Young Black Men Resort To Violence.[867]

  All in the same month the Attorney General finally arrested someone for playing the Knockout Game. A white guy.


  The Roots of Racial Resentment:

  Wall Street Journal edition.

  Most national reporters wait until their career is over to tell us how they really feel about the controversies they covered. Especially racial controversies.

  Not Douglas Blackmon, now toiling as an editor at the Washington Post:[868]

  I was a reporter at the Wall Street Journal up until a year and half ago. During the 2010 2012 political season, I wrote a lot about the Tea Party.

  Now we all know a whole lot of people in the Tea Party movement are straight up the crazies you think they are. They are way, way crazy
. A lot of them are the new Bilbos and Talmadges that we heard about a few minutes ago.

  Blackmon’s comments came when he was a featured panelist at a December 2013 meeting of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators Annual Legislative Conference in Memphis. [869]

  For those unschooled in the code words of racial grievance, Blackmon was referring to former Democrat Governor Eugene Talmadge of Georgia and former Democrat Senator Theodor Bilbo of Mississippi. Bilbo’s racist speeches were so egregious that Republicans in the Senate refused to seat him after he was re-elected in 1946.

  That year, it was fashionable to blame the heated pro-segregationist rhetoric of those two Southern politicians for the lynching of four black people in Georgia. Some claimed at least one of the politicians may have actually met with the men suspected of the lynching.

  Translation: Tea Party people are crazy racist killers in word, if not deed.

  Despite his accusations against the Tea Party, Blackmon revealed what to some in the room was a surprise, but what was obviously informed by years of high level reporting for a big time national publication: Some members of the Tea Party actually believed in the rights of people to vote. Regardless of race.

  Some were not racist.

  Blackmon gave his skeptical black audience a chance to mull that over as he concluded his point about where to find allies for their ever-expanding collection of race-conscious government programs:

  “There are some people, in that crazy wing of American politics, who in fact are potential allies” of black elected officials, Blackmon allowed.

  His remarks did not exactly reflect the tone and content of what Blackmon wrote about the Tea Party for the Journal during the elections of 2010 and 2012. But it is not all that far off either.

  Even a cursory look at two of his stories in the waning days of the 2010 election show a predilection for repeating the often-discredited canard that the Tea Party was racist.


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