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Page 5

by Dominique Mondesir

  "Yo, how you doing?"


  "Just good? I mean..." Phoenix shrugged his shoulders as he tried to find the right word.

  "I'm busy."

  "Busy sharpening knives? I mean you don't have to be a genius to--"

  Saoirse stopped what she was doing and looked up at Phoenix with a deadpan stare.

  "Fine! I just wanted to see how you were getting--"

  The door slammed in Phoenix's face before he could get his last words out. He gave the door the finger as he made his way towards the engine room.

  The closer he got, the louder the sound became. It was like nothing he had heard before. It felt physical; the closer he got to it, the more the sound beat against his chest like a six-hundred-pound gorilla.

  L stood in the middle of the engine room, wrench in hand, her mouth shouting words that Phoenix couldn't hear. The veins in her neck looked like thick cords as she sang.

  Between bouts of singing, L danced in a way that looked like self harm. Her arms and legs moved in opposite directions and her ass moved seemingly of its own accord.

  Phoenix backed slowly out, his fingers jammed in his ears. The ringing in them had just about stopped by the time he reached Kai's room. He popped his head inside.

  Kai and Plowstow were both slumped in hammocks, passing a jug between themselves.

  "What up, my Soul brother," said a red-eyed Kai as he passed a pipe Plowstow's way.

  "Come" Plowstow coughed as smoke erupted from his lungs.

  Phoenix let out a small sigh. He looked at the pair and shook his head before walking away.

  "Hey, where you going?"

  "We got plenty to share."

  I need to find a hobby, Phoenix thought as his wandering took him back to his room.


  The PH1 approached a rocky outpost in the middle of nowhere. Phoenix looked at their destination on the viewing screen. It was the size of an asteroid, with metal structures covering its surface like zits on a teenager's face.

  "Are we sure this is the right one?" Plowstow asked.

  "There is only one way to find out, isn't there?" Phoenix said with a raised eyebrow.

  "Because, you know, the last ten other places proved a fucking waste of time. It's not like I'm counting, you hear me? Just, you know," Plowstow said, waving his hand in a forward motion.

  "No, I don't know, Plowstow! Why don't you enlighten me on what else you have to do that is so pressing?"

  "Well, well. You got me wrong, Phoenix, I ain't saying that I have something more pressing to do. It's just that, as a whole, me and the crew think that our time would be better spent looking in the right places," Plowstow said, giving Phoenix a slight shrug.

  "Speak for yourself, bro," said Kai.

  "What! We talked about this."

  "I don't know what you think we spoke about, but I, for one, just want to go on the record and say that I am fine with how things are," Kai said, placing his hand on his heart. "I'm also happy with the way you are leading this crew, Phoenix. I have no complaints whatsoever."

  "I... But... A few nights said we were being open and honest," Plowstow whined.

  "My Soul brother, that was just the herbs talking. I was a vessel that the goddess of Soul was speaking through. Nothing more, bro. What she says through me, I am not accountable for."

  Phoenix leaned back in his chair and gave Plowstow a look that pinned his soul to the wall. Phoenix said nothing as Plowstow squirmed in his chair.

  Plowstow tried to speak, but nothing came out as he cleared his throat.

  Still Phoenix said nothing.

  "Look, I ain't complaining about the way things are, it... It was a misunderstanding, that's all."

  "We are being hailed by the outpost," Kai said, turning to Phoenix.

  "Put them through."

  A pale face that looked distinctly human appeared on the viewing screen. "You have no business at this outpost. Please turn around and be on your way," said the waxy face on the viewing screen. Dark circles formed shadows under its eyes, and when the man spoke, Phoenix caught a glimpse of sharp-looking baby-sized teeth.

  "How do you know that we have no business here?" Phoenix asked.

  "Because I own this outpost. I say so."

  "What's your name, friend?"

  "My name is turn your ship around and fuck off!"

  Phoenix placed a hand on his chest, face a picture of hurt. "My good man, we are just some weary travellers looking for some rest. Our supplies are low and we have heard good things about your outpost. Surely you would not turn us away?"

  The screen went dead as the owner of the outpost cut the link.

  "Plowstow, fire up all weapons systems."

  Plowstow did as he was told with a nod.

  "Bro, do you think that's--"

  Phoenix cut Kai off with a wave of the hand while he closed his eyes and counted.


  "Do you want me to fire?" Plowstow asked.


  Phoenix held his four fingers in the air and shook his head.


  "Phoenix, is this wise?" asked Saoirse.

  He folded another finger to his palm so the hand he held up only displayed two fingers.


  "What the hell are you doing?" said the outpost owner. "Power down your weapons! This is just a humble outpost, there is no need for that kind of action."

  Phoenix opened his eyes to the view of a face that shook with fury.

  "Look, I don't know what you want, but you won't find it here. Our supplies are low as it is..."

  Phoenix said nothing, watching the outpost owner's beady little eyes moving back and forth like those of a caged rat. The owner's head turned as he looked off camera.

  "Plowstow, have the weapons lock on the target."

  "What?" the owner shouted, his head snapping back to the screen.

  "Prepare to fire, on my mark."

  The owner jumped from his chair and leaned in to the camera until his face took up the whole screen. It wasn't a pretty sight to behold. Up close, the owner looked like he was suffering from a serious illness. His skin tone had a sweaty sheen to it, with undertones of green.

  "Wait! Stop, hold on. Let's not be hasty, here. There is no need for that kind of action."

  Phoenix crossed his arms over his chest. "Would you like us to dock while something still remains to dock on?"

  The owner bit his lip, clutching both fists tightly in front of him. "As I can see by your ignorant ways--"

  "Ignorant," Phoenix mouthed to his crew on the bridge.

  "--that you will not take no for an answer, then I guess I have no choice. Come aboard," the owner said, cutting off the link.


  Phoenix could hear raised voices as he approached the cargo bay. His battle suit, hidden under his clothes, made him appear more muscular than he already was. He had left the suit behind on the other outposts they had searched, but he had a funny feeling that he might need it on this tour.

  The owner's waxy skin just wouldn't budge from his mind's eye.

  "I already told you the answer is no."

  "But Midnight, I have been stuck on this ship for days without a chance to stretch my legs."

  "This isn't some moonlight stroll that we're taking. What we are about to do is dangerous. It could end in a firefight at a moment's notice."

  Phoenix rounded the corner and saw Saoirse readying her gear. L stood on the opposite side of the room with her hands on her hips. Phoenix kept his head down as he began to check he had everything he needed.

  "I don't see why it's only ever you, Phoenix and Plowstow that get to do the fun stuff," L said, throwing her hands in the air.

  "By 'fun stuff' you mean, get shot, stabbed, kicked, bitten or punched?"

  "How often does that happen?"

  Phoenix let out a snort, which earned him a glare from both females.

  "I need some field experience," L said,
which was met with an eye roll from Saoirse.

  "Plus Plowstow doesn't mind me going, do you?" L asked, as Plowstow rounded a corner.


  Plowstow looked from L to Saoirse before clicking his fingers and walking over to Phoenix. "Err...Phoenix, you wanted to talk to me about that thing, remember?"

  "Smooth. Real smooth," Phoenix said.

  "I still can't see why I can't go! I never get a chance to be any real help to the crew."

  "You are the ship's engineer! If you're not here, we don't have a ship. How much more help could you be?" Saoirse said, turning to pick up some flash-bangs.

  "This is so unfair," L yelled, her hair turning dark red.

  Phoenix and Plowstow huddled in a corner, talking but without saying anything of any real meaning. Neither lifted their heads as the argument raged on around them.

  "I don't--"

  "L! I am not having this conversation with you."

  As the pistol that Plowstow held slipped from his hand and clattered to the floor, Phoenix lifted his head to the ceiling. He knew what was about to come.

  "I don't know why I'm even asking you. Phoenix is the captain. I'm sure that he doesn't see a problem with me coming."

  Phoenix buried his head in his hands. The silence in the room threatened to choke everyone within easy reach.

  Aw fuck!

  He took a few deep breaths before lifting his head. "L, Saoirse is right about this being dangerous. People can get hurt, like that." Phoenix snapped his fingers. "The people that we come across out there will cut your throat in your sleep just to have an easy day."

  Saoirse nodded and a crestfallen look dawned on L's face.

  "But...staying on this ship for too long isn't good for anyone. So, if Plowstow doesn't mind staying behind--"

  "Oh, Phoenix! Thank you, thank you," L said, jumping on Phoenix and showering him with kisses.

  "You will do as Saoirse and I say, and if, for whatever reason, I think that you need to go back to the ship, you will. No arguing."

  "I do not think this decision is wise," Saoirse said.

  "You're right. On second thought, Plowstow, you'll be tagging along--"


  "You heard me. I want you to be L's second shadow. Anything happens to her happens to you. Understand?" Phoenix said, pointing a finger at Plowstow.

  "Come on, I have shit to do. I was going to do some home brewing. I ain't had a drink in the longest time."

  "That's even more reason for your ass to be off this ship. I want you sober till we sort this whole mess out. Now, everyone get their shit. We're leaving in five minutes."


  Dented metal walls surrounded the crew, as they made their way through the outpost. Faces covered with grease and grime poked out from behind doorways as they walked by. Children clothed in rags stopped and stared until they were pulled away by hollow-eyed mothers.

  "If I knew this place was going to look like this, I would have stayed on the ship," L said, pinching her nose.

  "You wanted to come," Phoenix said.

  The owner had sent one of his workers, a broad-shouldered male with pale skin and bone fragments sticking out of his skin, to collect them.

  "Places like this, although not large, house a couple of thousand people. Refugees, mostly. People running from the law. People not wanting to be found," Saoirse whispered.

  Phoenix stepped over a bloody rag and said, "Most of the outposts we have been to weren't like this, though. This place has a feel about it..."

  "I know what you mean."

  "L, stay close to Plowstow," Phoenix said, moving alongside her. "Look but do not touch or talk. I think we all need to go into the de-sterilization chamber when we get back to the ship. God knows what diseases are living in these corridors."

  L nodded her head, but there was something in the way her head snapped from left to right that made him doubt she had even heard him.

  "L, I mean--"

  "We're here," said the worker. "All weapons have to be handed to me."

  Phoenix and Saoirse shared a look, before drawing out their weapons. "Come and get them," they said.

  The worker swallowed as he looked between the pair. He licked his lips; his hand moved of its own accord but stopped halfway. His fingers curled into a fist, and he pulled his hand back and placed it in his pocket. "Never mind. I can see you have no weapons on you. It's right through here," he said, nodding at an unmarked door.

  Phoenix watched him disappear and turned his attention to the door in front of him. He was about to walk through when he was pushed out of the way and L barged into the owner's office.

  "L!" Saoirse said, charging in after her.

  Phoenix rolled his eyes and let out a small sigh.

  "You wanted to bring her along," Plowstow said, with a smug look on his face.

  "Don't even..." Phoenix said, his teeth gritted as he walked into the door.

  Dirty white walls gave way to a mouldy-smelling, brown-carpeted floor. The owner was sat behind a desk littered with plates, cups and papers, all fighting for their spots on the desk. His double chins and waxy complexion looked even more horrid up close. If Phoenix didn't know any better, he would have thought it was just the way the man was born.

  But the eyes gave it away. Never resting, always shifting.

  "So! What's going on here then?" L asked, slamming her hands on the desk.

  "I...don't know. Who the fuck are you people?"

  "Listen! We are the ones asking the questions, so you better start answering them."

  The owner looked between each of their faces, lost for words. His tongue darted out and licked his lips.

  L paced back and forth before the desk, her hands behind her back. Her feet made squelching sounds with each footstep.

  "In the name of Soul, isn't it time to bare all? We know what you're up to. You know we know what you're up to. This little game that you have been playing," L said, stopping momentarily to look at the owner, "has to stop. It's not good for your health. Look at you, man!"

  Saoirse walked forward, but Phoenix caught her eye and gave her a small shake of the head. He wanted to see where this went.

  "I know they may have offered you credits, women, power... But, at the end of the day, what good is that to you if you're dead?"

  The owner pushed away from his desk. He stood and pointed a waving finger in L's direction. "Are you threatening me?"

  "Who said anything about being threatened?"

  "I don't know what you want--"

  "Only the truth."

  "I... I'm innocent, you hear? You can't come in here asking questions, threatening me, threatening my outpost. I've done nothing to deserve this behaviour."

  "The victims of The Eye might disagree."

  The owner sank back in his chair as if he were a puppet and his strings had been cut. He buried his head in his hands as he let out a small sob.

  "This was not how it was supposed to be. No one was meant to get hurt. It was just..."

  L looked at Phoenix in surprise.

  The owner lifted his head from his hands and shook it. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you what I know."

  "Really!" L said in surprise. "Err, I mean, of course you will."

  "I didn't have a choice. You don't know the type of people I'm dealing with. You think what you see in the newscasts gives you a real picture of what they are, what they do? These's as if they were birthed from demons. They welcome death. They threatened my family, this outpost," he said, shaking his head again. "I have done everything in my power to get as many people as possible away from here, while they weren't looking. The others..." he said with a shrug. "May the gods have mercy on my soul."

  "What is it that The Eye had you do?" L said.

  "Supply them with weapons, ships, credits. Give them information on ship factories, certain ships' flight paths."

  "How do you know all this information?" Phoenix asked, stepping forward.

  The owner pull
ed at his shirt collar as his eyes lowered to the floor. He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. "Certain pilots like to frequent here on trips to see some of our girls..."

  "Ugh," L uttered.

  "Can you tell us anything about the leader?" Phoenix asked.

  The owner's eyes grew round as his gaze swept across Phoenix's face. His eyes stopped on Phoenix's earring and the colour drained from his face.

  "Something wrong?"

  "Their leader is called Dre. He is someone to be feared. He has lost everything, and now he stares into a pit of despair that he hopes engulfs him. You will not win this war with him and leave unscathed."

  "We can help you."

  The owner drew back his head and laughed. "Help me? I am too far down this path."

  "Look, buddy," said L, "we are not leaving here till--"

  The owner held up his hand, stopping L in her tracks. "Is your name Phoenix Jones?"

  Phoenix gave him a nod as he stepped forward.

  "Then I have a message for you," the owner said, pressing a button under his desk.

  A hologram flicked into life above his desk, showing nothing but a black background. A red dot came into view and the camera pulled back and revealed that it was an eye. Red in colour, it remained Phoenix of the bionic eye from Terminator.

  "Phoenix Jones! My, my, how I wish I could see that face. I hope this is playing for the right person, and this idiot isn't showing it to someone else," said a voice that broke off into a harsh bark of laughter. "I bet you're wondering how I know you. I bet that smug little face of yours is trying to work out what is happening. I know you, Phoenix. I know the type of man you are," the voice taunted.

  Phoenix took another step forward, his brain trying to place the voice.

  "That's it, my friend. Think. Think of where you know me from." The voice laughed again. The sound of it grated on Phoenix's nerves. "No doubt you were sent here like a puppet, by Florin Fren, with orders to apprehend me. But our paths shall not cross this day. I have bigger plans than the likes of you, and when you find out what they are, it will be too late. So, until we meet again, I shall leave you with a parting gift."


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