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Liabilities (Balance Sheet 2)

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by Dermott, Shannon

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. The scanning, uploading and distribution of the book via the Internet or via any other means without permission is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchased only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support for the author’s rights is appreciated. For information address Wicked Truth Publishing.

  First Edition

  Copyright 2013 Shannon Dermott

  All rights reserved.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen ~ Kalen

  BONUS POV from Assets (Kalen)

  Chapter One

  Time had stopped or so it seemed. It wasn’t just because my car was the only one around. Or that the rustic and rural landscape held a few community members garbed in gear fit for pilgrims walking down a dirt path. No, it was like time had skipped over Turner.

  My fingers ached to disappear in his dark brown waves that danced in the light breeze. His hair, perhaps a bit longer than I remembered, framed boyish brown eyes. He looked me over with a grin so wide, I wouldn’t have guessed I’d broken his heart those many years ago.

  Not wasting any more time, he came over and scooped me up. My feet left the ground as we spun. Dizzy with the motion, I stared into those lovely eyes of his until remorse grew heavy in my gut.

  My feet touched down in a thud of regret. “Bailey,” he breathed, shoving his hands in his brown britches which were a touch lighter than his hair.

  As his smile dipped a little, the wonder washed off my face. Mostly likely, he was remembering the past the same as I was and all there had been between us. If I’d guessed he would be the first person I’d see, I would have mentally prepared myself.

  My words became a piece of paper balled up in my mouth and mentally tossed down my throat. What could I say? Hi, I’m sorry I ran off and left you behind. Oh and our wedding, sorry I missed it?

  “You should probably take the car back to the front to park it.” Turner said. “I bet Samuel is in a state of panic that he’ll get a tongue lashing for allowing it to be driven through town.”

  I thought about how Sam had waved to me when I looked in the rear view mirror. Now that I thought about it, his arms crisscrossing above his head had probably been a signal and not a welcome greeting. I’d known better. At the time, my mind had been lost in memory. I’d been caught in a haze of all that had happened in the past forty eight hours.

  Bobbing my head was the easiest response to Turner. I doubled back to my car and got in. I didn’t want my father to see one of the symbols he associated with everything wrong in the world today in front of his house. Just as I turned the keys in the ignition, the passenger door opened. Without hesitation, Turner folded his impressive height into the compact car I’d rented. “I’ll ride with you,” he said. “That way we can talk on the walk back.”

  My heart clenched. Its staccato beats stuttered at the thought of what he would say. Although I’d seen him once since I’d left, we hadn’t said much then.

  The rental rocked back and forth down the path that probably hadn’t ever seen a car. Looking lost, Sam still stood in the road with his hands folded atop his head. However at the sight of my car, they fell to his sides, a pained look of relief on his face. Passing him, I pulled the car into a parking lot in front of the security building near the closed gated entrance. This corner of the town was a mile from the edge of where the real community began and was a reminder that we didn’t live in colonial America. The four painted slots only looked aged by time and not from use. It wasn’t very often we had outside visitors.

  With an exhale, I stepped from the car and automatically headed toward the trunk. What was I thinking? It wasn’t as if I could wear my clothes here. I popped the truck and dropped my purse next to my bag. Money and cell phones would be useless here. No cell towers dotted the acres and acres of land that was owned by the community. Cell service would be spotty or impossible to find. And money could be used only if I planned to insult anyone I offered it to. Everything I needed would be provided. All that would be expected of me was to contribute in some way to the wellbeing of the community.

  Following Sam inside the small one room building, I noticed all the modern conveniences that weren’t tolerated inside the town, but were necessary for the security of our borders.

  Monitors and computers stood on the desk, along with one of two push-button corded telephones in the community unless things had changed. The other was located in the small office in the school house.

  Sam took my keys from my outstretched hand. He bent and locked them in a safe located somewhere under the desk he reached under. He muttered, “Sorry, I should have told you to leave your car.”

  “It’s my fault.” I gave him a halfhearted smile he didn’t see. “I should have known better.” And I should have, I’d grown up here.

  “How long are you planning to stay?” It wasn’t the beginning of an inquisition. The security desk was manned twenty four hours every day, so he wasn’t asking about when I might need my keys back. It was just a neighborly question. One that was specific for me because normally if you left like I had, you didn’t come back.

  “I’m not sure.”

  He nodded and seated himself in his chair. As I headed out the door, I thought about the paper log on the desk in front of where he sat. What, if anything, would he write in there about me driving the car into town? Nothing to be done about it, I shook off that feeling. Most likely, my father would be notified. No matter how quiet the newer model engine was, someone would have noticed the car.

  When I returned to Turner, it appeared as though the sun had spun a halo over him like a golden fog. I looked into his eyes and was transported back in time to a memory that eclipsed our relationship.

  Summer was in heat that long ago day, with sweat our only respite. The flies and gnats were particularly bothersome, swarming around in search of their next smorgasbord. I’d just cleaned up from breakfast when Turner came knocking. His presence at my door wasn’t unusual.

  My being at home was. It was a holiday. The annual reminder of the day our founders had gotten together and made a plan about what our community would one day become. My body was accustomed to the early morning rise, and this day was no different. We’d eaten and everyone had scattered. I was sure Turner would be sleeping in, not having the same rules in his household I did. He was a boy and his chores differed somewhat from mine.

  “Come on.” He smiled, holding out a hand.

  My parents were gone for the Prayer and State of the Community meeting with all the other adults in town. The rest of us were set free. And that wasn’t very of
ten. Stepping out on the porch, I was greeted by a wall of humid air. “Where are we going?” I was ready for any adventure he had in mind. And I was a bit starry eyed too. I’d told no one but my older sister Violet about my blooming crush on my best friend. He’d always been just a boy I hung out with every day. But the older I got, the more I realized he was a boy. With him standing there, I ignored how weak in the knees I felt by just looking at him. Instead, put on a nonchalant air.

  Shifting his weight a bit, he fidgeted. Turner was always full on movement. Today he seemed a bit nervous when he said, “You’ll see.” He took my hand and pulled me across the way into the awaiting trees.

  Once we entered the cover of forest, we were greeted with shade from the canopy of leaves. The encroaching darkness and temperature drop sent a shudder through me. Tales about haunted woods roved in my head. Seemingly feeling my fear, he threaded his fingers through mine. Tingles, not having to do anything with being afraid, shot to my belly, sparking a giggle. There was no denying this wasn’t an ordinary day.

  Once we made it to the familiar watering hole, the spike of fear of the woods fell. It was early and no one else had yet come. Most of the kids our age were probably lounging in bed because they could. However, I was sure most were wide awake, just not giving in to the need to move.

  He only had to glance at me, and I knew what he was up to. His grip tugged me to the top of a bolder where an overhead tree branch loomed like an arm holding a rope. With his eyes fixed on mine, he tugged off his shoes and socks, tossing them aside. Then with a wicked glare, his shirt floated to the ground right before his pants. I gasped. It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen him in his under clothing before but, again, I felt as if an electric charge stirred the air around us. Something was definitely amiss.

  His fiery hands joined with mine. Leaning in towards me, he loosed words that thrilled and scared me. “My pa is going to ask yours for us to be married.” Without waiting for my response, he let go of my hand and took a flying leap or rather a cannon ball into the lagoon below as I stood stunned.

  It wasn’t as if nightly before I fell asleep my brain hadn’t imagined us together a thousand times in the dark. Yet, I hadn’t moved. I should have been getting undressed while his head was under the water as I’d done countless times before. To have him watch me undress was unthinkable. Still, I stood there as he broke the surface.

  “What are you waiting for?” he called out with a grin plastered to his face along with his wet hair.

  My heart beat so fast, I thought it might burst through my budding chest.

  “Are you coming in or what?” His voice rang out in our private oasis. Trees surrounded the cove cloaked it in shadow with a burst of sunlight in the middle bouncing off the water.

  His question felt more like a choice not only if was I going in but was I all in. I made quick work of my dress feeling his eyes burn on me. They were like the sun and pickled my skin creating a need I didn’t understand. I was barely a teenager wondering if I’d ever have breasts more than the tiny mounds that made it only slightly obvious I wasn’t a boy.

  As he waded, he rippled the water around him. I shivered, clad only in my own underclothing, which was more than your average teenage girl wore outside the community. Covered neck to knees, my arms and my calves were the only parts of me exposed. I dove in after giving silent thanks for my prayers to be answered. I’d prayed that if I had to marry and stay here in this forsaken place, I could do it with Turner at my side. My only thought was how he felt about it. Was it his family’s decision? That part had to be true, but he didn’t have to like it.

  The water cocooned me in its warm embrace. It kissed the top of my head before totally taking me under. I relished the quiet it brought for the few seconds before I broke the surface. Would I dare ask Turner how he felt or should I leave it alone?

  That question was taken from me when I sprung free from the water depths and he swam towards me. Again, I shivered for no reason. The water was in no way cool. It had been heated since the first day of summer and stayed room temperature even through the night, or so I’d heard.

  “Did you hear me?” he asked, coming to a stop so close the breeze of his words touched my cheek.

  “Yes, does it bother you?” I asked, finding my courage. If Turner didn’t want this marriage, it was better to know now, so that I might influence my father. I wanted him as my husband, but not if he didn’t want me too. That would hurt worse than if I’d been paired with one-eyed John. And it wasn’t because John only had one good eye. It was his girth, smell and unruly nature that would be a mortifying prospect.

  As was our custom, my hair had been bound. Turner reached around me and freed it. Wet, it sort of flopped around my shoulders. I dog peddled under the water and moved my arms about to keep me afloat. With him so close, I didn’t know what to do. This was all so new. I was only fourteen, and he was a few years older. When he leaned in, my eyes grew wide. No boy had ever attempted to get this close with the intentions I could plainly see written on his face.

  This sort of contact was forbidden, yet I didn’t stop him. I was thrilled that my first kiss wouldn’t be in front of a preacher and the wise eyes of my parents along with the rest of the community. I was electrified that my first kiss was with my very best friend and the boy I secretly crushed as had so many girls in our tiny one-room school.

  Like static, when his lips lightly brushed mine, I received a tiny jolt. He didn’t seem to notice and applied a little more pressure when I didn’t pull away. Because my limbs had stilled, I started to sink. His arm ghosted around me and held me up.

  When our kiss broke apart, I flailed about for a few seconds before I recovered. He laughed, looking totally amused. I pushed a wave of water at him, and willed my cheeks to cool the red hot blooms that colored them.

  Turner didn’t give up. He pulled my arm, directing me to a wall of earth. It led up to the perch we’d stood on before our descent into the forbidden. Should anyone come, we would be hidden there for precious seconds. Most entered through the path we had taken. Its trail had become worn over time, making it easier than coming through the thicket and risking torn clothing.

  The water wasn’t as deep where we were, and I could stand. Silent ripples reached my chin, and we continued staring at each other. This was new ground for us. I wanted to ask him if I was his first kiss, as he was mine. However, I was afraid he’d think me too young and change his mind. I’d always been that little pesky girl like a sister following on his heels.

  Looking at him now, I could see the man he was becoming. Talking like a little girl was out. I lowered my eyes from his challenging stare and saw a hint of stubble on his chin. Still, I held my head high, wanting to stare at his bare chest, but moved my eyes to his. I thought I’d won the battle of glances because he lowered his head. However, he stopped shy of kissing me. Yet, he continued caging me in.

  “What are you doing?” I challenged with faint amusement as he continued to stare at me, making me feel more self-conscious.

  There was no way my smile and twinkling eye had said stop. Violet had warned me never to give into a guy too quickly because they wouldn’t respect you. Her exact words were a girl has got to put up some fight. I’d already given into the first kiss, but I didn’t want him to think my affection came easy.

  With a smirk, he confessed, “I’m kissing my future wife.”

  The way he spoke to me now was so different than it had been even just yesterday. He teased me, yes, made fun of me, yes. But never had his words spiked funny feelings in my body that were weird, yet exciting. My mind worked to process everything that was happening and commit it to memory so I could share with Violet. I hoped she might explain those feelings later if Turner didn’t give me the answers.

  While I was distracted, he took advantage and did it again. He kissed me. This time his lips urged against mine. I was unsure of what to do.

  Not too long ago, I’d heard some older girls talking about kissing. They gigg
led and swapped stories while doing chores. I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. It wasn’t as if my mother was going to give me that information.

  My lips parted just like I’d heard the girls explain, and his tongue snuck into my mouth and touched mine. I allowed him to pull me closer, liking the way he felt against that tingling spot below my waist. Something grew between us creating more delicious pressure that made me gasp. His hand moved to my hip and tentatively delved just barely under my wet clothing. His grinding motion was fogging my brain, and I wasn’t sure I had enough brain cells left to say stop.

  Chapter Two

  “Come on,” he said.

  The dream of my past shattered. I looked up to remember I was no longer fourteen. And I wasn’t that girl anymore.

  Still, Turner held out his hand to me as if we were conspirators. I couldn’t help but remember that day and how we kissed. We’d practiced kissing to the point I’d finally opened up my heart and truly let him in. It had felt as dangerous then as the glint in his eye felt now.

  I took his offered hand and we were off. Although much time had passed, I remembered the route as if it were yesterday. The years lost fell away with every footfall. Our fingers laced together like it had always been. Home.

  Quickly, he undressed, and I didn’t bother to wait. I was down to my bra and underwear, which would be considered at the least scandalous or at the worst brand me with an A on the chest of my clothing if anyone saw. Turner’s under things looked like something from a museum; mine looked like they came off the runway.

  He gasped. And I hadn’t thought about his reaction. I’d become more comfortable in my own skin having lived outside this compound and been in two semi-relationships. I grinned at him and took a swan dive into the crystal clear water. Just like our first kiss, we were here alone. School was in session that time of day, and the other members would be busy with their daily work. Waste not, want not. It wasn’t the weekend. The place would be ours for now.


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