The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance

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The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance Page 44

by W. J. May

  She opened the door and stepped halfway through when her uncle spoke again.

  “House of Cards. That’s what we called ourselves.”

  “Why House of Cards?”

  He chuckled. “To show how big things can be built on a flimsy foundation. How the greatest assets can come tumbling down. We, as kids, thought we could change the world, or at least the authority at Guilder or the Privy Council.” He shrugged. “We were boys, pretending to be men. We called the group HOC for short.”

  The plate of eggs slipped from Rae’s fingers and plummeted to the floor. The porcelain shattered and eggs exploded down the hallway. She dropped to her knees, scooping up the scattered breakfast and cupping the bits into her shaking hand. HOC? House of Cards? H.O.C. Holy crap!

  “Are you okay?” Molly came down the stairs.

  “Is everything alright?” Uncle Argyle called from the study.

  “Fine. The plate slipped from my hand.” Rae looked around, grabbing an antique sterling dish off the small table nearest to her. She tossed the eggs and bits of plate into the potpourri mix and set it back on the table. She stood, shaking inwardly, trying to appear relaxed. Inside, she felt like the scattered eggs. “Let me get dressed. You want to get going?”


  Rae reached for the study door, sticking her head inside just before closing it. “Uncle Argyle?”

  “Hmmm?” He didn’t glance up.

  “Do you think you could find that old minutes book?” She ran her tongue against the inside of her cheek. “I think it’d be kind of cool to read.”

  Argyle half-heartedly waved a hand at her in acquiescence. “Sure. I’ll have a look over the holidays.”

  “Thanks.” Rae closed the door, determined to find the old journal before she flew back to Guilder.

  Chapter 19

  Rain, Rain, Go Away

  Between shopping and “girl time”, the holiday in New York went faster than Rae thought it would. Part of her wanted to be back in England, but the other part loved being with her aunt and uncle. Both parts of her enjoyed Molly’s constant chatter, and it gave Rae the time to think and daydream about Devon. She wondered what he had been up to and if he had spent Christmas at home or working. Has his dad said anything? If he does, what will Devon do? It drove her nuts with worry and the fact that her cell phone refused to work in America didn’t help.

  Uncle Argyle didn’t find the notebook with the minutes from his time at Guilder. Rae had been too scared to ask him to look again. If she placed too much emphasis on it, there was no telling how Argyle would react. The one thing she didn’t need was for Argyle to know anything about what had happened last year at Guilder and what they were up against now. So instead of hounding him for the notebook, she backed off. As he dropped Molly and her off at the airport, she mentioned posting the notebook to her if he came across it. He gave her only a curt nod. She had no idea if he would even bother.

  Molly and Rae returned to Guilder the day before classes resumed. They took the same bus she had taken to Guilder the previous year. Rae couldn’t wait to get back to her own room, for a bit of peace and quiet. Dean Wardell’s demand constantly nagged at the back of her mind. She needed to see Devon and let her insides flutter as they always did when she was around him. He would show her the strength of their relationship and nothing and no one could crumble it… she hoped. She knew neither Devon nor Julian were back, and from Devon’s lack of replies to her texts, she figured he was working. Guess the HOC-thing will have to wait until I have something solid to share with Carter, or Devon.

  “Thank goodness this is our last semester,” Molly said Thursday morning as they walked to their first class. “I can’t wait to sleep in and not have to leave the building to eat.”

  “What’re you planning on doing next year?” Rae shifted her umbrella so the January downpour didn’t leave her soaking wet inside the Oratory. The weather matched her mood this morning; dark, dreary and depressed. An email from Devon, furtively checked before class, advised that he and Julian would not be back until the end of the week. More work for the Privy Council. “Do you want to work for the Privy Council?”

  “Heavens no! Well, I shouldn’t say that. I just don’t think it’s something I want to do right now. Secrets, espionage, and all the double-oh-seven stuff doesn’t seem like my kind of thing. I applied to Cardiff University. I can’t imagine carrying on the family mechanic shop business, too dirty. I’m not sure yet what I want to do.” Molly pulled her raincoat tighter around her. “This weather sucks. If it weren’t for Reece, I’d be applying to the University of Florida or somewhere in Spain, anywhere hot.”

  “You’re pretty serious about Reece…Does he feel the same?” Rae asked. How are you supposed to know how serious someone feels about you?

  “Yeah, he does! We had this big talk just before Christmas break. He’s gonna try and get a job transfer to the area and he’s got family there. I want to take the next logical step.” Molly’s tone changed from her normal babble, to a leading hint of secrecy at the end, as if she would not say, but really wanted Rae to ask what she meant.

  Rae smiled and then stepped aside to avoid a large puddle. She scowled at her Mary Jane flats. She should have worn welly boots today. It wouldn’t surprise her if someone, probably Carter, had built an ark in the field behind the Oratory with all this rain going on. “What’s the next step, Molls?”

  “Marriage.” Molly rushed the words, leaning under Rae’s umbrella. “If he’s willing to come to Cardiff with me, he’ll be buying me a honkin’ diamond ring next!” Molly gushed on in typical Molly style.

  Rae grinned, trying to appear happy, rather than amused at her friend. Only Molly would think that was the next, logical step–at seventeen? “I really hope it works out.” She sincerely meant it. “Let’s get inside the Oratory. I’ve had enough of this wet weather, plus we’re going to be late.”

  By the time they shrugged out of their rain gear, Carter was clapping his hands, calling for everyone to get into their groups. He glanced at his phone. “I’ll be right back,” he said, as he stepped out of the room. Rae noticed Kraigan and Nicholas towards the back of the large room. Making her way over, she hugged her arms and shivered in the frigid air. Almost like New York.

  “How was break?” Nicholas asked Rae.

  “Good. Molls came with me to New York. We wore grooves in the cement from all the shopping she did.”

  “You went to New York?” Kraigan interrupted.

  “Her uncle and aunt live in America,” Nicholas told Kraigan. “She moved there after her folks died.” Rae wished she had a tatù that would shut Nic up. He seemed to be entirely too open with her personal information. Not that she would have hidden the fact that she lived in America from Kraigan. It was common knowledge, there would be no point. However, the day hadn’t started well for her and she was feeling unnaturally grouchy. “Nic, would it be possible for you to stop telling every living being my personal business?” As soon as the words left her lips, Rae regretted it. The flash of hurt on Nic’s face made her stomach turn. This wasn’t like her. She needed to fix it fast. I just don’t want everyone to know…wait…that’s it. “If I see my face on any tabloids, I’m coming after youuuu!” Rae made a face and wiggled her fingers in a ridiculous imitation of a Scooby Doo Ghost. Nic just looked confused. Why do I try? Honestly? Nobody gets me. Rae sent him a thought using Maria’s tatù. I’m just kidding, or trying to. Sorry if I missed the mark.

  Nic, hopped back and held his breath for a second. “Rae! That was weird! Do it again!”

  “What happened?” Kraigan asked, completely missing the by-play between them.

  “She just talked in my head! Do it to Kraigan! Tell him something.”

  Rae laughed, relieved Nic wasn’t ticked at her. “Fine.” What did you do over the break?”

  Kraigan blinked then mumbled something. Rae thought he said ‘Maria’ but wasn’t sure. “Very cool. I took a road trip all over Britain. Saw t
he sights and did some wicked stuff.”

  Molly came over just as Kraigan spoke. “How does an orphan afford a car?”

  “I don’t have a car.” He exhaled a long exaggerated breath. “Just ‘cause I grew up at the orphanage, it doesn’t mean I don’t know people outside of this crap-hole.” Kraigan folded his arms. “I had a great break. I met this guy, Randy, and he’s got this younger sister. Her name’s Annabelle. We totally hit it off.” He shot a glance at Rae, as if waiting to see her reaction.

  Rae resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Why would I care that he met a girl?

  “Is she hot?” Nicholas asked.

  “Hot with very nice assets. She was on the rebound from a guy who totally screwed her over after the summer.” Kraigan looked at Rae again. “No tatù, but she’s got this cool tattoo on her…” He grinned slyly at Rae. “I’ll tell ya later, Nic.” He snapped his fingers. “Oh, and her brother’s got a tatù.”

  “No way. Did he go to Guilder?”

  “Nah, he’s from one of those mega-rich families who don’t bother with this crap-hole. He said he felt bad for me when I told him I attend.”

  Rae shoved her hands in her pockets. What happened to him over the break? Before she had a chance to ask, Carter returned to the hall. Whatever had drawn him out, with tension in his body language, he appeared completely relaxed when he returned. She watched him while she listened to Kraigan, wishing he would just be quiet. If he’s trying to tell me something, he should just say it or tell me later. What’s the big deal?

  The buzzer for the end of class rang out and Rae felt like it was a warning. She grabbed her bag, threw her slicker on and then made a beeline for the exit. Devon better be back soon. I need to talk to someone. She should talk to Carter but she still didn’t trust him completely. Angry at the weather, at herself, at life in general, she forced her umbrella open a little too hard and swore when it went inside out. She glared at the sky when she had to wipe her face and then stared at her hand in surprise. It was raining and snowing at the same time.

  “Bad sign,” she mumbled to herself. What’s Uncle Argyle saying? Rain and snow equals a dreadful omen. “How’s this week going to get any worse?” She stomped through a puddle and winced when freezing cold water sloshed inside her shoes. I know, I shouldn’t have asked. Now she had to go back to her dorm to change her pants and socks and try to find time to grab lunch before her geography class. Grrr—

  Dashing into Aumbry House, she grabbed her mail and used a speed tatù to go up the stairs to her room. She tossed the mail on her desk, kicked one shoe off and then hopped around the room on one foot, trying to get her soaked pants to slide down faster. Losing her balance, she tumbled and fell, bashing the back of her head against the edge of her desk.

  “Dammit! Ouch,” she shouted. She kicked her remaining shoe off, taking satisfaction in the thunk and splatter of mud it made against the opposite wall. She rubbed the goose egg already forming on the back of her head. Great. Now she had a headache and a dirty wall to clean after class. Staring at the blobs of mud, she jerked her head back when a thought hit her. She had to wince from the sudden movement, but she clued into something Kraigan had said.

  Sitting upright, she drummed her fingers against the floor. He had said his new girl was Annabelle. Which could be Anna for short. Devon had dated an Anna with a brother this summer. This Randy could be the guy Devon had been looking for at the beginning of the year. And she’s got a tattoo…Heaven help Devon if he knows where it is.

  Now that she thought about it, Kraigan’s hinting had been blatantly obvious. He’s mad at me. Why? Could he know about Devon and me? Rae rubbed her forehead. Or, is he trying to make me jealous? Devon seemed pretty sure the guy liked me. Could I have been leading him? These thoughts were giving her a headache on top of her sore head. Maybe he’s just putting two and two together like I just did. Wow my head hurts—

  She smacked her forehead when she remembered the healing tatù she had absorbed the previous year. Focusing on the correct hum, she mended the sore spot and her headache instantly disappeared. Unfortunately, it didn’t erase the worry about Kraigan. I need to talk to him. Something’s up.

  Rae buried the thoughts for the time being and managed to get through the rest of afternoon classes. The last class of the day, as she passed Kraigan on her way out the door, she mumbled, “Meet me. Fifteen minutes.”

  She didn’t wait for a reply, just continued on towards Aumbry House. She skidded to a stop when Julian stepped out of Joist House on the walk ahead of her.

  “You’re back!” Her heart leapt in excitement. “Is Devon in his room?”

  He came down and hugged her. “Nice to see you, too. Dev’s not back yet. He stopped by his folks place to see his mom and sister. He’ll be back tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest.”

  “Oh.” Rae’s shoulders dropped. Talk about letting the wind out of her sails.

  “Hey, don’t look so disappointed. I’m here. How about we head into town for a hot chocolate or something? There’s a dive of a pub that makes a wicked Friday fish n’ chips.” Julian checked his back pocket. “Heck, I’ll even pay.”

  Rae glanced at Aumbry House. Kraigan would be waiting. I don’t have my phone. I can’t even email or text him. Rain began falling from the sky again. She decided to try mental messaging him. She had no idea where he might be and she had never had physical contact with him. The message might not send. She tried anyway. Kraigan. It’s raining. Let’s meet tomorrow. She smiled at Julian. “Well, if you’re paying, I’m in.” She held her backpack over her head. “I could use a good laugh, and I’m starving.”

  “Let’s go. I was about to head out. I’ve got three paychecks I need to deposit.” They speed-walked to his car in a comfortable silence and determination to get out of the wet.

  “Did you like the Liverpool jersey I got ya for Christmas, by the way?” Rae asked when they pulled out of Guilder’s parking lot. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling.

  Julian stared straight ahead, concentrating on the road. “I—uh—yeah, thanks. I appreciate the thought.”

  “The thought? It took me forever to find the new away jersey in your size.”

  Julian fidgeted with the stereo. Jerry and the Pacemakers started blaring through the speakers. Rae covered her ears and burst out laughing listening to the lyrics. He was suffering. Forced to wear red when he should be blue–Everton blue.

  “Sorry,” Julian turned the volume down.

  “Is something wrong with the jersey?” Rae tried to keep her voice sounding innocent.

  “Yeah, no, no. The jersey’s in great condition, still brand new.” Julian pulled into a parking spot outside a pub. “Still got the tags on it.” A light rain made pling-pling sounds as it hit the roof of the car.

  “Don’t you like it?” Rae glanced out the window. “We’d better get inside before this drizzle turns into a downpour.”

  Julian opened his door and mumbled something as he got out. He slammed it and jogged around the front of the car.

  “What’d you say?” Rae got out of the car and ran to the covered entrance of the pub. She held the door open for Julian.

  “I said, I appreciate the gift, but I support Everton.” He turned and looked her directly in the eye, his attitude firmly resolute and apologetic at the same time. “I wouldn’t be caught dead in red.”

  Rae burst out laughing. The few patrons inside the pub turned at the loud noise. Everyone staring at her suddenly seemed funny too. She grabbed her stomach and doubled over. Her sides were killing her. “I—I—kn-know—” She leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath.

  “You know?” Julian’s brows came together. “I don’t get i—” He straightened and crossed his arm. “You bugger! You bought it on purpose?”

  “Heck yeah!” She laughed. “Payback.” She waited till his eyebrows rose. “For your bet with Desiree. You’re lucky I went easy on you.”

  Julian shook his head and grinned. “
Funny—” He rumpled Rae’s hair. “If your fit of giggles is over, can we go eat now? I’m starving.”

  Relaxed, they settled into a booth by a window, both ordering fish and chips.

  “How’re things with Devon?” Julian asked while they waited for their food.

  Rae took a sip of her Coke, slightly on guard and wondering why Julian had asked. “Good—I think.” Her heart stuttered. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Julian blinked and started playing with his napkin. “I’m kinda wondering the same thing.”

  “What do you mean?” She had no clue what he was talking about.

  He slid the tiny ripped napkin pieces in a pile. “You know my tatù lets me see small bits of the future?” He continued when she nodded. “But I still draw things and while we were away…twice actually—I drew you.”

  The last drawing he had done of her was Lanford trying to kill her. Neither had figured out what it meant until nearly too late. “What did you draw?” Her heart thundered against her chest.

  Julian stared down at the table a moment and then brought his head up to look her directly in the eyes. “You. And Kraigan. At night.” He let the words sink in, then leaned forward and pointed. “Are you cheating on my best friend?”

  “No!” Rae almost laughed in relief. “I’m not interested in Kraigan. We’ve been chatting. I’m trying to mentor him. Devon knows all about it.”

  Julian’s head pulled back. “He does?”

  “Yeah. Did you show him the drawings?”

  “Hell no!” He lifted his hands, shaping them in a circle. “Devon thinks the world of you. He’s actually positive you’re going to wake up, wonder what you’re doing with him and then dump ‘im.”

  Rae rolled her eyes. “Like that’s gonna happen.”

  “I’ve been paranoid for nothing then.” He chuckled, obviously very relieved. “You know, I’m glad you guys are together, and at the same time, I feel for both of you. It’s gotta be hard hiding your relationship and being apart so much.” Julian nodded in her direction. “Especially for you, since you’re a girl.”


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