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TYCE 3 Page 11

by Shareef Jaudon

  “I will shower and trust me-I know how to give head without usin’ my hands.”

  My dick was screaming, “LET HER NIGGA! I AINT HAD NO ACTION IN MONTHS! IS YOU CRAZY?!” I took a deep breath trying to ignore its overzealous ass.

  I was thinking this whole shit was wrong as Dallas grabbed my belt buckle.

  I was telling myself not to do it as Dallas unzipped my jeans.

  I was trying to override my horny overdrive as Dallas kneeled down in front of me.

  I was trying to keep the nigga inside me in check as she pulled my jeans down below my ass cheeks freeing the beast from its cotton cage.

  “THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ BOUT NIGGA LET ME OUT!” My dick said stiffening up.

  I gripped the can in my hand tensing up as my ex girlfriend blew her warm breath on the tip of my pink pulsating head. Her moist mouth was inches away from my cock.

  “Jus’ relax baby and let me work on you.” She whispered into the hard mic.

  Out of the blue I felt a vibrating sensation on my right ass cheek followed by Eric B and Rakim’s Paid in Full song. My cell phone was ringing. The unexpected interruption snatched both of us out of the lustful moment we were in giving a brief flash of horny free clarity. I fumbled to retrieve my phone before the voice mail answered it for me. I looked down at Dallas as I answered it.


  “This is a call from the Lynn Wood county correctional facility from Angelique who is an inmate. Please press the pound key if you would like to accept the call or the star key to decline.” The automated voice instructed.

  I pressed the pound key and stepped back from a still kneeling Dallas with my disappointed dick still outside of its cage.

  Angelique’s sultry voice came over the line, “Hey baby. What you doin’?”

  “I’m good, jus’ hangin’ out in the kitchen.”

  “Oh ok, where’s Khari?”

  “She’s safe.”

  These calls were recorded so I didn’t wanna give too much information on an open line.

  “What do you mean she’s safe, where is she?”

  “She’s safe babe. You gotta jus’ leave it at that.”

  “What. Where is my child Tyce and why don’t you have her with you?” The concern in her voice rose with each passing second.

  “I have a few things to do, so I had G watch her for a few days.”

  I hope she got the code I used for Gloria’s name and didn’t press the issue any further.

  Angelique calmed down a little. “Oh ok, I thought I was gonna hafta bust outta here and spank you.” She joked.

  “Naw, you know I can handle shit, I got my daddy on.” I chuckled.

  Dallas stood up and started stroking my throbbing dick with her hand. My bare ass clenched as I backed out of her reach. I stuffed my dick inside my jeans concealing the temptation from her wanting eyes.

  “I know you can handle shit. I was jus’ callin’ to check on you two.”

  Angelique was silent. I could hear the long sigh as she searched for her next words.

  “You ok babe?” I asked zipping up my pants.

  “I would say yes, but I’d be lying. I hate it. I gotta get outta here Tyce. I can’t stand this place. It stinks, the bitches stink, the food stinks. I don’t belong here! And you’ll never guess who my cell mate is!”

  “Who?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Tasha’s stank ass!”

  I searched my mental rolodex to match the name with a face.

  “Omar’s Tasha?” My voice raised an octave.

  “The one and only. She came in a few days ago talkin’ bout she still wants you and how fine you are. The bony bitch tried to make me jealous. I started to stomp the shit outta her but I stopped myself. I couldn’t believe it. Of all the chicks in

  California I had to be shacked up with this bitch.”

  “Wow, that is a trip. I thought she was in Vegas.” I said surprised.

  “I thought so too but I guess not. I asked around and she got arrested on an assault and battery charge on some nigga she was with.”

  “Damn, well jus’ try and keep your cool. You’ll be outta there in no time.” I tried to reassure her.

  Angelique huffed. “Tyce, it don’t look too good for me. The judge denied my motion for bail. They tryna give me 10 years in prison behind this shit. I don’t even know who the fuck set me up, but I can’t risk goin’ to trial on some shit I didn’t do!”

  My heart went out to her. I could tell she was getting upset. Little did she know, but I was working things out so she wouldn’t have to go to punk ass trial.

  “I know babe. Hey, did you get that trustee spot?” I changed subjects keeping the conversation upbeat and non-suspicious.

  “Yeah, I got trash detail, but at least I get to go outside for a few hours a day.”

  I grinned. “That’s real good news babe, real good.”

  “Yeah I was happy about it. I guess in this jacked up situation you gotta be happy for the little things. Speakin’ of little things I miss my little girl sooooo much. Give her a big kiss for me.”

  Angelique’s voice started cracking with emotion.

  “Hey hey hey, don’t cry now babe, like I said you’ll be out in no time and be able to kiss her yourself, jus’ keep ya head up.”

  “I’m tryin’ baby. I’m tryin’, but it aint easy. I can’t spend ten years in prison. I keep prayin’ to God and it seems like he aint listenin’ to me. I don’t know what else to do.” The tears started to flow. “It’s like God took a day off and the devil is workin’ over time.”

  “Yeah the devil might be workin’ over time, but so am I, and I always get the job done.”

  Angelique sniffed wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “Jus’ do what you can to get me outta here.”

  “I’m on it babe, don’t worry.”

  “Ok, I’ll try and call you tomorrow. Be safe.”

  “Always babe. I love you lots.” I kissed the phone speaker.

  Angelique made a kissing sound with her full lips, not wanting to touch the nasty germ riddled phone.

  “I love you too baby.”

  The brief phone call ended and I stood in the kitchen looking at a still nude Dallas. A wicked smile spread across her face.

  “Look at you being all supportive. She’s havin’ a hard time in jail huh?”

  “Yeah, but she’ll be alright.”

  Dallas nodded her head. “I know she will. I jus’ feel so bad for her.”

  I pointed to the hallway with my finger.

  “The shower is that way Dallas and after you’re done you need to leave.”

  “You sure you want me to go?” She batted her brown eyes.

  “Woman, if you stay here I’ma wear that pussy out so bad it’ll be an out of order sign hangin’ from your belly button, so please go.”

  Dallas put her hands up in bewilderment.

  “And I’d fuck and suck your dick soooo good you’d be in a pussy induced coma, so please tell me why that’s such a bad thing?”

  “Look Dallas, I’m not a cheater. Women all over wonder why niggas cheat. Ok, let me break it down for you. Niggas cheat cuz they’re weak. Jus’ cuz a dude got a woman or a wife doesn’t mean he don’t wanna fuck another woman. Shit the same thing that attracted the nigga to you in the first place is still there. That natural instinct to smash is still in that nigga. The difference between a man that cheats and a man that doesn’t cheat is discipline. A real nigga turns down pussy or walks away from temptation. The weak niggas fall in that shit like quick sand.”

  Dallas crossed her arms across the bare breasts.

  “So you mean to tell me you had a weak moment when I almost sucked your dick.”

  “Hell yeah I had a weak moment. You fine as fuck and I have deep feelings for you, but the fact is I have a woman.”

  “Well, where the fuck is she? I don’t see her.”

  Dallas looked around the empty kitchen sarcastically.

  I s
miled at her picturing Angelique’s gorgeous face in my mind.

  “She’s right here.” I pointed to my heart.

  News For You

  Sabrina and Bree sat in Tyce’s Range Rover sharing the information they’d gotten Sabrina passed him a piece of paper with an address written on it in purple ink.

  “You need anything else bro?” Sabrina winked at him.

  “Naw sis, nothin’ right now. Ya’ll did good. Thanks Bree.”

  “No problem sweetie.” Bree patted his shoulder from the back seat. “Jus’ be careful and tell Sway to be careful too. We don’t want you two to end up on jail.”

  “Girl you know the holice can’t hold me. They tried that shit already.”

  “Bree’s right, you can never be too careful.”

  “Thanks for the lookout ladies. I’ll bring the noise, but I’ll be careful.”

  Strong Arms

  The night was quiet except for the crickets chirping back and forth to each other. Tyce and Sway sat in a stolen van with the seats leaned back. Tyce was smoking a clove cigarette as both men watched the light blue three story house that was located on a quiet street.

  “Man I’ve been meaning to ask you why you smoke those things?” Sway looked over from the passenger seat smiling.

  Tyce blew smoke out the cracked window and chuckled.

  “Man everybody got they vices, this is mine. Plus they smell good.”

  Sway sucked is teeth, “Man that shit smell like an old incense.”

  “Ha ha ha. I’m sorry your virgin lungs can’t handle a little aroma. They calm me down. I got a lot of stress on me.”

  “Nigga you got everybody around you smokin’ those things. Let me have one.” Sway said quietly.


  “Man you heard me. Jus’ pass one over and don’t say nothin’ to Ranae. You hear me?” Sway pointed his finger threateningly.

  “I guess you like the smell of old incense huh?”

  Tyce passed a cigarette over to his friend as he smiled showing beautiful white teeth in the darkness of the cabin. Both men enjoyed a relaxing cigarette together as the garage went up on the house and a green late model Volvo pulled out and backed down the driveway.

  “She’s right on schedule.” Tyce focused on the departing vehicle.

  “Let’s wait about three minutes in case she forgot somethin’.” Tyce instructed.

  “Alright.” Sway responded flicking ashes out the window.

  Exactly three minutes later the gray van pulled around the alley in the back of the home.

  “Let’s go!” Tyce jumped out the driver’s seat followed by Sway.

  Adrenalin pumped through Tyce’s veins as he hopped over the wire fence. Sway did the same taking some time to look around for any nosey late night neighbors. The last thing they needed was someone calling the holice reporting two black men dressed in all black wearing ski masks going into a white person’s home at four o’clock in the morning. The back door was ten feet away, then six,-then one.

  “We in and out baby.” Tyce whispered to his partner.


  Tyce took a step back and kicked the door with his thick soled boot. The door flew open like a hurricane hit it, smacking the wall behind it. They ran past the kitchen and into the living room. The sound of footsteps running up stairs quickly thundered through the single family home. Once the pair reached the top of the staircase Tyce quickly looked around for the master bedroom. His eyes scanned the hallway in the dark until a door opened up and a wide eyed short bald man came stumbling out wearing plaid boxers and no shirt.

  “Oh my God! What the hell is going on? You, you can’t just break in my house! What do you want!?”

  Tyce pulled a gun from his waist pointing it directly at the frightened man’s face.

  “We want you! Now stop askin’ fuckin’ questions and walk yo ass down stairs.”

  “Please don’t kill me. I…I…I have money in my wallet. You can have it just take it and go!”

  Once the trio was down stairs the home invasion had a very loud and unhappy witness. A little yapping Pomeranian was stowed away in her kennel barking her little brown furry head off.

  “Man, that fuckin’ dog is gonna wake the neighbors up!” Sway said angrily.

  The shirtless hostage quickly looked at the kennel with fear all over his sweaty forehead.

  “Please don’t kill my dog!”

  Tyce smiled under the mask. “Shut the fuck up!”

  He was amused at how much white folks loved their pets.

  “Move!” Tyce jabbed the man in his back with the gun.

  The two moved fast toward the kitchen heading to the open back door.

  Tyce yelled over his shoulder to Sway.

  “Get the dog man!”

  The stunned captive was being pushed across his manicured grass toward the van parked in the alley.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “If you ask me one more fuckin’ question I swear I’ma shoot you in the mouth. Now shut the fuck up!”

  The half naked man decided it was in his best interest to keep quiet and do what he was told. As his bare feet pressed into the soft wet grass he prayed silently in his head. He prayed all the way to the van and didn’t stop even when Tyce opened the back door and pushed him inside. He landed on the rough scratchy carpet which scraped some skin off his round knees.

  Tyce jumped in the driver’s seat as Sway sprinted from the house carrying the kennel with that little barking ass dog inside bouncing around. Sway quickly tossed the kennel in the back reuniting the excited canine with its petrified owner and slammed the doors shut on both of them.

  The van crept down the alley without the headlights on. Tyce flicked the switch activating the lights once they reached the next block. Moments later the van turned on a major street and blended in with the light early morning traffic.

  Mission accomplished.

  A Lil Difficult

  No matter how much money I had, I still loved the hell out of some Ramen noodles. That was my comfort food and today I was real uncomfortable. I was sitting in my bed with three pillows propped up behind my back with the television off leaving me in silence to sift through my thoughts. I scooped the hot noodles mixed with a little hot sauce into my mouth and sighed irritatingly. What the hell was Tyce’s problem? He actually believed he was in love with Angelique.

  He was blind to how much I loved him. It was almost as if he was fighting internally with himself not to show his love for me. For the life of me I couldn’t understand why he was holding onto a bitch that was going to prison for ten years! There was no future for him and her. Didn’t he see that?

  I sipped the hot left over juice and reclined against the soft pillows. I couldn’t believe he had turned down a blow job. I could see denying sex, that might have been a little premature, but to decline a little dick sucking was a shock to me. I decided I was going to have to take it up a notch to get Tyce’s attention. One way or another he was going to be mine, he just didn’t know it yet.

  Working Woman

  Trash duty sucked ass! That shit was demeaning and embarrassing! The convict crew consisted of 12 women all dressed in bright orange county issued T-shirts paired with black working boots. My feet were already sore and it was only an hour into the shift. We still had five more long hours to go.

  “Less chatter and more work ladies.”

  The deputy sat watching from her comfortable seat in the white van.

  “That bitch is getting’ on my nerves and why is she listenin’ to that fuckin’ rock music station? That shit is killin’ my ear drums!”

  Tina, a young Latino woman, complained next to me.

  A second woman cosigned, “I know huh. Did you see her lunch? She had a big ass turkey and cheese sandwich with all the trimmings. If she turn her back I promise I’ma steal that shit. These muthafuckas got us slavin’ all day and only give us warm milk, a dry ass sandwich, and an apple! Shit my 18 month old son eats more than
that at breakfast!”

  The crew was spread out evenly. Six of us picked up trash on one section of the highway, while the other half worked a section a little further ahead.

  The deputy kept a watchful eye on everybody and did a head count every 20 minutes. A few retarded ass men honked as they sped by in their cars. That attention only made the job worse and scared the shit out of the more skittish girls on the crew.

  “Pick up the pace ladies! We have over 15 miles to cover today.”

  Although the fresh air felt good to my lungs my back was aching from bending over repeatedly. We weren’t allowed to have those sticks with the little nail sticking out the end to poke the trash cuz that’s considered a weapon. That was definitely a good idea to not give me one of those cuz at the rate my hatred was building for this deputy. She would be stabbed in the chest by lunchtime.


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