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TYCE 3 Page 12

by Shareef Jaudon

  Tina turned to me suddenly. “So why are you here, if you don’t mind me askin’?”

  I bent over, picked up an old milk carton and placed it in the black garbage bag.

  “You first.”

  Tina smiled. “Well, let’s see I threw my 13 inch T.V. at my landlord’s head when she tried to come in my house without my permission.”

  I cocked my head. “Damn, did you hit her?”

  “Yep, I knocked that bitch out cold. I actually thought I killed her.”

  “Technically that is her house…right?” I asked.

  Tina stuffed some news paper in her bag, “Wrong, that’s my house. If my shit is in there it’s mine.”

  “Why did she try and come in without givin’ you a heads up first?” I was confused.

  “She called herself trying to evict me. I don’t give a fuck if I haven’t paid rent for six months. As soon as I get paid you’ll get paid but until then stay the hell out.” She laughed. “So I guess when I get outta here I gotta find a new spot.”

  I chuckled a little. “Yeah I think you’re right.”

  “Ok, now it’s your turn.”

  I stopped cleaning up the highway and looked into her eyes. “I was set up by my man’s ex girlfriend. She put coke in my bumper to get rid of me so she could have him all to herself. The worst part about it is I jus’ had a baby and now I’m locked up facing ten years.”

  Tina swiped a piece of hair that was in her face.

  “Damn…that’s fucked up. How you know it was her?”

  “I don’t have any proof, but my gut is tellin’ me it was her. I know in my heart she did it.”

  Tina put her tan hand on my shoulder. “What goes around comes around chica. She’ll get hers. Karma is the real bitch.”

  Tina’s words gave me some degree of comfort, cuz I knew she was right. No one could escape the justice of the universe. We all fell under its jurisdiction and sooner or later Dallas would get what was coming to her. I just wanted to be the one that delivered the punishment. Please God let me be the one to punish that bitch.

  Four and half hours later my first day of work was over and I was exhausted. I barely made it down the steps to the dinner line cuz my legs and back were so sore. As I walked slowly down the steps I saw two women pass me carrying their food. My appetite vanished as I saw the poor excuse for a meal sitting on the brown trays. I could tell it was supposed to be chicken-a-la-king, but instead it looked like bits of cream tofu smothered in slimy booger sauce.

  No thanks I said to myself as I turned around and headed back to my cell. On my way there I noticed two black girls walking toward me and one of them was carrying my Suave shampoo. I knew it was mine because I saw the letter A that I carved into it with a plastic butter knife. The only time the cell door was open was when meals were served and this bold bitch took that opportunity to go in my stash and steal my shit!

  They whispered to each other as the distance closed in between us.

  “Bitch gimme my shit!” I blocked her path.

  I saw that one of her eyes was bigger than the other and she had old chicken pox scars all over her dark face.

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ ‘bout?”

  She stared me down along with her tall sidekick who wasn’t her equal in height but they were definitely even in the ugly race.

  “Bitch I’m talkin’ ‘bout the shampoo bottle in your ashy ass hand!” I stood nose to nose.

  The tall bitch jumped in the discussion. “I don’t see no shampoo bottle.”

  “Shut the fuck up Shaq! I wasn’t talkin’ to yo lanky ass!” I pointed my finger up at her.

  The short thief backed up a little to give herself some space.

  “You know what bitch! If you want the fuckin’ bottle so bad come get it!”

  The giant heifer was closest to me, so I decided to take her out first. I balled my fist up tight and punched her in the face. The surprise attack sent her big ass stumbling backwards a bit, but she quickly regained her balance. My left fist was already in route to her chin when I felt the sharp whiplash effect of my hair being pulled hard from behind. The scarred up bandit yanked my hair by the roots dragging me to the ground. Within a matter of seconds both of them were raining down vicious blows all over my weary body. I tried my best to cover up my face, but that left my mid section unprotected. I felt a painful stinging sensation from the kicks and stomps to my stomach and ribs.

  Suddenly like Superman someone came flying in tackling both women at the same time. That intervention stopped the beating and I sprang up off my back and joined my rescuer in battle. My eyes just about jumped out of the sockets as I witnessed Tasha sitting on the tall girls’ chest while she slammed the back of her nappy head over and over again into the cement floor. There was no time to stand there and sight see cuz I saw four deputies running up the stairs in our direction. So I had to act fast. Before the short broad could stand up fully I kicked her dead in her chin. Her head jerked back stretching out her thick ass neck. She fell backward as the world around her spun in and out of focus. Before the guards could get there, I added one last punch to her freakishly large eye and snatched my shampoo bottle out of her manly hand.

  After being wrestled to the ground by the deputies, me and Tasha were thrown into a holding cell together in a separate wing of the jail. Our punishment was one day in the hole. It could have been more severe, but some of the other girls came forward and said they’d seen the thieving ass bitches go into our cell and take my shampoo. The guards weren’t stupid. They knew who caused trouble and who didn’t. I suspected this wasn’t the first time the duo had been in the mix and because of that Tasha and I got off light.

  The cell had no beds inside. There was just a stainless steel toilet and sink combination. I sat down on the floor and Tasha did the same on the opposite wall. We stared at each other, neither one of us wanting to speak first. I decided to be the bigger woman and break the ice.

  “Thanks bitch.” I nodded at her.

  She nodded her head as well, “You’re welcome hoe.”

  Moms Incorporated

  Khari was a good baby. She slept through the night and only cried when she was hungry, or needed to be changed. This time spent with her granddaughter was so special to her. It was like she was getting the chance to be a mother again, even if only for a short time. Gloria felt honored that Tyce turned to her first to watch his baby girl. That showed her that he really loved and trusted her. It made her feel all warm and tingly inside.

  Gloria could see Angelique and Tyce in Khari’s features. She definitely had Tyce’s eyes and Angelique’s lips and nose. One thing was for sure; she was beautiful. Despite being a full time grandmother, Gloria still worried 24 hours a day about her son, who was busy planning and executing Angelique’s escape from jail.

  Pamela wished she could do more to help her son during his time of need other than gathering information and tailing people home. Peace was something she hoped would find Tyce soon because Lord knows he needed it. Ever since he was born there was always one hurdle after another coming at him and lately the hurdles were getting bigger and more dangerous.

  Whatever the next obstacle would be, one thing she knew was that together they could handle anything. Pamela’s heart ached for

  Angelique. She knew it must be extremely hard to sit in jail and be away from your man, as well as your newborn baby. But if everything went as planned she would soon be reunited with both of them.

  Answer The Phone

  The stout balding man sat tied to a chair with his dog sitting next to him in her kennel. He’d been sobbing all night for fear of his life. All he could think about was his wife and whether his masked captors would kill him. He had no clue where he was because Sway had blindfolded him ten minutes after they left the house. Now he was looking around the space wondering where the hell he was and why. He had no idea how long he’d been in the dark room, but the whole time his body was tied tight to a wooden chair. Because he hadn’t moved
or stood up in several hours his legs and ass were numb.

  His head lifted as the sound of footsteps grew closer. The anticipation of his kidnapper’s arrival sent shivers down his spine. He was scared out of his mind. The door opened and in walked the two masked men. One of them was carrying a phone.

  “What’s your wife’s number?” Tyce asked calmly.

  “What do you want from us?!” He shouted.

  “Calm down little midget. I jus’ wanna know your wife’s phone number so we can call her and if she doesn’t do what the fuck we want her to do we’ll kill you…that’s all. Now what’s the number?”

  The man breathed heavily as he pleaded for his life.


  “Muthafucka if you don’t start spittin’ out some numbers I will fuckin hurt you!”

  “Ok ok, her number is 310 875-1034.”

  Tyce quickly dialed the number on his Track phone and waited while it rang. Sway stood next to him waiting patiently for her to pick up.

  “Hello,” she said sounding agitated.

  “Is this Daphne Reynolds?” Tyce spoke in a deep tone.

  “Yes, but who is this?” She answered hesitantly.

  “Never mind who I am. I’m here with someone you might know.”

  Tyce put the phone next to her husband’s ear.

  “Daphne, Daphne! I’ve been kidnapped!”

  “George!? What do you mean…what what is going on! Who kidnapped you? Where are you!?”

  “I...I…I…don’t know where. It’s dark I…” He stammered.

  Tyce snatched the phone away from his face.

  He spoke even toned keeping his voice steady, “Daphne. I have your husband and you have someone I want.”

  “Who? What is this all about? Who are you!?” She yelled into the phone.

  “Never mind who I am. You have a woman named Angelique on your trash crew don’t you?”

  “What?” Daphne sounded flustered.

  “Bitch listen! Is a woman named Angelique on your trash crew? Don’t say what again or I’ma take my frustration out on your husband’s face!”

  Daphne paused to regain her composure. “Yes I do.”

  Tyce continued, “Good, are you workin’ the crew tomorrow?”

  “Yes. We’re working a section of the 101 highway tomorrow morning. ” Her voice was seasoned with worry.

  “Good. Now listen. Tomorrow after the shift is over you’ll take all the girls back to jail except for her. Leave her behind. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She said quietly. “Just don’t hurt my husband.”

  “Daphne, if you do exactly what the fuck I say. I won’t hurt one little thin hair on his bald head, but if you fuck with me, or call the police. I’ll shoot his ass in the fuckin face…and your little dog too.”

  “Oh my God! Please don’t hurt my dog.” She began to cry.

  “Fuck yo’ dog! I’ll kick a field goal with her puny ass if you fuck with me.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt my husband, or my dog please.”

  “Leave Angelique on the highway, and don’t do anything stupid and I won’t have to hurt em.”

  “Ok.” She sniffed into the phone.

  Tyce hung up the phone and glared at George as he sat crying in his chair.

  “You better hope you married a smart bitch.” Tyce and Sway left the room leaving George and the dog in the dark.


  It was eight hours into the night in the hole and Tasha and I were talking. It was awkward at first, but the conversation was starting to trickle. We still had our backs against opposite walls and we both still had our guards up but at least we were passing the time with a little chitchat-but don’t get it twisted though, I still didn’t trust the bitch.

  “What was that all about out there?” Tasha slanted her eyes at me.

  I sucked my teeth, “Oh that? That was jus’ some jealous bitches’ tryna steal my shampoo to use on their dry ass naps.”

  Tasha let out a little chuckle at that last comment.

  “Them ratchet ass bitches was ugly, especially the short manly lookin’ one. Did you see her lips? They looked like they were stained with grape juice.”

  “Oh shit, you startin’ to sound like me. I thought I was the only one that cracked funny ass jokes about people’s looks.” I slapped my knee.

  “I guess we have that in common, cuz I stay bustin’ on ugly funny lookin’ chicks.” Tasha rolled her neck.

  “Shit me too!” I consigned, “But I draw the line when it comes to handicapped people, old folks and babies.”

  Tasha put her hand up, “Now hold on a minute, I’ve seen some ugly ass babies.”

  I nodded my head, “Yeah, there are some unattractive babies out there, but the parents swear up and down their child is jus’ the cutest little thing.”

  Tasha and I spent the next half hour talking about the various ugly people inside the jail before the conversation switched to a more serious direction.

  I stretched my legs out crossing them on the cold floor.

  “I gotta admit you’re the last person I expected to see walk in my cell. What did you do to get put in here anyway? Last I heard you booked to Vegas with some dude.”

  “You talkin’ bout Ace. That nigga is the reason I’m in here. He stole all the money I stole from Omar…trick ass nigga. I heard he was out here livin’ it up, so I came out here to find him. When I did he found a bullet in his back!”

  My eyebrows raised up slightly. “You killed him?”

  Tasha sucked her teeth. “Naw, that nigga aint dead. He’s in the hospital recoverin’ and I’m in here for assault with a deadly weapon. I’m hopin’ they don’t take it further and charge me with attempted murder. My lawyer seems to think they won’t since he tried to kick my ass before I shot him.”

  “Damn, that’s fucked up.” I shook my head back and forth. “Did you get any money back?”

  “He only had a couple hundred in a duffle bag, so I grabbed that. I think he hid the rest.”

  “Now that’s a sorry ass nigga.” I looked at her.

  “Tell me about it.” Tasha licked her lips.

  During the dialogue my attention turned to a roach that crawled along the wall until it found a little crack and disappeared into it. I watched the little insect find a way out of the cell and wished I could trade places with it. I wanted to so bad to find a way out this hell hole even if it meant crawling on all fours.

  Check Out Time

  Little bald man George and his mutt stayed in the dark inside an old abandoned warehouse in the city. They were locked in a windowless room unaware of their location, or who put them there in the first place. Today was the day he would either be in a box or in his bed. The choice was up to his loving wife.

  After I called Gloria to check on Khari I made my way toward the highway where Angelique and the crew would be working. I couldn’t very well camp out there without drawing attention to myself, so I got off one exit down from the spot posting up in a crowded strip mall parking lot. I had a vest on underneath my black T-shirt. Blue jeans, running shoes, baseball cap, and black Work Force gloves that clung tight to my fingers finished the outfit. The getaway vehicle was the van I stole two days ago. Another car was parked on a back street just off the highway. That was the switch car. I planned to torch the van, leaving no evidence and disappear along a back route I mapped out leading to Sabrina’s studio apartment on the beach. The entire escape should take no more than 35 minutes. If Deputy Daphne didn’t do what she was told Sway was at the warehouse with strict instructions to murder George and the dog. Daphne would be all mine.

  Truth be told I didn’t wanna kill anybody. I hoped for the best, but if it came down to my woman’s freedom, or somebody’s life-I wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger and ruin someone’s day. How the hell could I explain to Khari that I let her mother go to jail for 10 years cuz I got soft. Fuck that.

  The digital clock in the
van read 12:47. The crew should be finishing up in a few minutes and by one o’clock Angelique should be all alone on the highway waiting on her ride.

  Another Work Day

  That was one uncomfortable night in the hole, but I had to admit that Tasha’s company made it somewhat bearable. I couldn’t imagine sitting in there all night by myself. Nevertheless, I was happy when the guard came and let us out. He told me to get ready for my trash duty shift and to my surprise Tasha was now on the crew. She failed to tell me that last night and just smiled when she saw the astonishment on my face.

  “What. You thought you were the only one who wanted some fresh air?”

  She winked at me as we both left the cramped quarters. After my gourmet breakfast of runny eggs and dry butter less toast I put on my bullshit ass work boots in preparation for my job. Tasha did the same sitting next to me on a steel bench. The rude ass lady came and got us with the other girls from the crew right behind her. This morning she seemed especially irritated as she barked orders at us in an overly nasty tone. I just ignored her, fell in line and prepared for a long hard day’s work.


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