Megan Disgraced

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Megan Disgraced Page 5

by Viktor Redreich

  But it was when he left the house and abandoned her to her own devices for the day that she found the real fun getting started. She would take her time and go through the whole apartment, cleaning as she went so that she wouldn’t feel guilty for exploring every inch of his life as it was contained in his home.

  She started with his wardrobe; she had just been returning some clothes there the first time when she had noticed that there were a handful of women’s outfits tucked away in his wardrobe. She had no idea who they might have belonged to since he had never mentioned a woman to her, but they were beautiful – gorgeously-constructed pieces of designerwear, simple but stunning. And yes, she had slipped a few of them on when she had gotten the chance, going into the bathroom to change and then going out to the mirror to see what she looked like in them.

  Twirling in front of her reflection, she couldn’t help but smile. She thought she looked beautiful. They hung off her in a few places, where she was still struggling to gain all the weight that she had lost living on the streets, but she knew that once she put it back on these clothes would look exactly as they should on her.

  What kind of woman would Dravid like, she wondered. Out in the real world, not down in the confines of his apartment. Educated, she was sure of that, cultured and intelligent; able to hold a good conversation. A good sense of humor, too, she would have bet, given the way that he could be so playful when the time called for it.

  Sometimes, when she was cleaning out his pants and jackets, she would find receipts and other crumpled-up scraps that would give her some clues as to where he had been spending his time. They were printed with the names of fancy restaurants, the sort she had seen glowing with light downtown only to traipse past knowing that they would never let the likes of her inside to eat. But he must have gotten tables there with no problem, and the large bills never seemed to be an issue for him to pay. He was probably taking more than just himself out to eat. Friends? Dates? A crossover of the two? She had no idea, and found herself collecting some of the receipts so that she could ponder on what the nights they had come from might have looked like.

  Megan took her work as a maid seriously; she knew that he was doing her a huge favor by letting her stay in this place with him, and she didn’t want to give him even the hint of a chance to think that she might have been taking advantage of his kindness. He gave her a little money every week, and she would normally use it to go out and buy more cleaning products to be sure that she could do her job to the best degree possible; she had saved up and brought a little uniform for herself, too, a sensible white dress and a bonnet that kept the stubby scraps of her growing-out hair from molting anywhere that they shouldn’t have been.

  She had never really had a house of her own to be proud of. Of course, Megan had lived with her family when she had been growing up, but she had never kept things the way she wanted them, just the way that her father would force her to. The house had to be to his standards, whereas here, everything could be to hers. Dravid seemed to fall in line with what she thought was best, and it was such a relief to know that she was doing everything right for a chance. So much of her life had been spent ducking and diving and trying to make sure that she didn’t attract the attention of the wrong kind of men, but in here, she was safe – and she wanted to enjoy every moment of it while she still could.

  Dravid would come home in the evenings and she would greet him and make him a drink and cook him some dinner while he took care of any last details that he had brought back from the office. Megan had never been this close to someone with a real job before, and she liked to hear about everything he had to do to keep on top of it; he seemed really passionate about it, and she hoped that one day she might have a job that she felt the same way about. She had no idea who might hire her in her current state, but she would find someone, she promised herself, someone who would look at her the same way Dravid had and see someone worth hiring.

  He didn’t often bring people back to the house, and she didn’t think much of it – just assumed that he preferred to keep this place to himself, and the rest of the world for his social and work engagements. But, one night, he caught her arm as she hurried into the kitchen to take a pot off the stove.

  "I have some colleagues visiting tomorrow," he told her. "Will you be able to get the place looking spic and span?"

  "More than usual?” She asked, and he nodded with a smile.

  "More than it’s ever been," she replied, and he grinned widely.

  "Glad to hear it," he told her, and he let go of her arm; she found herself craving his gentle grip, even though she knew that was ridiculous. He didn’t look at her that way, never had. That very first night they had been together, he had washed her off when she had been bare-ass naked, and he hadn’t so much as let his hands stray anywhere they weren’t meant to be.

  Which was a good thing, she promised herself, because it meant that they could just have a normal relationship. He didn’t expect anything of her except what he had made clear he was going to recompense her for. It made a change from all the other men she’d had in her life, all those men who had acted as though they saw her as an equal and then come down on her with the truth once she had started to trust him. He was honest, and that was all that mattered. At least, that’s what she told herself.

  That afternoon, she found herself particularly taken with the thought of drifting around the apartment and taking in all the little details that she could. Ducking into his office, she started going through all the books that he had in his library; it wasn’t a huge collection, but it was a carefully-cultivated and eclectic one. She had never spoken to him about literature, but it was clear that he enjoyed reading – whether it was biographies of old rock-stars, treatises by long-dead Greek philosophers, or books on astrophysics and how it functioned in day-to-day life, there was more than she could ever have imagined for herself. She plucked out one, The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, and started flicking through it, curling up on the plush chair next to the window and trying to wrap her head around the passages in front of her. She had to look up practically every other word, but she tried not to let that get her down. Everyone had to start somewhere, right?

  She wasn’t sure why this evening of all evenings had her so keen to engage with his interests, because she knew that she wasn’t going to be part of the party that he was gathering; still, the thought of being amongst all those people sent a little shiver of excitement down her spine, and she promised herself that, if one of them did deign her worthy of conversation, she didn’t make a fool of herself.

  By the time that the evening drew in, the place was practically gleaming from all of Megan’s stringent attentions over the course of the day. She brushed out her stubby little locks, and made sure that her uniform was perfectly-ironed and pretty, and hung back in her bedroom as she heard a cluster of voices approaching the door. Why was she so excited? She didn’t know for certain, but she liked the way that it made her feel. The thrill of it, the thought of being so near to someone other than Dravid. For so long, she had been utterly invisible, and to be seen again was an intoxicant she hadn’t ever thought she would get a chance to experience once more.

  Two men and one woman – Will, Archie, and Stacey. From what she could pick up from their conversation, they had been meeting with a client nearby and hadn’t wanted to go all the way back to the office for a debrief and had decided to perform it here, instead. Neither of the men were as handsome as Dravid was – Will had slightly overgrown blond hair and a suit that didn’t fit quite right, while Archie was older with a small pot-belly that strained at his shirt and made him look a little slobby.

  "Four glasses, please, Megan," Dravid told her briskly, as he led his guests into the living room. "And could you decant a bottle of wine, and bring out the Glenfiddich 18?"

  "Of course, Sir," she replied, and she noticed Will eyeing her for a moment; she ignored him, and hurried off to take care of what she had been asked for. Returning with the glasses a few mom
ents later, she laid them out in front of their guests and listened in to the conversation.

  "I’m just not sure that this is the best way to go about getting him on board," Will announced, confident, a little arrogant. Dravid didn’t so much as flinch at his statement.

  "And I think that I’ve worked with people like him before, and I know exactly how to get them signed on," He replied calmly. It was clear from the way that he was talking to Will that this wasn’t the first time he’d had to deflect over-enthusiastic commentary from the younger man, but Megan could tell that Will was less than impressed with his suggestions being deflected away. She had read a book on body language, one that had been tucked in the drawer of Dravid’s desk, and though she hadn’t thought much of it at the time, perhaps it would be fun to see what she could decode from this case study that she had laid out right in front of her.

  Archie was quick to jump to Dravid’s defense every chance he got, and it was clear to Megan that he looked up to the man; Will, not so much, as he seemed to be trying to unsettle him whenever he could, though it wasn’t working so well. And Stacey? Well, Stacey was the subtlest of them all – but Megan was quite sure that she could read her better than either of the men.

  Stacey, if you squinted a little, could almost have passed for someone who actually looked a little like Megan. Her hair was long and blond, her body full and curvy, her make-up perfectly-applied and her clothes impeccably stylish; but if Megan had had a few weeks, a good diet, and a decent make-up artist, she could almost see herself embodying the same attitude as this intruder into her home.

  Or maybe it was something else that Megan saw herself in; maybe it was the way that Stacey was interacting with Dravid. Because there was no doubt in Megan’s mind that she was flirting. It wasn’t explicit, wasn’t intense, but it was more than enough to make her attraction known. The other men, Megan was sure, wouldn’t have noticed it even if they had been looking, but Megan was quite sure that Stacey was interested in this man beyond just a professional contact.

  And, even more intriguingly, Dravid seemed to be responding to her flirtations.

  As Megan moved around the room, ducking in and out to make sure that they didn’t require anything from her, she found her attention pinned to Stacey every single time. Watching the way she casually flicked her hair over her shoulder, the way she planted her chin in her hand as she listened to Dravid talk, the way she just casually reached out to touch his shoulder as she laughed delightedly at something that he had said. She was utterly calm, utterly in-control, and utterly, utterly sexy; it was the kind of poise and cool that Megan could only have dreamed of for herself.

  Dravid seemed to enjoy her attentions, though he attempted to keep the conversation focused on the professional details that they had all come down here to discuss. He would linger on her gaze a little too long, make sure that she always got her chance to speak before the men, would shift around so that he was facing her fully when she spoke, a gesture he didn’t make for either of the two men. And, as Megan hung back and watched the two of them interact, she found herself absent-mindedly acting out the movements that Stacey made; the toss of her hair, the way her delicate, perfectly-manicured fingers wrapped around the glass that she was holding. Her smile was gorgeous, lighting up the entire room, and Dravid looked at her like he couldn’t imagine looking at anything else in the world when she shared it with him.

  By the time that the evening had worn on, Megan watched as the men got to their feet and made their excuses to go.

  "I’d be more than happy to drive you home, Stacey," Will told the woman, but she shook her head.

  "I’m fine, thank you," she replied. "I need to use the bathroom, I don’t want to hold you up-"

  "It’s no trouble," he told her, cutting her off. She grimaced for the slightest moment, clearly annoyed at being talked to in such a way, and shook her head again.

  "I’m really fine," she replied firmly, and this time, her voice left no room for debate. Holding his hands up, Will shrugged, and with that, he and Archie headed out the door.

  Megan cleared away the glasses as Stacey and Dravid chatted a little more, and it was almost like Megan wasn’t even there in the room with them. She felt a pang of jealousy, at not being the center of his attention, but she pushed it down. She couldn’t ask for him to constantly lavish her with all the attention that she craved. He had already done so much for her, to ask for more would have just been greedy.

  She quietly put away the glasses in the cupboard, tidied up the bottles, and was about to head back to her room – when something caught her gaze out of the corner of her eye. She knew that it was none of her business, but she turned to look – and when she saw the scene in front of her, her jaw full-on dropped.

  Stacey, on her knees, reaching for Dravid’s pants; she was gazing up at him lustily, as though this was what she had been waiting for all night long, and he reached down to smooth her blond locks back from her face. He had his back to Megan, but still, Megan dived into her room, leaving the door open just a crack so she could continue to watch. She was sure that they couldn’t see her from the shadows she was hiding in, but she could see them alright.

  "You shouldn’t be doing this, you know," Dravid remarked, but he didn’t much sound like he wanted her to stop. She smiled up at him, sweet as sugar.

  "And why might that be, sir?" She replied playfully, as she unzipped his pants and took his full length into her hand. From the angle that Megan was standing at, she could see his impressive length, and she had to bite back the little thrill of need that rushed through her when she saw the size of him. She had, in those dark hours when she had laid in bed alone at night, wondered what he might have been wearing, what he might have looked like under his clothes. But this was better than she ever could have imagined.

  He was thick and long, hard as a rock, uncut and about as tempting as they came. She parted her lips in surprise; she had never seen a cock in real life before, and she had never imagined that it would have this effect on her. She felt a surge of want pulse through her, much as she tried to ignore it.

  "Because you’re my subordinate," He reminded her, and she reached down to trail a finger down her cheek, under her chin, tilting her up so she could look at him. She flicked out her tongue and let it trace over his fingertips, and that seemed to be all the guidance he needed to let her do what she so clearly wanted to.

  "And I want to remind you just how vital I am to our operation," she replied, playing at utterly innocent even though she was kneeling on the ground in front of her boss, with his thick cock in her hand. Slowly, slowly, slowly, and not taking her eyes off him the entire time, she swirled her tongue around the head of his cock and took him deeper into her mouth.

  This was more intense than any porn Megan could have imagined; the sight of Stacey, totally seductive, totally sexy, blowing Dravid right in front of her was the most erotic thing than she had ever seen in her life. Maybe it would have sounded crazy to anyone else, but she could feel that surge of need growing inside of her. Her pussy was aching for attention, but she did her best to ignore it and take in every detail of what was happening in front of her.

  "You look so good with my cock in your mouth, Stacey," Dravid murmured, and his voice was lower and hungrier than Megan had ever heard it in all the time she’d known him.

  "I know how much you like innocent young girls sucking you off," she replied, and she slowly trailed her tongue up the underside of his shaft. He groaned with approval.

  "Oh, do you, now?" He replied, and she nodded, stroking him slowly, up and down, up and down, as though she was in no rush to take him over the edge.

  "I see that maid you keep around," she went on, cocking her head at him. "And I’d be jealous if I was her."

  "What do you mean...?”

  "You’re obviously fucking her," Stacey replied, and she slithered her tongue over his head for a moment, planting a wet, sloppy kiss on his tip.

  "I’m doing nothing of the sort
," he told her, and she bit her lip and gazed up at him.

  "Oh? So you’re just keeping her around for her skills, then..."

  "Not everyone has to suck cock to get where they want to be, Stacey," he scolded her. A slight flush came to her cheeks, but she seemed to like his dirty talk.

  "If I was your maid, I’d make sure that I was giving you the fullest service I possibly could," she replied playfully.

  "Oh, yeah?"

  "Oh, yeah," she purred, and she kissed his tip again. "Greeting you at the door with your cock in my mouth… you know I’d clean every inch of you with my tongue."

  "Show me," he ordered her, and she pushed his cock back and started at the very base of his balls, sucking and lapping eagerly like he had offered her a gourmet feast, and slowly working her way to the top.

  Megan slid her hand between her legs, unable to hold back the rush of arousal that was taking control of her. He slipped his cock between her lips and thrust in deep, and she swallowed his whole, impressive length at once. When he withdrew, she continued talking, taking his cock in her hand and stroking him lustily.

  "Not bad," he murmured, and it was clear that he was ready for more. "What else?"

  "I’d wake you up in the morning riding your gorgeous cock," she murmured. "Or by sucking you off. You could use me as your fuck-doll, I’d just be here for you to do anything you wanted to… you could bend me over whenever you wanted and fuck my ass or my pussy or my face and cover me in your cum."

  "Fuck," he growled, and he pushed his cock into her mouth once more and fucked her throat roughly a few times.

  Megan had to clamp her lips together to keep a moan from escaping her lips, as her fingers found her pussy and she began to stroke herself lightly. Was this what Dravid wanted from her? She had no idea. Maybe this was why he had been ignoring her, because he needed her to play this filthy act with him.


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