Megan Disgraced

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Megan Disgraced Page 6

by Viktor Redreich

  She began to suck his cock in earnest, moaning softly as she enveloped his full length in her pillowy lips, tracing her tongue up each edge like a lollipop and then swallowing him whole all at once. He went hard, thrusting in deep, sending a string of drool slipping from her mouth as he forced his full length all the way down her throat.

  "How would you fuck me if you had me as your maid?" She gasped to him, once he had pulled his cock from her mouth long enough for her to catch her breath. He grabbed her and yanked her to her feet, turning her around and pushing her roughly down over the couch. He shoved up her skirt, exposing her bare ass, and pulled down the thong that she had slipped over her hips. He landed a sharp, rough slap to her behind, the sound of it making even Megan jump. Stacey cried out, something between pain and pleasure.

  "Spread your fucking legs," he ordered her, and she did as she was told.

  "Yes, master," she purred playfully. "I’m so sorry I haven’t been living up to your needs, Master..."

  He took his thick erection and placed it at the entrance to her slick, shaven pussy, and pushed himself all the way inside her with a merciless thrust. Megan watched in wonder as his cock vanished inside the other woman, who was still playing the innocent-little-maid act – the very act, Megan realized with a start, that was based on her existence in this house in the first place.

  "Teach me to serve you better," she groaned, as he grasped her hips and thrust into her in deep, hard motions. "Show me what I’ve been doing wrong...fuck, yes..."

  "Quiet," he ordered her, and he reached forward to push his fingers into her mouth. He was so rough with her, but so aware of the way her body responded to him at the same time; Stacey was clearly on some other level of total powerlessness, her body rolling back against his to take him in deep, deeper, deeper...

  When he withdrew his fingers, he returned his hand to her ass and slapped a rough spank down on one cheek. The skin was starting to go red beneath his touch, but it was clear that was just how he wanted it.

  "Oh, yes, teach me a lesson," she moaned softly. Her voice was starting to grow ragged around the edges, and any control that she might have been holding on to was beginning to vanish. He was pulling her hips back against his cock hard, her whole body rippling with the effort of his movement inside of her.

  "Tell me who this pussy belongs to," He demanded, and she turned as best she could to look him in the eye.

  "You, Master," she breathed, and with that, she could hold back no longer. A helpless cry erupted from her lips, and she came. Megan’s fingers stilled against her own pussy, as though she had been caught in the act, and she watched as Dravid shuddered with relief and filled her up with his seed.

  And, as she watched them, Megan knew that she wouldn’t be satisfied with just watching in future. She needed him the way he had just given himself to that woman. She needed that for herself. And she, in that moment, knew that she would do anything to get it.

  Chapter 7

  I want you to want me

  When Megan woke the next day, it was from a dream that was filled to the brim with the passion that she had witnessed the night before – and the grim reminder that she had been at the center of none of it.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes, and realized that she was still tucked in that spot behind the door that she had been using as a hidey-hole to spy on Stacey and Dravid together. Her body felt achy and crooked, but it was hardly the first time that she had fallen asleep somewhere that wasn’t meant to be used as a bed.

  She swiftly straightened up, smoothed down her hair, and tried to get back to reality – but before she could even think about anything else, her brain was accosted of the images of what she had seen the night before. Of course, she had known about sex before then, but seeing it in person, acted out based on a fantasy that had been constructed around her… that was more than she had been ready for.

  Megan had no clue if either of them had any idea that she had been watching them the whole time they were together, and some part of her hoped that they did; she wouldn’t have felt so guilty about her voyeurism had she known that they were aware of it. But as it was...

  The best thing she could think to do to ease her guilty conscience was to continue with her normal household duties; it was early, earlier than she normally would have risen, but she got the feeling that there was going to be a whole lot for her to clean up after what had happened the night before.

  She smirked when she saw the clothes strewn around the room at random. They had clearly had a seriously good time last night, long after she had fallen asleep. She wondered what they had been getting up to – not that it was any of her business, of course, but there was some part of her that was unarguably curious to find out the answer to her question.

  Starting out with the clothes that could pass for reasonable, she began to collect the garments that had been scattered around the room, around the couch. His shirt, his pants, her dress, her shoes – Megan wondered if Stacey had dressed with the thought of letting Dravid undress her as soon as they had gotten each other alone. The thought of it excited her, somewhere deep down in her belly, somewhere that had gone untouched for so long that she had almost forgotten that it existed in the first place.

  Stacey’s panties were tucked down the back of the couch, that slimline black thong that he had torn off her the night before. Megan could still remember the way that the black fabric had looked clinging to her body, and she found herself gazing at the panties in front of her; on the crotch, there was a creamy white smudge, her wetness, no doubt. Had she been sitting there all evening, thinking about what would happen when everyone else was gone?

  Without thinking what she was doing, Megan leaned down, closed her eyes, and took a long sniff of the underwear in her hand. She knew it was wrong, but she was just too tempted to resist. She had to know what it was like. What it was like to be so uncontrollably desirous of someone else...

  Swiftly, she stopped herself, hardly able to believe that she had actually just done that. She gathered the panties along with the rest of the clothes and hurried to take them to get cleaned up; that was what she was here for, after all.

  Once the quick wash was on, she went back to tidying the living room, in the cool rays of the morning sun. She hadn’t heard an inch of movement from Dravid’s room, and she supposed that it would be a while before he rose, given the intensity of the night before. Megan dusted and tidied and cleaned and polished and tried not to think about everything she had seen while she had been hiding last night. Because it would have been totally wrong of her to spend another moment thinking about it.

  After a few minutes, she came across a condom. She recognized it from the ones she had seen strewn around the streets after a Saturday night, when people had been hooking up right there in the alleyway. It always made her laugh, to think of them going out of their way to be safe when they were doing something so markedly unsafe, but still – at least she could recognize one when she saw them.

  She picked it up, and saw that it was full; full of Dravid’s sperm. She didn’t know what to feel. Glancing around, and before she could stop herself again, she leaned in, dipped her finger into the small pouch, and rubbed the sticky, chalky emulsion between her thumb and finger, eyes narrowed as she observed the way it coated her skin.

  Then she lifted her fingers to her mouth.

  His seed tasted a little salty, a little sweet – more than anything she had ever consumed in her life before. And, before she knew what she was doing, Megan was tonguing the rest of his semen out from inside the condom and swallowing every drop, feeling the texture as it coursed down her throat, imagining that it had come from his cock directly.

  When she was done, she carried on cleaning as though nothing had happened at all, even though the inside of her head was screaming at her. What the hell was she doing? If he had walked in and caught her like that, she would have been fired on the spot, and rightly so. She was being disgusting, creepy, needy, and she doubted that he would reac
t well to any of that. And yet, still...

  The taste of him on her tongue was more than she could bear. She could feel that heat between her legs again, but she knew that her own clumsy fingers weren’t going to be enough to get her where she needed to go. Megan needed him. She needed him to touch her and use her just the same way he had done with that woman the night before.

  By the time that he emerged from the bedroom, she had cleaned the house from top to bottom and made breakfast for him as she always did; he nodded at her in greeting and didn’t seem to consider for a moment that she had seen his filthy escapades the night before. Or maybe he did have a guess at that but simply didn’t care. Megan wasn’t sure which one that she liked more.

  She had burned the toast a little, and, at the back of her mind, wondered if he had noticed – if he did, he didn’t say anything, probably putting it down to a long night from her end. But, somewhere inside of her, she hoped he would notice. And that he would make her pay for her-

  A few moments later, Stacey followed Dravid out of the bedroom, wrapped in one of his dress shirts and not much else at all. Megan was surprised to see that she had stayed the night, and felt even more of a rush of humiliation thinking about what she had done to her panties. Stacey smiled at her sweetly, and Megan glanced away, hoping that the burning of her cheeks wasn’t too obvious to either of them.

  "Breakfast, Miss?" Megan asked Stacey, and Stacey nodded.

  "That would be great," she replied. "I’m starving."

  She chatted away to Dravid as Megan made another plate of food and served it up to her, and Megan couldn’t help but wonder just how she could be so cool and calm and collected with this man. She was utterly confident, as though she knew she belonged there, something that Megan had yet to learn to believe about herself.

  She busied herself with straightening out the clothes that she had collected from the living room and tried to listen in to their conversation as much as she could. It was interesting, hearing the topics that engaged Dravid, and she promised herself that she was going to look into them to make sure that she could converse with him the way this woman did.

  Once Dravid had gone to take a shower, Megan returned to clear out the plates and to muster the courage to speak to Stacey once more.

  "I washed your clothes if you’d like to wear them," she explained. "I left them in the guest bathroom if you’d like to change?"

  "Oh, thank you," Stacey replied, clasping her hands to her heart in relief. "I didn’t think I was going to have anything to wear. You’re a lifesaver."

  And with that, she dived out of the room and headed to get changed while Megan cleared up the plates and washed the dishes. It was strange, having another woman in the house. Exciting, in a way. She knew that she was going to have to step up her game, to make sure that her presence here was as required as it had ever been. Though she knew that she provided a very different service to the man in question than this woman did.

  By the time that Stacey emerged from the bathroom once more, she looked quite the vision; considering that she didn’t have any of her make-up to hand, and only seemed to have raked through her hair with her fingers, it was pretty impressive. She beckoned Megan over to her, glancing around as though she was making sure that nobody was going to hear them.

  "Sorry to bother you," she murmured. "But did you find a pair of black panties anywhere? I couldn’t see them with the clothes that you washed for me..."

  Megan furrowed her brow and shook her head.

  "I’m sorry, I didn’t come across anything like that," she replied. "I cleaned this house from top to bottom this morning, I promise you I would have found them if they were here."

  "Huh," Stacey remarked. "Strange. I thought they would be..."

  She glanced over in the direction of the living room area, and then shook her head, as though she was dismissing whatever thought had just popped into her mind.

  "Well, guess I’m going commando to work today," she laughed, and she headed over to Dravid’s room, presumably to get him to take her to work. Megan watched as she walked away, and then, making sure there was nobody else around, she ducked back into her room, reached into her pocket, and pulled the dirty pair of panties out from their hiding place.

  "Guess I’m going commando to work today," she murmured to herself, and she tried to imitate the little giggle that Stacey had let out when she had said those words – tried to sound as carefree, as bright and bold and fun. It was going to take her a while to get there, she was sure, but she would find a way to figure it out. She lifted the panties to her mouth and inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and letting herself get lost in the scent of them.

  She didn’t know how, but she was going to find some way to be the next woman that David slept with.

  Once and for all.

  She could promise herself that.

  Chapter 8

  You deserve to be spanked

  Dravid, without taking his eyes off the feed scrolling on his phone, took a bite of the toast that had come with his breakfast that morning – and instantly spat it out.

  "Jesus," he muttered to himself, and he looked down at the plate in front of him. His usual eggs, fruit, bacon, and then toast that looked as though it had been jammed under a smoking-hot heat for days and totally blackened in the process.

  "Megan," he called through to her. She was tidying up the living room, hovering around him as she always did, but he wasn’t going to stand for this complete lack of effort on her part. He deserved better than this, and he knew that she could deliver it, too.

  "Yes, Sir?” She replied, as she emerged into the kitchen to join him, eyes wide and a little nervous – though, for some reason, there seemed to be a glint of excitement in them, too.

  "Look, I didn’t want to say anything the first time," he remarked, with a long sigh. "But you’ve been burning the toast worse and worse every day. What’s going on with you? Everything else is perfect, but then you bring me this..."

  He picked up one of the pitch-black slices, and waved it in front of her, as though he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. She lowered her gaze demurely before she spoke, like she didn’t feel as though she had earned the right to look him in the face when she said what she had to say.

  "I’m sorry, Sir," she apologized. "I deserve to be punished."

  Her words hung in the air between them for a long moment, and Dravid furrowed his brow and tried to work out what the hell was going on with her. Had he heard her right? Surely not. Surely, he must have misheard that.

  "What did you say?"

  "I deserve to be punished," she repeated herself, but this time, she looked up and into his eyes as she spoke, as though she was letting him know that she really meant this, that there wasn’t any part of it that she was trying to hide from. He shook his head. This had to be some holdover from when she had been a girl, when she had been treated so poorly by the people around her.

  "You don’t need to be punished," he replied gently. "You’re doing a good job, overall, really. You just need to keep a better eye on the toast, alright? Do you think you can do that for me?"

  "I can do that, Sir," she replied, and with that, she demurred her eyes to the ground again, and left him to finish his breakfast.

  Dravid couldn’t help but ponder on their interaction that morning when he headed in to work. He could have sworn that something in her had shifted since that night he’d had those people around, including Stacey. Though he didn’t have the words to say what it was that had changed in Megan, he knew there was something – though he promised himself that he wasn’t going to speak so harshly to her again. It was clear that she just didn’t know how to react to having those sorts of words used against her, and, he supposed, after everything that she had been through, it made some sort of sense.

  And perhaps if he hadn’t been in such a rush the next day, perhaps if he’d had a little more time to think about how his words would come across to her, he would have stuck with that and that would
have been the end of it. But, as he hurried to get everything together before he went to work, he looked down at the breakfast she had served him and saw another slice of black toast waiting for him. She was hovering next to the counter, and she must have seen the ridiculous state of the food that she had provided. And yet, she didn’t seem an inch embarrassed by it. Dravid felt something give inside of him. He should have known better, but he couldn’t help it. His anger got the better of him.

  "What the hell is this, Megan?” He demanded, gesturing to the food in front of him. "I thought we talked about this..."

  Her cheeks were flushed red, but he was so annoyed that he hardly had time to reign in his irritation at her; he didn’t have space in his brain to deal with this nonsense today, and yet she had made him when she could already see that he was distracted with bigger things.

  "You’re a smart girl, Megan, I don’t know why you insist on messing this up," he snapped at her, picking up the toast and tossing it into the trashcan. "Are you doing this on purpose? Is this some kind of test? Because if it is, I don’t want to be a part of it. You need to get your act together and stop serving up this food that looks like it came from the reject pile, do you hear me?"

  "Yes, Sir," she replied, and there was a slight squeak to her voice, as though she was nervous about what she was about to do next. He felt a brief swell of confusion in his gut – before she showed him just what she deserved.

  "I’m sorry for letting you down," she told him, and she turned around, and flipped the hem of her uniform up to show her backside. "You can spank me if you like. I know it’s what I deserve."

  For a long moment, Dravid just stood there, not sure what the hell he was meant to do with the woman who had just displayed herself to him like that in the middle of his kitchen first thing in the morning and asked for a spanking. He couldn’t help but notice how she had filled out in the time that they had been together. Gone were her concave curves and dry skin – she looked like a real woman now, a real woman that he found his hands itching for...


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