Megan Disgraced

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Megan Disgraced Page 7

by Viktor Redreich

  Even though he knew that was crazy. She was his maid. He wasn’t going to be that guy, no matter how full and round her ass looked on display for him like that. In a pair of black panties, he realized, that he hadn’t purchased for her – in a pair of black panties that he recognized from another woman in entirely.

  "Are those Stacey’s..." he muttered, but he stopped himself before he could come out with another word. He wasn’t going to look that hard at her. She worked for him, and there was no way in hell that he was going to allow her to put herself on show for him like that. No matter how tempting her ass might have looked with the line of that black thong nestled against her so tightly.

  He reached forward, and quickly pulled down the hem of her dress. It was only now that he had noticed just how short it was – it skimmed just above her knees, showing off an inch of milky-white thigh that he found that he was itching to touch.

  "Remember to pick up the dry cleaning today," he told her, bluntly, trying to bring the conversation back to something that resembled normalcy after what had just happened. And, with that, he turned and walked away from Megan. And tried to figure out what the hell he was going to do with the image of her ass burned into his brain, now that all he could think of was giving her the spanking that she had so sweetly asked for.

  Chapter 9

  Teach you a lesson

  The light had started to fade outside the window by seven, but the conversation inside the room was as persistent as it had been since the meeting had started.

  "I just don’t see how it’s going to work, given that we’re pitching a media budget that’s "20% higher than the one they had allocated for all of this," Jamie, one of the partners, announced. Dravid shook his head.

  "You know that this is all about ambition, right?" He reminded the other man. "We have to play it big, show them that we mean business. I know they can afford that money if they really like the idea of what we’re putting forward, it’s just a matter of convincing them, really."

  "And you think that this pitch deck is going to be enough to do that?" Jamie fired back. Dravid nodded with confidence.

  "Trust me, I know bikes," He replied. "And this is exactly the kind of thing that they’re looking for from us."

  Dravid lowered his gaze to the images on the table in front of him - Husqvarna’s new Vitpilen 701 line of motorcycles. Meant to be safer and more sturdy than their previous builds, but still with the lightweight chassis and easy maneuvering that their previous models had been known for. Dravid had been riding one for a couple of weeks now, just to get used to the feel of it, to make sure that he knew just what he was pitching, and he was certain that he had a solid grasp on what was going to work for this particular client. Jamie and the others might have been playing at knowing better than him, but he was the one in control in this room, and they all knew it.

  "What about Wunderman Thompson?" William fretted. He was always the one who had the most bad faith to spread over a new idea, but Dravid had learned how to handle him over the years and was pretty sure that he had him where he wanted him.

  "What about them?"

  "They’re using nano-influencers," he replied. "You don’t think that we should be putting some more weight into that stuff, too?”

  Dravid laughed and shook his head.

  "You know that they’re all dog-and-pony show bullshit," he reminded the older man. "They might like the idea of it, but it’s never going to go anywhere, not next to tried-and-true methods. They’re scattering pollen, we’re direct insemination."

  "Even with the extra adspend?" Jamie cut in. Dravid nodded.

  "Even with the extra adspend," he replied. "Don’t worry, if the client brings that up, I know just how to handle it. I have it under control."

  Which made a nice change from whatever was going on back at his own condo, he couldn’t help but think to himself. Ever since what had gone down with Megan that morning, he had been trying to wrap his head around what she had done and why she had done it, why she had given him such an eyeful of her bare ass in nothing but a pair of panties that she must have swiped from a previous lover of his. What the hell was he meant to do with that glut of new information? He had no idea, and frankly, he was glad for the late meeting at work keeping him busy so he didn’t have to think about going home and dealing with that any time soon.

  Stacey was there in the room with him at that moment, actually, though she hadn’t said a lot so far; she usually observed from afar, and then came in with the cutting observation that would slice through all the bullshit that had surrounded everything and give them what they needed to hear. Dravid could tell that she was on the brink of hitting them with something, and decided he was tired of listening to all these stuffy old men talk.

  "Anything to add, Stacey?" He asked her, and she nodded.

  "I just don’t see why you’re pouring so much time and energy into this when, even if we do get it, their billing is going to amount to half a percent of sales for the year," she pointed out. There was a small murmur of agreement around the room, but Dravid shook his head.

  "It’s a feather in the cap," he pointed out to her. "Ever since we lost BMW cycles to Ogilvy, we need to keep a handle on the business and make sure people know that we’re still on top."

  "I still think you’re putting too much energy into this," she fired back, never one to back down without a fight. He shook his head again.

  "I think we’ve put enough into it for tonight, at least," he agreed, and he got to his feet. "Alright, meet here at eight tomorrow, and then we can head down to the meeting as a group. I’ll expect all of you on time or early. You got that?”

  Everyone agreed, and he watched as they filed out of the room – everyone except for Stacey, of course, who hung back with her arms crossed over her chest and no doubt something smart to say about his new strategy.

  But he couldn’t handle hearing it right now. There were other things on his mind, and he needed someone to help him get this all out of his head so he could get back to focusing on work.

  Leaning on his desk, he sighed and loosened his tie, and Stacey seemed to realize that whatever he was going to say next, it wasn’t going to have anything to do with work.

  "What’s up?" She asked him gently, and he shrugged.

  "I honestly don’t even know where to begin," he told her, and she cocked her head to the side with interest.

  "Okay, that sounds a lot more intriguing than the meeting you just made me sit through," she told him. "Come on, spill. I want to hear it."

  Dravid hesitated for a moment. Was he really going to tell her what had happened? More to the point, was she going to believe him? It sounded crazy even to his ears, he couldn’t help but wonder if she was just going to brush him off with a laugh and tell him not to make up such crazy stories. But he had to talk to someone about it, or else he felt like he was going to lose his mind. And so, he told her – told her about the way Megan had been acting around him, told her about the spanking that she had asked him for only that morning. Told her about the way she had bent over and arched her back and pushed her ass out towards him and asked for punishment.

  Stacey’s eyes widened as she took all of it in, but as soon as he was done, she clapped her hands together in delight. Dravid was surprised; he had hardly expected her to respond with anything that positive.

  "I told you she was totally hot for you," she remarked. "You remember? I knew it from the way she looked at you. You didn’t think I was right, but..."

  "But I suppose you always turn out to be right in the long run," he conceded, and she nodded enthusiastically.

  "And I can’t figure out why you look so bothered about it," she pointed out. "You know how many men would kill to have a woman in their house like that? Someone who does the chores and anything else that you need?"

  Dravid sighed again. It just didn’t feel right. He had started out with Megan because he was fascinated by this woman, with her shorn-short hair and her angry eyes, the way she tal
ked back to him like she knew that she had a right to tell him off any way she wanted to. He didn’t want to exploit her, but he had wanted to know her. And he felt like he had gotten that out of the way, felt like he had learned the story behind what had gotten her where she was, why she had ended up in the state that she had been in. And yes, it made him sad to know that she had suffered the way she had, but he had offered her a new life, a better life, a life that she could be proud of, he was sure.

  And she made his life a hell of a lot easier, that was for certain. He liked having her around. She was an efficient and hard-working maid, for the most part, and he had gotten used to coming home to the company of Megan in the evenings. They didn’t talk a whole lot, but he still enjoyed the platonic conversation; something more than just the gaping, empty silence that was normally waiting for him when he got home.

  "You should think of the possibilities," Stacey remarked, and she let her heels hang from her toes playfully, clearly attempting to draw his attention back to her. It was as though she was in competition with this other woman even though she wasn’t so much as in the room with them. And Dravid would have been lying if h’d said that it didn’t turn him on a little to see her try to claim her place back with him once more.

  "What possibilities?” He asked, and she flicked her tongue out over her lips and cocked her head to the side.

  "You could teach her so much," she pointed out, and Dravid could hear the edge of desire to her voice, as though this was some fantasy of hers more than it was his. She wasn’t quite talking dirty, not yet, but even grazing this close to it when the two of them were in the office was making him stir a little.


  "Like exactly how you want her to live her life while she’s in your home," she replied, and she tossed a thick wave of hair over her shoulder and got to her feet, making her way towards him. "Right? After all, you’re the one paying her wage, only fair that you get to tell her how to act when she’s at work..."

  Dravid eyed Stacey, wondering if he should tell her the truth of what he had seen that morning. She seemed intrigued by this idea, by the idea of Megan asking for more, but maybe she would change her tune if she found out that she had already been involved in it more than she could ever have imagined.

  "Your panties," He remarked. "Your missing panties. You remember, the ones that you couldn’t find in my apartment?”

  "Of course..."

  "Well, she took them," He replied. "I saw her wearing them this morning."

  Stacey’s jaw dropped. He was sure that this was going to be too much for her to take, that she would freak out and storm off and make it clear that she didn’t want to hear another word about Megan and that she planned to make a scene about her stolen underwear. It was what he would have done, had he been on the receiving end of such an invasion. But then, after a moment, a smile licked up her face, and she planted her hands on the desk and leaned towards him. He could see an inch of her cleavage, peeking out at him over the top of her shirt, and it took everything he had in him not to tear it open and pinch her nipples until she squealed with delight.

  "Then that means this is my business, doesn’t it?" She remarked. He cocked his head at her.

  "What do you mean?”

  "My panties, my problem," she shot back, "There, that’s a good slogan for you. Though I’m not sure you’ll find somewhere to use it so quickly..."

  "What are you talking about, Stacey?" He demanded, and she grinned widely.

  "I need to teach her a lesson," she replied. "You mind if I skip out on that meeting tomorrow? They’re all a bunch of misogynists, anyway, and you know it – they wouldn’t have a clue what to do with me if I was in the room with them."

  "Skip it to do what?"

  "To make sure that Megan knows exactly what I think of her thievery," she replied. Her entire face had lit up, as though the very thought of it was enough to excite her. And Dravid knew that, even if he had told her no, it wasn’t going to be enough to stop her in her tracks. When Stacey had her mind set on something, there was nothing anyone in the world could do to get her off that track.

  "Fine," he sighed. "But careful with her, alright?"

  "Oh, I will," she promised. "I won’t spoil her for you. You have my word."

  And with that, she turned on her heel and walked out of his office. And, as Dravid watched her go, he wondered just what he had dropped poor Megan right into the middle of.

  Chapter 10

  Touching yourself 101

  When Megan opened the door, the last thing that she expected to find on the other side of it was the very woman whose panties she was wearing under her uniform.

  "Stacey!” She exclaimed, and she could feel herself flushing bright red already, even though there was no way that she could know what Megan had going on under her outfit. What was she doing here? Had she stopped by to see Dravid? Because he had left for work nearly an hour before, leaving Megan to take care of her normal tasks and potter around the house taking care of business. The last thing she had expected was an interruption – let alone one from the woman who she knew she had stolen from in such a filthy way.

  "May I come in?" Stacey asked. There was a sureness to her tone, a certainty, as though she knew that Megan was already going to say yes. Megan nodded and stepped aside, gesturing for her to come in.

  "I’m sorry, Dravid’s not here at the moment-" she began to apologize, but before she could get anything else out, Stacey lifted her hand to stop her in her tracks.

  "I’m not here to see Dravid," she replied firmly. "I’m here to see you."

  "To" Megan replied, her voice shaking slightly. She had never had a visitor here. And she couldn’t help but wonder if this had something to do with her little display the day before, when she had exposed herself to Dravid to ask for a spanking. Surely he wouldn’t have shared that with anyone else, would he?

  "To see you," Stacey repeated, confirming the reason for her presence. She took off her coat, and looked at Megan expectantly; even though it had never been part of her job, Megan hurried towards her at once and took it from her, hanging it up carefully on the rack next to the door.

  "Thank you," Stacey told her, and she moved to the living room; Megan followed after her, not quite sure what she was supposed to be doing right now. Did she offer her a drink? To call Dravid and let him know that he had a visitor? She didn’t even know where to start...

  "So, I’m going to cut to the chase," Stacey explained, and Megan felt a wash of relief at once. So, she wouldn’t have to spend too long dancing back and forth and trying to work out what it was that this woman desired from her.

  "Dravid told me that you stole my panties," she remarked. "And I think that I deserve some restitution for such an invasion of my privacy, don’t you think?"

  Megan’s stomach dropped. She’d had no idea that Dravid had even recognized the panties that she had been wearing, and she was utterly mortified at the very thought that he might have shared their stolen status with Stacey. But Stacey, to her surprise, didn’t sound so much angry,, well, something else entirely.

  "Miss, I can’t apologize enough," Megan blurted out, trying to keep her voice steady and doing a piss-poor job at it. She felt like she was going to cry from the humiliation. But Stacey got to her feet and stood in front of her, her hands planted on her hips.

  "Do you have them on right now?" She asked, and Megan lowered her gaze to the ground and nodded, slowly. There was no point lying to her about it now. She already knew the truth, already knew what a dirty girl that Megan was, and she needed to accept it.

  "You asked for punishment from Dravid," Stacey murmured, as she took a step towards Megan. "Do you think you could handle that punishment from me, instead?"

  Megan stared at her, silent for a moment. From her? She had never been punished by a woman before, not as long as she could remember, at least. But maybe...maybe that was what she needed. Someone to show her how to act. Someone like Stacey, who c
learly had a deeper understanding than she ever would of the way that the world of sex and restitution worked. Slowly, and to her surprise, she nodded. Stacey smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  "Pull up your dress and show me the panties," she demanded, and Megan did as she was told at once, without a second thought. There was something of a relief that came with having someone else tell her what to do and how to do it. She would have been lying if she’d said that she didn’t like it, really – she loved the way it made her feel, loved the sureness of knowing that she was doing the right thing.

  "Now, take it off," she commanded, and Megan began to take off her staid uniform as swiftly as she could. She had no idea if she was doing enough, if she was doing the right thing, if she was somehow making a mess of this and needed to stop, but Stacey seemed satisfied with her performance, watching as Megan pulled off the clothes that she was wearing until she was standing there only in the panties that she had pinched from the other woman. Dravid had never offered to buy a bra for her and she had never thought to ask, sure that it would be stepping over a line for the two of them, so she was naked but for the clinging black silk of the panties on her hips.

  "No bra, huh?" Stacey remarked, and she moved towards Megan and pinched her nipples roughly – Megan let out a squeak of surprise, but it came with a rush of relief, too. The pain meant that she was doing something right, but it wasn’t like before, when her punishments had been random and frightening. She knew that if she asked Stacey to stop, she would do it, that the other woman would not push her to limits that she could not handle. And the relief of that was intense.


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