The Hindus
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contradictions of
escape clauses of
Manu (lawmaker) (cont.):
fish myth and
horse sacrifice and
karma theory of
marriage hierarchy of
meat-eating and
nonviolence and
sacrifice and
vegetarianism and
women and
“Man Who Would Be King, The” (Kipling)
Mapillai (Arab group)
Maravars (caste)
Mariamma (goddess)
Maricha (ogre)
Markandeya (sage)
Markandeya Purana
in Artha-shastras
in Kama-sutra
Manu’s hierarchy of
rape and
in shastras
of Shiva and Parvati
Marshall, John Hubert
Martel, Charles
Maruts (wind gods)
Marwar Horse Society
Marwari (desert horse)
Marx, Karl
Masters and Johnson
Mata (goddess)
Matarishvan (god)
Mathura temple
Matrix, The (film)
matsya, see fish
Matsya Purana
Maturin, Charles Robert
Maudave, Chevalier de
Maukhari kingdom
Mauryan Empire
dogs in
Shunga dynasty of
Maya (goddess of Illusion)
Mayura (poet)
“Mean to Me” (song)
Medhatithi (commentator)
Meenas (caste)
Meera, Mother
Meghanada (ogre)
Mehta, Ketan
Menaka (nymph)
Merchant, Ismail
Meykandadevar (philosopher)
Michael Clayton (film)
Midnight’s Children (Rushdie)
Mihirakula, King
Mill, James
Mimamsa (Critical Inquiry)
Minakshi (goddess)
Miner, Horace
Mirabai (poet)
“Miracle of Puran Bhagat, The” (Kipling)
Mirror for Princes, The (Kalila wa Dimna)
Missionary Register
“Mission House, The” (Anandamath) (Chatterji)
Mr. Tomkins in Wonderland (Gamow)
Mistry, Rohinton
Mitakshara (commentator)
Mitra (god)
mlecchas, foreigners
Mohan (“the deluder”)
Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Civilization (Marshall)
Mohini (female form of Vishnu)
Aim of Life and
Bhagavad Gita and
dharma and
modern disregard of
Release and
renunciation and
in Upanishads
Monkey school
Moorcroft, William
Moses, prophet
Motel of the Mysteries (D. Macaulay)
Mound of the Dead (Mohenjo-Daro)
M’s, the five
mudra (farina)
Mughal Empire
Akbar’s reign in
art and architecture of
Aurangzeb’s reign in
Babur’s reign in
Bengali poetry of
Christianity in
Delhi Sultanate compared with
Hinduism in
horses and horsemen in
Humayun’s reign in
interreligious dialogue in
Islam in
Jahangir’s reign in
literature of
name of
nonviolence in
opiate addiction in
religious fusion in
religious pluralism in
Sikhs and
Sufism in
suttee practice in
Vaishnavism in
women in
Muhammad, Prophet
Muhammad of Ghor
Muktabai (saint)
Muktananda, Swami
Müller, Friedrich Max
Mumtaz, Mughal empress
Municipal Corporation of Patna
Munivar, Parancoti
Munro, Thomas
Murad (son of Akbar)
Murukan (Skanda)
desecration of temples by
Hindu relations with
Hindus as perceived by
Raj and
Sepoy Rebellion and
as term
see also Delhi Sultanate; Islam
Muvva Gopala (form of Krishna)
definition of
Myth of the Holy Cow, The (Jha)
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nachiketas, story of
Naga (cobra figure)
Nagananda (Harsha)
Nagarjuna (philosopher)
Nagarkar, B. B.
Nair, Mira
see also Pandavas
Nala, King
Nammalvar (poet)
Nampi Antar Nampi (scholar)
Namuchi (antigod)
Nanak, Guru
Nana Sahib
Nanda, Mahapadma
Nanda Empire
Nandi (Shiva’s bull)
Nandy, Ashis
Nantanar, Tirunalaippovar
Naoroji, Dadabhai
Napier, Charles James
Napier, Priscilla Hayter
Narada (sage)
Narasimha (avatar of Vishnu)
Narasimhadeva I, King
Narayan, Dev
Narayana (form of Vishnu)
Narayanan, Vasudha
Nasrudin, Mulla
Nastikas (atheists)
Nataraja (Shiva as Lord of the Dance)
Naths (sect)
National Volunteers’ Organization (Rashtriay Swayamseval Sangh; RSS)
Nayaka kingdom
Nayanmars (Tamil Shaiva saints)
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Network (film)
Newars of Nepal
New Testament
New York Times
New York Tribune
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Night (goddess)
Nilakantha (commentator),
Nirriti (personification of Destruction)
Nishadas (tribals)
Kunti and
in Mahabharata
origins of
Rama and
as sacrificial substitutes
tale of Ekalavya and
Nishumbha (antigod)
Nityananda (disciple of Chaitanya)
Nixon, Richard M.
Nizarpanths (Ismai’ilis)
nondualism (Advaita)
ahimsa and
Akbar’s vows of
in Brahmanas
cows as symbols of
of Gandhi
in Mahabharata
Manu and
in Mughal Empire
sacrifice and
in Upanishads
Norton Simon Museum
Nuñez (Portuguese trader)
Nyaya (Logic)
O’Brien, Tim
Ocean of Mercy for the Cow (go-karuna-nidhi) (Dayanand)
Ocean of the Nectar of Bhakti (Rupagoswamin)
Ocean of the Rivers of Story
Ocean of Virtues (Gunanidhi)
O’Dwyer, Michael
Odyssey (Homer)
Oedipus, king of Thebes
ogres (Rakshasas)
bsp; in Ramayana
Old Age (hunter)
“On Greenhow Hill” (Kipling)
Open Door, The (Rogers)
taxation of
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
ordeal by fire
of male martyrs
of Sita
Aryan invasion hypothesis and
race and
Raj and
Orwell, George
Other Backward Castes (OBCs), see Shudras
Ouranos (Heavenly Vault)
Oxford English Dictionary
Padma Purana
Pahlavas (Parthians)
Painted Gray Ware (artifacts)
Pala dynasty
Paley, Nina
Pali (language)
Pallars (caste)
Pallava dynasty
Palm Pilot
Pandavas (sons of Pandu)
see also Arjuna; Bhima; Nakula; Sahadeva; Yudhishthira
Pandey, Mangal
Pandu, King
Pandya kingdom
Panini (grammarian)
Panipat, battle of
Panipati, Nizam
Panis (Vedic opponents)
Pannikar, K. M.
Paramahamsa, Ramakrishna
Parashurama (avatar of Vishnu)
Pari, Kesar
Pariah, Der (Beer)
“Pariah, The” (Goethe)
bhakti and
defining factors of
Parikshit, King
Parliament, British
Parsis (Zoroastrians)
Particularism (Vaisheshika)
Parvati (wife of Shiva)
children of
Shiva’s marriage to
Pascal, Blaise
Pashupatas (sect)
Pashupata Sutra
pashus (sacrificial animals)
Passage to India, A (Forster)
Patanjali (grammarian)
Paul, Saint
Pax Britannia
Payez (Portuguese trader)
peacock’s neck (fabric)
Peacock Throne
Peddanna (hero)
Percept Picture Company
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, The
Periya Puranam (Cekkiyar)
Nantanar story in
Persia, ancient
Phaedrus (Plato)
of illusion
major schools of
Shankara stories and
Phule, Jotiba
Picasso, Pablo
Ashoka’s tradition of
in Mahabharata
Pir, Satya
Pishachas (ghouls)
Pivari (Fatso), Queen
Piyadasi (Ashoka)
Poe, Edgar Allan
“Poem of the Primeval Man,”
Political Abuse of History, The: Babri-Masjid-Rama-Janma-Bhumi Dispute
polo (sport)
Polo, Marco
Pool of Nectar, The
Pop Up Kama Sutra, The
Ppishachi (ghoul)
Prabhavati (regent)
Prahlada (antigod)
Prajapati (creator god)
prakriti (nature)
Prakrit language
Pratap, Maharana
Primeval Ma, see Purusha
Prithivi (Earth)
Prithu, King
Priyadarshika (Harsha)
puja (offering)
Pulakeshin I, Chalukya king
Pulakeshin II, Chalukya king
Pulkasa (caste)
accidental grace theme in
animal images in
avatars of Vishnu in
birth of Krishna in
Brahmins and
caste in
contents of
Five Signs in
folklore tradition and
goddesses in, see specific goddesses
good and bad antigods in
Gupta Empire and
Hindu cosmology in
horse sacrifice in
image range of
Kalki story in
linga worship in
low castes in
Mahabharata and
Mankanaka story in
number of
popular traditions and
Sanskrit of
sectarianism and
shakti and
Shiva-Parvati marriage in
Sita’s fire ordeal in
Skull Bearer in
Sukeshin story in
temple worship in
as term
Vishnu-Buddha myth in
Pururavas, King
Pushyamitra, King
Putana (ogress)
Pygmalion (Shaw)
Qasim, Muhammad ibn
Rabban, Jacob
Radha (lover of Krishna)
revisionist myth of
Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
Radhavallabhas (“Radha’s Darlings”)
Rahu (planet of eclipse)
Raikva, story of
Rains, Claude
Raipuri, Akhtar Husain
anti-British feeling and
Black Hole and
caste system in
Christian missionaries in
early history of
European literature and
European translation of Hindu texts in
first wave of
Hindus and
Muslims and
native women and
Orientalists and
religion and
religious conversions in
second wave of
Sepoy Rebellion in, see Rebellion of 1857-1858
suttee in, see suttee, practice of
third wave of
transposed heads myth and
Raja Ganesh (sultan)
Rajaraja I, Chola king
Rajaraja II, Chola king
Rajaram, Maratha emperor
Rajendra, King
Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree
Rajnengi Pardhan (tribal people)
Rajya Sri
Rakshasa, see ogre
Rakshasi (ogress)
Raktabija (Blood Seed) (antigod)
Rama (god)
as avatar of Vishnu
crow story and
death of Lakshmana and
Guha’s meeting with
horse sacrifice of
loss of Sita and
Nishadas and
Shambuka beheaded by
Rama (god) (cont.):
talking dog and
Valin killed by
Vijayanagar worship of
women and
worship of
Ramakrishna Mission
Ramananda (saint)
Ramanuja (philosopher)
Ramanujan, A. K.
“Rama Play” (Ramlila)
animals in
basic plot of
class system in
composition of
crane story in
dharma theme of
dogs in
era of
in films
Hindu rightists’ objection to
horse sacrifice in
hunting theme of
interrupted sex theme of
king-Pariah theme of
magic illusions in
Mahabharata contrasted with
major themes of
modern retellings and variants of
monkeys in
ogres in
ogresses in
oral preservation of
poetry of
Rama’s Bridge myth and
sectarianism and
Shiva-Parvati story in
television production of
transmission of
Rambles and Recollections, The (Sleeman)
Ramdas (saint)
Rami (washerwoman)
Ramprasad (poet)
Ranganatha (god)
Ranke, Leopold von
Rao. Narayana
Rashtrakuta dynasty
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) (National Volunteers’ Organization)
Ravana (ogre)
Ravishankar, Shri Shri
Ravuttan, Muttal
Raza, Rahi Masuma
Raziya, sultan of Delhi
Rebellion of 1857-1858
Jahnsi massacre and
Kanpur massacre and
“Recessional” (Kipling)
Recognition (Pratijna), philosophy
reconversion ceremony
“Record of Buddhist Kingdoms” (Faxian)
Redfield, Robert
idea of circular time and
recurrent death and
in Rig Veda
sacrifice and
in Upanishads
Renou, Louis
Renuka, Princess
Renukamba (goddess)
addiction and
eroticism and
Four Ages myth and
individual salvation and
karma and
overcrowding and
Shankara-crocodile story and
in Upanishads
vegetarianism and
Return of Hanuman, The (film)
Rig Veda
addiction in
Agni in
ahimsa in
Brahmins and
caste in
composition of
death in
gods of
Hindu universe of
horse sacrifice in
humans-gods alliance in
Indra in
IVC and
karma in
kathenotheism and
mantras and
modern revisions of
oral preservation of
“Poem of the Primeval Man” in
polytheism in
Prithu myth in
reincarnation in
rita (cosmic order) in
sacrifice rituals in
social classes in
soma in
“There Was Not” hymn of
transmission of
Varuna in
Vishnu in
women and females in
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Rishi, The (Giroux)
Rishyashringa (sage)
rita (cosmic order)
Robertson, H. D.
Robertson, Pat
Roger, Abraham
Rogue (Kitava)
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel
Rosenkranz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Stoppard)
Roth, Philip
Rowling, J. K.
Roy, Rammohun
RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) (National Volunteers’ Organization)
Ruben, Walter
Rudra (god)
Rudradaman, Shaka king
Rudrasena II, king of the Vakatakas
Rukmini, Queen
Running Fence (Christo and Jeanne-Claude)
Rupagoswamin (theologian)
Rushdie, Salman