Book Read Free

Clarkesworld: Year Seven

Page 52

by Neil Clarke

  Greg Kurzawa studied theology without purpose before being handed a career in information technology. He and his incredible wife are busy building a happy family. Some people mistake him for Gage Kurricke, with whom he co-authored Gideon’s Wall.

  Yoon Ha Lee is an award-nominated Korean-American sf/f writer (mostly short stories) who majored in math and finds it a source of continual delight that math can be mined for sf/f story ideas. Her fiction has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Clarkesworld, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Her collection Conservation of Shadows was published in 2013.

  Alex Dally MacFarlane lives in London, where she is pursuing an MA in Ancient History. When not researching narrative transmission in the Alexander Romance traditions, she writes stories, found in The Other Half of the Sky, Heiresses of Russ 2013: The Year’s Best Lesbian Speculative Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Shimmer and Zombies: Shambling Through the Ages. Poetry can be found in Stone Telling, The Moment of Change and Here, We Cross. She is the editor of Aliens: Recent Encounters (2013) and The Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women (2014).

  Ian McDonald is the author of many science fiction novels, including The Dervish House, Ares Express, Brasyl, River of Gods, Cyberabad Days, Desolation Road, King of Morning, Queen of Day, Out on Blue Six, Chaga, and Kirinya. He has won the Philip K. Dick Award, the BSFA Award, and a Hugo Award, and has been nominated for the Nebula Award and a Quill Book Award, and has several nominations for the Arthur C. Clarke Award. He lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

  Sandra McDonald recently won a Silver Moonbeam award in Children’s Literature for her GLBTQ novel Mystery of the Tempest. She is the author of several novels, several dozen short stories, and the award-winning collection Diana Comet and Other Improbable Stories.

  Greg Mellor is an Australian author with 50 published short stories. “Mar Pacifico” is his second story to appear in Clarkesworld Magazine. He is also a regular contributor to Cosmos Magazine and Aurealis as well as independent press anthologies in Australia and the United States. Wild Chrome, his debut collection introduced by Damien Broderick, was published in October 2012.

  Greg holds degrees in astrophysics and technology management. He is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).

  Sunny Moraine is a humanoid creature of average height, luminosity, and inertial mass. They’re also a doctoral candidate in sociology and a writer-like object whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Strange Horizons, Apex Magazine, and Shimmer, among other places. Their first novel Line and Orbit, co-written with Lisa Soem, is available from Samhain Publishing. Their solo-authored novel Crowflight is coming this fall from Masque Books.

  Vandana Singh was born and raised in New Delhi, India. She acquired a passion for inventing her own myths around the age of eleven, and obtained a Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics in her twenties. She now teaches physics at a small state university near Boston, and obsesses over everything from human nature to climate change to creative pedagogies. Her short stories have appeared most recently in The Other Half of the Sky (ed. Athena Andreadis) and Solaris Rising 2 (ed. Ian Whates), and several have been reprinted in best-of-year anthologies. Of this story she states: “I am indebted to the Bolivian writer and critic Miguel Esquirol (Portfolio, for invaluable feedback as well as information about Bolivia. Any errors or omissions are my sole responsibility.”

  Emily C. Skaftun lives in Seattle with her husband and their child, a cat who thinks he’s a tiger. When she’s not teaching or writing, she dabbles in roller derby, flying trapeze, and any other absurd opportunities that come along. Emily has an MFA in Creative Writing and is a graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop. Her stories have appeared in Strange Horizons, Ideomancer, FLURB, and Every Day Fiction, with upcoming works in Daily Science Fiction and After Death, an anthology.

  Benjanun Sriduangkaew writes love letters to strange cities, beautiful bugs, and the future. Her work has appeared in, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Phantasm Japan, The Dark, and year’s bests. She has been shortlisted for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer and her debut novella Scale-Bright has been nominated for the British SF Association Award.

  Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam lives in Denton, Texas, with her fiancé and two literarily named cats—Gimli and Don Quixote. She has work forthcoming in Strange Horizons, Daily Science Fiction, and Goblin Fruit and has had fiction appear in Expanded Horizons. She’s currently completing her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast program. Follow her on Twitter @BonnieJoStuffle.

  David Tallerman is the author of the comic fantasy novels Giant Thief and Crown Thief, as well as the absurdist steampunk graphic novel Endangered Weapon B: Mechanimal Science. A second sequel to Giant Thief, Prince Thief, is due for release later this year. David’s short science fiction, fantasy and horror has appeared in over fifty markets, including Lightspeed, Bull Spec, Nightmare and Flash Fiction Online.

  Graham Templeton is a young-ish journalist from Vancouver, Canada, who got into writing after 5 years studying biochemistry. His fiction has been published in very nearly two places. Graham is currently traveling the world with all his possessions strapped to his back. He makes his way writing non-fiction about amazing future-tech and sci-fi about everyday mundanities.

  E. Catherine Tobler lives and writes in Colorado. Among others, her fiction has appeared in SciFiction, Fantasy Magazine, Realms of Fantasy, Talebones, and Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet. She is an active member of SFWA and senior editor at Shimmer Magazine.

  Genevieve Valentine is the author of Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti. Her short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Journal of Mythic Arts, Fantasy Magazine, Lightspeed, and Apex, and in the anthologies Federations, The Living Dead 2, The Way of the Wizard, Running with the Pack, Teeth, and more. She is a co-author of the forthcoming pop-culture book Geek Wisdom, and her film and TV writing has appeared in Fantasy Magazine and Strange Horizons. Her appetite for bad movies is insatiable, a tragedy she tracks on her blog.

  Kali Wallace studied geology and geophysics before she decided she enjoyed inventing imaginary worlds as much as she liked researching the real one. Her short fiction has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Lightspeed Magazine, and on She lives in Colorado.

  A.C. Wise was born and raised in Montreal, and currently lives in the Philadelphia area. In addition to Clarkesworld, her fiction has appeared in publications such as Apex, Lightspeed, and the Best Horror of the Year Vol. 4, among others. She also co-edits the Journal of Unlikely Entomology, an online publication devoted to fiction and art about bugs.

  Brooke Wonders writes fiction that thinks it’s true and memoir that thinks it’s fabulism. Despite these oxymora, her work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Monkeybicycle, Daily Science Fiction, and Brevity: A Journal of Concise Nonfiction, among others. She is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago. A graduate of Clarion UCSD 2011, she shares an urban shoebox with fellow writer and partner in crime James Will Brady.

  Erzebet YellowBoy was born in America, but now lives in a tumbledown cottage in rural France with her husband and a posse of wild cats. She is the co-founder and long-time editor of Cabinet des Fées, an online journal of fairy tales, and the founder of Papaveria Press, a micro-press specializing in hand bound, limited editions of mythic prose and poetry. Her work has appeared in Fantasy Magazine, Not One Of Us, Electric Velocipede, and Behind the Wainscott, and in the anthologies Japanese Dreams (Lethe Press 2009), Running with the Pack (Prime Books 2010), and Haunted Legends (Tor 2011). Her novel Sleeping Helena was released by Prime Books in 2010. Erzebet is also an artist and a bookbinder.

  E. Lily Yu was the recipient of the 2012 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Her short fiction has appeared in the Boston Review, Kenyon Review Online, Apex Magazine, The Best Sc
ience Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, and Eclipse Online, and has been nominated for the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Awards.

  Clarkesworld Citizens

  Official Census

  We would like to thank the following Clarkesworld Citizens for their support:


  Claire Alcock, Kenneth Burk, Eric Hunt, Gary Hunter, Kelvin Tse


  L A George, Renan Adams, Thomas Ball, Michael Blackmore, Nathalie Boisard-Beudin, Shawn Boyd, Jennifer Brozek, Karen Burnham, Barbara Capoferri, Morgan Cheryl, Gio Clairval, Tania Clucas, Dolohov, ebooks-worldwide, Sairuh Emilius, Lynne Everett, Joshua Faulkenberry, Fabio Fernandes, Thomas Fleck, Eric Francis, Daniel Franklin, Bryan Green, Andrew Hatchell, Berthiaume Heidi, Bill Hughes, Theodore J. Stanulis, Marcus Jager, Jericho, jfly, jkapoetry, Lucas Jung, James Kinateder, Daniel LaPonsie, Susan Lewis, Philip Maloney, Paul Marston, Matthew the Greying, Gabriel Mayland, MJ Mercer, Achilleas Michailides, Adrian Mihaila, Adrien Mitchell, Overlord Mondragon, MrMovieZombie, Mike Perricone, Jody Plank, Rick Ramsey, Jo Rhett, Lorenz Schwarz, Joseph Sconfitto, Marie Shcherbatskaya, Tara Smith, David Steffen, Elaine Williams, James Williams, Doug Young


  Paul Abbamondi, Eric Agnew, Albert Alfiler, Raymond Bair, Kathryn Baker, Nathan Blumenfeld, Marty Bonus, David Borcherding, Nancy Buford, Robert Callahan, Lady Cate, Richard Chappell, Heather Clitheroe, Carolyn Cooper, Tom Crosshill, Michael Cullinan, Mr D F Ryan, Sky de Jersey, David Demers, Cory Doctorow, Brian Dolton, Dayne Encarnacion, Stephen Finch, Brian Gardner, Alexis Goble, Hilary Goldstein, Michael Habif, Carl Hazen, Andy Herrman, Kristin Hirst, Colin Hitch, Victoria Hoke, Christopher Irwin, Mary Jo Rabe, Lukas Karl Barnes, Fred Kiesche, Jay Kominek, Alice Kottmyer, G.J. Kressley, Jeffrey L Lewis, Jamie Lackey, Jonathan Laden, Katherine Lee, H. Lincoln Parish, David M Oswin, Edward MacGregor, Sean Markey, Arun Mascarenhas, Barrett McCormick, Kevin McKean, Margaret McNally, Michelle Broadribb MEG, Nayad Monroe, James Moore, Anne Murphy, Persona Non-Grata, Charles Norton, Vincent O’Connor, Vincent P Loeffler III, Marie Parsons, Lars Pedersen, David Personette, George Peter Gatsis, Matt Phelps, Gary Piserchio, Lord Pontus, Ian Powell, Rational Path, RL, John Scalzi, Stu Segal, Maurice Shaw, Angela Slatter, Carrie Smith, Paul Smith, Nicholas Sokeland, Richard Sorden, Chugwangle Sparklepants, Kevin Standlee, Neal Stanifer, Jacel the Thing, Josh Thomson, TK, Terhi Tormanen, Jeppe V Holm, Sean Wallace, Jasen Ward, Weyla & Gos, Graeme Williams, Jeff Xilon, Zola


  7ony, Mary A. Turzillo, Rob Abram, Frederick Amerman, Carl Anderson, Mel Anderson, Andy90, Marie Angell, Jon Arnold, Robert Avie, Erika Bailey, Brian Baker, Michael Banker, Jennifer Bartolowits, Lenni Benson, Kerry Benton, Bill Bibo Jr, Edward Blake, Samuel Blinn, Johanna Bobrow, Joan Boyle, Patricia Bray, Tim Brenner, Ken Brown, BruceC, Sharat Buddhavarapu, Adam Bursey, Jeremy Butler, Robyn Butler, Roland Byrd, M. C. VanderSchaaf, Brad Campbell, Carleton45, James Carlino, Carrie, Benjamin Cartwright, Evan Cassity, Lee Cavanaugh, Peter Charron, Randall Chertkow, Michael Chorman, Mary Clare, Matthew Claxton, Theodore Conti, George Cook, Brian Cooksey, Brenda Cooper, Lorraine Cooper, B D Fagan, Darren Davidson, James Davies, Tessa Day, Brian Deacon, Bartley Deason, John Devenny, Fran Ditzel-Friel, Gary Dockter, Nicholas Doran, Christopher Doty, Nicholas Dowbiggin, Robert Drabek, Christine Ertell, Joanna Evans, Rare Feathers, Tea Fish, FlatFootedRat, Lynn Flewelling, Adrienne Foster, Matthew Fredrickson, Alina Fridberg, Patricia G Scott, Christopher Garry, Pierre Gauthier, Gerhen, Mark Gerrits, Lorelei Goelz, Ed Goforth, Melanie Goldmund, Inga Gorslar, Tony Graham, Jaq Greenspon, Eric Gregory, Laura Hake, Skeptyk/JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski, Jordan Hanie, Helixa 12, Corydon Hinton, Sheridan Hodges, Ronald Hordijk, Justin Howe, Bobby Hoyt, David Hoyt, David Hudson, Huginn Huginn and Muninn, Chris Hurst, Kevin Ikenberry, Joseph Ilardi, Adam Israel, Pamela J. Davis, Justin James, Patty Jansen, Cristal Java, Toni Jerrman, Audra Johnson, Erin Johnson, Russell Johnson, Patrick Joseph Sklar, Kai Juedemann, Andy Kaden, Jeff Kapustka, David Kelleher, James Kelly, Joshua Kidd, Alistair Kimble, Erin Kissane, Cecil Knight, Michelle Knowlton, JR Krebs, Neal Kushner, M. Lane, Andrew Lanker, James Frederick Leach, Krista Leahy, Alan Lehotsky, Walter Leroy Perkins, Philip Levin, Kevin Liebkemann, Grá Linnaea, Susan Loyal, Kristi Lozano, LUX4489, Keith M Frampton, N M Wells Foundry Creative Media, Brit Mandelo, Mark Maris, Matthew Marovich, Samuel Marzioli, Jason Maurer, Rosaleen McCarthy, Peter McClean, Michael McCormack, Tony McFee, Mark McGarry, Doug McLaughlin, Craig McMurtry, J Meijer, Geoffrey Meissner, Barry Melius, David Michalak, Dave Miller, Robert Milson, Sharon Mock, Eric Mohring, Samuel Montgomery-Blinn, Rebekah Murphy, John Murray, Barrett Nichols, Peter Northup, Stian Ovesen, Justin Palk, Norman Papernick, Richard Parks, Paivi Pasi, Katherine Pendill, Matt Peterson, Eric Pierson, E. PLS, PBC Productions Inc., Lolt Proegler, Jonathan Pruett, QLM Aria X-Perienced, Robert Quinlivan, Mike R D Ashley, Rainspan, D Randall Kerr, Joel Rankin, Raoul Raoul, Paul Rice, James Rickard, Rik, Karsten Rink, Rob , Erik Rolstad, Joseph Romel, Leena Romppainen, Elena Ross, Michael Russo, Mark S Haney, Stefan Scheib, Alan Scheiner, Kenneth Schneyer, Eric Schreiber, Bluezoo Seven, Cosma Shalizi, Jeremy Showers, siznax, Allen Snyder, David Sobyra, Jason Strawsburg, Stuart, Keffington Studios, Jerome Stueart, Robert Stutts, Maurice Termeer, Tero, Chuck Tindle, Raymond Tobaygo,, Heather Tumey, Robert Urell, Nicholas V David, Ann VanderMeer, Andrew Vega, Emil Volcheck, Andrew Volpe, Wendy Wagner, Jennifer Walter, Tom Waters, Tehani Wessely, Chris White, Shannon White, Dan Wick, John Wienstroer, Seth Williams, Paul Wilson, Dawn Wolfe, Sarah Wright


  Pete Aldin, Elye Alexander, Richard Alison, Joshua Allen, Alllie, Imron Alston, Clifford Anderson, Kim Anderson, Rose Andrew, Randall Andrews, Therese Arkenberg, Ash, Bill B., Benjamin Baker, Jenny Barber, Laura Barnitz, Johanne Barron, Jeff Bass, Meredith Battjer, Aaron Begg, LaNeta Bergst, Julie Berg-Thompson, Leon Bernhardt, Clark Berry, Steve Bickle, Amy Billingham, Tracey Bjorksten, John Bledsoe, Mike Blevins, Adam Blomquist, Jeff Boardman, Allison Bocksruker, Kevin Bokelman, Michael Bonsall, Michael Bowen, Michael Braun Hamilton, Commander Breetai, Nathan Breit, Jennifer Brissett, Kit Brown, Thomas Bull, Michael Bunkahle, Karl Bunker, Cory Burr, Jefferson Burson, Graeme Byfield, c9lewis, Darrell Cain, Caitrin, C.G. Cameron, Yazburg Carlberg, Michael Carr, Nance Cedar, Timothy Charlton, David Chasson, Catherine Cheek, Paige Chicklo, The Chocolate Delicacy, Victoria Cleave, J.B.& Co., Alicia Cole, Elizabeth Coleman, Chad Colopy, Elisabeth Colter, Johne Cook, Claire Cooney, Martin Cooper, Lisa Costello, Thomas Costick, Ashley Coulter, Charles Cox, Michael Cox, Sonya Craig, Yoshi Creelman, Tina Crone, Lucy Cummin , Andrew Curry, Curtis42, Shawn D’Alimonte, Sarah Dalton, Ang Danieldeskbrain - Watercress Munster, Gillian Daniels, Chua Dave, Morgan Davey, Ed Davidoff, Chase Davies, Craig Davis, Gustavo de Albuquerque, Alessia De Gaspari, Maria-Isabel Deira, Ricado Delacruz, Daniel DeLano, Dennis DeMario, Michele Desautels, Paul DesCombaz, Dino, Aidan Doyle, dt, Alex Dunbar, Susan Duncan, Andrew Eason, The Eaton Law Firm, P.C., David Eggli, Jesse Eisenhower, Sarah Elkins, Brad Elliott, Warren Ellis, Dale Eltoft, Douglas Engstrom, Lyle Enright, Peter Enyeart, Yvonne Ewing, Kathy Farretta, . Feather, Josiah Ferrin, A Fettered Mind, TJ Fly, the Paragliding Guy, Ethan Fode, Dense Fog, Francesca Forrest, Greg Frank, Jason Frank, Michael Fratus, William Fred, Michael Frighetto, Sarah Frost, Fyrbaul, Paul Gainford, Robert Garbacz, Eleanor Gausden, Leslie Gelwicks, Susan Gibbs, Phil Giles, Holly Glaser, Sangay Glass, globular, Laura Goodin, Grendel, Valerie Grimm, Damien Grintalis, Michael Grosberg, Nikki Guerlain, Stephanie Gunn, Geoffrey Guthrie, Richard Guttormson, James Hall, Lee Hallison, Janus Hansen, Roy Hardin, Jonathan Harnum, Harpoon, Jubal Harshaw, Darren Hawbrook, Leon Hendee, Jamie Henderson, Samantha Henderson, Dave Hendrickson, Karen Heuler, Dan Hiestand, John Higham, Renata Hill, Björn Hillreiner, Tim Hills, Mark Hinchman, Elizabeth Hocking, Peter Hogberg, Peter Hollmer, Todd Honeycutt, Andrea Horbinski, Clarence Horne III, Richard Horton, Fiona Howland-Rose, Jeremy Hull, John Humpton, Gene Hyers, Dwight Illk, John Imhoff, Iridum Sound Envoy, Isbell, Jack, Stephen Jacob, Jalal, Radford Janssen
s, Michael Jarcho, Jason, Jimbo, Steve Johnson, Patrick Johnston, Gabriel Kaknes, Philip Kaldon, KarlTheGood, Sara Kathryn, Cagatay Kavukcuoglu, Lorna Keach, Keenan, Jason Keeton, Robert Keller, Mary Kellerman, Kelson, Robert Kennedy, Shawn Keslar, Dana Kincaid, Kisaki, Kate Kligman, John Klima, Bryan Knower, Seymour Knowles-Barley, Matthew Koch, Will Koenig, Lutz Krebs, Derek Kunsken, Erica L. Satifka, T. L. Sherwood, Michele Laframboise, Jan Lajka, Paul Lamarre, Gina Langridge, Scotty Larsen, Darren Ledgerwood, Brittany Lehman, Terra Lemay, Pontus Liljeblad, Danielle Linder, Susan Llewellyn, Thomas Loyal, James Lyle, Allison M. Dickson, Ilia Malkovitch, Dan Manning, Margaret, Eric Marsh, Jacque Marshall, Dominique Martel, Cethar Mascaw, Daniel Mathews, David Mayes, Derek McAleer, Mike McBride, T.C. McCarthy, Jeffrey McDonald, Holly McEntee, Josh McGraw, Roland McIntosh, Oscar McNary, Steve Medina, Brent Mendelsohn, Seth Merlo, Stephen Middleton, John Midgley, Nuno Miguel Pires Veloso, Mike, Matthew Miller, Stephan Miller, Terry Miller, Alan Mimms, mjpearce, Aidan Moher, Marian Moore, Sunny Moraine, Jamie Morgan, Patricia Murphy, Lori Murray, Karl Myers, Jack Myers Photography, Patrick Neary, Glenn Nevill, Stella Nickerson, Robyn Nielsen, David Oakley, Scott Oesterling, Rick of the North, Christopher Ogilvie, James Oliver, Lydia Ondrusek, Ruth O’Neill, Erik Ordway, Nancy Owens, Stuart P Hair, Thomas Pace, Amparo Palma Reig, Thomas Parrish, Andrea Pawley, Mike Paxton, Sidsel Pedersen, Edgar Penderghast, Tzum Pepah, Chris Perkins, Patricia Peterson, Nikki Philley, Adrian-Teodor Pienaru, Beth Plutchak, David Potter, Ed Prior, David Raco, Mahesh Raj Mohan, Adam Rakunas, Ralan, Steve Ramey, Diego Ramos, Dale Randolph Bivins, Captain Red Boots, Robert Redick, George Reilly, Patrick Reitz, Joshua Reynolds, Julia Reynolds, Zach Ricks, Carl Rigney, Hank Roberts, Tansy Roberts, Kenneth Robkin, James Rowh, Roy and Norma Kloster, RPietila, Sarah Rudek, Woodworking Running Dog, Oliver Rupp, Caitlin Russell, Abigail Rustad, George S. Walker, Lior Saar, Tim Sally, Sam, Nadia Sandren, Jason Sanford, Steven Saus, MJ Scafati, Jan Shawyer, Espana Sheriff, Udayan Shevade, Josh Shiben, Robert Shuster, Aileen Simpson, Karen Snyder, Morgan Songi, Dr SP Conboy-Hil, Mat Spalding, Gary Spears, Terry Squire Stone, Lisa Stone, Jennifer Stufflebeam, Julia Sullivan, John Swartzentruber, Kenneth Takigawa, Charles Tan, Beth Tanner, Jesse Tauriainen, David Taylor, Paul Taylor, S.Rheannon Terran, John Thomas, Felix Troendle, Andre Twupack, The Unsettled Foundation, Julia Varga, Adam Vaughan, Extranet Vendors Association, William Vennell, Vettac, Diane Walton, Robert Wamble, Rob Ward, Lim Wee Teck, Neil Weston, Peter Wetherall, Adam White, Spencer Wightman, Dan Wilburn, Jeff Williamson, Neil Williamson, Kristyn Willson, A.C. Wise, Wobblybob9, Devon Wong, Chalmer Wren, Dan Wright, Lachlan Yeates, Catherine York, Rena Zayit, Stephanie Zvan


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