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Beyond The Horizon

Page 25

by Connie Mason

  Two days later she found herself seated next to Nigel at a dinner party given by Molly Greer. It was that same night, while walking home with Nigel, that she saw Blade lounging outside Poker Alice’s wagon. The diminutive brunette wore a sheer clinging gown that indecently displayed her charms as she leaned against the hard wall of Blade’s chest.

  Damn him! Shannon thought scathingly. If he was trying to make her jealous, he was succeeding. The bright moonlight provided enough light for Shannon to see Blade smiling down into Alice’s eyes. Abruptly she turned her head, too pained to watch whether or not he accompanied Alice inside the wagon.

  Actually Blade had no intention of making love to Alice, though that might have been his objective originally. His heart just wasn’t in it. He wanted only one woman—a chestnut-haired vixen too stubborn to heed what her mind and body told her. Then, from the corner of his eye he saw Shannon walk past on the arm of that remittance man from England. Though Blade had nothing personally against Nigel Bruce, whom he had met a day or two earlier, it made him green with envy to see him with Shannon. If she was trying to make him jealous, she was succeeding.

  “Well, Injun, are you comin’ inside with me or not?” Alice asked, wiggling against Blade provocatively. It titillated her senses to think of Blade as an Indian and she fantasized about him making love to her with savage brutality.

  Gazing down into Alice’s eyes, Blade pretended great interest—until Shannon and her escort were well out of sight. “Sorry, not tonight, Alice, maybe another time.” He started to walk away.

  “I’m the best,” Alice claimed saucily.

  Blade turned around and winked outrageously. “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that? I’ll be back.”

  “Soon, Injun, make it real soon,” Alice called after his departing back.

  Other renegades had taken Mad Dog’s place harassing the army and the emigrants, notably the Sioux chief, Red Cloud, who constantly sapped the strength of Fort Phil Kearny. In late 1867 Red Cloud felt he had sufficiently weakened the garrison at Fort Kearny to attack. With more than one thousand warriors, he rode toward the fort, only to encounter Captain James Powell and a work detail on the way. The soldiers sought shelter behind an oval of wagon boxes and held off Red Cloud’s forces for four and a half hours until reinforcements arrived. Consequently Red Cloud called off his attack on the fort during the battle that was thereafter known as the Wagon Box Fight.

  The following summer word was received at Fort Laramie that all the forts along the Bozeman Trail were ordered abandoned by Washington, due mostly to Red Cloud’s demand that they be closed. Red Cloud adamantly refused to talk peace unless Forts Reno, Phil Kearny and C.F. Smith, deep in Sioux hunting territory, were abandoned. There was talk of Red Cloud and his minions coming to Fort Laramie in the fall to sign a peace treaty after Washington’s unprecedented step in yielding to Indian demands. Actually it was no great loss to Washington, for the forts were soon to be made obsolete by a railroad.

  Blade burned each time he saw Shannon with Nigel Bruce, which was quite often. Shannon found she enjoyed the Englishman’s company and he posed no danger to her where her heart was concerned. That part of her belonged to Blade no matter how she tried to deny it.

  As the days passed Blade grew exceedingly frustrated. His investigation had stalled and he was losing Shannon because of it. Adding to his discontent was the fact that his favorite hunting knife had mysteriously disappeared. It had been a gift from his grandfather and he always carried it attached to his belt. But one day it turned up missing. He spent considerable time looking for it and decided it must have dropped from its scabbard while he was out on patrol. After a day or two he bought a new one.

  Since nothing new had materialized in their investigation, Blade decided it was time to have a private conversation with Wade Vance to plan their next move. Blade crossed the parade ground to Vance’s quarters, wondering if Shannon was entertaining that damn English remittance man tonight. Just the thought of her in another man’s arms sent him into a jealous rage. If he was smart, he’d let Poker Alice soothe his terrible anguish. But he didn’t. Strangely, Blade didn’t want Alice. There was only one woman he wanted in his arms and in his bed.

  Wade Vance answered Blade’s knock, ushering him into his spartan quarters and offering him a drink. Blade accepted the partially filled glass and sprawled into a chair next to an open window. A hint of summer wafted in on a gentle breeze, reminding Blade of those years he had spent on the prairie with his mother’s people. Vance poured himself a whiskey and sat opposite Blade.

  “Have you learned anything new?” Vance asked hopefully.

  “Nothing,” Blade said sourly. “And frankly, I’m fed up with the entire matter. I’m losing Shannon because of it and it scares the hell out of me. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to find a woman like Shannon. It’s difficult to believe she could love a half-breed like me.”

  “Shannon is smart,” Vance volunteered. “She knows a good man when she sees one. Don’t let this investigation come between the two of you, Blade. I’m perfectly willing to carry on alone. I was thinking that it’s time I confided in Colonel Greer. It’s possible one of his men is our culprit. Tomorrow I’ll have a talk with Greer and inform him that you’re a special agent working directly for the president.”

  “Is that wise?” Blade questioned thoughtfully.

  “At this point we have no alternative. This man is dangerous. He’s biding his time now, but he’s killed once and will do so again. He’s already tried to kill both you and Shannon. I think Colonel Greer deserves to know what is going on. If one of his men is involved, he might be able to provide a suspect.”

  “What about the gold?” Blade wondered.

  “It’s safe in my footlocker for the time being. Tomorrow I’ll put it in Colonel Greer’s hands for safekeeping. It will remain there until I take it to Washington. I wonder where Mad Wolf got all that gold?”

  “Robbed a payroll wagon probably,” Blade grunted. “Thank God no one knows it’s here.”

  “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to confide in Colonel Greer,” Vance said. “The gold will be much safer in his office safe. If you want out of this, Blade, there will be no recriminations. I’ll explain everything to the president when I report to him in the fall.”

  “I always finish what I set out to do,” Blade said with quiet determination.

  “What about Shannon?”

  “I’ll make things right with her somehow,” Blade vowed. “I have to. I love her, but she stubbornly refuses to consider the consequences of marrying a half-breed.”

  “Shannon doesn’t seem the type to rush recklessly into something without giving it careful thought. Go to her, Blade. Do what you must, but don’t lose her.”

  In the difficult weeks ahead, Blade would have good reason to remember Wade Vance’s parting words. But now only one thought existed in his mind as he left Wade’s quarters.


  He had to see her again, speak to her, hold her—make love to her. With grim purpose he crossed the parade ground, slipped past the sentry when his back was turned and, keeping to the shadows, approached Shannon’s house. He smiled when he noted a light shining through the window. He stepped from the concealing shadows, then hastily withdrew again when the door opened and a man stepped through the opening.

  “It’s been a most pleasant evening, Shannon, thank you,” Nigel Bruce said graciously.

  Jealousy jolted through Blade when he saw that the Englishman held Shannon’s hand in a most possessive manner.

  “You’re entertaining company, Nigel,” Shannon returned. “You’re just what I need right now.”

  Clenching his fists, Blade fought the urge to take Nigel Bruce by the scruff of his neck and toss him off the porch.

  “There is a spring ball next week. Would you allow me the pleasure of your company?”

  Shannon nearly refused, then thought better of it. Why shouldn’t she have a good time while Blade
was cavorting with whores? It wasn’t as if Nigel could take Blade’s place, but he was amusing enough to distract her from her dismal thoughts.

  “I’d be happy to go with you, Nigel.” Though she agreed readily enough, her heart wasn’t really in it.

  Expecting a refusal, Nigel was thrilled by Shannon’s unexpected acceptance. “Splendid!” He was so pleased with himself that he grabbed Shannon and kissed her soundly on the lips before she realized what was happening. Then he turned abruptly and bounded down the steps. He passed within inches of Blade, whose rigid self-control was within seconds of shattering.

  Shannon stood in the doorway staring thoughtfully after Nigel. She was shocked when Blade suddenly materialized from the deep shadows, his bronze features and midnight eyes grim with cold fury. He frightened her and she turned to flee into the house. When she turned to slam the door in his face, he was close on her heels. Grasping her waist, he pushed her through the opening and followed her inside. He shoved the door shut with his foot and stood glaring down at her.

  “It didn’t take you long to replace me, did it?” he spat disgustedly. “Have you bedded the remittance man yet?” He hated himself for taunting her so cruelly, but he couldn’t stop the words from tumbling past his lips.

  “How dare you!” Shannon’s Irish temper exploded, hitting Blade squarely. “I’m no longer any of your concern. I begged you to marry me, but you refused. It’s my business now who I see or don’t see.” Not one to mince words, Shannon was ever forthright in expressing her mind.

  “It wasn’t my idea to break our—our—”

  “—affair,” Shannon said bluntly, for lack of a better word.

  “Dammit, Shannon, what we had was no shoddy affair,” Blade said defensively, fighting the self-accusing thoughts plaguing him.

  “Prove it!” she challenged. “Marry me.”

  “I will, but not now.”

  “Good-bye, Blade. Mama always said I inherited the Branigan pride, and I’ve choked down enough pride for your sake. I can swallow no more. Keeping our love secret and sneaking around shames me, and I’ll have no more of it.”

  “God, you’re beautiful when you’re angry, Little Firebird.” Blade grinned with easy arrogance as their gazes locked in silent struggle, each aware of something binding and powerful building between them. Shannon’s breathing grew shallow and labored. Blade hadn’t so much as touched her and yet she felt the heat of his caress, tasted the flame blazing inside him.

  Before Shannon could stop him, he pulled her up against him and his lips were on hers. He caught her with her mouth open and took full advantage of it. While she struggled and shoved impotently on his hard, unyielding chest, Blade kissed her with a power and passion that was so blatantly sensual, Shannon felt hot spurts of blood surge through her veins despite all her efforts to remain unresponsive.

  One muscular arm hooked firmly around her; her soft curves molded against his ungiving length. He kissed her hungrily, aggressively, his tongue plunging deeply into her warm, moist mouth. Finally, just as he intended, she quit struggling and her moans of outrage changed to soft little sighs of rapture.

  “Can you honestly say another man stirs you the way I do?” Blade asked when he finally released her.

  Shaken, Shannon remained stubbornly mute, unable to move or deny his words. “I thought not,” Blade smirked smugly.

  Finally Shannon found her voice, a strangled sound deep in her throat. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because I want you. Because I can’t stand this coldness between us—and because I love you.”

  “But apparently not enough,” Shannon observed with bitter emphasis.

  “More than you know,” Blade acknowledged cryptically. “I want to make things right between us.”

  “How do you intend to do that?” Shannon challenged skeptically. “Are you prepared to give up on this investigation?”

  The time came for Blade to make a decision and he did, in his usual forthright manner. Life without Shannon was no life at all.

  “No, but I’m ready to tell the world how much I love you, that you’re mine until the end of time.”

  “Oh Blade, I love you so much,” Shannon cried, her eyes bright with unshed tears.

  “Show me how much, Little Firebird,” Blade groaned, his need for Shannon an aching torture.

  With an agile combination of hard muscles and strong shoulders, Blade swung Shannon up in his arms and carried her to the dimly lit bedroom. Carefully, he lowered her atop the soft surface of the bed. Leaning over her, he cupped her flushed face, gently brushed her eyes, nibbled her bottom lip and whispered into her mouth, “I’m going to light a lamp so I can see all of you.”

  He was back in a few minutes and sat on the bed facing her, one long leg folded beneath him, the other foot balanced on the floor. For a long breathless moment, he did no more than gaze at her, lightly caressing her upturned cheek, thinking how incredibly lovely she was. He leaned over her, kissed the moist corner of her mouth and said, “I’m going to love you, Shannon Branigan, and tomorrow we’ll see the chaplin and arrange for our marriage.”

  “Yes, oh yes,” Shannon agreed eagerly as his arms came around her and his hands moved lovingly over her body.

  She made no effort to assist as Blade began removing her clothes—first her shoes, then her stockings, gliding them languidly down her legs and off. Next her petticoat came away with effortless ease. Then Blade was kissing her again, his hands moving deftly beneath the folds of her skirt. His breath was hot against her cheek, igniting a fever deep within her. Shannon arched to him, threw her head back and sighed as his questing fingers skimmed her trembling thighs. Instinctively her knees fell apart and she shivered in delicious expectation.

  Shannon felt as though she might burst into flame, and with breathless whimpers urged him to touch her where she burned the hottest. With an impatient gesture Blade removed her dress and tossed it aside.

  With practiced skill, Blade kissed and caressed the trembling woman in his arms until she was squirming and thrashing, begging him to end his loving torment. When his heated lips climbed the soft mound of her breast and closed around its arching peak, sucking on the hard nipple, the air exploded from her lungs. She was aware only of the sweet aching pleasure his lips gave her as they moved over her chest to her other nipple, his teeth raking tantalizingly over the sensitive crest. Boldly his tongue toyed with her before taking her fully into his warm wet mouth to suck vigorously.

  Shannon murmured in protest as Blade’s warmth left her, but he returned in moments, pressing her to his naked flesh, once again kissing and sucking her breasts. Shannon was almost beside herself with ecstasy. At last his lips released his sweet treasure and slid down over her delicate ribs. Her eyes flew open when his hands rested on her hips, lifting her to the hot, teasing warmth of his mouth.

  “I want to taste you all over,” Blade murmured against the trembling flesh of her belly.

  “Blade …”

  Opening his mouth he touched his tongue to her.

  Shannon called his name again and spasmed from intense pleasure. Abruptly his hands slid around to grip her bare bottom, wanting to take her all the way with his mouth. Holding her close he sank his face deeply into her, feasting, stroking her with his tongue until she was panting and tossing in wild delirium. The sweet tension was unbearable, spiraling hot and molten upward from where he was kissing her. It felt so marvelous she never wanted Blade to stop, would surely die if he did.

  “Blade, please, please …”

  Blade’s hands tightened, cupping her rounded bottom, teasing, lashing, until he took her over the top. Her climax came in jerking spasms, her fingers digging into his bronze back. He stayed with her while total ecstasy claimed her, until the last tiny tremor passed and her body went limp. With gentle, trembling hands, Blade placed Shannon atop him, soothing, patting, pressing kisses to her damp temple until her pulse slowed and her breathing returned to normal.

  “Come with
me, Little Firebird,” he whispered as he lifted her hips and sank full and deep into her.

  “I don’t think I can,” Shannon sighed, limp and sated.

  “It’s all right, love, just relax,” Blade said, smiling with wicked delight. Did he know something she didn’t?

  Then he began a slow, steady surging of his hips and miraculously, a wild sweet pleasure built inside Shannon. She gasped, amazed that desire could flare again so swiftly.

  And so it went throughout the night. Sometimes their mating was as hot and wild as an inferno, other times slow, lazy, sweet. They made love, rested, then made love again—and again—until sheer exhaustion plunged them into a deep dreamless slumber, still clinging to one another, arms and legs entwined.

  Blade was annoyed to discover he had overslept the next morning. He intended to be gone long before daylight. But sleeping with Shannon in his arms had been so incredibly wonderful that he had slept peacefully for hours. He dressed hurriedly and quietly so as not to disturb Shannon. Guilt assailed him when he thought how thoroughly he had exhausted his Little Firebird. She had been extraordinarily sensual last night, so wonderfully wanton, so delightfully sexual. God, he loved her! She looked like an angel lying in bed, her skin flushed from his loving, her mouth swollen from his kisses. He didn’t have the heart to waken her.

  Before Blade let himself quietly out the door, he scribbled a brief note and placed it on the pillow beside Shannon. He meant what he said when he told her they would talk to the chaplain today about their wedding. But first he wanted to change his clothes and tell Wade Vance about his decision.

  Blade had just reached his quarters when he was grabbed from behind. His hands were tightly bound and he was forcibly restrained before he realized what was happening. Snapping his head around, Blade was stunned to see Lieutenant Goodman grinning evilly at him while three burly enlisted men held him prisoner.

  “You’re under arrest for murder, Injun.”

  Chapter Eighteen


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