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Full Shred: A Billionaire's Secret Baby Romance

Page 39

by Adair Rymer

  “Come for me,” I moaned. My brain was mush and my body was wrecked from so much pleasure. I never wanted to leave this bed ever again.

  Arsen slumped forward over top of me, on the edge. He was breathing heavy and went to pull out, but I stopped him. I wanted all of him. His cock exploded inside of me, warm seed filling me up, body and soul.

  “Arsen, your shoulder—” I looked up at a trickle of blood. The exertion popped a few of his stitches, I felt terrible. What was I thinking? If nothing else, I should've been on top!

  Arsen, panting and dripping with sweat, glanced at the wound and chuckled. He hadn't even noticed. “It's just a little blood.”

  He wiped the blood away, then placed my hand over the tattoo on his chest— my heart pendant. I loved that a part of me was tattooed on his skin, it felt almost like a wedding band.

  He leaned down and kissed me. I cleaned us both up and laid down next to him. We were both tired, filthy and beat up. I hugged him tightly as we finally drifted off to sleep in the early afternoon.

  He wasn't Arsenal and I wasn't Valentine Dawson, we were just two lovers that had found our happy ending. The whole world outside might hate me, but right here and now, this room was my world.

  And it was full of only love.

  Chapter 25



  I woke up to the sound of pounding on the front door downstairs. At first, I thought it was all in my head, but that pounding was different. I had no idea what time, or even what day it was. Val had blackout curtains over her balcony windows and glass door. I called out to Val in the near pitch black room, but she wasn't there either.

  The pounding continued. It was too aggressive to be housekeeping or maintenance and media couldn't get past building security. So who the hell was at the door?

  When Romeo started barking, I decided to go check it out. Maybe it was Val, she could've locked herself out, while getting us food. Rolling to my feet, I felt like I was hit by a bus. I couldn't find a square inch of me that wasn't sore. Getting downstairs was going to be a project.

  Constant barking and arguing voices drifted up the stairs. Angry voices.

  The thought of Val being attacked in NYC and quickened my labored walk, I took the steps by twos until I reached the bottom. Pain shot up my legs, threatening to make them give out, but I powered through it. I had to make sure Val was alright.

  The first thing I saw was the pages of some tabloid rag splayed out on the floor. 'Dawson family scandal' was in bold letters across the front page. It always amazed me at just how fast garbage like this could be printed. That also explained who was pounding on the door.

  “And there he is,” Hugh pointed at me, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. His eyes were red-ringed, his fine suit was uncharacteristically loose and shabby. He looked like a man on the run, or maybe one at the end of his rope. “You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you— Will you shut that fucking dog up!”

  “I take it you didn't enjoy the fight?” I shook my head, feigning sympathy. “Romeo. Come here, boy.” Romeo stopped barking and trotted over to my side, like the good, harmless dog he was. He smartly kept a wary eye on the strange man in the house. It was only now that I wished I'd trained him to attack on command. “Never should've bet against me, Hugh.”

  “You think this is about the money you lost me?” Hugh roared. I'd never seen him this unrefined before. He had the look of angry desperation, like his sins were breathing down his neck. “You should've stayed in that greasy warehouse, where you belonged.”

  “Father, stop it!” Val protested.

  “And you.” He turned to back to Val, seething. I pushed myself off the wall, readying myself. I didn't care if he was her father or not, he'd better watch his fucking mouth about Val in my presence. “Do you have any idea the damage you've done to our Legacy? And for what, this street trash?”

  “I will not have you talk about Arsen like that. I love him.” Val's back straightened. A steadfast resolve coated her words. She wouldn't be easily cowed this time. She wasn't that timid ghost of a girl any longer.

  “Oh, please.” Hugh dismissed her and pulled out his cell phone. Holding the camera on her, he gave her orders. “You will apologize for your temporary bout of insanity. You will tell the public that you have been unwell for some time now and will be checking yourself into a mental hospital. Then you will beg for forgiveness—”

  “No.” Val's deep blue eyes turned icy. It was the hardest look I'd ever seen her give anyone, let alone the man that controlled her entire life.

  “You will,” Hugh growled at her disobedience. “Or I will turn you into a social pariah. I will crush your career, and take everything from you!”

  “No.” Val refused to back down. I could see her cutting the strings that once held her, she was no one's puppet anymore.

  “You ungrateful, bitch.” Hate flared in Hugh's eyes. “I gave you life, wealth and fame, and this is how you repay me? I own you! You are a Dawson, Goddammit!”

  I stepped toward Hugh, my hands balled painfully into fists. This was quickly getting out of control. My full body ache was dulled with a spike of adrenaline, I just hoped it would be enough. On any other day I could put Hugh on his ass with ease, but after that last fight a stiff breeze might be able to knock me down.

  Val's outstretched arm stopped me. She must have known what I was going to do. Don't give in now, Val. I could've pushed past her and handled this my way, but I didn't. Whatever happened next was Val's decision. If I made the choice for her, then I would be no better than Hugh.

  “That name means nothing to me. Do your worst, 'Hugh', I don't care anymore.” Val paused, taking in a long breath. Her words were sharpened by a long overdue defiance. “Now get the hell out of my house.”

  I was nearly as surprised as Hugh by the definitiveness of her tone. She had finally done it, she had stepped out from under her father's shadow. I couldn't have been any prouder of her.

  Hugh wasn't as shocked as I would've figured. No, he was just angry. I got the sense that things were unraveling for Hugh, maybe all that debt had caught up to him.

  Romeo broke the moment by resuming his barking, but this time it wasn't at Hugh. He barked at the sound hustled footsteps up the hallway to the apartment. Shortly thereafter, a detective and four cops barged into the room.

  I instinctively stepped backwards, assuming they were there for me. The footage of the illegal fight was leaked, I guess it was only a matter of time before I was picked up for my involvement.

  “Hugh Dawson?” The detective asked, scanning the room. Satisfied that he'd found the man he was looking for, he nodded to the other cops. They turned Hugh around, shoved him up against the wall and cuffed him. “You are under arrest for attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.”

  Woah, what?

  Hugh began protesting in outrage, but they just read him his rights and dragged him away. I grabbed Val's hand, she mirrored the confused look on my face. My mom showed up a few minutes later, the concern on her face melted into relief.

  “Thank God you're alright.” She hugged us both, then her and the cop explained what happened.

  Through a massive investigation, the police were able to eventually trace the would-be assassin's contacts back to the loan shark that Hugh owed money to. Apparently Hugh's gambling debt was far greater than any of us knew. After an initial attack on his own life as a warning, Hugh brokered a deal with the loan shark. Hugh had gone so far as to take out life insurance policies in secret on both Val and my mom.

  Then he tried to have them killed.

  Val was horrified. I hugged her until she stopped shaking. What a fucking fool, I'd been all this time. I should never have walked away from Val six years ago, I should have never left her alone with that fucking monster.

  The cops took our statements and went over our options. They assured Val that the danger was completely over and encouraged her to contact her lawyer as soon as possible. Mom w
as already on the phone with their law firm before the officer finished the sentence.

  “You alright?” I asked Val, when the last of the police left.

  “No,” she said, brushing away tears. Then she offered a weak, but honest smile. “But I am free, aren't I?”

  “As free as you want to be.”

  Val took a few long breaths, trying to stop the tears from coming. “It's terrifying.”

  “You won't have to go through it alone.” I touched her forehead to mine.


  “Yeah.” I kissed her and she hugged me.

  We stayed like that for a while, my arms wrapped around her. I would protect her with everything I had for the rest of my life.

  “With Hugh about to be the next big headline, looks like the Dawson name's a sinking ship.” I took in her beautiful eyes. “You should probably bail before it drags you down.”

  “Are you?” Val paused, carefully reading my expression. “What are you saying exactly?”

  “I'm saying that Val Constantine has a nice ring to it.”

  “That has to be the worst marriage proposal I've ever heard.” Her face lit up, a disbelieving smile crept along her mouth.

  “How many have you heard?” My face went stern, “Is there something I should know?”

  “Oh, a few a week or so. I am famous.” Val laughed at my fading jealousy. “Don't worry, I’ve turned most of them down.”

  “Punk.” I squeezed her tighter. “I can't give you wealth or fame, so you're just going to have to settle for unconditional love.” I paused, then added. “And a dog, of course.”

  “Dammit, Arsen, I don't wanna cry anymore today!” Tears rushed back to Val's eyes. She laughed and cried some more, then looked over at my mom, who had the phone's receiver covered and was absorbing our moment with smiling eyes. Val's upturned eyes asked my mom if she thought it was alright.

  “Sweetheart.” Mom ended the call, put the phone down and walked over to us. “Don't worry about propriety or law, that will all be taken care of soon. You two belong together.”

  I wasn't positive, but I think attempted murder was grounds for divorce in any religion.

  Mom smirked, then continued, “You're the only person that can get into that thick head of his, and keep him out of trouble.”

  “Thanks for that, Mom.” I shook my thick head, disapprovingly. Mom was, of course, talking about the fights. I brushed the hair from Val's red, puffy, beautiful face. “What do you say, Val?”

  Val wiped her eyes again. She looked at me happier than I'd ever seen, and nodded.


  Two and a half years later


  “I still can't believe you're real sometimes?” I picked up my two year old daughter, Aleesa, and held her out at arms length, looking her over. It's been about three years since I came back to be Val's bodyguard and knowing that we made this little monster together still blew my fucking mind.

  Sometimes I had to just look at her, to convince myself that she was real. Aleesa had my black hair and big nose-unfortunately-, but she had her mother's piercing blue eyes and beautiful face. I couldn't help, but smile whenever I saw her cause a little trouble. It drove Val nuts... Which made me smile more.

  “Oh thank, God! She certainly takes after you running off halfcocked like that. Aleesa nearly gave me a heart attack!” My mother rounded the backstage corner, she placed a hand over her chest in relief.

  “She's just keeping you on your toes, grandma.” I smiled as my mother eyed me. She was still as graceful as she'd always been, but with Hugh now in prison, some of that fire had returned to her eyes. They were as pretty as I’d remembered.

  “Mommy,” Aleesa excitedly exclaimed, seeing Val on the stage behind me. I pulled her close and made all the right noises to quiet her during Val's rehearsal. Val was almost done for the day so I figured we'd all surprise her for dinner.

  “Are you sure we can be here?” Mom side stepped some of the bustling human traffic. “I'd hate to get kicked out of a Broadway show.”

  “I'd love to see them try.” Val was their show's leading lady, they weren't going to kick her family out of a rehearsal. Now that we had Aleesa it was impossible to go to all of Val's rehearsals, but I still never missed one of her actual shows.

  I turned and watched Val flit around the stage, hitting her marks and delivering her lines with crisp perfection. It was hard not to fall in love with her every time I watched her perform, she just radiated talent and passion. She seemed so much happier now that she done with film. Stage acting had always been her real passion anyway, Hugh just forced her to do otherwise.

  Val had overcome a lot to get to where she was now- headlining the hottest new Broadway play. Between the viral video of Val kissing her stepbrother in an illegal fight and the news of Hugh's arrest and eventual conviction, the media wasn't too kind to the Dawson legacy.

  The crazy thing was how fast it all went away. For two whole months, Val was crucified in every major outlet, then it all disappeared. The news moved on to the next scandal, then the one after that. Weirdly, Val began getting this cult following that loved her new bad girl image.

  In the end it actually helped solidify Val as the 'Broadway Bad Girl'. She wasn't cinema's young adult sweetheart anymore. Her hair was no longer dyed, but the side of her head was shaved for her current roll as a villain.

  Her fan base changed completely, but the new edge in her image allowed her to audition for all the roles she always wanted to play. I guess it was true that there was no such thing as bad publicity.

  “Down!” Aleesa declared, wriggling impatiently. Even at two years old, the little monster had me wrapped around her finger. Despite being undefeated in illegal fighting rings, Val was the one to lay down the law for Aleesa.

  I'd save my menacing scowls for the boys Aleesa brought home when she was older.

  “Arsen, grab her!” My mom reached out toward Aleesa and shouted. Aleesa ducked between my legs, then beelined out on stage to her mother.


  “Mommy!” The most adorable voice in the world caught me by surprise. I pivoted and saw my beautiful daughter barreling straight for me.

  Aleesa tripped over her own feet and flopped onto her stomach, like a sack of potatoes. She had inherited my grace, that's for sure. Aleesa was already crying when I scooped her up. She calmed down when she realized she wasn't hurt.

  “You ok, Monster?” I asked Aleesa. She didn't answer, she just squished me as hard as she could. I never thought I could love anything as much as I loved Arsen, but I was wrong. He still came in at a very close second.

  I told the rest of the cast that it was a wrap, I'd kept them all there too long as it was. I looked past Aleesa to Pamela, who mouthed that she was so sorry. Arsen wore an amused smirk and just casually shrugged. I shook my head at him, but was secretly glad that somethings never changed.

  I barely thought about my father anymore. His career and legacy were both destroyed by the spectacle of his sentencing. In the end, Arsen was right. Giving up the Dawson name lifted a massive weight from my shoulders. I carved my own path now. I'd always be thankful to Arsen for that.

  I looked down at the tattoo that ringed my finger. Traditional wedding bands couldn't ever be worn on stage, so it made sense to get something that could always be covered with makeup, but never taken off. It might be hidden, but it was always there, like the tattoo of my pendant on Arsen's chest.

  I loved the idea that the symbol of our love could never be lost or stolen.

  So many other things had changed in the past few years with me and my career, but surprisingly it was Arsen that changed the most. He lost that constant edge of anger and seemed more at peace than ever before. He stopped the underground fighting right away, and now coached up and coming MMA fighters in a small gym in Manhattan. He was a surprisingly patient teacher!

  Aleesa was exhausted, by the time I made it back stage she was almost asleep.

“You want me to take her?” Arsen asked, holding his hands out.

  “I got her.” I turned my back jokingly, then kissed my husband. He wrapped an arm around me and we watched Aleesa doze off.

  “Who needs an Oscar, when you have an Aleesa?” Arsen whispered in my ear.

  It was a corny joke, but he was right. All the crazy events that tore us apart, then brought us back together, culminated in this one toddler. Aleesa was living breathing proof of what unrelenting love could accomplish.

  Who needs an Oscar anyway?


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  Adair Rymer lives in New England and loves whiskey and her cat. She is always daydreaming of lovers and how to push the her own literary boundaries. She loves her motorcycle and her men filthy and is keen on a hot cup of Coca Tea.

  And above all else, she loves the people who buy her books, who encourage her to continue living her passion.

  More books from Adair Rymer:

  Too Rough for Love

  Too Wild to Ride

  Too Fast for Hope

  Riding for Her

  Outlaw Road

  Undercover Badass

  Getting Mine: Stepbrother Romance

  Obsession: Bad Boy's Secret Baby

  Connect with Adair!





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