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Page 11

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  The three wizards after leaving the Generals room dwelled in the corridor for a moment speaking amongst themselves.

  “We must see this Talon,” one said.

  “Could he be a piece in the jigsaw.” another said.

  “Our test will reveal all.”

  The wizards had foreseen a great unrest that would soon be upon the Empire. Their future crystals had warned them that chaos was soon to come. The Emperor had sent all of his wizards across the whole of Kratos to quash any unrest before it began. Now was a time of great importance, the wizards crystals had also foreseen that a soldier in the Empire, a soldier whose roots come from a civilian background would cause them great harm. Talon was now very much a suspect, and in this matter all suspects in the protection of the Empire were surely going to be killed.

  Chapter 7

  When Talon and his party crossed through the great wall on their journey to Kallick Town, Talon felt immense relief.

  He knew that his plan to escape still had a long away to go but he was now out of the fortress like Palace lands and back into the open landscape of Kratos. Once the gladiator party reached Kallick Town they rode into the city’s great coliseum. The men were shown their quarters and Talon felt happy that they were not dormitories. The men were given a couple of hours to wash and unpack their belongings before they had to report to Savarta.

  Savarta arranged for them to meet in the arena so that his men could wet their appetites to the surroundings and get a feel for the soon to be battles they would compete in.

  “My brave gladiators!” Savarta began his speech “tomorrow you shall fight in this great arena, I am satisfied in all of your conditions, come what may remember your teachings. Be mindful of all those hard days of blood and sweat that have brought you here for this moment, your schooling will stand you in good stead, but it will be your heart that will spur you to victory, remember all of this and pay caution to the thought, that one mistake could lead to your death. Focus you thoughts, concentrate your determination, use your skill and your strengths and you will be victorious!”

  The men were standing around Savarta in a circle concentrating on their mentors words, when he finished speaking, Dreevus a three times Golheck and the most experienced gladiator in the party replied.

  “We are all well prepared Savarta, this is our time to give thought for the contest but I also pay thought to you, once again you have prepared us and I praise you like I praise no other, HAIL SAVARTA!”

  “THE GREATEST INSTRUCTOR IN ALL OF KRATOS!” another gladiator added as all the men raised Savarta’s hand in the air.

  Two hours later Talon and his fellow gladiators were all in their rooms mentally preparing themselves for the oncoming battles. However Savarta acting under orders of General Koolga was on his way to see General Krustov to give him the letter Koolga wrote regarding Talon.

  General Krustov was taken by great surprise when he read Koolga’s letter, he was stifled to learn that Talon was here and that he was going to fight in tomorrow’s contests.

  “What the damn is Talon doing fighting in the arena? Has Koolga lost his mind!” he snapped at Savarta clearly bemused how a festival of pass candidate would want to risk his life as a gladiator.

  “Well sir, I requested it.” replied Savarta rather coyly.

  “We send this man to the Palace lands to join the guard and he returns here as an entertaining gladiator, by damn his arrogance is offensive.” snapped back Krustov.

  “Sir he is an exceptional fighter and he comes from a family that has excelled in the gladiator arena.”

  The Generals thoughts returned to his previous meeting with the wizards and how they had asked Krustov to bring Talon to them to be tested with the truth crystal. Krustov had already sent word for Talon but now before his command could be answered he found out Talon was here. The General then quickly realised that he could not permit this fighting to take place, the wizards wanted to speak with him, if Krustov allowed Talon to fight and he was killed then the wizards would not be pleased with the General.

  “Talon will not be permitted to fight in the arena; you will have to alter your schedule.” Krustov snapped turning to Savarta and speaking very sternly.

  “But sir he has.”

  Savarta was bluntly interrupted from saying that Talon had Koolga’s permission.

  “I have made my decision, Talon will not fight and that is Final!”

  “He will be very disappointed Sir” Savarta uttered back as he lowered his head.

  General Krustov then rose to his feet.

  “Is he outside?”

  “No sir he is in his room.”

  “Take me to him!”

  Once the two men arrived outside Talon’s door, General Krustov asked Savarta to remain outside.

  “Sir!” Talon loudly said jumping to attention from his bed as the General entered.

  “Sit down Talon.” the General said as he pulled over a chair.

  “What are you doing here Talon?” he added.

  “I am going to fight in the arena tomorrow sir,” added Talon in a slightly proud tone to his voice.

  “No you are not Talon, I cannot allow it, you are a soldier in the Palace guard, I’m sorry but this nonsense has come to an end.”

  “But sir, I am already here, the fight has been scheduled, I cannot let the Savarta down now.” pleaded Talon.

  “Then it will have to be rescheduled!, you will not be fighting.” replied Krustov as he noticed the disappointment on Talon’s young face and Talon in turn could not help noticing the secrecy in his.

  “Talon, do you not realise that you could have been killed!”

  “Of course sir!”

  “Yet you still wanted to fight!”

  “I have always wanted to fight sir.”

  Krustov shook his head and sighed loudly as a sign of his disappointment.

  “You are a soldier in the Palace guard, your career must come first and not your desires, frankly I find it offensive that you look on your position with such disdain. Many cadets in your old school would shed blood to be in your position, I find this whole episode preposterous and your arrogance in this is almost punishable!”

  “My intention was not to offend anyone sir.” Talon replied.

  “Of course not Talon, but your lack of thought in this is below you, quite frankly I expected a whole lot better from you!”

  Talon lowered his head as his mind began to race, he was now mindful of his plan to escape, would he be sent back to the Palace land immediately he wondered.

  “What will happen to me sir?” he asked hesitantly.

  “In normal circumstances I would punish you for your total disregard of your duties but this time I am only going to give you a warning that any more behaviour like this, and you will be on a charge.”

  Talon listened to the General’s words, he felt anger at what he was hearing, He looked up and caught the Generals eyes as he felt that Krustov was hiding something from him.

  “Talon, tell me something” (hear it comes) Talon silently thought.

  “You come from Tallasian don’t you Talon, but what of your family have they always lived there.”

  “My family sir” answered Talon trying to sound confused.

  “Yes, your family, tell me of them.”

  Talon hesitated for a slight moment “he knows something, but what, why is he probing me” Talon thought before answering.

  “Yes sir my family were all from Tallasian.”

  “And your Grandfather too?”

  “Yes sir.” Talon replied as an uncomfortable silence fell between them where both their eyes met. Krustov held the stare and gazed deeply at the soldier before him, Talon consciously made sure he would not flinch as he held back the stare. “Does he know?” Talon thought as the two men silently gazed at each other “I must not show weakness, I must keep my secret hidden.” Talon thought.

  The game continued for a few further moments, it was like a game of Kess where both men were
locked in stalemate seeing who would surrender first. Talon silently felt relieved when the General finally broke away and got to his feet. Talon noticed a bead of sweat falling from the Generals brow down to the corner of his mouth; it embarrassed the General as he wiped his face.

  “We will speak more tomorrow.” he uttered before walking out the room.

  Talon lied back onto his bed and sighed loudly, he felt anxious and he felt sure that the General’s knew something that he was hiding from him, there and then he decided that his escape could wait no longer; he was beginning to feel deep concern for his life “I go tonight” he said silently to himself.

  Nightfall was only a short time away and he knew that the blanket of night would aid him best; he readied himself a small bag in which he packed a few pieces of bread and an assortment of throwing knives and a sling that he had made. Talon then thought about the reality that he might have to kill someone, he had never killed a man before yet he was skilled in numerous killing arts “I will not seek it but if it is them or me then it will be them” he whispered.

  Later that evening General Krustov was sitting in his office, awaiting the return from a soldier who he had sent earlier to tell the wizards that Talon was in Kallick Town.

  “Come!” Krustov shouted as he heard a knock on his door.

  “Beg my pardon sir but I could not deliver your message.” the soldier said.

  “Explain yourself!” Krustov angrily snapped.

  “Upon arrival at the wizards’ temple sir, I was told by their aid that the wizards were in a state of meditation and that they could not be disturbed until tomorrow.”

  “How dare you disobey me?” Krustov snapped.

  “But, sir.”

  “Get back there and deliver my message.”

  “But sir, you will be sending me to my death.”

  Krustov subdued his anger as he knew that the soldier was speaking the truth. So instead he told him to report back to the wizards and deliver the message the moment they woke.

  When night finally fell Talon summoned up all of his courage, he took a deep breath as he picked up his bag and stood silently and in the dark behind his door, he reached for the handle at least a dozen times before he finally walked into the corridor. Two candles lit the hall but it still seemed dark as Talon crept along the wall, Talon knew that there would be guards so he carefully watched his steps, his heart was racing and he could hear his own breathing which he tried to control.

  Suddenly there were footsteps coming, he froze as the steps got louder, he felt panic, quickly glimpsing over his shoulder he realised that his room was too far for him to return so he pushed himself into the shadows and tried to remain still.

  Talon noticed a figure walking towards him, it was too dark to see who it was until the figure passed under a candle and he saw that it was Savarta, Talon tried to make himself as small as possible as he hoped Savarta would not see him, Talon held his breath as Savarta passed. Savarta passed him then suddenly stopped.

  “Who’s there?” Savarta snapped.

  Talon walked out from the shadows.

  “Talon!” Savarta said in shock and then alarm when he saw Talon’s bag.

  Talon noticed Savarta looking at the bag he was carrying and then felt the tense atmosphere between them.

  “Talon what are you doing?” Savarta asked.

  “What are you doing?” he repeated only this time louder.

  Talons heart began to pound, he could feel himself tensing. In an instant he realised that he was going to have to get through Savarta to escape, Talon pounced and lunged at Savarta, Savarta tried to evade the attack but Talon’s desperation was too great, and his speed too swift. Talon secured an arm lock around Savarta’s neck and within moments Talon had rendered him unconscious. “I did not seek this my friend, sleep and be no further part of this.” Talon whispered in his friends ear.

  Talon dragged Savarta back into his room where he tied and gagged him before once again walking into the hall. Talons determination now seemed fiercer than ever, the anxiety had gone. Maybe it was because of what he had just done to Savarta meant that there was no turning back but one thing was sure, he felt that nothing now was going to get in way.

  He made his way along the corridor until he reached the open air of the arena. His plan was to make it to the far end of the arena and climb over the smallest wall. He was dressed in his uniform and he knew that when he left the arena he would be able to walk the streets without any attention being drawn to him. Once he had scaled down the wall Talon walked quietly away from the arena trying to remain in the shadows and avoiding any kind of eye contact. His confidence began to grow as he mingled with all the other soldiers in the street and nobody seemed to notice him but he knew he was running out of time, Savarta would wake soon and surely raise the alarm.

  There were three roads out of Kallick Town and Talon knew that from his days of studying at the military school that all three roads would be heavily guarded with the strictest rules on access.

  He had decided that his only way out would be to swim across one of the vast rivers that circled the town like a natural moat. Talon headed for a quiet spot where he used to sit and study. It took him nearly an hour to find the spot, as he looked out onto the river he thought about how strong the currents looked, to a swimmer it would be insane to swim in such a river but to Talon it was his only option for escape. He lowered himself into the river and began to swim; he could feel the cold chilling his bones, which made it difficult for him to draw breath. The strong current was also making it difficult for him as he felt himself being sucked under from time to time. Talon pulled his head out from under the water and gritted his teeth “I can do this!” he mouthed in determination as he felt his limbs begin to tire.

  “I can do it!” he repeated as the icy chill began to numb his concentration “SWIM!” he said to himself “SWIM” he shouted frantically as another large current began once again to drag him under. Talon tried with all of his strength to stay afloat, he began to fear for his young life as his arms d legs began to go limp, then just as Talon was going under he caught sight of the moon. It felt strange to him that in all this confusion and his struggle for life he felt drawn to the moon. Suddenly Talon calmed himself and began to regulate his breathing then he heard a strange voice that filled him with warmth, a warmth that flowed through his body “return to your home Talon” “return to the home of your heart.”

  Talon recognised the voice as the strange Zachanian who he had previously dreamt off, suddenly Talon caught sight of the riverbank lighted by the moons light, he felt a rush of energy fill his body as he swam powerfully over to it. He reached the bank and pulled himself half out of the river before collapsing in exhaustion.

  He lay motionless as he felt relief that he had made it, he banged the soil with his fist before pulling himself fully from the river. In the light of the moon he saw the open countryside laid out before him.

  Almost immediately he began to walk, he felt his legs ache from the previous exploits in the river but he knew he had to put enough distance between himself and Kallick Town before dawn.

  As Talon walked, he thought that ideally it would be best to steal a horse for his very long journey, but this barren landscape, void of civilisation would not present that opportunity, nether the less he would keep looking for it.

  His plan was to return home to Tallasian where he would have to warn his father of his escape “Did Krustov know I was Zachanian?” he thought to himself as he relived the conversation with the General.

  All he could think of was that if the Empire suspected that he was Zachanian then his Zachanian family would also be punished.

  “I must warn them!” he mouthed as he increased his speed.

  Talon kept up a brisk pace all through the night and as dawn broke he found himself thinking what would be the reactions of Krustov and Savarta.

  He had done well in his walking and had covered at least forty miles through the night, he felt exhau
sted and his body needed sleep yet he knew he could not afford such luxury.

  “I will not rest until I have warned my family.” he sighed.

  The morning that broke across the skies of Kallick Town brought with it an atmosphere of gloom. The skies were dark and thunder could be heard in the distance but the black skies of Kallick Town were merely an appetiser for what was to come on this dark day.

  Savarta had instructed his gladiators the night before to meet him in the arena at first light. The gladiators waited for Savarta for over an hour and grew increasingly curious by every passing moment as to why their instructor had not arrived. Savarta’s lateness was totally out of character, he was always meticulous when it came to procedure and preparation. The gladiators also noticed that Talon was missing, finally one of the men decided to go and investigate. He walked into the corridor and banged gently at first on the door of Savarta’s room, he banged again only this time louder, pushing his ear up to the door he thought he heard a muffled sound. The gladiator suddenly burst the door open and stopped in mid step at the sight that he was met with, Savarta was tied and bound to his bed which was upturned and the instructor was struggling to free himself. The gladiator rushed over and tore off the gag that was round his teachers face.

  “It was Talon, Talon did this.” Savarta sighed as the gladiator freed him.

  “Have you seen him?” Savarta sighed.

  The gladiator, feeling confused shook his head.

  “No, what’s happened.” he asked.

  Ignoring him, Savarta once freed quickly rose to his feet and rushed from the room, he barged into Talon’s empty room and started throwing things around, frantically he threw the bed into the air, he looked at the empty spot beneath it then picked up a table, the gladiator who had freed him joined him and placed a hand on his teachers arm to calm him.

  “Where is everyone?” Savarta shouted.


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