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Zachania Page 14

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  Slowly Talon began to back away, slowly he moved his feet eagerly trying to avoid the undergrowth and making any sounds himself, he barely moved three steps when suddenly a small tree was effortlessly ripped from the ground revealing an enormous figure, Talon dipped swiftly to one knee not sure if the creature had spotted him, he gazed over his shoulder looking anxiously for a safe route of escape, his nose filled with the stench of the beast as it neared ripping trees and bushes away, Talon had two choices remain still and hope he would not be seen or flee and hope that he could outrun such a beast, his mind raced then suddenly he felt the wind change direction, the smell from the beast was gone and like a horror Talon suddenly realised that he was now downwind, almost in slow motion he saw the beast raise his head in his direction, he could see and hear that the beast had smelt him then raising onto its back feet Talon saw the true horror of this thing before him, with a deafening roar this nine ft. creature pounced towards him, Talon’s thoughts of silence suddenly disappeared as his instinct for survival took over. He dived to one side avoiding the creatures strike, getting to his feet Talon saw the creature tumble from the ferociousness of its strike, he could see that its bottom half resembled that of a large bear but the top half was that of a man, a giant man, stocky and much more hairier than normal man, its hands were massive with large claws, the creatures head was large and bony with an enormous mouth and fangs.

  They both looked at each other as Talon ran, behind him he could hear the sound of the ground being stamped on as the creature gave chase, within a few steps Talon was knocked with such a force it threw him several feet back into the forest.

  Talon landed heavily onto his back knocking the wind from him; instinctively he reached for his dagger only to notice that it had been knocked from his hand and now rested a few feet between him and the beast that now approaching him slowly on all fours.

  Talon tried to move the dagger with his foot but this only made the creature speed up and growl loudly towards him, Talon froze as he saw the beast reach for his dagger, the beast smelt it then bit it into two pieces, now unarmed Talon pulled himself back so that his back was against a tree, the beast neared until Talon could feel the beasts hot breath upon his face, Talon grimaced as he readied himself for the attack, he could now feel spit hitting face as the beast looked at him.

  “What are you waiting for?” Talon shouted.

  The beast roared loudly before stopping again and once again looking at Talon.

  “C’mon do it!” Talon shouted in confusion as the beast seemed hesitant.

  Talon suddenly noticed that the beast was looking down towards his neck, Talon looked down and saw to his surprise that the beast was looking at his pendant which had been knocked outside his clothing when he had been struck, looking up he saw that the beast seemed mesmerised by it, tilting its head from side to side.

  Talon reached for the pendant and thrust it into the beasts face, the beast backed off and rose onto its back feet, Talon not believing his fortune got to his feet, he thrust the pendant towards the beast and saw it back away, wasting no more time he made his escape.

  Talon ran for what seemed hours all the time thinking about the strange pendant and the strange beast that had attacked him, only the fall of night made him slow his step.

  The morning light brought with it a sigh of relief as Talon could see on the horizon the sight of hills

  “It must be the hills of Varanasa.” he sighed.

  Talon walked for another day until he reached the town of Varanasa, Varanasa was a holy town made up mainly from temples and monks. It also boasted the largest temple in all of Kratos, the revered temple of tranquillity, and for a very long time Talon began to feel at ease.

  Varanasa was the spiritual centre of Kratos, pilgrims in their thousand would flock to its numerous temples for a host of different festivals throughout the year, and known as a peaceful town the Empire did not concern itself with Varanasa.

  Upon reaching the town Talon was greeted by various monks and holy men, it seemed that every street was lined with pilgrims celebrating and congratulating everyone, Talon accepted the greetings but still full of sadness for his family and his predicament he made his way across town till he reached the coast.

  Sitting down on the sand Talon looked out to sea, he caught sight of some fishermen and sat motionless for hours wondering what and where he would go or become.

  Of all the things that entered his mind the one thing he kept on thinking was about revenge, he felt so lost, so alone but he knew somewhere and in some way he must find a way to avenge his family.

  He looked at the horizon, it was getting late and he could see that the sun was falling, he thought of Zachania, he had never seen it but he wondered how it would look, he also found himself thinking about his Grandfather, he wondered if he was still alive “where are you Grandfather.” he mouthed as wiped away a tear.

  Talon was suddenly disturbed as he heard a voice from behind.

  “Greetings stranger, you looked troubled.”

  Talon turned quickly surprised that he never heard this man’s approach.

  “I never heard you.” Talon instinctively replied.

  The man smiled, he was dressed as a monk and his voice was soft but direct.

  “I am Chang, a monk from the Pangkor temple nearby, we are trained to move in silence but please excuse me if I startled you.”

  “Not at all.” replied Talon before turning his look back towards the ocean.

  “The sea is beautiful here” added Chang as he sat down next to Talon.

  “That depends on whose eyes are looking” replied Talon.

  Chang gave a slight smile.

  “Tell me stranger what your eyes see?”

  “My eyes see a vast sea and a fisherman breaking his back catching his supper.”

  The monk reached out and softly put a hand on Talon’s shoulder, quietly he asked Talon to close his eyes.

  “My friend, listen carefully, ignore what your eyes have seen, listen to the birds, listen to the sea gently washing against the rocks, and now feel the warm breeze as it sweeps upon your face.”

  Talon opened his eyes and turned towards the monk who was gently smiling at him

  “Seeing things differently now stranger, there is beauty in everything, you only have to look.” Replied Chang.

  After short silence Chang began to speak again.

  “As a monk we are trained to see things from what may not be the most obvious option, we train our minds and bodies to constantly be aware of our surroundings, we open our minds to feel them, join with what is now, only then will you be one with everything, at first you saw what you was feeling, and I feel that you have not been looking with beauty for some time.”

  Talon nodded slightly as he tried to understand this sincere stranger,

  “Do you know how I approached you without you hearing.” added Chang,

  Talon turned and answered.

  “Walking on sand makes no noise.”

  “But it does my friend.” replied Chang before picking up a handful of sand and letting it fall from his fingers.

  “I am one with the sand and the sand is one with me.” he added.

  “Look!” he said raising his voice.

  “Look from where I approached, do you see any footprints.”

  Talon turned and to his amazement he could see no steps.

  Chang smiled as if embarrassed.

  “Your ways seem very wise.” Talon replied.

  “No my friend,” smiled Chang “I am just the sand.” he added.

  For a brief moment the monk made Talon smile, forgetting his troubles he nodded and smiled before turning back to the sea where once again he felt his despair.

  “So my friend, you are waiting for someone?” asked Chang.

  “No one, just answers.” replied Talon.

  “Maybe we could find these answers together.”

  Talon winced..

  “Maybe I could walk you home, we can practice
walking without steps on the sand.” Chang added.

  “I have no home.” Talon replied after a short pause.

  “Then I insist that you be my guest at the temple tonight, we have food and by the look of you a warm bath will do you no harm, and who knows maybe we will have some of them answers you are looking for.” Chang said as he rose to his feet.

  Talon felt tempted, very tempted it had been days since he last ate well and bathed, he looked again at Chang as if to see if there was any sign as too why not to trust him, Talon was just about to refuse when Chang spoke again.

  “You can trust me friend.”

  Talon looked at this monk again; the words he had just heard were as if they were just read from his mind.

  The Pangkor Temple was ancient and was situated on top off the blossom hill; it was home to around one hundred monks. As Talon and Chang approached its large wooden gates Chang knocked loudly, moments later two monks opened one of the doors.

  “Brother Chang welcome, I see you have a guest.”

  “Welcome brother Moo, he will be staying with me in my cabin.”

  As they walked into the compound Talon quickly noticed some monks who were gathered under a large tree moving in similar movements to that of which he knew as Zung-Lu, the ancient fighting art taught to him by his Grandfather.

  “Chang what is it that they do.”

  “It is called the ‘Shivar-lass Durat du Pangkor’ but we call it Pangkor for short, it is an ancient way that disciplines the body.”

  True to his word, that night Talon ate well and relaxed in a long hot bath, the two men spoke long into the night about the temple and the duties of the monks.

  The next morning Talon was woken at the crack of dawn with Chang bringing him some fresh milk and bread, Chang then left Talon and walked into the forecourt where he joined other monks in the movements of Pangkor. Talon walked outside of Chang’s cabin, cup of milk in hand and stood against a wall watching the monks, he looked on and noticed how concentrated and how graceful the movements were.

  After around an hour Chang finished and returned to join Talon.

  “I have to attend my chores, would you like to join me Talon.”

  Talon nodded with a smile.

  The two men with tools in hand soon made their way to small adjoining field where Chang joined other monks planting seeds.

  “Chang, is Pangkor a fighting art?” Talon suddenly asked to a slightly surprised Chang.

  “No! It was created to tune the mind body and spirit with nature, why do you ask Talon?”

  “It reminds me of a fighting art.”

  “Where have you seen such an art Talon?”

  “From my youth, I was taught similar movements by my Grandfather, he called it Zung-Lu”

  Chang suddenly stopped his planting and turned to face Talon.

  “Zung-Lu is not a fighting art, it’s a defence, used by the ancient monks of the northwest province, you say you are trained in it?”

  “I am Chang.”

  “And you say your Grandfather taught you this form.”

  “Yes with my father.”

  “Was your Grandfather a monk Talon?”

  “No” Talon replied smiling as he thought of his Grandfather’s bombastic manner.

  “I have not heard of anyone being shown these moves, I thought Zung-Lu was forbidden”

  Talon suddenly felt uneasy.

  “It has been taught to every generation of my family, who knows Chang maybe there was once a monk in my family.”

  Chang smiled awkwardly.

  “So you have holy blood my friend” he smiled “There, maybe we have answered one of your questions.” he added.

  Chang then resumed his work which Talon duly followed, Talon looked at the monks face and could see he was in thought and for a moment Talon was worried that he had indulged too much about his background.

  “I must be more careful in the future.” he thought to himself.

  Both men worked hard until nightfall and when they could see no more Chang led Talon back to his cabin in the grounds of the temple. Talon slumped himself on the bench outside the cabin as Chang went to fetch some water for them both, it had been a hard day’s work where both men had been deep in thought all day about each other.

  Chang handed Talon a large cup of water before sitting next to him.

  “Tell me Talon.” but before Chang could finish Talon interrupted him.

  “My family are from Tallasian Chang.”

  Chang looked shocked at Talons outburst.

  “How did you know I was going to ask you that?”

  Talon shrugged.

  “Where are your family now Talon?” asked Chang now finding himself becoming very interested in the young man he had just met yesterday.

  “They are all dead.”

  “I am sorry my friend.”

  “It was an accident Chang, a fire they all died in a fire.”

  “It must be very hard for you.” Chang replied as reached out and gently grabbed Talon’s shoulder.

  “Yes it is.” replied Talon before looking down at the ground and remembering his family’s faces, he grimaced strong in a mixture of sadness and hate, Chang noticed Talon’s actions and thought it wise to quickly change the subject.

  Over the next three months Talon and Chang became very close, Chang had started to teach Talon the ways of a Pangkor monk and he marvelled at the speed in which Talon leaned, he was like a sponge absorbing everything, Chang never had to repeat himself, once was always enough for Talon.

  On the first day of the changing seasons, Talon was brought before the high monk, the most senior monk in the temple where Talon was to ask permission to stay and be taught in all the ways of the Pangkor’s. This would be a monumental privilege as most monks where chosen at birth, seldom does anyone get this far in Pangkor’s as Talon.

  Talon was very optimistic, he had mastered everything Chang had taught him and he knew that Chang praised him to everyone.

  To be a Pangkor was what Talon now wanted, he had not forgotten about his family or his own plight, his passion for revenge could wait as Talon strengthened himself, he had become very impressed with the monks. He liked the way in which they conditioned themselves and how they had mastered the control of the mind, “revenge can wait, first I will better myself and prepare my body and mind, then I will spill the blood of those who have hurt me.”

  Chang was busy fixing Talon’s monks’ robes; straight after the two men entered the preying room where Talon glimpsed Lord monk Mowloon seated at the far end with an array of senior monks seated around him.

  Talon then walked over and kneeled before the Lord monk followed by Chang.

  Talon remained kneeling as two monks approached him, one monk sprinkled him with water while the other one blew some smoke in his face from a pipe, once this was done the two monks walked away and the Lord monk summoned Chang to speak,

  With his head still bowed Chang begun.

  “My sovereign Lord I seek your divine permission for my ‘Yatchka’ to remain at the temple.” said Chang using the ancient word for student.

  “Brother Chang, my fellow monks have told me all about this young man, his reports are very good, if he is given permission could you elaborate on your plans for him, our resources here are limited.”

  “I would take personnel charge of his education my Lord.”

  Lord monk Mowloon nodded and then turned to Talon.

  “What do you wish?”

  “I wish to stay my Lord; I wish to become a Pangkor.”

  “You understand what you will be giving up, a Pangkor’s life is very dedicated, there will be no luxury for you, and your life will be helping others.”

  “I have no need for luxuries holy one.”

  Lord Mowloon lowered his head towards Chang and with that Talon was granted his wish, Talon was to become a Pangkor monk and the Lord Mowloon also added that he would personally like to help in Talon’s education, Chang smiled in happiness befor
e Mowloon began a small ritual where Talon had to swear an oath that the secrets of Pangkor would be forever safe in his hands.

  Once the oaths were finished, Talon was then introduced to all the surrounding monks.

  Later that night Chang treated Talon to a special meal, the two men sat outside Chang’s cabin beneath the stars eating a feast of freshly cooked vegetables.

  “You shall learn many things my friend” Chang said in an excited tone.

  “You have already taught me much my teacher.”

  “Ha!, you have not even scratched the surface, before I was forbidden but now you will learn things that only the monks of Pangkor know, secrets from the ancient ages will soon be yours.”

  “When we I begin Chang?”

  “At dawn, your first assignment will be to learn our ancient language.”

  “Language I have never heard this.”

  “No, you wouldn’t Talon, it is forbidden to speak it but all our ancient books and scriptures are scribed in it.”

  “Forbidden by whom Chang?”

  “It was forbidden centuries ago by one of the gods.”


  Chang smiled then rose and tapped Talon on the shoulder before telling him to be patient and that he would learn all in good time.

  Later that night Talon lay in his bed thinking about his past, the talk of the gods had reminded him of something that his father had said to him, he remembered his father telling him about how Kratos was once ruled by the gods and how the gods left taking with them all religion, the Pangkor’s had survived but religion in Kratos today was nothing to what it once was centuries ago.

  Talon closed his eyes and thought that it must be something to do with the Emperor.

  The next morning Talon dressed and joined Chang who was already sitting in the sun outside the cabin, after a brisk drink of milk and a piece of bread Chang began to lead Talon to temples library.

  As they walked Talon wondered why the library had never been spoken about, after three months at the temple this was the first time that Talon had ever heard of it. Chang led him to the far side of the temple and down a staircase until they reached a corridor, they walked to the end until they came to dead end, Chang reached up to a large decorative curtain and pulled it to one side revealing a large and very old wooden door.


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