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Page 26

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  As the sun set Talon and Ganasis had walked from the castle and sat under the stars on a nearby hill, the soldiers were still taking prisoners away and the rest of Korvak’s army were being questioned and informed about what had taken place.

  “Korvak’s Generals have sworn allegiance to your Grandfather Talon.”

  “They cannot go against the council Ganasis.”

  “I am surprised at easily they have taken this.”

  “Its early days, my Grandfather will have to earn their loyalty.”

  “It’s been a good day.” Ganasis added smiling.

  “You got your revenge old man” Talon added hinting at the wizard’s death.

  “Revenge is for the young Talon, it brings me no pleasure that it was wizards who betrayed Zachania, it could weaken my trust amongst the people.”

  “Ganasis do not speak foolish! You was with Apollo, the people will always trust you.”

  Ganasis shrugged as a moment of silence fell between them.

  “Talon tell me now we are alone, why did you turn down Korvak’s castle?”

  Talon paused as if embarrassed.

  “If I am to be this Zararhakzar or the leader of all men then I can’t command my own army. They would feel superior which would breed contempt and jealousy amongst the armies of the other great houses of Zachania. That I cannot allow to happen, we are on the verge of war against a formidable opponent Ganasis, now more than ever Zachania must be unified and that can only happen if all Zachanian’s are equal.”

  Ganasis’s eyes widened as his face broke into smile.

  “I am in awe of your prudence Talon.”

  “When I studied as a Pangkor and old friend taught me to look at something from all angles before making a judgement, he showed me a flower of Vilsillius, from the top and the side it looked beautiful and inviting but if you pick it and smell it then the poisonous pollen will kill you.”

  “You’re friend had wisdom Talon.”

  “His name is Chang; he took me in when I was lost.”

  “I would like to meet him one day.”

  “So would I Ganasis, so would I.”

  Ganasis then changed the subject to earlier in the day.

  “Do you know word of you is already spreading Talon, soon every Zachanian will be talking about you, I looked at the faces of the men in the room as you killed the wizards, there was much fear, they fear you, they feel your power and courage.”

  “Is that a good thing that my friends fear me Ganasis, I would rather their respect?”

  “You have that Talon! But no mortal would dare slay a wizard, yet you killed two without even blinking, they will fear you because of your desire.”

  “Desire! A friend once told me not to have desire, he told me desire corrupts”

  “Then that is your burden young warrior, you must control it, harness it and unleash it on the Empire with all you’re might.”

  “I will not falter Ganasis, I promise you.”

  “Promise me! Don’t worry I’ll be right next to you, every step of the way, centuries I looked at the same damn walls now I want some excitement” added Ganasis breaking into smile as he finished.

  “Well you’re going to get that Ganasis.” replied Talon.

  “Prince Arun seems a good man I have noticed he has great respect for you Talon and Graval, that man worships you.”

  “Graval! He says he owes me his life.”

  “No doubt! And from what I have seen he would give it to you if you asked for it.”

  Talons mind then drifted making Ganasis asks him what was on his mind.

  “It’s Apollo’s cave Ganasis, do you know of it.”

  “I have heard of it but I have never been there.”

  “In my dreams Apollo told me to seek it.”

  “The cave, it could be anywhere.”

  “Why would Apollo want me to go this cave Ganasis, you knew him what could he be thinking.”

  Ganasis kind of shrugged before the answer hit him like a bolt of lightning.

  “The spell book! Legend says that Apollo hid the spell book in a cave.”

  “A spell book Ganasis.”

  “Not just a spell book but the spell book of all spells.”

  “What could we do with such a spell book?”

  “It has the power to change everything.”

  “But if Apollo had the spell book why did the Empire defeat us.”

  “The spell book is just a book Talon, there are treasures and artefacts needed to make the spells work, legend says that these artefacts are hidden all over Kratos and only if all the artefacts are brought together will the spell book work.”

  “Ganasis I know where the cave is” Talon suddenly snapped causing Ganasis to stiffen his back.

  “Talon if we had that book and the treasures, the power we would have in our hands would make us impregnable.”

  “But what about the treasures Ganasis do you know where they are.”

  “I spoke with Apollo many times about them, there are twelve of them and Apollo possessed two of them.”

  “What are they?”

  “I only know a few, the two Apollo had was a skull from an ancient dog that used to guard the gates of the home of the gods and he had some soil from the highest mountain of Zachania.”

  “What else Ganasis?” interrupted Talon.

  “There is water from the well of the gods, then there is lava from the molten pits of Degrain, a pearl, some candles from the temple of the gods, oh yes and some hair from the beasts that live in the forest of deceit”

  “What else?”

  “I’m sorry Talon that’s all I know but I have heard a myth that a sacred map is in the possession of the Pangkor.”

  “The Pangkor.”

  Ganasis shrugged at Talon.

  “It’s a myth Talon, only the Pangkor would know if it’s true.”

  Talon suddenly fell into silence as his mind raced ‘only a myth but I know how personally how secretive and mysterious the Pangkor are’ he thought.

  Ganasis then got up and stretched.

  “You must get some rest Talon, today has been a long day and tomorrow we travel to Zachra for another meeting of the council.”

  When Prince Arun, Talon, Zalon and Lord Heikan along with their aides and wizards rode into Zachra they were greeted by vast crowds of people cheering and applauding them. News of the battle had travelled fast and the story of Talon had travelled even faster, the crowds lined the streets right up to the Palace gates.

  The council meeting that evening was attended by everyone who was important, the only important person absent as usual was the King himself, all the Lords of Zachania’s great houses were there, Heikan, Tanaga, Zargar, and Krazmos and its newest Lord Talon’s Grandfather Zalon. Talon sat next to Ganasis and Zumal and the Lords took their usual seats with all the walls lined with the Lord’s Generals and aides.

  Prince Arun rose to his feet and the room fell into silence.

  “My fellow Zachanian’s you have all heard of what took place in Zafra where the treacherous wizards were finally rewarded for their crimes. First thing I wish to do tonight is welcome Lord Zalon to this council, it is my wish and my decree that all of Korvak’s property, possessions and titles now fall upon him, and from this day forth the house of Korvak will be forever known as the house of Zalon.”

  Zalon nodded and rose to his feet with a giant smile on his face showing that this was without doubt the proudest moment in his life.

  Most of the men applauded Zalon except Lord Zargar who remained seated only for the Prince to notice and ask him if anything was the matter.

  “Sire I have heard news that troubles me, I have no time for Korvak as he made his own noose by the way he spoke to us and treated you my liege but I have heard that his sons are also imprisoned with him and this I find hard to accept.”

  Zumal rose to answer the question.

  “Lord Zargar thank you for bringing this up and indeed we have given this great thought. Th
e boys were taken into custody because we were in the midst of a battle, I myself will be questioning them where we will decide what to do with them, Lord Zalon has already suggested that a they be given some land in their homeland along with servants, the matter will be resolved and they will not be held in the gaol for long, it’s just process that’s holding them there.”

  Lord Zargar nodded then rose.

  “Very well but I will be keeping myself updated. One of them is my godson, and if it helps then I throw my hat into the ring, and say that they can live with me if they wish.”

  “Thank you Lord Zargar.”

  Prince Arun rose once again and resumed the meeting.

  “My next duty is to formally introduce someone you have all heard about, he has mythical status but he has returned, I introduced Ganasis the wisest of the wise and Apollo’s own wizard.”

  The Prince pointed at Ganasis who just stayed in his chair looking stone faced next to Talon as the room broke into whispers and surprise at the legendary, feared and respected Ganasis sitting before them.

  Ganasis then rose to his feet and the called for silence.

  “It’s true I have returned, I have returned to advise you on what will soon come, forget your past lives that is finished! Forget how you lived in the past that too is finished! The future is now banging on the door and how you live in it is up to the men in this room, now listen carefully to what the Prince has to say.”

  Ganasis sat back down and looked across to the Prince who smiled and nodded to him to say thank you.

  “Men of Zachania! Brave men of Zachania! The emperor and his armies are gathering at our border! And the town of Zanlia is already under martial law, what else do we need to know, is the writing not on the wall! This can only mean that once again the emperor will invade our land.”

  Lord Krazmos forever the cautious one interrupted the Prince.

  “We have no proof that the Empire will invade.”

  “No we have no proof but surely the build of soldiers does prove one thing, that the Empire is interested in us again.”

  Zumal then rose and added something.

  “Everyone here knows of Korvak’s wizards, their treachery has been discovered and it was also discovered that they had for centuries been reporting on us, but now they are dead so those reports are finished and the Empire will be worried, they know of our strengths and of our armies, I am certain that they will want to wage war upon us.”

  Lord Tanaga was next to talk.

  “What do you suggest sire?” he asked the Prince.

  Prince Arun took along breath as he looked at the faces around the room.

  “I say we attack! We land the first blow and make them think twice.”

  Suddenly the room broke into individual discussions about the bombshell Prince Arun had just landed on them.

  “Gentlemen!” shouted Zumal trying to get the meeting back to some kind of order.

  “The time is right, Ganasis has returned and the Zararhakzar is with us, our armies have never been stronger, now is the time” Zumal added shouting above the din.

  Talon who so far had been silent rose from his chair and walked besides Prince Arun and placed a hand on his shoulder asking him for permission to speak, the other men noticed this and after a few calls for silence, Talon had the room.

  “By now you all know who I am, if anyone here does not then I am the words and wishes of Apollo! The same Apollo who died fighting besides our ancestors… I am here to bring revenge, to cast out the old and take what we once had, Freedom!, our time is upon us and now we take back what the Empire took, ready yourselves Zachanian’s and be ready for war and in the words of Apollo we shall unleash a wrath that no army can withstand.”

  Lord Bolson Heikan rose proudly to his feet.

  “I Lord Heikan agree and I vote for war!”

  Once again the room broke into uproar until Prince Arun stood up showing that he was voting for war, Talon did the same followed by Ganasis and Zumal and then Zalon, Lord Heikan then turned to the remaining men.

  “What say you Tanaga?”

  Lord Tanaga paused in his chair for a moment before slowly raising.

  “I say yes but with caution.”

  The two remaining Lords, Lord Zargar and Krazmos both looked at each other and then together joined the other men on their feet. Prince Arun looked around the room at the five Lords all voting for war and he felt a feeling of deep caution as the reality of what he had just done sunk in.

  “What have I done” he thought to himself.

  Ganasis ever the wise noticed the look on Arun’s face and walked over to him and placed an arm around him.

  “You are brave my Prince, you will be spoken about for centuries, now let me address the council” he said confidently which made the Prince snap out of his thoughts and ask the council to sit back down again.

  “This day, this epic day will be remembered for a thousand years! I salute each man’s bravery in this room, now we have agreed, we must now act, we have already discussed a few plans and Lord Zalon has been asked to undertake the task of building battle ships, we have three but we will need ten.”

  Prince Arun spoke next.

  “My own army is currently being prepared but I have forty legions already in place at the border.”

  The discussions went on late into the night with the council making plans among plans all agreeing with what had to be done.

  The next morning Talon knocked on Ganasis’s door and the old man opened it and invited him in.

  “You’re up early Talon.” yawned Ganasis.

  “I have not had much sleep Ganasis; I want to speak with you.”

  Talon walked in a sat down where Ganasis noticed that something was troubling him and asked him what the matter was.

  “When do think we will attack the Empire Ganasis.”

  “Why do you ask weren’t you at the conference Talon.” replied Ganasis slightly puzzled.

  “I’m sorry Ganasis but the talks went on and on and my mind began to wander.”

  Ganasis shrugged his disappointment at Talon’s remark.

  “Three months!” he barked pouring himself some water.

  “Good.” replied Talon.

  Ganasis poured his water and then sat down facing Talon and spoke to him like father speaking to his son.

  “Talon you do not attend a meeting like last nights and stop paying attention.”

  “I am sorry Ganasis.” answered Talon looking sorry for himself.

  “For goodness sake what is wrong?”

  Talon paused then raised his head.

  “I am leaving today Ganasis, I am going for the book.”

  Ganasis frowned confused before answering

  “The spell book!”

  Talon nodded back.

  “I think I know where it is.”

  “I will come with you.” added Ganasis now excited.

  Talon slowly shook his head and looked the wizard in the eye.

  “You are needed here Ganasis.”

  Ganasis thought for a moment as his face dropped.

  “Your right, I can’t go.”

  “I am sure it’s in the mountains of Zachania.”

  “That mountain range is over a hundred miles long.”

  “If I see the mountain I will know it.”

  “Apollo never told anyone where his cave was, he would go there from time to time but always alone.”

  “I will find it Ganasis.”

  “When will you leave?”


  “NOW! Who have you spoken to about this?”

  “Only you Ganasis, tell the council I will return shortly.”

  General Krustov sat frustrated at his desk in Zanlia, he had been organising passes and reading reports for the last three hours when his door was suddenly pushed open. The General jumped out of his chair and was just about to lambaste this rude intrusion into his room when he saw with shock and fear that it was Grarlin the wizard Grand of the Imperial
wizard guild. The General flinched as the giant wizard approached him with a fearsome scowl upon his face.

  “You have failed in your orders.”

  “I have not.” Krustov interrupted speaking very softly.

  “SILENCE! I told you to crush the resistance here, it still thrives give me a reason why I should let you live” Grarlin snapped back and brushing some books off the desk in anger.

  The General froze as he knew how terrifying the wrath of the wizard who stood before him could be, so very carefully he tried to explain.

  “Your highness we have tortured and killed hundreds of Zanlian’s but we have found nothing, I believe there is no resistance in Zanlia.”

  Grarlin leaned forward and placed his hands on the table now looking even more sinister.

  “Would I send you to Zanlia to destroy the resistance if I did not know they exist?”

  General Krustov flinched as he frantically looked for an answer.

  “No your highness.” he uttered bowing his head.

  “If I let you live what will you do to satisfy me.”

  “I will step up our interrogations and increase our scrutiny your highness.”

  “You will stage public executions and show Zanlia what happens to anyone who disobeys the Empire.”

  “Your highness public executions could cause uproar!”

  “Good I want Zanlia in pieces and when you hold these executions make sure you execute the wives and children as well, then they will fear you.”

  Krustov swallowed very deeply at the horror that he was being asked to do; he was a soldier and not a murderer.

  “Your highness Zanlia has thousands of citizens; such an act will bring hate upon the Empire.”

  “Are you my teacher now General? The emperor is very discontented with the Zanlian’s, we have shown them benevolence and all they have done is show empathy for the Zachanian’s, we have information that the Zachanian’s habitually visiting the Zanlian resistance, this will end and they know what it is to be in terror.”

  Krustov having no choice bowed his head and agreed with Grarlin.

  “Yes your highness I will follow your orders to the letter.”

  “Good! Your first order is to burn every boat in Zanlia, small or large, fisherman or merchant you will burn them all, then make it law that no one will own a boat and if anyone is caught in possession of one or building one then the punishment is death, death to them and their family.”


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