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Page 33

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “Yes Ganasis as well, I will see you when I return.”

  “Then take care my son” Zalon said as he stood up and embraced him.

  When Talon arrived at the stables the King and Ganasis were already there with a patrol of twenty royal guards who was accompanying them, Talon wasted no time and got on his horse then the men rode from the Palace. As they rode out into the streets of Zachra they were happy to see thousands of people who were celebrating the Kings celebration, the crowds cheered the men as they rode by which made them all feel like heroes. The journey through the streets took longer than usual which had a mixed feeling as the King enjoyed the acclaim but still he knew that the journey to the border was and arduous trip made even more treacherous by the massive Zachanian mountain range.

  When night began to fall one of the soldiers who was leading the party fell back to speak with the King.

  “Sire we should make camp, the paths are to hazardous for the horses under the blanket of night.”

  King Arun turned to Ganasis.

  “What do you think Ganasis?”

  “I think it would be advisable, we can resume our journey at dawn.”

  So they rode around the next valley where they found an open patch of land where they tied their horses and began to build a fire.

  They had chosen a spot to camp, which was frequently used by merchants and soldiers who did not wish to open to the vicious freezing winds that sometimes swept around the mountains especially at night when the temperature would fall dramatically.

  Once the fire was lit the men gathered around to keep them-selves warm where Talon began to speak.

  “Tell me Ganasis what you would want to see at the border?”

  Ganasis was playing with a stick pushing and pulling it in the fire and when he heard Talon’s question he threw the stick into the fire and turned to him.

  “Firstly I want to see if the Talisman I hid is still there and secondly I need to get a feel of the place.”

  “A feel Ganasis.” King Arun broke in.

  “A sense really I want to feel if there is any magic from the Empire’s wizards there.”

  “And if there is?” Talon asked.

  “Then I will have to prepare, I will have to anticipate what they will do and make precautions.”

  “Are you saying they could have left a talisman too?”

  “No I don’t think so; I would be very surprised if they did.”

  Talon thought for a moment then asked another question.

  “You left one Ganasis.”

  Ganasis then realised that he wasn’t explaining himself very clearly.

  “Yes Talon I did, but I had the great fortune to be taught by the god Apollo. He showed me many secrets and the Talisman I left contained some of his hair, he once cut some off and gave it to me, I was told I could use it once to make a spell, a spell that would last forever, but the spell could not be a weapon or a means to death but only for defence, so I respected his word and made a Talisman that stopped any magic entering Zachania at the border.”

  “And we all owe you our life’s for that Ganasis.”

  Talon thought for a moment before asking another question.

  “Ganasis you say no magic can enter Zachania but I have seen Zumal and other wizards use truth crystals along with other things.”

  “They are just tricks Talon, wizards tricks passed down from decades and centuries, the magic I speak of is magic that can change the weather, or has the power to send imaginary flames onto the battlefield which actually burn, powers that can summon plagues of insects, things like this could have been used on our land if it wasn’t for the Talisman.”

  Talon and the King sighed as what they had just listened to made them realise the horrors of war and worse still what horrors may soon be to come.

  “So these are the tricks of the Empire Ganasis, and they used this magic on us” Arun asked with a caution in his voice as if he didn’t want to know the answer.

  Ganasis looked at Arun out of the corner of his eye and replied in a voice, which was cold and full of warning.

  “They used this and many other things and they will use them again.”

  The King took a fleeting glimpse at Talon before turning back to Ganasis.

  “How by the gods do we defend this?”

  “We can make our own spells but I cannot be present at every battle but then again nor can the Empires wizards, these things level themselves out over time that is part of the battle.”

  Talon who was thinking seemed distracted.

  “Talon” Arun said nudging him.

  “What’s on your mind?” Ganasis asked.

  “I was thinking of spinal powder and now you tell me that the wizards have the magic to alter the weather.”

  Ganasis smiled at Talon picking up on this as he had already thought about it.

  “I have been thinking about it Talon, the wizards must have altered the wind to a soft breeze just enough to carry the powder but not enough to raise our suspicions, it was very clever.”

  “What do you mean Ganasis?” asked the King.

  “They deceived me! If the wind had suddenly changed direction and started to blow a gale then I would have suspected something, but a light breeze it never got my attention, it was clever and it worked but they will not deceive me again!”

  “It sounds like you’re going to be busy Ganasis.” Talon added.

  “Indeed! A wizards task on the battlefield is a battle of wills, they send a spell and I send a spell back, back and forth we go trying to find a weakness in the others magic, it can go on for hours even days and is exhausting, I remember one battle near Zanlia when we were approaching a hill and then all of a sudden millions upon millions of rats came into view coming across the hill, the whole hill was amass of moving vermin, it looked terrifying, so quick as I could I conjured a spell for the rats to fear us but with so many I had to keep saying the spell over and over and this went on for hours and after the battle I was so drained I had to rest for nearly a week. Let me warn you now be ready to see and do battle against such horrors, such of the like you have never seen of imagined before, the Empire will use everything in their power to defeat us.”

  Talon hesitated for a moment then turned to Ganasis and looked at him very seriously.

  “I am ready Ganasis, whatever comes I will fight it.”

  Ganasis then slapped King Arun on the leg.

  “See my King! This is what we need, blind courage and the strength to overcome adversity; this is the will we need in our soldiers.”

  Arun looked back at Ganasis looking somewhat shocked.

  “Ganasis I have absolute faith in my army, their morale and spirits are high.”

  Ganasis raised his finger in the air as he replied to the King.

  “You say their moral is high good! well let’s see if their moral is high when they have to march fifty miles and then fight a battle at the end of it and march another fifty miles without rest, if you can still say their moral is high after that then you would have succeeded in being there King.”

  King Arun just nodded back as he contemplated the wizard’s words when Ganasis let out a loud yawn.

  “I think I will sleep tonight.” he said allowing himself a little luxury.

  “Yes old man you sleep tonight, you have been working solidly for two days and nights.”

  Talon said before moving closer to the fire and holding out his hands to warm them where King Arun moved closer to whisper to him.

  “I am really taken by that old man.” the King said quietly as Ganasis was making himself comfortable, Talon looked over his shoulder and saw the wizard now lying and trying to get comfortable.

  “He is some man Arun, his zest and energy for life shames us all, I have never seen a man with such life in him.”

  Arun then nudged Talon on the arm and moved his head closer making sure that Ganasis could not hear.

  “Talon we have not forgotten that if it wasn’t for you then Ganasis would
not be here.”

  Talon remained silent for a moment before replying.

  “Nor must we forget that it was Neo who gave his life so Ganasis can be by our side.”

  King Arun just nodded and looked at Talon sincerely enough that no words were needed.

  “I think it’s time we get some rest to sire” Talon suddenly snapped

  The King said goodnight to Talon but stayed sitting fiddling about with the fire, soon the flames made his mind wander and he began to think about the future and what it was going to bring, after a few minutes the King laid back next to Talon and just stared up at the stars.

  “Talon.” he said softly.

  Talon who was half asleep opened his eyes and answered.

  “Yes Arun.”

  The King paused for a moment before speaking as if being hesitant he then rolled his head over and caught Talon’s eye.

  “Talon I do not want to be remembered as a King who led his people to destruction, do you really believe we can win.”

  “Yes Arun I believe, do you not believe.”

  “My heart believes but my head sometimes has its doubts.”

  Talon then woke and sat up.

  “What do you doubt Arun?”

  King Arun looked back at the stars and tried to hold back his pride as he told Talon his fears.

  “I think it is the unknown that I fear and maybe I question my own competence, I have heard stories about the Empire all my life but I have never stepped foot outside of Zachania, tell me Talon is wrong for a King to fear.”

  Talon looked across to Arun and spoke very strong.

  “I won’t lie to you Arun, the Empire is indeed something to fear but if we did not fear them, then I would say we are fools, myself and Ganasis have spoken frequently about you and we both respect and have full faith in you, you ask me if it is wrong for a King to fear, my answer is that it is a Kings duty to fear, your fear is for your subjects, the men you lead but you will have to find a way to control that fear, confront it and make it your friend, you must never let your imagination turn your fear into your enemy, remember if fear overcomes you then you will credit your enemy’s with qualities that they do not possess.”

  The King thought for a second and then replied.

  “How do you keep your fears at bay?”

  “I believe in my abilities and I acknowledge the fact that sometimes you can do the right thing yet still be wrong.”

  “Talon but I am King! If I am wrong then it could mean the deaths for many people.”

  “Is it not the same for me Arun, there are no guarantees my friend, you could make a right decision yet still life’s are lost, I think it is confidence that you need and that will come with experience and luck, you must accept that in the coming weeks thousands of Zachanian’s may die and you have already took on the responsibility as King, you are now our leader and I for one admire your courage for that decision, you must now use that courage and channel it into your confidence Arun, we are certain that you will be a great King but you must believe that yourself.”

  Arun then reached out and took Talon’s hand.

  “Will you help me to be a good King and leader Talon?”

  Talon frowned as if reassuring his sincerity.

  “I will always be here for you, as your loyal subject and as your friend.”

  Chapter 20

  There was a cold chill in the air the next morning as wind blowing off the mountains swept down into the valley making it difficult for Ganasis who was trying without much success to light a fire.

  “Ganasis! Are you alright?”

  “Damn fire!” Ganasis snapped back.

  King Arun woke as Ganasis cursed and soon the men gathered their supplies and after watering the horses they rode out of the valley and back into the mountains, after a day’s ride they finally made it through the mountain range where Talon studied the barren wilderness, it was lifeless just rock and desert .

  “The border is not far now Talon.” King Arun said thankful.

  “Arun this place is so open and vast.” Talon said commenting on the landscape.

  The King agreed as he looked around himself looking at the Zachra Mountains to his left and the mountain ranges of Zabac to his right.

  When they reached the encampment at the border they came across their first blockade where two soldiers one of which was a captain came out to greet them, the other soldier who stood back a bit was a Colonel, King Arun pushed his horse to the front where the colonel recognised the Kings shield and instantly the colonel realised that Prince Arun was now the King, the colonel dropped down on one knee and saluted him.

  “SIRE!” he said proudly.

  “Rise Colonel Rise.” Arun said while using his arm to urge the man to stand. The colonel got to his feet and asked the King how he could be of service to him, the King told him they were checking the border and asked the Colonel if all was well which the Colonel answered that everything was fine.

  King Arun and his party then headed for the second encampment where they found thousands of soldiers all busy practising drills and preparing themselves. The royal party tied up their horses then the King, Talon and Ganasis walked into the largest tent on the camp. When they entered they met General Kanyan who was a senior and loyal officer in Arun’s own army and had been a personal friend of Arun since childhood.

  “Arun you’re wearing the Kings crest, is your father ok.” Kanyan asked looking concerned, as he had not yet received word of the coronation.

  “He is fine Kanyan I am the King now.”

  “Your father stepped aside.”

  Arun just nodded and smiled.

  General Kanyan then saluted Arun by dropping to his knee.

  “Sire!” he said loudly before the King told him to get up.

  “Kanyan, this is Ganasis and this is Talon, you are to take orders from them also.”

  The General stepped forward and greeted them but as he heard the name Talon he stared deeply at him because even in this desolate and isolated place his name had reached them. The General then turned his attention back to the King.

  “Sire what can we do for you?”

  “We need to see Death Valley and see how the preparations are going for the attack.”

  “Sire the King cannot go into Death Valley, it’s too dangerous.” answered the General looking concerned.

  “Nonsense!” replied the King looking embarrassed.

  “He is right my King, it is too much of a risk at present.” interrupted Ganasis.

  The King looked at Ganasis still feeling embarrassed as being protected this way, this was somewhat new to him; Talon noticed the strained atmosphere and added his own view which he hoped would please the King.

  “Arun I think it best if you stay here and supervise the arrival of your army, anyway Ganasis and I could be in the valley for days, it would be great to have your company but your advice and leadership would be much better suited here.”

  The King nodded as he understood what Talon was saying.

  “Yes your right, there is much I need to do here.”

  Talon then picked up a map that was lying on the General’s desk and began studying it as Ganasis turned to the General.

  “Tell me General Kanyan, when did you last send a scouting party into the valley?”

  The General then reached for a note on the table.

  “A party returned this morning, I have their report here.”

  “Was anything unusual?”

  “No everything was normal, except that the Empires presence on the other side continues to grow, but the valley is as it always is.”

  “That’s good.” Talon added lifting his head from the map.

  Ganasis then tapped Talon to join him outside and then excused himself from the King before the two men walked out of the tent back into the blazing sun.

  “The sun shines strong here Ganasis.” Talon said shielding his eyes and loosening his garments.

  “Come Talon, I want to show you some
thing.” replied Ganasis ignoring the comment about the sun before leading Talon towards a group of small mountains which were a few hundred feet to the east.

  “Are we climbing Ganasis?” added Talon as they reached the rocks.

  “Come on!” Ganasis snapped back as he began scrambling up the hills, when they reached the top Talon could see the sea to his right and a vast desert valley stretching for as far as the eye could see before him.

  “Death valley!” Ganasis said pointing to it.

  Talon took a few steps forward and gazed out at the barren landscape, the valley was a natural bridge with mountains either side linking Zachania to Kratos.

  “What do you feel?” asked Ganasis as he joined besides Talon.

  Talon closed his eyes and concentrated.

  “I feel death, suffering, and pain.”

  “Good! Your inner sight serves you well Talon, there is no life in the valley, not even the birds fly over it.”

  Talon then winced which Ganasis noticed.

  “What’s wrong Talon?”

  After a short pause Talon answered looking in discomfort.

  “I am not sure Ganasis, but I am feeling the life’s of thousands screaming in agony.”

  Ganasis looked at Talon now fascinated at what he had said.

  “You can sense them Talon.”

  “It’s a horrible feeling Ganasis, I can feel it in my stomach.”

  “The valley is cursed Talon, you can sense the souls! Centuries ago thousands and thousands of men died where they fell, we had to leave them and never had the chance to bury them, they just rotted into the ground.”

  Talon suddenly spat and screwed up his face as if he had eaten something horrible.

  “It’s horrible.” Talon sighed.

  Ganasis rubbed his beard as he held out an arm to comfort his friend.

  “Your powers as a mortal amaze me Talon, you feel the feelings only a wizard can feel.”

  “You can feel this Ganasis.”

  Ganasis nodded that he did.

  Talon then remembered what his Grandfather had said to him about the powers his family possessed.

  “Sometimes your powers will seem like a curse.”

  Talon then turned away from the valley and spoke again to Ganasis.

  “How can you bare this, I can almost smell them.” he added once again screwing his face up.


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