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Page 51

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “When Apollo saved you Quankow, what did he tell you to do?”

  “He told me to travel to the south-west where I would find a forest, in this forest I would find solitude, there I should remain and multiply my race.”

  “Your race was called the Kesain, yes.”

  “That was our ancient tribal name.”

  “I was told the Kesain’s was extinct Quankow, never did I imagine that the beasts in the forest of Deceit were Kesain.” added Talon which made Quankow laugh.

  “The Forest of Deceit! We found much humour when you told us what you call our home.” Quankow thought back still laughing.

  Ganasis smiled and waited for the Kesainian leader to stop laughing before turning to him with a serious look on his face.

  “Quankow, will your people come with us to Zanlia?”

  Quankow turned and looked at Talon before answering.

  “If it is the wish of Apollo then we will come with you.”

  “Apollo wishes it Quankow; together the Zachanian’s and the Kesain’s must free the land of this evil Empire.”

  Quankow nodded his large head which made some of his matted hair drop over his face.

  “So be it, we are together then.” he replied before turning back to Ganasis.

  “So you are thinking of going to Zanlia” he added with a strange look on his face as if he was distracted by another thought.

  “Does that concern you Quankow?” asked Ganasis noticing his concerned look.

  “It is not concern, the foothills of the mountains of Zanlia were once my home, it is where we lived before we were conquered by the Degrain.”

  “Then you will be going back home.” Ganasis replied smiling as he tapped the Kesain affectionately on his giant arm.

  Quankow smiled again and then looked up at the sky.

  “It is getting late Ganasis, I must return to my kin.” he thought getting to his feet.

  “We will speak again tomorrow Quankow.” added Ganasis.

  Talon rose to his feet and gave the Kesain an embrace before he and Ganasis stood silent as he walked off into the night back to his race that were camped in Death Valley, Ganasis then turned to Talon and place both his hands on his shoulders.

  “Well, you did it, how do you feel.”

  Talon smiled as for the first time it began to sink in just what had happened.

  “I have mixed emotions Ganasis, half of me wants to shout to the stars, but then I feel so tired, I feel like sleeping for a week.”

  Ganasis laughed.

  “That is what war does to you Talon, but whatever else, remember this moment, and remember that it was you who made this happen.”

  “No Ganasis it was all of us.” replied Talon sincerely.

  Ganasis again smiled and made a fist where he playfully pushed it against the chin of Talon.

  “So let us celebrate tonight, tomorrow we think of Zanlia.”

  “So soon Ganasis.”

  Asked Talon surprised.

  “The council wants us to leave straight away Talon.”

  “It makes sense……the Empire will be in disarray, do you think we will meet much resistance.”

  “Some but I don’t think we have much to fear after what we have just been through here, personally I think the Empire will give Zanlia up and regroup their strength at Kallick Town. But I fear that they will not leave Zanlia until they have massacred the Zanlian’s.”

  “Massacre!” replied Talon showing concern.

  “That is what they done in the last war, they killed everyone, regrouped in Kallick Town and then returned in vast numbers.”

  “Then we have no choice other than to get there as quick as we can, we must help the Zanlian’s, I will call a council meeting now.” answered Talon now showing signs of urgency.

  “Calm yourself!” Ganasis snapped grabbing Talon by the arm.

  “We will do all we can for the Zanlian’s, but tonight our men need to rest, I suggest you do the same Talon, tomorrow we will make our plans.”

  Celebrations went into the early hours of the morning as the Zachanian’s drank themselves dry on an abundance of ale, morning came late for most of the Zachanian’s as they woke closer to noon rather than dawn. When King Arun woke he was greeted by Ganasis and Zumal who had been busy working through the night, the King pulled on a gown and looked at the two wizards with dread as he saw those carrying armfuls of scrolls for him.

  “Morning sire, the sun is high in the sky and victory wafts in the air!” Zumal said sounding full of energy.

  King Arun rubbed his head and tried to wipe away the sleep from his eyes, he yawned loudly as the wizards threw down the scrolls onto the table, Ganasis laughed as he noticed the King looking worse for wear as a result of all the drinking he had done last night.

  “HA!…you men drink and drink and never give thought to the consequences the morning will bring, come my young King, we have work to be done.” Ganasis snapped.

  “Could you at least speak quietly.” Arun replied still yawning which made Ganasis laugh as he slapped a large scroll onto the table and opened it.

  “I have the numbers of our casualties sire.” Ganasis sternly said as he reached for two goblets and placed them onto the scroll to keep it from closing.

  “I will start with your army Arun, total deaths, two hundred and sixty thousand, injured over seventy thousand, ninety nine thousand ready for battle, Lord Krazmos’s army, total dead eighty two thousand, injured, just under ten thousand, eight thousand ready to fight, Lord Tanaga’s army, total dead one hundred and forty thousand, injured, ten thousand and twenty thousand ready to fight, Lord Heikan’s army lost sixty two thousand men, injured, twelve thousand leaving one hundred and sixty thousand ready for battle, Lord Zargar’s army is still at full strength, eighty thousand warriors, the grand total of casualties is five hundred and thirty six thousand and one hundred and two thousand injured warriors who will be nursed back to health.”

  King Arun sobered immediately as he heard Ganasis read out the figures, he sat down at the table and looked up at his wizard, his face looked distraught.

  “By Apollo Ganasis, we have paid a terrible price for victory.”

  “That is war Arun.”

  “By Apollo, do you not have any feelings Ganasis!” the King snapped back.

  Ganasis sat down next to the young King and grabbed his arm.

  “Arun the morning after the victory always brings its pain.” he said trying to sound sincere

  Zumal then placed another scroll down in front of the King and began to read out aloud.

  “The journey to Zanlia will take approximately two to three days, may I be so bold as to suggest you order Lord Heikan and Lord Zargar armies accompanied by the beasts Kesain to leave for Zanlia today……myself and Ganasis have discussed this at great length and we both agree that whatever remains of the Empire in Zanlia will be no match for these warriors.”

  King Arun grabbed the scroll and began to study it, moments later he turned to Ganasis.

  “Do you not think it wise to send scouting parties first?”

  “I would say let the armies advance first and then send scouting parties ahead, I do not think the Empire will stay in Zanlia.”

  “What makes you think they will leave Zanlia?”

  “There are a number of reasons Arun, firstly Zanlia is very hard to defend and secondly there is no strategic worth for the Empire to risk losing more life’s, thirdly the Empire know that there is resentment for them in Zanlia, they will not want thousands of their soldiers tied up doing little else than keeping order.”

  “It would be a terrible blow to their morale if they were to lose It.” replied The King.

  “Arun the Empire has no ego, they care little for what people think, strategically it is the thing to do, and their strength is in Kallick Town and the Palace lands not in Zanlia, they will want their soldiers in the battlefield, not fighting resistance fighters.”

  “If you are correct Ganasis then I fear f
or the people of Zanlia, the Empire will try to crush them before leaving.” answered the King.

  Ganasis smiled at the King before he answered.

  “You are wise my young King, that is exactly what they will do.”

  King Arun quickly rose from his chair as he spoke now with much more urgency and importance.

  “Ganasis! Ready the armies, find Heikan and Talon, we march for Zanlia today!”

  Fires blazed across the Zanlian sky, smoke could be seen for miles around as the holy city burnt, just as Ganasis had suggested the Empire had withdrawn from the city leaving only a few hundred suicide soldiers who’s task was to destroy the holy town.

  Two days had now passed since the Zachanian’s monumental victory at Death Valley, Talon leading the armies of Lord Heikan and Lord Zargar accompanied by the Kesain’s reached the outskirts of Zanlia just as night was beginning to fall, Ganasis immediately noticed the smoke in the distance and sniffed loudly on horse next to Talon.

  “Do you smell it?” he asked Talon and Heikan.

  “Yes” answered Talon looking troubled.

  “They are burning the city.” added Heikan.

  Talon looked around looking to see if he could see any Imperial soldiers, he had to make a decision, enter the city now to save the Zanlian’s where he could walk into a trap or wait till morning to attack where countless life’s could be lost.

  “I do not think we will meet much resistance Talon.” said Ganasis guessing what Talon was thinking.

  “Shall we attack now?” Talon asked Heikan.

  “Why not.” replied the Lord smiling.

  Talon smiled back at him and moments later he kicked his heels into his horse and galloped towards the city followed by Heikan, Zargar, Kinlan and Ganasis with thousands of warriors charging on foot behind. Talon and Kinlan rode into the cobbled streets of Zanlia first, everywhere they found townsfolk in a state of panic frantically trying to extinguish the fires. Talon quickly jumped from his horse and pulled his sword, he could see in the distance that his army were closing, then he heard the screams of women coming from a nearby building which was heavily on fire, Talon ran into the building with Kinlan following where they found two women hiding at a far wall screaming in fear, Quickly Talon ran to help them, together with Kinlan they picked up the women and ran back out into the street.

  The women thanked Talon and Kinlan before both men started to walk towards Lord Heikan and the first of his army that had just arrived.

  “Have the men help to put out the fires!” Talon shouted to Heikan.

  “Where is the Empire?” Heikan shouted back getting off his horse.

  Talon was just about to reply when he out of the corner of his eye he saw an Imperial soldier standing in a window of a burning shop front, Talon’s eyes opened wide as he noticed the soldier was pointing his bow at him, an eye blink later Talon felt an arrow tear into his chest, Talon let out a loud sigh of breath as he felt the pain run through his body, he then felt dizzy as he struggled to keep his balance, a moment later he slumped to the ground.

  “TALON!” Heikan shouted as he ran to his aid and Kinlan followed by a group of Zachanian’s ran to kill the soldier.

  Talon looked up to see Heikan now cupping his head, he could see the Lord screaming his name but he could not hear his words, the pain was increasing and so was his sense of where he was, then he coughed blood and moments later he fell into darkness.

  Talon opened his eyes and struggled to focus, he tried to move but felt an intense pain shoot through his body, blinking hard he till he cleared his eyes he looked down and saw that he was lying in a bed with his chest heavily bandaged, Talon struggled to move his arm to his face as he became aware that he was not alone and that there was a man sitting at the end of the bed, Talon reached out towards the man and felt the hot sun rays on his hand coming from the window next to the bed.

  “Ganasis is that you?” he struggled to say.

  Suddenly the man at the end of the bed jumped up and hurried over to Talon, Talon smiled as he saw Ganasis lean over him and touches his forehead.

  “Stay still Talon.” Ganasis said like a loving father trying to comfort a son.

  “Ganasis.” sighed Talon feeling safe now he was with him.

  “I thought we lost you Talon….rest now, you are going to be fine.”

  “I would not leave you and the King yet …. We still have things to do.” sighed Talon just as he fell back into sleep and did not wake again until the next morning where he opened his eyes to find Ganasis was now accompanied by Lord Heikan.

  “Talon.” Lord Heikan said proudly grabbing Talon’s hand.

  “How are you my friend?” added the Lord.

  “Where am I?” replied Talon looking around the room.

  “ZANLIA! Answered Heikan raising his voice emphasizing proudly the fact they were in the holy city which made Talon smile as he realised that they must have taken the city.

  “Do we have the city?”

  “Yes my lord, Zanlia is ours”

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Two days my friend.”

  “Zanlia is liberated Talon, people are dancing in the streets showing their gratitude that we are here.”

  Talon smiled again then gazed down at his bandaged chest.

  “All I can remember is being struck in the chest; I felt it rip into me.”

  “The Pangkor’s say the arrow just missed your heart; just a fraction to the right and it would have killed you.”

  “The Pangkor’s!” Talon replied.

  “Yes, you are in the temple, it was Ganasis who brought you to them.”

  Hearing that he was in the temple Talon lowered his head back down onto his pillow and smiled as an overwhelming feeling of security engulfed him, Lord Heikan noticed Talon smiling and turned Ganasis.

  “He is at one of his homes.” Ganasis whispered back to Heikan.

  “Let us leave him to rest.” Heikan replied as he noticed Talon closing his eyes.

  Ganasis closed the door behind him very slow as he cautiously tried not to disturb Talon.

  “I do not know how he is still living Ganasis, that arrow would have killed ninety nine men out of a hundred, it is a miracle he still breathes” Heikan said quietly as he walked down the corridor.

  “Talon’s strength is extraordinary, death should have come for him but his spirit to live is too strong, even for the gods.” answered Ganasis.

  “The Zararhakzar” replied Heikan.

  “That he surely is Heikan, and he is either extremely lucky or he has the god Apollo perched firmly on his shoulder.”

  “I pray that he has Ganasis, in the long days and nights ahead we are going to need him, this war of ours has just began”

  The End of Tome 1

  Zachania Tome Two excerpt


  Six Zachanian months later

  After the historic battle at Death Valley and Zanlia was liberated, Lord Heikan, Ganasis and the Kesain’s headed south obeying the King’s orders to conquer the seaport town of Tallasian. The Zachanian’s took just three days until Lord Heikan with Quankow entered the castle of Tallasian and took the Imperial commanders prisoner. Days later the whole south western region fell to the mighty Zachanian and Kesain warriors.

  Six full moons had now passed over the land of Kratos which was now split into two separate lands, starting from the great river Gansis everything to the west was now conquered Zachanian land. The Empire just as Ganasis predicted strengthened their position in the powerful Imperial Kallick town on the northern coast where everything east of that town was still under strict Imperial control.

  The old trade routes which used to run from Zanlia to Vilsillius had now been re-opened and tradesmen travelled freely between them with even a select few entering Zachania to peddle their trades.

  The Zachanian armies were stretched out across the west with large concentrations in Vilsillius and Tallasian while Zanlia contained the main strength of the Zachani
an army, Zanlian’s and Tallasian’s had also flocked to join the armies, swelling their manpower to fight the Empire.

  Lord Zalon had also arrived in Zanlia heading an armada of ten battleships which sat in the town’s ports ready to attack or defend any advance from the sea.

  King Arun had returned to Zachra, the capital town of Zachania and had given complete control to Ganasis and Lord Heikan to strengthen their positions in Kratos.

  After Talon was nursed back to health by the Pangkor’s he remained at their temple in Zanlia, seldom would he attend any council meetings anymore, instead he chose his time to study and meditate, he chose solitude within the temple.

  The name Talon was now revered amongst the common people, since people heard about his miraculous recovery, gossip of his powers were exaggerated greatly amongst the townsfolk, every evening at one of the Zanlian taverns you would here talk of Talon’s invincibility as jugs of ale and wine were consumed.

  His name had become a word for honour and strength, weak men would use Talon’s name as an inspiration to be strong and strong men would use his name as a role model for valour, his reputation was now unparalleled, he was a man amongst men, becoming almost godlike.

  Occasionally Talon would break from his solitude and speak at large gatherings within the temple grounds, Pangkor’s would travel from all over the western provinces to come and see and hear him preach the words of the Pangs.

  Zanlia was now the centre of all of Kratos for the Pangkor religion, pilgrims and holy men flocked in their thousands just in the hope of seeing or hearing the ‘Pangkorgower’ or Lord of all monks as they called him, even the Kesain’s seemed to revere him as they gave him their own secret name which was totally incomprehensible in the language of man.

  When Ganasis returned victorious from the south he also made Zanlia his new home, the wizard set up residence in the south-western quarter of the city, commonly known as ‘the merchant quarter’.


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