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The Crush Dilemma (Dear Aubrey Book 1)

Page 16

by Hatler, Susan

  I’d messed things up with Daniel, too, even if I hadn’t meant to.

  I took a long breath. I stared at Amber’s email, trying to formulate a few thoughts before my fingers started typing an honest response.

  Dear Amber,

  Nobody should ever feel like they aren’t smart enough, or pretty enough, or anything enough, for a guy. If he makes you feel that way then he’s the wrong guy. You don’t know for sure that he cheated on you with Poppy. It’s better not to form an opinion on a rumor until you have all of the facts. With that said, no, I don’t think you should confront her.

  What if he really cheated on you with someone else? You might wreck Poppy’s life by accusing her of doing something that she didn’t do, and that wouldn’t be fair at all. It seems to me that the person who’s to blame here is Jake. Not you. Not Poppy.

  Jake cheated on you.

  Jake’s the reason you feel bad about yourself.

  So if you want to confront someone, why not confront Jake?

  Stay real,


  Chapter Thirteen

  Dear Aubrey,

  I really like this guy but a friend of mine likes him, too. Is it okay for me to tell him that I like him? Or would that make me a bad friend? Maybe I should pretend I don’t like him at all, even though it would be painful to see them together if they become a couple.


  Friends Before Boyfriends

  Dear Friends Before Boyfriends,

  If this girl’s your true friend then you should be able to talk to her about all of this honestly. You’re both interested in the same guy, but who’s he interested in? No matter what happens don’t let feelings for a boy ruin your friendship. Good luck!

  Stay real,


  HYPOTHESIS: Will liking the same guy break up a friendship?

  PURPOSE OF EXPERIMENT: See if two girls can stay friends even if they like the same guy.

  CONCLUSION: Undetermined

  I crossed the school parking lot the next morning, feeling like everyone was staring at me. Not so long ago I’d been a teen geek with a good reputation and a studious social life. How could things have changed so much in such a short time?

  Better yet, why did Trish have it out for me? She did. She really had it out for me. She was determined to ruin me. It wouldn’t be so difficult to do either since I was already doing such a great job at wrecking my entire life all on my own.

  I headed for class as the warning bell sounded, trying to ignore everyone staring at me. It took me right back to elementary school when the demeaning Poppy-corn nickname had begun. My mouth went dry as I raced past lockers and down the hallway. Every head seemed to turn toward me. Maybe that was my imagination. Yeah, I wished.

  As I drew close to the classroom, I spotted Amber striding toward me. Her face was set and grim. My pulse hit triple speed. I started to sweat. Was I in for a major confrontation from a girl who had been wronged? Or would she take Aubrey’s advice and leave me alone?

  Aubrey. Me.

  I was thinking of us as two separate people. I didn’t like that any more than I liked being afraid or worried. I didn’t like any of what was happening. Everything had gone beyond complicated and straight into utter chaos and I didn’t know how to fix any of it.

  Now Amber was right in front of me. I held my breath. She sailed right past my shoulder without even a backward glance. I sighed with relief. That relief was cut short when Daniel stepped in front of me.

  “Poppy,” he said, voice low. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course,” I managed to squeak out.

  He lifted his chin, shook his head, and kept walking down the hall.

  What the . . .? That had been my moment to speak with him but I’d blurted out a lie. He obviously knew I wasn’t being honest. Hello? Degrading rumor. . . If I wanted that moment back, I’d have to get it myself. Trying to gather my courage, I hurried to catch up with him just as the last bell sounded. Scooting along beside him was no easy feat, with his long strides, and I knew I must look ridiculous. “Daniel, I’m sorry. I really thought . . .”

  He stopped, spun around and faced me. “You’re sorry? For what? You didn’t really do that?”

  I didn’t have to ask what that was. “No, of course not. I know what people are saying. They’re accusing me of doing whatever with Jake while he was with Amber. He did kiss me at Crush for a brief moment but they were broken up. And Amber was there with Mason.”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “I heard it was a hook up.”

  My face went numb. “I did not hook up with Jake. I’ve never hooked up with anyone.”

  Oh, great. Now I was making things even worse. Tears threatened to come flying down my face at full speed but I couldn’t let them. “Can I talk to you about this later? I’m late for class. We’re both already late for class and . . . I do want to talk to you about it because I owe you an apology and an explanation.”

  Daniel gazed down the empty hallway and then back at me. “How about we talk at lunch?”

  I nodded. It had to do. He headed into his class and I dashed in after him. I kept my head down, trying not to look at anyone because I knew everyone had heard the rumors and that most people were really angry with me.

  I found a seat in the back and heard a little outbreak of whispers behind me. My mouth went dry. My hands shook. I should have just pretended to be too sick to go to school but I couldn’t do that for the next two years until everyone involved graduated.

  Although, if things didn’t change soon, that just might be my only option.


  After class, I so needed to run to the restroom but I spotted Beth in the hall waiting at my locker. I took a deep breath and walked toward her. Would she think I hooked up with Jake while he was with Amber? Or would she still be my friend despite everything?

  She tilted her head. “Hey, there.”

  “Aren’t you mad at me, too?” I asked.

  “Because you supposedly stole Jake from Amber?”

  I nodded. “Pretty much. That and everything else.”

  “No way.” She watched while I opened my locker and exchanged my books. Then she turned to me and gave me a hard hug. “People are crazy if they think you’d hook up with Jake while he was with Amber. They obviously don’t know your character.”

  My eyes welled with tears. She believed in me. Of course she knew better. She knew me. She’d also been the one to tell me that Jake and Amber had broken up back when we had still been super close, and she had spent most of her free time with me.

  “Thanks for believing in me.”

  Beth nodded, then gave me a sad smile. “Do you think Amber and Mason are going to work out?”

  My brows knit together. “I don’t know. Why do you ask?”

  Beth looked around and then leaned toward me. “I really like Mason. As in like, like him.” She covered her face with her hands and groaned. “I’ve never admitted that before. I’m finally realizing this now that he and Amber have gone out, which is bad timing. But I don’t think they are together together, you know? I want to tell him how I feel, before it’s too late. But I don’t want to be a bad friend to Amber. What do you think?”

  I put a hand to my mouth. Had Beth written to Dear Aubrey this morning? Was she Friends Before Boyfriends? I knew I should tell her to talk to Amber first, just like Aubrey suggested. But now I knew the parties involved and I sincerely thought Mason and Beth would be perfect for each other. Mason and Amber? Not so much.

  I put a hand on Beth’s shoulder. “You should tell him you like him.”

  Beth gnawed at her bottom lip. “You really think so?”

  “Yes and no.” I laughed at my mixed answer. “What I mean is . . . I’ve always thought you and Mason would make a great couple. But now it’s sticky since he’s started dating Amber. Maybe you should talk to her, too.”

  She nodded. “Mason told me he’s concerned that A
mber’s just using him to try to make Jake jealous. He doesn’t get why she picked him because he doesn’t realize how amazing he is, which I’ve always known. I guess I just couldn’t admit to myself how much I liked him.”

  I gave her a sympathetic look. “Why not?”

  “Remember that time you dared us to kiss in junior high? I’d turned bright red after we kissed and was so embarrassed by my reaction that I told him we should never do that again. So lame, right? Especially since I’ve replayed that kiss over and over in my head for years. And now it might be too late. But, part of me wonders if I still have a chance.”

  “You might.” I didn’t want to encourage her if she didn’t have a chance, but what did I know about who Mason liked? “Just go into it carefully in case he does genuinely like Amber now.”

  She nodded. “What about you? Are you still mad at Daniel?”

  I shook my head. A few students passed by us. I waited until they were gone to say, “No. I’m mad at Trish, and myself. I’m mostly mad because I didn’t kiss Jake back when he kissed me, but I didn’t push him away, either.”

  Her brows shot toward her hairline. “Why didn’t you kiss him back?”

  I shifted my books to the other arm. “Because it didn’t feel right.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve crushed on him forever. How could you resist kissing him back when this is what you’ve been waiting for?”

  “This is going to make me sound so lame.” I put one hand to my forehead since it felt like I was coming down with a fever of complete guilt. Nope, just embarrassment. “I wasn’t completely sure about my feelings until Jake kissed me, and then I realized who I really liked.”

  “Daniel.” Beth said it as a statement, not a question. “It’s about time, girl.”

  “You knew I had feelings for Daniel?”

  She gave me a look. “We’ve been best friends for years, Poppy. Of course I knew. You were just having a crush dilemma, but I felt like I needed to let you work through it.”

  “A stupid crush dilemma that became so clear when my former crush kissed me.” I shook my head, feeling like such a dweeb. “I should have stepped away faster when he kissed me. But I thought Daniel had changed plans to be with Trish, so I gave it a moment to see . . . but I felt nothing. Less than nothing. Maybe even a little annoyed.”

  “So you just like stood there, not kissing him while he kissed you?”

  My shoulders slumped dejectedly as I nodded. “I shouldn’t have let him kiss me though. I should have done this.” I struck a pose and jabbed my finger at the air. “‘How dare you kiss me out of nowhere? Do you think you’re all that?’”

  Beth burst into laughter. “Wow. Really? That’s what you should have done?”

  I stuck my hand on my hip. “Okay, maybe I should have been more like ‘whoa back up, dude, not everyone has a crush on you.’”

  “Except most girls do.” Beth raised her brow, then gave the empty hall a wary glance as the final bell rang. “We’re late for class. But can you talk to Daniel about what happened? Explain what you were thinking?”

  I reminded myself to breathe. “We’re meeting at lunch.”

  “Well, I’ll see you at lunch, too. I have to run.”

  She headed off and even though I was late I headed to the restroom. My tardy record was already flawed and nature was calling me. I stepped into the girls’ bathroom and immediately wanted to leave. Trish Benson stood in front of the mirror, fluffing her dark hair, before she turned around and glared at me.


  Before I could flee, which I so wanted to do, Trish’s upper lip peeled off her teeth and she said, “Well look who it is. Looks like you’re in a world of bad trouble, Poppy-corn.”

  I didn’t know it was possible for my belly to drop to the floor but it felt like it did. I wanted to be brave like Aubrey would be, but I kept my head down and headed for a stall.

  Trish stepped in front of me. Her short skirt, all pleats and silky fabric, swung right below her upper thighs. Why she insisted on breaking dress code was beyond me. “You’re about to be in even more trouble.”

  Bewildered and hurt, all I could do was blurt out, “What did I ever do to you, Trish? You don’t even know me—”

  “You’re trying to steal my best friend and my guy.” Her scowl deepened as she thrust a hand to her hip. “And you have the nerve to ask what you ever did to me, geek girl?”

  Why couldn’t she skip hurtful name calling and see that behind the glasses and the good grades I was just a girl trying to make it through high school? Wait a minute. What had she said I’d tried to do? “Did you say I’m stealing your best friend and your guy? Huh?”

  “Don’t play innocent with me.” She stepped closer, her eyes narrowed. “Amber was my best friend and now she barely talks to me.”

  I winced. “What does that have to do with me?”

  She blew out a breath. “I’m on to you, Poppy-corn. Amber talks non-stop about how Aubrey’s the only one she can trust when—hello?—the girl’s identity is supposed to be all incognito. Yet, when I think about it, the one person who’s benefited the most since Aubrey started her advice column is you. Now why would Aubrey help you? Why would Aubrey care about you at all, unless you are Aubrey?”

  My breath sucked in. Heat flushed along the tops of my cheekbones. Was it really that simple to figure out? Was it that easy to see? Had I just used Aubrey to help myself instead of helping the people who asked me for advice? I gulped. “That’s a pretty bold accusation.”

  Trish twirled a strand of hair around one finger. “It seems to me like you’ve come a long way with the cool people since that column started, though. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”

  My cheeks heated. “I’ve come a long way? You still call me a name you teased me with in elementary school. That doesn’t sound like progress. And you’re accusing me of stealing your guy but I don’t even know who your guy is.”

  Trish yanked her finger through her hair. “Don’t play dumb. Everyone knows I like Daniel.”

  Actually, I did know that she flirted with him. I was also pretty sure that she’d had something going on with Jake while he’d been with Amber. Oh, wait . . . could that be what Trish was truly upset about? That Jake had kissed me? How many guys did the girl need at one time?

  “I’m not dating anyone.”

  Trish’s hand flashed up. “I know you’re Aubrey. She told everyone she’d rather stick a hot poker in her eye than come to my party. And I used that same phrase with you.”

  Oh, the horror. She had used that phrase with me previously right here in this very restroom. I’d rather stick a hot poker in my eye? I’d never used that phrase before she’d said it to me. How could I make such an obvious slip? I was so caught.

  My heart pounded against my ribcage but I couldn’t let it show.

  “Aubrey ruined my party by telling everyone to go to Crush. You ruined my party.”

  “No . . .” My voice trailed off and a wave of dizziness hit me.

  “You’re going to pay, Poppy-corn.” She flounced out before I could frame a good denial.

  I’d never skipped school before in my life but now I was considering ditching. I’d given advice that had changed relationships, changed lives. If Trish revealed that the popular and highly sought-after advice columnist of Dear Aubrey was actually teen geek Poppy Pinkleton, then my stellar GPA and all of my extra curricular activities couldn’t save me. I’d be the most notorious teen ever to walk the halls of San Felipe High School.


  I finally left the bathroom and slunk into class. My teacher gave me a surprised look, probably since I’d never been late to his class before, but a tardy was the least of my concerns. As soon as Trish revealed Aubrey’s true identity—if she hadn’t already—my only option was to convince my mom to let me switch schools.

  I’d gone through a dozen scenarios in my mind by lunchtime but I knew not one would be a good enough reason for my mom to let me change schools. I was goin
g to have to come clean with her. About everything. I was so not looking forward to that. She’d ground me for life but that wouldn’t matter since I’d be a teen outcast.

  How strong were my relationships with Mason and Beth? Could they withstand my total social annihilation? My shoulders slumped and my optimism was defunct by the time I arrived at the cafeteria. My gaze shot to the It table. I was shocked to see Mason sitting with Amber and all of her friends, except Trish. Weird. Jake was missing as well.

  My gaze moved to my usual table where I spotted Beth and Daniel deep in conversation. I couldn’t say what I wanted to say to Daniel in front of Beth. My body was entirely numb and I couldn’t even fake a smile as I headed for my table and slipped into the seat next to Beth.

  “We were just talking about you.” Daniel’s soft gaze met mine and the corner of his mouth lifted into a welcoming smile.

  Butterflies fluttered in my belly making me feel something for the first time since Trish vowed to ruin me. I swallowed. “Nothing bad, I hope.”

  “Hardly.” He picked up the books that were next to his discarded lunch remnants. “I’m sorry but my U.S. History teacher offered to meet me in his classroom to retake a test I took when I first arrived here. I know we said we’d talk. . . Can I call you later?”

  “Yes,” I said, grateful Trish didn’t seem to have gotten to him with her revelation that I was Aubrey. At least she hadn’t gotten to him yet. I watched him leave then turned to Beth. “How’s, um, everything?”

  I was trying to find out if she’d found out that I was Aubrey. That I’d given her advice about our friendship without confiding in her that Aubrey was me. I felt like such a terrible friend.

  “Not great.” She gave me a smile but it didn’t reach her eyes. So Trish must’ve told Amber and then Amber must’ve told Beth about my secret identity.

  I totally needed to explain to Beth why I hadn’t told her I was Aubrey. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust her to keep my secret, but I was too insecure to speak my mind freely if people knew who I really was. Man, that sounded pathetic. But it was the truth.


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