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The Valley of the Ancients

Page 29

by David Alric

  facilities pl.n. the equipment and buildings required to conduct some activity

  fag n. (slang) cigarette

  fascination n. awe; curiosity; intense interest

  fashion plate n. a person dressed beautifully and fashionably; the personification of elegance and fashion

  fatal adj. causing death

  fathom v. to work out; to get to the bottom of; to penetrate or solve a mystery

  fauna n. all the animals living at a particular time, or in a particular place

  feat n. an outstanding action or accomplishment; a great achievement; an exploit

  feather v. to change the pitch (angle) of the blades of an aircraft propeller so as to reduce or abolish their propulsive force

  feather-brained adj. silly; forgetful; frivolous

  felon n. one who has committed a serious crime (felony); a villain

  fence n. (slang) one who deals in stolen goods

  feral adj. wild or savage, especially after being previously tame or domesticated

  ferocious adj. extremely fierce; savage

  fertile adj. highly productive; rich

  fervent adj. intense; heartfelt; ardent

  fibrous adj. material containing strands or fibres, often tough in texture

  fidget v. to make repeated restless, agitated or uneasy movements

  filament n. a strand of fibre, thread or wire; a fibril

  first-hand adv. directly; from an original source

  fish to fry metaphor to have other fish to fry means to have other things to do, usually more important or interesting

  fissure n. narrow crack or cleft

  fitful adj. occurring in irregular spells. A fitful sleep (Chapter 6) is broken and restless

  flank n. the lower part of the side of an animal or person

  flinch v. to draw back in a sudden movement; to wince

  flippancy n. frivolity; inappropriate levity

  flora n. all the plant life living in a particular place or at a particular time

  fluent adj. written or spoken with ease and facility

  flurry n. a sudden burst of activity; a commotion

  flying ace n. an expert pilot, often famous

  foe n. enemy

  foetid adj. foul-smelling; smelling of decay; nauseating

  foil v. to frustrate or defeat an attempt by another; to baffle

  foliage n. the leaves of plants

  folklore n. the unwritten traditions, stories or legends of a particular group or culture

  forage v. to search for food

  forbidding adj. frightening; ominous

  foreboding n. a feeling of impending trouble; a sense of forthcoming malice or evil

  forefront n. the very front; the vanguard

  forensic adj. related to law. In Chapter 23 the forensic technician is gathering evidence that might be used in legal proceedings

  foresight n. insight into future needs; anticipation of problems or requirements

  formidable adj. awesome; impressive; threatening; something inspiring fear or dread because of its size, strength or ability

  formulate v. to arrange in order; to organize; to devise

  forthcoming adj. about to happen or appear

  fossils pl.n. the remains or impressions of animals or plants that lived in a previous age

  fracture n. a break or crack, often, as in Chapters 2, 22, of a bone

  fray v. to fall apart; to wear; to tatter

  freak adj. very unusual; unpredictable; unexpected

  free agent n. a person or animal who is free to behave or operate at will; one who is unconstrained

  from scratch adv. phrase (slang) from the very beginning

  frustrate v. to stop; to prevent; to hinder; to thwart; to annoy

  fulfil v. to achieve; to complete a task; to attain an ambition; to carry out a mission successfully

  full-scale adj. all-out; complete in every detail

  fumble v. to grope blindly; to search awkwardly or clumsily

  fundamentally adv. basically; primarily

  funding n. money; finance

  furrow n. a groove; a wrinkle; a trench. In Chapter 13 her brow furrowed means her forehead wrinkled in puzzlement

  fuselage n. the main body of an aircraft

  gait n. manner or style of walking or moving

  game adj. (slang) prepared to have a go; willing to try; plucky

  gaol n. a somewhat old-fashioned spelling of jail

  gargantuan adj. giant; enormous

  gastrolith n. a stone in the stomach

  gear n. equipment; supplies

  general relativity n. the theory of gravitation proposed by Einstein in 1916

  generate v. to cause; to create; to produce; to bring into being

  generator n. a machine for producing electricity from mechanical energy. In Chapter 8 it would be an engine driven by petrol or diesel

  genial adj. easygoing; cheerful; pleasant

  genuine adj. real; authentic; not fake

  genus n. one of the taxonomic groups into which a family is divided. A genus contains different species

  geology n. the study of the history, structure and composition of the Earth

  geological fault n. a fracture in the Earth’s crust causing displacement of its layers

  geologist n. a scientist who studies geology

  gesticulate v. to send a message or signal by using body movements (usually of the hands or head)

  gesture n. something done or said to make a point or to emphasize something

  ghoulish adj. morbid; disgusting; malevolent

  giant ground sloth see Animal Anthology

  Giganotosaurus see Animal Anthology

  gimmick n. something designed to attract attention or publicity (especially when having little or no real substance)

  ginger tom n. most (not all) ginger cats are male (tom), so ginger tom is a common expression

  gingerly adv. in a timid or cautious manner

  girder n. a beam, usually steel or iron, used in construction

  gizzard n. part of a bird’s stomach having a thickened, muscular, wall

  glade n. a clearing or open space in a wood

  glance v. to strike at an oblique angle so as to bounce off

  glean v. to obtain in small pieces; to gather gradually; to garner

  glimmer n. a faint glow or twinkle of light

  gloom n. darkness; dimness

  glow-worm n. a firefly; a beetle or larva of the family Lampyridae having a luminescent organ

  glyptodont see Animal Anthology

  gore n. coagulated blood; exudate from a wound

  gorge n. Chapters 17, 18: a ravine; v. Chapter 12: to eat ravenously; to stuff oneself with food

  gouge v. to dig out; to scoop; to make a hole

  GPS n. global positioning system. A worldwide location and navigation system based upon satellite signals

  graft n. (slang) work

  grapnel n. a device with multiple hooks which is attached to a rope and thrown to secure a firm mooring

  grapple n. Chapter 9: a hook by which something can be secured; v. Chapter 18: to struggle in close combat; to come to grips with someone or something

  grappling hook n. a grapnel

  grating n. a metal grille

  gravitation n. the attracting force between bodies, caused by their mass

  grille n. a grating of metal bars that admits cooling air

  grimace n. a twisted or contorted facial expression

  grisly adj. horrible; gruesome

  ground-breaking adj. novel; making a new advance

  grub v. to dig the surface in order to search

  gruelling adj. extremely tiring; punishing; exhausting

  guano n. the dried excrement of sea birds, bats or seals

  guise n. appearance; pretence; semblance

  gully n. a small valley; a channel; a fissure between rocks

  gumivore n. a creature that eats sap or gum

  hack v. to gain unauthorized ent
ry to a computer system

  hacksaw n. a saw for cutting metal

  half measure n. something inadequate

  halfway house n. (metaphor) the midway point of a progression; a transition point

  haltingly adv. hesitantly

  hamlet n. a small village; a group of houses

  hangar n. a large building for the storage and maintenance of aircraft

  hapless adj. unfortunate; wretched

  harness n. an arrangement of straps that fit around the body and to which things can be attached

  harsh adj. rough; coarse; grating

  hatch v. Prologue: to devise a plot or scheme; to contrive; n. Chapters 10, 11 and 12: short for hatchway, meaning an opening for access in a vessel or aircraft

  hawser n. a strong heavy rope or line

  hence adv. Chapter 11: therefore; for this reason; Chapters 3, 18, 21, 23: from this time or place (archaic)

  henceforth adv. (archaic) from now on

  hindsight n. the understanding of the true state of affairs after the event; insight after the truth has been revealed

  histrionic adj. excessively dramatic; melodramatic

  hitch v. Chapters 14, 21, 22: to connect; to harness; to fasten; Chapter 19: to pull up; to adjust

  hither adv. (archaic) towards this place; to here

  hither and thither adv. here and there; this way and that

  hitherto adv. until now; up to this point

  hoard n. a hidden store; a cache

  Holy Grail n. the bowl or chalice used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. The phrase is now often used to describe something that is very highly sought after or aspired to

  hominid n. a primate of the Hominidae family which includes man and extinct precursors of man

  hominoid adj. manlike

  Homo sapiens n. the scientific name of modern man

  hone v. to sharpen

  hoodwink v. to trick; to deceive; to dupe

  hoo-ha n. a fuss; a commotion

  hormone n. a substance produced by an endocrine gland and transported (usually) in the blood to have an effect on a distant organ(s)

  horsetail n. a plant of the genus Equisetum. A notorious garden weed

  hostile adj. very unfriendly; antagonistic; inimical

  hot-wire v. (slang) to start an engine without a key by bypassing the ignition switch

  hulk n. the abandoned body or frame of a vessel, usually a ship

  hulking adj. large and ungainly

  humanist n. one who believes in the advancement of humanity through its own efforts rather than through religion

  humdrum adj. dull; ordinary; routine; boring

  hunch n. an intuition; a guess

  hybrid n. something of mixed origins

  hydraulic adj. operated by fluid pressure

  hype n. exaggeration; hyperbole

  ideology n. a set of beliefs or ideas

  idiom n. linguistic usage that is characteristic of the native speakers of a language, or peculiar to a particular group or culture

  idle threat n. a vain threat; one that will not be carried out

  i.e. abbrev. id est (Latin). This means ‘that is’ or ‘in other words’. Often shortened to ie, and often used incorrectly instead of e.g. (qv)

  ilk n. a type or sort

  illicit adj. illegal

  illuminate v. to make light

  imitation n. mimicry; the act of copying

  immaculate adj. without blemish; completely clean; unspotted

  immeasurable adj. incapable of being measured; limitless

  immemorial adj. very ancient; from a time too long ago to be remembered

  immensity n. enormity; vastness

  impassable adj. incapable of being traversed

  impassively adv. calmly; serenely; uncaringly

  impenetrable adj. not possible to get through

  imperceptible adj. too slight or subtle to be noticed

  imperial units pl.n. standards or definitions legally established in Great Britain for distances, weights, measures, etc.

  implications pl.n. effects or results that might not at first be obvious

  implicitly adv. unreservedly; absolutely; unquestioningly

  imply v. to suggest or infer an outcome or consequence

  impose v. to enforce; to require another or others to comply with something

  impregnable adj. unable to be broken into

  impregnate v. to soak; to permeate; to saturate; to imbue

  impress v. to make an impression on; to have a strong effect on

  inaccessible adj. not reachable; unapproachable

  inanimate adj. without life

  inappropriate adj. unsuitable; unfitting; untimely

  incalculable adj. incapable of being determined; beyond calculation

  incline n. a slope or gradient

  incognito adj. unknown; in disguise; under an assumed name or identity

  incongruous adj. an unexpected or inappropriate mixture; unusual; bizarre; ill-matched; having disparate elements

  inconspicuous adj. not easily seen

  incredible adj. unbelievable; beyond belief

  incur v. to bring something on oneself

  indefatigable adj. tireless; unflagging

  indefinite adj. uncertain; unsettled

  indicate v. to give a sign; to point out or show

  indifferent adj. unaffected; unconcerned; uncaring

  indispensable adj. essential; absolutely necessary

  indulge v. Chapter 22: to pamper; to coddle; to spoil

  indulgence n. Appendix: a remission of temporal punishment for sin

  ineffectual adj. without effect; without success; inadequate; useless

  inert adj. not moving; still

  inevitable adj. certain to happen; unavoidable

  inevitably adv. unavoidably; without any doubt

  inexorably adv. relentlessly; unstoppably

  inextricable adj. not able to be disentangled

  infinite adj. endless; limitless

  inflammation n. redness, heat and swelling, usually painful, in an injured or infected part of the body

  inflict v. to cause to suffer; to impose on

  informant n. one who provides information

  informer n. one who informs on another or others; one who (slang) ‘sneaks’

  initial adj. first; at the beginning; early; preliminary

  initiative n. will; drive to act. In Chapter 12 on her own initiative means that Clio acted on her own without being prompted

  innovative adj. new; inventive; novel; imaginative

  insatiable adj. incapable of being satisfied; continually greedy

  inseparable adj. incapable of being parted or divided

  insuperable adj. insurmountable; incapable of being overcome

  insurance policy n. a protection against a possible contingency

  intensify v. to increase; to become more evident

  intercept v. to interrupt the passage of something or someone from one place to another

  interchange n. the exchange of information; communication

  intercom n. (abbrev.) short for intercommunication system. An internal telephone system

  interject v. to throw in; to interrupt; to interpose abruptly

  interlude n. an interval; a period of time for rest or activity separating longer periods of different activities or events

  interminable adj. unending

  intermittent adj. now and then; periodic; occurring at regular or irregular intervals; occasional

  interpretation n. explanation; understanding; elucidation

  interrogation n. asking somebody questions

  intimate adj. (of knowledge) deep; extensive; detailed

  intimation n. hint; suggestion

  intimidate v. to frighten; to scare; to subjugate

  intoxication n. poisoning

  intricate adj. involved; difficult; complex

  invaluable adj. priceless; having a value that is too great to calculate

bsp; inveterate adj. fixed in a habit; having ingrained behaviour; hardened

  invulnerable adj. incapable of being hurt or wounded

  iron rations pl.n. basic, life-preserving foods for use in an emergency

  ironic adj. surprising or incongruous in a slightly amusing or sarcastic way

  irresistible adj. incapable of being refused or denied; overpoweringly desirable

  jail-bird n. one who has spent time in prison, especially repeatedly

  jargon n. specialized vocabulary or language associated with a particular profession or group

  jaunt n. a short outing or excursion, usually pleasurable

  JCB n.(trademark) a large construction machine with a shovel at the front and an excavator arm at the back. Named after its English manufacturer Joseph Cyril Bamford

  joyrider n. one who drives a car for pleasure and excitement. The car is usually stolen, and the driving reckless

  juddering adj. shuddering; vibrating; shaking

  Jurassic Park n. a famous novel about dinosaurs written in 1990 by Michael Crichton. It was adapted into a film in 1993 by Steven Spielberg

  jut v. to stick out; to protrude; to project; to overhang juvenile adj. youthful

  kaleidoscope n. a toy which produces an endless variety of symmetrical optical effects by means of internal reflecting mirrors

  ken n. range of knowledge

  kilonewton n. symbol kN. A derived SI unit of force equal to 1000 newtons. One newton imparts an acceleration of 1 metre per second per second to a mass of 1 kilogram

  kin n. relatives; kindred; a group related by blood ties

  kinsman n. a member of the same family, tribe or race

  kite n. a bird of prey with a long, forked tail

  knock off v. (slang) to kill

  know-how n. (slang) knowledge of how to do or make something

  kudos n. status; prestige; glory; acclaim

  laceration n. a wound with torn or jagged edges

  lackey n. a servile follower; a hanger-on

  lance n. a long, straight, pointed weapon

  languid adj. inactive; lacking energy

  laser n. a device for creating an intense, narrow, monochromatic, beam of light. The word is an acronym, representing Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

  latitude (line of) n. an imaginary line, parallel with the equator, used in geography, navigation, etc. A line of latitude is expressed in terms of the number of degrees it lies north or south of the equator (which is latitude 0 degrees). The degrees give the angle subtended at the centre of the globe between the equator and the line of latitude described, in a plane at right angles to the equator


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