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The Heiress and the Cowboy Contractor

Page 3

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I wonder, are you the sweet sexy girl, or the nasty witch,” he muttered, and climbing out he headed into his office, settled behind his desk and called the number on the invoice.

  “B. and B. Construction,” a cheery voice sang over the line.

  “My name is Beau Chapman and I’m a builder in Lake Shimwah. I’d like to talk to whoever was in charge of the house being built at 240 Viewpoint Drive. It’s owned by Nicole Harris.”

  “Oh, uh, yes, one moment please.”

  The cheery tone in her voice had disappeared, and Beau immediately wondered if Nicole had been less than polite to the young-sounding receptionist.

  “Bill Barnett here. How can I help you.”

  “Mr. Barnett, my name is Beau Chapman and-”

  “Don’t mean to be rude, Mr. Chapman, but my secretary told me you wanted some information about the Harris property on Viewpoint at Lake Shimwah?”

  “Yes, I’m a builder here and I would really appreciate knowing the back story. Can I ask, what happened? Why did you exit the project?”

  “I’ll be happy to tell you,” the man said. “I’ll tell you exactly.”

  In her hotel room, Nicole was beginning to feel better; the pain medication and the good food were kicking in. The pain in her foot had changed from a sharp pulsing into a tolerable dull ache, and after carefully laying the tray at the side of the bed she managed to peel off her dirty clothes and crawl between the sheets. It had been a harrowing day, and laying down she closed her eyes with a heavy sigh.

  Spank me? That’s funny. Sexy though. Wow, I’ve never had a guy threaten to spank me before. I wonder what it would be like. Embarrassing, that’s what it would be like. I don’t think it would be sexy if just anyone did it though. There’s something about Beau…his accent maybe? His looks?

  Closing her eyes she began to fall asleep, and as she drifted off images of the cowboy contractor began to dance in her mind; he was walking towards her, shaking his finger.

  “You are one naughty girl,” he drawled, “and naughty girls get a trip across my knee.”

  She could feel herself smiling, and as she succumbed to sleep the scene continued, though blurred and disjointed. He’d grabbed her but hadn’t pulled her over his lap, instead he was holding her around the waist, she was bent over, and he was spanking her through her white slacks, the ones she’d been wearing that afternoon.

  A hot, wet rush flooded her sex, and she could feel it on her fingertips; she was rubbing herself as he smacked her, but she was naked, not wearing the slacks at all. Moments later she was laying over stacked pillows in the middle of the bed, and he was kneeling behind her, teasing her pussy as he slapped her behind. Her phone was ringing and as she reached to grab it he landed three very hard blows.

  “Don’t you dare think to answer that phone while I’m spankin’ you.”

  “It’s important,” she protested.

  “How do you know?”


  “You don’t, you just don’t want me smackin’ this butt.”

  The phone continued its incessant noise, and bolting upright she realized it wasn’t the dream, her phone actually was ringing; grabbing it from the nightstand she hit the ACCEPT button.

  “Hello?” she panted. “This is Nicole.”

  “Nicole, this is Beau. Are you all right? You sound out of breath.”

  She blinked her eyes and glanced at the clock; it was morning!

  “Uh, yes, I was sleeping,” she mumbled. “I can’t believe I slept through the night, through the afternoon and night.”

  “You must have needed it, and the sedative probably helped,” he remarked. “Why don’t you call me back when you’re awake. I assume you’re going to order some breakfast up to your room?”

  The question made her smile.

  “Yes, I suppose I’d better,” she replied. “I don’t need you banging on my door with Amy in tow, but let me ask you, did you get back to the house?”

  “I certainly did,” he said evenly, “and there are some things we need to discuss.”

  His tone was sober, and a tiny chill sent goosebumps across her skin.

  “Would you care to come here and join me for an omelette?”

  “I’ve already eaten,” Beau replied. “Just let me know when I can swing on by.”

  Ending the call she leaned back down and cringed.

  Uh-oh, why do I think you’ve spoken to Bill Barnett?


  It hadn’t been easy, but after breakfast she’d wrapped a plastic cap around her bandaged foot and managed to take a shower. It had felt like heaven, but as she dressed and applied her makeup her thoughts began to spin.

  No doubt you’ve tracked down my contractor, probably spoken to the guy at the city. Shit. I shouldn’t assume that though, maybe you’ll just come up here with an estimate and I’m worrying for nothing. This is all so difficult.

  Her room was a semi-suite and offered a living area that overlooked the lake; after making sure the door to her room was unlatched she hobbled to the couch and put her leg up. As she waited, gazing out at the view, she felt a wave of desperation.

  He has to agree, he has to. There’s nobody else. I’ve burned too many bridges. I’ll do whatever I have to do, say whatever I have to say to persuade you.

  The knock on the door startled her, and sending a last minute plea to the heavens she called for him to come in; the look on his face was not encouraging.

  “You look so serious,” she remarked as he walked over and sat in a chair opposite her.

  “How’s your foot?”

  “It’s still sore, but the pain pills help.”

  “Another day or two it should be feelin’ better.”

  “I hope so, that’s what your good doctor said, but enough about that, what about the house. How much will it cost, and can you do it? Will you do it?”

  “Before I answer, you need to tell me somethin’. Why did your last contractor bail?”

  “From the look on your face I guess you’ve already talked to him,” she remarked glumly. “I suppose you’re going to believe every nasty thing he said about me.”

  “I asked you why he quit. That means I’m willin’ to hear what you have to say,” he calmly replied.

  “Let’s just say we didn’t get along and leave it at that. I really don’t care to go into the sordid details.”

  “Hmm, well, in that case I’m not sure we have much else to talk about,” he said rising from his chair.

  “Wait, please.”

  “Are you gonna tell me what happened?”

  “Yes, I will, it’s just…tedious. I hate postmortems,” she said sighing dramatically.

  Sitting back down he crossed his ankle over his opposite knee, took off his hat and stared at her; it was the first time she’d seen him without it.

  His smoky-blue eyes suddenly came into focus and his black hair had a natural wave. An untamed mass unexpectedly fell over his forehead, giving his gaze an even greater intensity; he was positively hypnotizing.

  “I’m waitin’,” he drawled.

  “I wanted him to do certain things to the house and he refused,” she managed.


  “Because he claimed he couldn’t get the city to agree. I told him to do it anyway, because I figured once the place was finished it would be so gorgeous the city would let me keep it but he wasn’t interested. It was so fucking frustrating,” she declared throwing her hands in the air. “He claimed he’d get in trouble, could get fined, but I told him I’d pay the stupid fines, then things got really heated and he left. I paid him what I owed him and that was the end of it.”

  “What about the city? What happened with Daniel Walters?”

  “Daniel Walters? How can you work with that man? What a stubborn asshole,” she growled. “He was as frustrating as Bill, maybe more. I went down to meet him myself, I told him my house would be the pride of the community. He listened to me, I’ll give him that, but then h
e said I couldn’t build my house the way I wanted. I thought this was a free country.”

  As she’d relayed her story, her frustration had bubbled over making her voice rise in pitch and in volume, and watching her Beau was reminded of a little girl throwing a tantrum.

  “That’s quite an angry streak you’ve got goin’ on there,” he remarked suppressing a grin.

  “Wouldn’t you be angry?” she demanded.

  “Seems like you don’t have any trouble tellin’ people what you think. Would I be right about that?”


  “Uh-huh. Just by way of curiosity, would you mind tellin’ me how can you afford this mega-home? You seem too young to have made so much money.”

  “I happen to be the Marketing Director of Pantera Jeans,” she said proudly. “You may have heard of them?”

  “Sure, who hasn’t. How did you end up with such an important position? I’m just a simple cowboy, but seems like it’d take a whole lotta years to climb that ladder.”

  “I…uh…my grandfather founded the company. I’ve worked there my whole life. When I graduated college I decided I wanted to be in the marketing side of things, and it just so happens I’m exceptionally good at my job.”

  “Well, now, that sure explains a whole helluva lot,” he nodded. “Yep, surely does.”

  “I work very hard,” she said defensively.

  “Yep, I’m sure you do.”

  “So, are you going to help me with my house?”


  “Why not? I don’t understand. What’s wrong with you? Why won’t you help me?”

  “Sugar, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with me,” he said quietly, dropping his foot from his knee and leaning forward in his chair. “The somethin’ wrong is on your end. I said a bit ago that you don’t have any trouble sayin’ what you think, so I’m gonna give it right back. You are a spoiled, self-centered little girl who needs her butt spanked, just like I said yesterday.”

  “How dare you!” she exclaimed, her righteous indignation taking center stage, but even as she protested she could feel the bevy of butterflies spring to life in her stomach, though why she couldn’t understand.

  “You may be a Princess in your grandaddy’s company, but here you’re just a slick city girl comin‘ in and tryin‘ to make somethin‘ happen that we don’t want.”

  “This makes no sense,” she argued trying to ignore the unfamiliar feelings washing through her. “Why wouldn’t you want a gorgeous home here?”

  “Take a look around this town, Nicole. Whatta ya see? Cabins, homes that have been here for decades, lovingly cared for. Sure, we’ve got some big houses, but they’re not concrete and steel and chrome. The city has a buildin’ code for some real important reasons, and one of those is to maintain the integrity of this place.”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of progress?”

  “Yep, we’ve even got cell phones,” he grinned, “but there’s only so much progress we’re gonna allow here, and honey, that house of yours, that ain’t gonna happen.”

  “Fuck,” she muttered, a deep scowl creasing her brow.

  “And that’s another thing. You momma shoulda washed out your mouth a long time ago.”

  “I can’t believe you’re saying these things,” she scowled.

  A strange heat was crossing her face, and she felt a surge of wanting between her legs; taking a deep breath she stared out the window. What the hell is happening to me? Why am I feeling this way?

  “Just callin’ it as I see it,” he replied, “but gettin’ back to your house, I’m surprised you got as much done as you did. You wanna tell me how that happened?”

  “I may as well,” she sighed. “I paid some of Barnett’s guys under the table to do some work he hadn’t authorized. I thought at some point he’d buckle, or that Daniel guy at the city would buckle.”

  “You can’t be that naive,” he said incredulously.

  “I saw my dad do it once. In the end he got everything he wanted.”

  “I can’t speak to that,” Beau grimaced. “I can only tell you that here, we’re gonna keep our town as perfect as we can for as long as we can.”

  “My dad always told me never to surrender,” she said firmly.

  “There are times that surrenderin’…” he said slowly, a half-smile crossing his lips and a mysterious twinkle sparkling in his eyes, “well, let’s just say it can be the best choice.”

  Leaning back in his chair he glanced out the window. It was a beautiful day, yachts were skimming across the lake, kites were dancing in the air, and when he got home he was going to take Pepper, his big grey quarter horse, out for a ride. He suddenly felt sorry for her; she didn’t have a clue.

  “Life here is simple, and it’s good,” he began. “The kids can play in their front yards, you can let your dog run around the lake, ride your horse in the hills. It’s slow-paced and easy, and perhaps, Nicole, you might want to consider the possibility that this isn’t the place for your second home.”

  Turning his eyes to hers, his mind unexpectedly flashed back to the moment in the car when he’d removed her sunglasses. She’d been in pain, but that aside, he’d sensed a vulnerability, almost a sadness, and as he looked at her he wondered how much of her attitude was just an act, a way to protect herself.

  “So, that’s it?” she asked, her voice strangely quiet.

  “That’s it.”

  “You won’t talk to Daniel whats-his-name at the city?”

  “Nope, I agree with him.”


  “Why do you use language like that?” he frowned. “It doesn’t suit you.”

  “I don’t know, it’s how I feel. I want my house. I’m frustrated, I say fuck when I’m frustrated, or angry, or just because I feel like it,” she said defiantly.

  “You can have your house, just not exactly the way you want it, or you can have it the way you want, but somewhere else.”

  “I like it here. This is where I want to be.”

  “Then change the house so it conforms to the city’s code.”

  “Will you build it for me if I do?”

  “Wow, you really are relentless,” he frowned.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “I think you-”

  “Beau, please,” she begged. “I know I’m a bit, difficult, but I really need this house.”

  There was something about her that touched him, and he sensed there was more to her story, much more.

  “I’ll tell you what I’ll do,” he said slowly. “I’m gonna have a friend of mine call you. His name is Geoff and he’s an architect. The two of you can meet during this week while your foot’s healin’. If you play nice with him-”

  “Play nice?” she interrupted.

  “You gonna let me finish?”

  “Sorry, sorry, yes, please, go ahead.”

  “If you play nice with him, and you come up with somethin’ that’ll work, hopefully without havin’ to tear down too much of what’s been done, then you and I will have another talk, but…”

  “But? There’s a but?”

  “Yep. That talk is gonna happen at my ranch. You’re gonna come out and spend the day with me and my horses.”

  “I’ve never been around horses,” she smiled. “I think I’d really like that.”

  “In about a week your foot will be better, I’ll know if you’ve behaved yourself with Geoff, and if you’ve been a good girl-”

  “Oh, my gosh,” she breathed feeling a fresh surge between her legs.

  “If you’ve been a good girl,” he continued patiently, “you’ll come out to the ranch,” and then I’ll find out who you are, and what the hell is really goin’ on.

  “Why do you speak to me like I’m ten years old?”

  “Maybe you should think about that question,” he replied standing up. “Call me if you need me, and I mean that, otherwise I’ll see you in a few days.”

  “I’d walk you to the door but-”

t even think about it,” he smiled as he put on his hat. “Let that wound heal. I’ll bet by tomorrow you’ll be feelin’ a whole lot better. I’ll catch ya later.”

  As she watched him saunter across the room she felt an unfamiliar tugging at her heart; she didn’t want him to leave.

  “You have a good day too,” she called.

  He turned and touched his hat, then was gone.

  “Who are you?” she muttered. “Why are you making me feel this way?”

  Sighing deeply she shifted her gaze back to the lake.

  Whatever this Geoff guy says, no problem. I can always change things later. A ranch, horses, I really want to do that. I just wish I didn’t have to wait a week. Damn my stupid foot, no fun trying to run around a ranch on crutches. Okay, so I deal with Geoff, be Miss Goody Two Shoes, get him on board, and take it from there. I can do this.


  Beau kept his promise, and that afternoon Geoff McCarthy called her and arranged to meet up.

  “Don’t take any crap,” Beau told his friend. “If she gives you any trouble, just leave. I’ve made it clear she’s got one shot, and that shot is you.”

  “Hey, no sweat, and thanks for the referral. I’ll keep you posted.”

  As the days ticked by Beau received only glowing reports from his friend. Geoff told him that Nicole had listened attentively as he’d explained the construction guidelines, the reasons behind the city’s ordinances, and she had liked his suggestions when they started talking about the modifications of the existing plans.

  “She wants this house built yesterday, and she totally understands she can’t have a large contemporary,” Geoff exclaimed. “She’s accepted every one of my suggestions. I can’t remember any client being so cooperative. They always have something they want to change.”

  “Uh-huh. Let’s see where we are by the end of the week,” Beau had skeptically replied.

  Hanging up the phone he’d fought the temptation to call her. His voice told him to wait, but it wasn’t easy. He was worried about her foot, he was concerned she wasn’t eating enough, and later that night he found himself wanting to drive to the hotel, knock on her door, sweep into her room and kiss her like crazy, then turn her over his knee and spank her until her bottom was scarlet.


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