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The Heiress and the Cowboy Contractor

Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

“Lay on the ground, arms above your head.”

  “What? Give me a break,” Gerald retorted. “It’s filthy, I’ve put the pipe down. Can’t you just handcuff me like this?”

  “Are you resisting arrest, Sir?” Tyler asked walking with George into the house.

  “Hell, no,” Gerald said quickly. “I just don’t want to lay on this disgusting plywood.”

  “Sir, I’ll tell you one more time, lay on the floor and move your arms above your head or I will book you for resisting arrest.”

  “Fuck, okay, fine. Sonofabitch!”

  “George, cuff him and read him his rights.”

  “Gotcha,” the large man replied, the boom of his voice coming as no surprise.

  “Are you two okay?” Tyler asked holstering his gun.

  “I am now, thank God you came. How did you know?” Nickie asked surrendering to Beau’s arms.

  “Check with your cowboy,” Tyler grinned.

  “Nickie, you’re shaking,” Beau said gently, “take a deep breath. It’s over.”

  “I know, I’m fine, but my knees are jello,” she whispered. “When he picked up the pipe…”

  “Look, the jolly green giant is already taking Gerald’s sorry butt to the squad car,” he joked trying to make her smile. “Tyler, how long can you hold him?”

  “If you press charges I can hold him until his arraignment in the morning.”

  “Huh, well, I don’t want him in town, so I guess I don’t wanna press charges. Can you keep him locked up for a couple of hours?”

  “Sure, that won’t be a problem,” Tyler nodded.

  “What about his car? Can you impound it, get it outta here?”

  “I was already planning on it,” Tyler replied. “Nickie, you’re white as a sheet. I think you should go get a drink somewhere, or even just a cup of coffee.”

  “Yeah, I’m not feeling so hot,” she said quietly.

  “Do you need us for anything else?” Beau asked.

  “Nope, you’re good to go.”

  “I owe you, thanks so much,” Beau said shaking his hand.

  “Hey, you don’t owe me anything, it’s my job. I’m just glad I was so close, though in this town I’m always close to wherever I’m needed,” he chuckled.

  “Okay, Nickie, let’s get you home,” Beau said giving her a warm squeeze.

  “Yes, please,” she sighed, “and Beau, I’m so sorry this happened, I had no idea he’d show up, none. He’s never even been here.”

  “We’ll talk about it later,” he said walking her out. “Right now I just wanna get you back home.”

  He’d parked the truck to the side of the driveway so he wasn’t blocked in, and as they climbed inside Nickie glanced over at Gerald sitting in the back of the police car.

  “That’s exactly where he belongs, the bastard,” she grimaced.

  “Seemed like such a nice fella’,” Beau quipped.

  “Yeah, nice as a rattlesnake,” she scowled.

  He drove the truck down the drive and on to the main road, then reaching across the bench seat he took her hand.

  “I’m thinkin’ it’s not a good idea for you to stay in that hotel right now,” he said soberly. “I don’t know Gerald, but he seems like the determined type.”

  “He is that,” she said gravely.

  “I’m thinkin’ either you have Amy pack your stuff and bring it to the ranch, or we swing by the hotel and pick it up. That’s why I asked Tyler how long he can keep Gerald occupied.”

  “Oh, right. So, wait, you’re saying I can stay with you?”

  “Of course!” he exclaimed. “I don’t trust that character for a second. I’m gonna watch out for you until you get this settled. If you’re not under my roof, how am I gonna do that? I wouldn’t sleep a wink with you at that hotel and that man runnin’ around. You’d be doin’ me a favor.”

  “Beau, you’re the best,” she sighed. “Why don’t we go to the hotel now? Once I’m back at your place I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I want to check out and get it over with, and I should get my car as well.”

  “Your car, of course, I’d forgotten about that. You can park it at the back of the barn so it can’t be seen. Okay, Hillsboro hotel it is, and Nickie, I’m not freaked out that you’re married, well, maybe a bit, but once we’re home and you’ve got a cup of tea in your hand, you’re gonna tell me absolutely everything, you got it?”

  “Yes, Beau, I will, everything, but you might not like it.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” he said firmly, and I don’t really care what it is. You’re under my skin and in my heart, and I’m gonna help you figure this out.


  Convinced it wouldn’t take long for Gerald to track him down, Beau had given Ben and Jeb, Gerald’s description, and told them if he showed up to throw him off the property.

  Sitting at the kitchen table nursing a cup of tea, Nickie was feeling calmer. Having checked out of the hotel, and knowing that the ranch was staffed with two burly cowboys as well as Beau, she felt safe and protected.

  “You ready to tell me about this husband of yours?” Beau asked sitting down opposite her.

  “Yes,” she sighed. “I was going to tell you, I was, I just didn’t want to spoil what was happening between us.”

  “You’re married, Nickie. I’m tryin’ to keep an open mind, but it seems to me-”

  “I know,” she interrupted, “but you don’t understand.”

  “And that’s why you’re gonna explain it to me.”

  “Where do I start?”

  “Keep it simple.”

  “I don’t know how, but I’ll try. Almost a year ago I had a drunken roll in the hay with that joker, and of course I ended up pregnant.”

  “Whoa, you tellin’ me-”

  “No, no, I don’t have a child. I lost the baby shortly after I was married. I never wanted to marry him, but I come from a line of traditional, old-fashioned Italians, and the pressure, you cannot even imagine it,” she exclaimed rolling her eyes. “Gerald was thrilled of course, claiming he loved me to pieces, romanced me like crazy, said we could make it work. It was a crazy, emotional time.”

  “Why didn’t you just get a quick divorce if you didn’t want to stay married?”

  “You think everything is so black and white,” she exclaimed rolling her eyes. “Of course I tried to get a divorce, but Gerald has bagged himself one of the heirs to the Pantera fortune. He wouldn’t even talk about it.”

  Her voice had risen in pitch and volume, and Beau realized her desperation was real.

  “Won’t your father help you convince him?”

  “Gerald’s family has always been friends with mine,” she groaned. “My brothers, Joseph and Adam, are super close to Gerald and his three brothers, and it’s all just so fucking incestuous. I hate it, I hate the whole thing, I hate my life.”

  “I think I’m beginnin’ to get the picture,” Beau said slowly. “You said Gerald has never seen the house here. How is that possible?”

  “Gerald goes off almost every weekend on some golfing excursion, so I decided to have weekends away as well, and the minute I came over the hill and saw this place I fell in love with it and decided to build a home here. I didn’t tell anyone. My biggest mistake was hiring a city contractor. I’m a Pantera, somehow it got out, and as you know having an outside builder it made things really difficult with your city.”

  “No, I think you, Nickie, made things really difficult with the city.”

  “Whatever,” she sighed. “Anyway, I told Gerald I was building a vacation home, then I lost the contractor, couldn’t find another one, and I was at my wits end. Last week we had a huge fight, and I told him if he didn’t divorce me I’d make his life a fucking misery, that I’d make up stories about him and sell them to the tabloids. I’d never do something like that, but it just suddenly popped into my head. He went ballistic so I packed a suitcase and
came out here.”

  “And that’s why you’re in such a hurry to finish the house.”

  “Yes, I’m done. I’m done with everything and everyone. I don’t want to work for the family business, it’s a nightmare, I hate it, and Gerald, I hate him most of all,” then pausing she wistfully added, “and I want horses.”

  Beau leaned back in his chair and sipped his tea.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Seems to me, all you’re askin’ for is the chance to live your own life,” he said quietly. “Are you sure your mom and dad wouldn’t support that? Have you sat down and talked to them?”

  “My mom is absolutely impossible, we don’t get along at all, and my dad, I know he loves me but I also know he’d be really disappointed if I left the company. I don’t know how he feels about Gerald, but I know he’s believes marriage is life.”

  “I’m gonna say somethin’ you’re not gonna like,” Beau warned, “but I’ve gotta say it. Are you sure your attraction to me isn’t because I’m different, because I’m a cowboy? Am I a novelty? A way out?”

  Her eyes gazed back at him, and he waited, expecting some kind of rebuttal, but she remained silent, then finishing her tea she put down the cup and rose from the table, wandering over to the kitchen window.

  Staring out at the horses in the paddocks she swallowed back the heat in her throat, then turned to face him.

  “Maybe,” she breathed trying to control the tremble in her voice. “Maybe it’s all of those things, maybe it’s none of those things. How am I supposed to know? People are attracted to people for all kinds of reasons, but I can tell you this. The way I feel when I look at you,” she began knowing she was about to lose it, “how I feel when you hold me, when you kiss me, it’s…it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s real, you’re real, you’re in my heart, and if you don’t know that…”

  Her voice trailed off as the tears began to spill, and jumping from his chair Beau hurried across and pulled her into his arms.

  “I do, sugar, I do, I feel it too. I’m sorry, I wasn’t doubtin’ you, hell, I guess maybe I was.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Gerald,” she sobbed, “but I was so happy, for the first time in, fuck, I don’t know when, I was actually happy.”

  “I’ll help you through this, I will, I promise.”

  “I’m scared, Beau, I’m scared of Gerald and my family, but honestly, when you hold me I feel so much better,” and I love you, I feel it in every part of me, I love you.

  “It’s all gonna crinkle out,” he promised hugging her close to his body. “My pop always said, let it develop son, watch and wait and just let it develop,” and that’s what I’ve gotta do as well, wait and see how all this develops.

  “Beau, please can you take me upstairs? I need you.”

  Moving his hands to her hair, he curled her long tresses through his fingers, and gently tugged her head to the side.

  “I need you too, Nickie,” he purred as he moved his mouth to her neck, and I hope what you’re sayin’ is true, ‘cos I’ve fallen for you, man, have I fallen for you!


  As they slipped between the sheets and Beau pulled her against him, she snuggled closely, kissing his chest, and uttering small sounds he couldn’t quite interpret.

  “Are those good noises or bad?” he asked softly

  “Good, so good. I love this,” she whispered. “I promise what I’m feeling is about you, only you, and my crazy other life has nothing to do with it,” she said earnestly.

  Not sure how to respond he rolled them over so he was laying on top of her, and stared into her soft green eyes.

  “You know, young lady, you’ve been a bad girl.”

  “I have?” she asked feeling the sudden burst of butterflies.

  It was why he’d said it. He knew it would send her heart racing, and would instantly shift her focus away from the drama of the day.

  “Seems to me you’ve been using that unladylike word far too much. It’s a habit that needs to be broken, and I’m gonna help you do just that.”


  “That’s another word that’s gonna be dropped. No more buts…unless you’re talkin’ about your beautiful backside,” he grinned, “and since I’ve got you here, naked and at my mercy, I think it might be time to start your habit breakin’ right now. Don’t worry, I’ll consider the circumstances, but your ass is gonna get some attention.”

  Her eyes sparkled up at him, and moving his lips to her breasts he nibbled and sucked, eliciting moans of pleasure, then traveling up her neck to her mouth he languidly kissed her.

  “I’m gonna kneel up, and you’re gonna roll on to your stomach,” he said softly. “You understand?”

  “Uh-huh,” she sighed, then with a sassy grin she added, “it’s not exactly rocket science.”

  “I’ll show you rocket science,” he warned as he straightened up and placed his knees on either side of her waist. “Go on, Miss Smartypants, roll over.”

  “Is it too late to say I apologize for being-”

  “Yep, now do as you’re told,” he said firmly, cutting her off, “and close your eyes.”

  Shifting on to her stomach she stared over her shoulder just in time to see him swing his body around so he was facing her feet.

  “I can feel you watching me,” he declared. “You’d best lay your head on the pillow and close your eyes. I’m not gonna be happy if I have to get up and fetch the blindfold.”

  Dropping her face into the soft comfort of the goose-down she shut her eyes and waited. She could feel him sitting lightly on the small of her back, and a moment later his hands began roaming across her cheeks.

  “Why am I gonna spank you?” he asked sternly.

  “Because of what I said,” she replied.

  “Which was?”


  His hand swatted down, hard.


  “What was it again?”


  Another sound smack.

  “OW, Okay, I-”

  “Tell me again?”

  “Beau,” she whined.

  He dispatched his hand to the back of her thigh, eliciting a sharp yelp.

  “That wasn’t the correct answer. What was the word?”

  “Fuck,” she mewled.

  His next slap hit her opposite cheek.

  “What did you say?”

  “Fuuuck,” she whimpered.

  So it continued; she was made to repeat the offensive word, and each time she did, his hand dispatched its stinging heat. When her skin was bright pink, and he was satisfied he’d made his point, he stopped spanking and began to rub her hot, scarlet skin.

  “You think you might say that word in front of me again?” he asked.

  “No, no, I won’t,” she promised.

  “If you do…”

  “If I do I’ll get the dumb girl of the year award,” she muttered.

  “Get on to your back,” he said climbing off her.

  He heard her groan as she rolled over, and stretching out next to her he ran the tips of his fingers around the frame of her face.

  “Look at you, sorry and happy at the same time,” he purred.

  “I should be sorry! Damn, you spanked me hard.”

  “Not that hard,” he smiled, “and I warned you, use that word and I’ll spank your butt. You shouldn’t be surprised. I always keep my promises.”

  “I think it was an excuse,” she frowned. “You just like spanking me.”

  “No, and yes,” he replied. “Nickie, like I said, that wasn’t hard; it wasn’t soft, but it wasn’t hard. It was just enough to deliver the message. Now stop complainin’ and skip to the happy part.”

  “I’m happy because I’m here with you, and…”


  “And because you spanked me,” she confessed, adding, “I can’t believe I said that.”

  “Are you sayin’ you want some more,” he grinned.r />
  “No,” she protested, her eyes wide, “what I need, well, you know what I need.”

  “Yep, I do,” he said softly, moving his hands over her nipples and sliding them down her body to tickle her soft bush.

  She spread her legs, inviting his touch, and slipping his fingers between her lips he found exactly what he expected; she was dripping.

  “I’m outta condoms,” he groaned. “I should’ve picked some up at the hotel.”

  “I told you, I’m on the pill. I knew I wasn’t going to stay with Gerald, and I sure as hell didn’t want a repeat of what happened.”

  “It’s been a long time since I didn’t use a condom,” he said softly, “and I don’t mean any disrespect, and it’s not you I don’t trust, it’s that man you were married to. I doubt he was golfin’ every weekend, and if you and he…”

  “Oh,” she frowned. “This is so not romantic! It’s been months since I was with him but you might be right. I honestly hadn’t thought about it, I should have.”

  “I’ll pick some up tomorrow, and we can both get tested as well, but in the meantime-”

  “In the meantime, if I may,” she said rising up and suggestively pushing him on to his back.

  “Since you asked so nicely,” he replied, surrendering to her efforts and sinking into the mattress.

  Traveling her lips down his torso, she reached his cock and discovered the conversation hadn’t affected him at all; he was standing stiffly at attention. Wrapping her fingers firmly around his shaft she lowered her lips to the bulbous head and softly sucked; she heard him moan, and a moment later he grabbed a fistful of her hair.

  “That’s real good,” he crooned as he began to control her. “There, just like that.”

  His guiding hand sent a fresh surge of wanting between her legs, and she shuffled into position so she could grind herself against his leg.

  “You a horny girl?” he chuckled.

  Lifting her mouth from his cock she gazed up at him.

  “It’s you,” she sighed, “everything you do turns me on.”

  “You go ahead and get back to work, but you can rub yourself against me all you want.”

  Moving her leg over his muscled thigh, she returned her lips and tongue to his waiting member, and fervently pressed herself against him.


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