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Stony Creek Cowboy [Stony Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 19

by Taylor Berke

  Jackson narrowed his focus as he allowed his gaze to slowly and torturously run down her body to her polished toes and back up again to her rich, shiny auburn hair. He pulled his shirt off and unbuttoned the top button of his jeans, allowing her to see not only that he went without his boxer briefs again, but the head of his very aroused cock that was peeking out over the top. He watched her lick her lips as she took notice of his state of arousal, causing a groan to softly escape his lips. She lifted herself to a kneeling position with her knees spread wide and gave him a please-come-over-here-and-show-me-more look.

  “So, darlin’, you remembered to make us some dinner but forgot your clothes again, huh? I may have to take you to task about that, woman. You seem to be having some serious difficulties keeping your clothes on lately. Close your eyes, now,” Jackson commanded her.

  “I will do as you ask, but only because I want to. I don’t want you to be getting a swelled head thinking that I will do whatever you want, Mr. Powell.”

  “Too late, baby. My head is already all swollen,” he said as he ran his hand over the bulge in his jeans to the thick, bulbous crown sticking out. He moved slowly to kneel right behind her with his knees on the outsides of hers. She could feel the heat from his chest against her back and his chin nuzzling the top of her head.

  “Mmmhmm. I walked in to a veritable feast for a man’s senses in this house. The food, the wine, and this body. Where should I start?” His one hand very lightly drifted over her distended nipple through the silk of her chemise while his other cupped and plumped the other breast. Billie let out a moan with the heated contact on her sensitive skin as well as the sensation of the silk rubbing her hardened nub.

  “Perhaps here?” he questioned as he softly rubbed his jean-clad erection against her back, allowing her to feel its length and thickness through the soft material. “No? Then maybe this might be more toward your liking?” Billie felt the heat of his breath against her neck as he leaned down with his hot mouth to feather kisses down its column, stopping at the base to suck her skin into its depths. Jackson felt her tremble and lean into him. Her sensitive response sent a surge of arousal to his throbbing cock.

  “So you aren’t liking that at all, baby?” Jackson teased her. “I would hate to continue to touch you in the wrong way, baby,” he whispered. “I guess this is no good either.”

  As Billie closed her eyes, she could only feel both of his strong hands slide over her chemise at her hips and lightly stroke her mound. He pushed the material into her folds, causing him to softly chuckle as the immediate moisture soaked the fabric, unintentionally confessing her desire for him. She pushed her rump directly backward in invitation, indicating his teasing was definitely what she enjoyed. Jackson lifted the material in front and slid his fingers through the wet, glistening folds that were revealing her pleasure.

  “Keep your eyes closed, baby,” he crooned to her. He removed one of his hands and pulled one of hers into his grasp. He kept his hand over hers as he ran her own fingers through her juices and around her clit. She moaned in ecstasy at the sensations that were bombarding her system. With her eyes closed, every feeling seemed magnified. She could feel, smell, and hear Jackson and his arousal, which made her own soar. Just then she felt him reach around as he pulled her hand away from her body. He took her fingers and sucked them into his mouth, one by one, licking them clean of her cream.

  “Delicious. Baby, your gumbo has got nothing on you. I could eat you for the rest of my life, you taste that good.” Again he could feel the tremors that his sucking and words evoked. He quickly stood and pulled off his jeans before returning to kneel this time while facing her. Jackson leaned forward and lifted her up to standing. He fastened his hot, wet mouth to one rigid nipple, causing her knees to buckle as he soaked the silk. He felt as she lost her balance and landed on one of his outstretched thighs with her pussy pressed up against his muscular thickness. He let out a hiss and slipped the chemise quickly and efficiently over her head. He laid her down and placed his body over hers, keeping his weight from overwhelming her by leaning on his forearms. He ground his cock against her smooth mound while leaning in to fuse their mouths together. He kissed and nipped his way along her jawline, running his tongue along the outer shell of her ear.

  Billie gasped as he sucked in her earlobe while teasingly pushing the head of his erection against the dripping opening of her pussy.

  She arched her back as she was bombarded with shooting electric sensations from the dual sucking and plunging. She bent her knees and pulled her thighs up and wide to cradle Jackson deeper into her body.

  Jackson then switched his tactics and possessively thrust his tongue into her mouth while twining and stroking it along hers. The kiss turned carnal as he began thrusting it through her delicious lips while plunging to the hilt slowly over and over again into her silken depths. Jackson shifted her so the back of her thighs were resting against his muscled forearms as he opened her intimately as wide as she could go.

  Billie still kept her eyes shut obediently while she savored the feel of his cock slipping deep, so deep, repetitiously into her. It made her feel so very connected to Jackson and his pleasure. She could feel the tension coiled in him as he savored what must be a silken stroking sensation as he thrust again and again.

  She followed his leads so trustingly, so perfectly, it must have heightened his arousal as she allowed his control. With that, he sat up on his knees, not breaking stride with his thrusts, and she was suddenly pulled up with him. Billie sat kneeling on his lap with his lips buried against her throat.

  “Jackson, I…” She stopped herself from just barely telling him that she loved him. He kept his hands on her slim waist, lifting and pulling her into his thrusts. The position forced her clit to rub provocatively against his body.

  He felt and heard her heavy panting as she was on the precipice of her pleasure. Jackson narrowed his eyes and slipped one hand under her to push his finger into her rosette. Billie suddenly curled into him and screamed out as her body was rocked with the force of her explosive orgasm. Jackson had only a moment to savor her reaction in pure male arrogance as his own ecstasy raced from his cock. He roared out his pleasure as his spurts of cum streamed deeply into her body. He held her limp form against his as he allowed them both to savor the moment. He breathed in, reveling in her light perfume and the scent of sex that now permeated the room. Jackson ran his hands comfortingly over her silken skin, unsure if it was for her pleasure or his. It didn’t matter really, he thought.

  Billie slowly rubbed her sweaty body against his chest and groin as she placed soft kisses on his strong jaw.

  “May I open my eyes yet, Mr. Powell?”

  A slight rumble rocked them both as he answered. “Yes, baby.” She slowly opened them up but still ended up looking like a very well-pleasured sex goddess to him.

  “So what do you see, baby, now that you can?” Jackson laughed out, hugging her warm, pliant body tightly.

  “Perfection, Jackson. I see you.” She smiled at the look on his face. It was a mix of surprise and pleasure at her statement. “Now let me continue pleasuring you, my cowboy lover. Let’s eat your favorite meal.”

  “Oh, darlin’. I already tasted my favorite meal.” He looked lasciviously over her body still locked with his.

  Billie blushed from head to toe, smiling as she was somewhat bemused that she still could still get embarrassed with him.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next month and half flew by with so much going on around Stony Creek. Everywhere there was discussion of the calving season that was upon the area. This fact was made very obvious by the lack of cowboys visible in town and during the nightlife. Billie texted Jackson at night but the cell phone signal was sketchy here in the mountains and she found herself bordering on misery as she was missing him so much. How had that Neanderthal wormed his way into her life so seamlessly that the once competent and independent Dr. Rothman was now reduced a pathetic emotional bag of mush? She
and the other women were just waiting for the sound of big pickups dropping off cowboys in town to see their sweethearts the moment they were freed from their respective ranch’s end of calving.

  Apparently, it was some sort of town tradition where the ranches drove the cowboys in so they could let off steam and relax after such a long time in the mountains with the cows. Already several ranches were done and their hands were lounging outside in various places all over Stony Creek. It seemed like every pickup that drove into town had the women pressing their faces against the glass to see if it held one of their men.

  As if on cue, the roar of a big dually rolled past Billie’s office. Julia called out as they all, with the patients, ran to the front window to see who the lucky ones would be. The back bed packed with happy cowboys waved as the truck rolled by her office. Just like heroes in a parade, Billie thought with a smile. Sadly, it wasn’t a Powell truck. Billie glanced across the street and saw Lizzie with her face also pressed against the glass, her disappointment pretty recognizable by her facial expression. It was obvious that she was eagerly awaiting the return of “someone,” and Billie didn’t have to ponder too hard to figure out who it was.

  “I wonder when Lizzie and Ben are just going to come out and admit that they are crazy about each other already?” Julia chirped out. “Look at that girl. She looked like she was going to cry with the passing of that last truck. They need to get it out in the open already. I am too old to be waiting around for the two of them to get it together!”

  Billie, momentarily distracted from her own disappointment, looked amusingly at Julia. That woman just said whatever came into her head. Many a secret was communicated via her inability to not talk. She had to love her. Too darned talkative, gossiped about everyone and the dog, but a kinder, sweeter person never lived.

  “Perhaps there is nothing more there than some flirting?” Billie offered. She didn’t believe that for once second, especially after Ben’s special care of Lizzie after the Len Drexel attack. Lizzie’s blush alone said that day said that she enjoyed whatever had transpired between them, but Billie wasn’t about to share that with Julia.

  Billie went back to work and by 6:00 p.m., she was exhausted. As she sat in her private office, she felt rather positive about the state of things. Any day now, Jackson would come home, and there hadn’t been any notes, messages, or threats since Len was arrested. She had felt rather uneasy with Jackson and the men being away while calving season was on, but luckily, Len seemed to be behaving himself. She allowed herself one quick daydream, reliving the first time she and Jackson had been intimate, if that was the description she could use for the animalistic, erotic sex they had had against her front door.

  “What a nice memory,” she said with a laugh. Nice really didn’t cut it as a description, but nice was a four-letter word, much like what they had done in that memory! Billie gathered her things and went out the front door while locking up. Since Len’s attack, she didn’t go out the back way unless she had someone with her.

  The drive home was peppered with naughty images of Jackson kissing her in the mirror of her bathroom, oral sex in the barn, and the close-up study of Jackson’s huge penis. Billie thought to herself that she had become a sex-centered maniac because of that man. Sheesh, she had always liked sex but the way Jackson did things, it should be taught as a class or art form!

  She had actually shared one of her exploits with Beth and Lizzie one evening at The Pump a few weeks ago. It had been so oddly empty in there with most of the young men out on their ranches. The Saunders men had been in attendance, as the calving season didn’t affect their horse ranch, and they had done everything within their power to keep the female populace pleasured and happy. Gabe, Joe, and Preston all had a lovely lady on the dance floor, trying their best to spread themselves around. Billie laughingly thought that it must be a real hardship on the men. The girls themselves got pretty stupid on the green drinks that Billie loved and Donny very obligingly provided. He started them off with a few naughty jokes and they were up and running.

  The girls had tried to outdo each other with their raunchy stories. Billie only gave them a simple memory of the time during the first snowfall when they had been intimate in the barn and how hot he could make her in ten seconds or less. She confessed somewhat shyly that he had a way about him that she couldn’t resist and it made her obedient to his every erotic demand.

  Billie wasn’t trying to win some competition, just share, but the two had been left with mouths hanging open enough that Billie could tell if their tonsils were taken out or not. Lizzie then went on a tirade of how she was going to have to jump on Ben if she wanted to see if it was a family talent or not.

  There had been a new resident there that night as well. The mayor, Elijah Carson and his wife, Thea, were eating with the town’s new Veterinarian, Madelyne Daniels. She preferred to be called just Maddy. She was such a sweet quiet woman who was apparently very nervous to be the focus of so much attention. Lizzie commented on how pretty she was in such an understated way, very natural. Beth went over and asked her if she would like to join them for a girl’s drink, which Maddy readily accepted. Billie found her to be a soft-spoken, gentle woman with a kind heart. Maddy was particularly interested in Billie’s mastiffs, as all she figured she would get around these parts were cows and horses. Unfortunately, the conversation again disintegrated into debauchery consisting of Lizzie explaining to Maddy that she would see some cows, but it was going to be the studs that would try to occupy most of her time! The women had dissolved into hysterical giggles, which had even the new vet laughing uncontrollably, very eager to meet the men of the town.

  * * * *

  Billie was greeted at her front door by Madison quite enthusiastically but Zeus was nowhere to be found. Madison kept barking and trying to paw Billie in an attempt to get her attention. Billie began to search her house, becoming increasingly concerned as Zeus didn’t answer her calls. Fear started to trickle down her spine as she found her sweet, gentle giant by the back door, lying on his side, panting heavily. There was blood on the floor and on his thick pelt.

  “Oh, my baby! Hold on, sweetheart,” Billie crooned to Zeus, trying to stop the tears from blinding her as they fell. What the heck could have happened? Billie tried to get ahold of herself but this was her baby, and she just couldn’t keep herself together. She checked him over and found a chest wound that looked particularly odd and deep. How could he have gotten this? He wasn’t clumsy like Madison and had never even had a fight with her. Hmm, Billie noted that there wasn’t any blood around Madison’s mouth so it couldn’t be a bite or tooth mark. Zeus let out a whine and a moan, which sent Billie back into hysterics. She grabbed her cell and dialed in a number.

  “Lillian, it’s Billie! I need help! Zeus is on my floor bleeding with some sort of a wound but I cannot move him. He weighs over two hundred pounds! Are any of the men back for any reason?” she cried on her phone to Lillian. Florence as usual was with her, apparently have a nice evening hot toddy.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay. Lucky thing, Troy just walked in to get a bottle of ibuprofen to bring back to the men. Apparently there is a spate of headaches causing the men to be excessively grouchy as they are big babies when they are in pain. I don’t care for my husband’s comparison that they have been acting like hormonal women, though. Anyway, so rather than continue to put up with them, Bill sent Troy back to get some meds. I am sending him right over. We will stay on the phone with you until he gets there. Do you want us to come over, sweetheart? We will have to saddle up the horses as we have been, um, medicinally ‘fixing up’ our hot toddy. For sore throats, you know?” Lillian said with a smile in her voice.

  Billie gave a quick laugh as the darling woman comforted her. The image alone of Florence and Lillian riding horses over in the dark with doctored toddies in their systems was enough to lighten her mood and stop her tears for the moment. She could imagine them laughing and hiccupping all the way o
ver. She shuddered at the hope that they wouldn’t fall off of their horses! “Thank you, Lillian, but I don’t think that you both would be able to lift Zeus either!” This sent the women into soft laughter. Lillian spoke nonchalantly for a few moments longer, trying to distract Billie while Troy raced over. She mentioned about how it should just be another few days until calving season was over and how the electricity had gone out in the line shacks, so they couldn’t charge up their cell phones. Well, at least that explained why she hadn’t heard from Jackson in a week. Billie just missed him and hadn’t been worried about him straying or losing interest. Unless he suddenly found cattle attractive, she was probably safe.

  She heard the roar of an engine outside as the lights from Troy’s truck swung into her yard. She told Lillian that she would keep her updated and ran to let Troy in. Just as the door swung open, Billie flung herself into his arms sobbing incoherently.

  “Whoa, sweetheart! Hold on! What’s wrong, Billie? Take a deep breath. Mom and Aunt Flo babbled something about one of the dogs being sick.” Troy held her while soothingly rubbing her shoulders. “Show me where they are, Billie.”

  Sniffling, Billie rushed Troy to the back door where Zeus lay panting. Troy sprung immediately into action, soothing the big beast while gently inspecting the obvious wound. Billie lay next to the dog’s big head, kissing it lightly while her tears fell on his face. As though aware of his mistress’s distress, Zeus gave a big sigh and licked her wet face lovingly. Troy made the quick summation that they should get him into town quickly to the new vet. “If only they had her number,” Troy lamented to Billie.


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